East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 18, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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The Dean Tafom Co.
Something about scales. Perhaps no part of the equip
ment ot our modern grocery store so greatly affects the
customer's interest as the scales. We are told that 4i2c
01 every dollar earned by the average family is spent for
rood, and a very slight variation in scales would mean
consederable loss to the wage earners.
i ou well know we have state and county scale and
weight officers and often merchants are found guilty ot
errors in their weights. This is not because the merchant
1 'honest but because he is not up on the latest in scales
and is using some old worn out equipment that should be
In the junk pile.
The thing of renting an old dingy building and buying
a few groceries and calling yourself a groceryman is a
thing of the past. That was all right years ago but not
so in Pendleton today.
We have the very latest in Toledo electric lighted
scales. There are no springs to get out of order, elect
rically Hi'htl'il in In. hi mairn ll. liol !!.. J fc
- -o w ., uiiv uiai in, lit- canilj retlU tu
assist you in knowing at the time of weighing just ex
actly the weight of your purchase. As a result we guar
antee every purchase. All our scales are finished in gold
with heavy plate glass showipg mechanism.
We also have in front of our store a Toledo person
weigher which you are perfectly welcome to use at all
and as many times as you like.
The Dean Tatom Co.
10 Year Old Echo
Boy Injured When
Thrown From Horse
Ix-fl Arm I t'riu-tured; Hev. Georirc
It. van IVuters r Portland Will
Itvot-ii on Sunday Morning In Ma
sonic iiaii; school student-, Taki
I'tirt In lsnj t'oiitiMt.
Pin Removed from Babe.
R1DGEFIELD, Wuh., May 18
Woodrow Button, the 7-month.'-old
.on of Mr. ana Mrs. C. A. Button, of
La Center, .even mile, northeast ot
nere, wno .wallowed a Bafety pin, un
derwent an operation at St Jaaenh's
Ho.pltal at Vancouver and the opera
tion was successful and hi. entire re
cover la only a matter of a short
An X-ray picture was made, show
Inc the point of the pin embedded In
a fold of the stomach. A later X-ray
plate showed the pin caught In a low
er fold, and It was decided that an
operation would be necenary
Glove., belting and other leather ar,
tide, have been made from Ma Hons
hide. In a British Columbia factory.
Lame Back.
Lame back is usually due to rheu
matism ef the muscles of the back.
Hard working people are moat likely
to suffer from it. Relief may be had
by massaging the back with Cham
berlain's Liniment two or three time,
a day Try It. Obtainable every
where. Adv.
An average of more than 3.000,00(1
tons of rails are rolled annually in
this country, 76 per cent of which are
85-pound section or heavier.
(Eaxt Oregon la n Special.)
KCHO, Ore.. May 18 Fred Gould
tne ten yeiir old .on of Mr, and Mrs.
S. p. Gould met with a serious and
Painful accident Wednesday morning
11 1.;,
line on nis way to school hn was
thrown from his horse and suffered
compound fracture of his left arm
juat ii hove the elbow. He w:m lmm.
ilately brought to town and the frac
ture reduced. The i..
v . , ,
aally as could lie expected.
Word has been received that Rev.
leorge B. Van Water, of Portland
will be here Sunday mnmln. unH h.j.i
ervlces at the Masonic hall, going on
to Hermiaton in the evening for ser
vices at that place Heretofore the
doctor has held evening m..., ,!,,,,,.
services here but the time hereafter
mas be 11 a. m.
ine ix-ho achooi participated In
the state wide contest promoted by
the W C. T. U. for the best essay on
alcohol and Its effects.
Those accredited with the best es
says were Gale Sherman of the hlh
school. Jack Stanfield of the eighth
grade and Veda Wattenburger of the
sixth grade. The local w c T. T!. u
going to recognize their success by
suitable reward..
Earl Esselstyn returned vesterdav
from Starbuck, Wash., where he has
been the past month In char? of th
Tum-a-Lum Lumber Co.'. yards, while
me local manager was away on hla va
Mrs. Mary Houser, an Echo girl.
who is a graduate of the Behnke
Walker Business College of Portland,
has a position with the George and
Miller Co.
Henry Miller left this mornins: for
Spokane, Wash , where he will spend
the summer.
wm. Clark of Walla Walla was
here yesterday looking after his land
interests on Little Butter Creek.
Advertising in Brief
Per line flrat inaertluD lot
i'tt line, additional Inaertion St
Per line, per moath $i oo
No locals taken fur lea. than 25c
Count 6 ordinary words to Una
Local, will not be taken over the
telephone except fiom East Oregon
lao paid up aubacribera.
?;.f. ' "
Bond Clothes
$15 to $30
t'lotlK-N made specially for
live, red blooded men. Careful
attention In paid to every detail.
Kaeh model a hand -tailored up-to-now
Let us prOte these statements.
Bond Bros.
Pendleton'i Leading Clothteri
Mammoth Fountain
of Roses Will be
Festival Feature
aamw -m srn. k
U(d Cram mm
TfT 111
For More Power. Insist
on the Straight Distilled,
All-Refinery Gas
Standard Oil Company
I VC'BM ,1
m. IheSiovkrd Oil I
Wybr Hoiot Cars I
PORTLAND. Ore.. May is. (Spec
ial.) The whole world will pay ho
mage to Hose, Queen of Flowers, at
Portland June 7, 8 and 9.
The annual festival In the state's
metropolis has attracted world wide
Uieiition to recent years and Port-
hind is now known as the "Kose City"
in all land..
This year a mammoth rose fountain
will be the central feature of the flor
al display to occupy more than 80,
000 square feet in the park blocks
bounded by Park, West Park, Salmon
.,nd Madison street..
In 1900 Paris featured a rose foun
tain as an attraction. The festival
f"intMin will be twice as larav
as that offered by the French metrop
olis, and will be the rirst floral fea
ture ot the kind ever built in the
United States. It will stand forty
feet in height.
More than 15.01)1) Dorothy Perkins
blossoms will lie on review in this dis-
Pla it will reouire fiOOO nlsints to
produce roses to complete the picture.
I by tountain will oe dedicated bv
the festival queen, who 1. to be crown
ed at the center the evening of June
6. The promenades through the run.
ter will be wide and 12,000 people
may view the flowers at one time
without crowding. The center will ac
commodate more than 260,000 visitor
daily. In 1915 it was estimated R00.-
000 Ol'OOlt, VieiVP,! thu hA.la nl 1,1.
mid community dismays In the mirk
City pound. Phone 138.
For tree spraying, phone I C Sny
ler Bundle wheat hay for sale. Wm
Kuper., city.
Good building lot for sale on Wert
Webb street. Telephone J24.
Penland Bra. transfer Co. havoj
torage warehouse Phone 3S9. !
For sale Hold inu -!
foot cut. Phone 2F11
I haul your garbage :,.i m I
Phone 553M. U03 w. RallroaH .t I
furnished rooms for rem. li.l
'1 lior..p.!on street.
Bundle wheat hav for sat w a
Roberts, Box 3. Pendleton
For rent Furnished
.u,o i UJ
light housekeeping or lodging. Brown '
Hall. Phone 350
Suits pressed 60c: drv Mnad i
iv. Kudd. 110 W. Webb. Phon.J
Few head of heavv
ale. Phone 8F12, or writ. Route L
Box 44.
For rent Office room In Judd
building. Apply F. E. Judd. American
National Bank.
For sale, reasonable Rnru
and harness. Inquire Teleohon. si..
For aale Blewett combined har
vester; 1J foot cut; almost rood
new . Only 1500. fi i. smith . n..
Prompt automobile i.ti ..,-
day or night. Funerals to cemetery
only $3 .60. Phone 680. Hotel St,
George. Carney Taxi Ce.
Lost Gold Brooch set with hn.
Hants. Finder please return to Apt
12, Association Building.
$800 automobile for sale at a snap.
Can be converted inn, nut,. ...,-
delivery car at very small coat. Car
in flrat class condition. See Bay
Crystal, Grovery department. Peoples
Thoroughbred Poland China seed
hogs for sale at the Commercial Feed
Yard. R. H. Barr, owner.
For sale A few nead full blood
Shropshire sheen Jsa pnrtar di,...
Wanted Invalids wheel ehoir
' all 290 M.
Furnished housekeepimr rooms for
rent. 803 E. Railroad
Dressmaking by day or at home.
Room 10, E. O. Bldg. Phone 245M.
Wanted Woman for general
r.ouswork on ranch. Address "W"
this office.
For aale 25 head of milch eowa
3u and up. One U. S, cream aepar-l
nor, gooa at. new. for half price. T
J. Cheney at ranch on MrKav reir
or address Pendleton. Ore.
Mattresses made over tamtam.
pairing, upholstering. Calls city or
country. La now Bros.., 219 Beaure
gard Phone 22 7 J.
Rooming house for sale. Mala
street, in center of business district.
ooing good business. Inquire of Pen-IS
ianu tiros.
Good, all around man wants work,
can operate and rermir nrin.. r,d
harvesters, (jood with teams and
stock. Phone Fayette oni r nm v
jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiimiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiniiiiiiiHiMmim
I There are Many Reasons
Why You Should
W C . v . -
It s a (Juestion of Taste. Onal.f v and I
Style. Think It Over and Buy Those I
Summer Necessities NOW.
Both silk and kid. The name Fownes
speaks for itself and is one of the oldest estab
lished glove firms in existence, consequently
they are always best. Priced ?1.75 to $2.00
Don't forget you were looking at that New
Parasol. Someone will get it if you don't
Have you tried a pair of ALEXANDER'S No.
100 Guaranteed Silk How at $1.00 the pair?
Our Ladies Read-to-Wear department is just
cram full of new things and you should look
them over before buying elsewhere. White
waists, all sizes, priced $2.95 to f9.50
Remember how hard they were to get
last year? They are dandies and priced
from ? 1.00 to ?5.O0
The only thing for summer wear.
Comes in gabardine, pique, surf and
beach suitings,- linens and many other
materials. Reasonably priced.
jl Fownes
We want you to see the
New Florsheim Shoes
New shapes and new patterns, the season's live styles.
Priced at $5.00 and ?6.00the price that gives you
quality and satisfaction. Wear Florsheim shoes once and
you will wear them always.
Kippered Salmon, pound 25 Large Fat Mackerel, 2 for a5.
Spiced Herring, 6 for 25 Imported Holland Herring, keg ?2 00
Alaska Herring, 6 for 25 CRISPETTES, made in Hermiaton, Sc
Salmon Bellies 20 lb. ; 3 lbs: 50t
Pemeco Meats
Prepared In Pendleton
We will buy your eggs, chicken
and veal
Farmers Take Notice.
All kinds of well drlllln? dnn at
reasonable price. Work guaranteed
Deep or shallow wells. Kieht n.n'
experience, we move anywhere. It
will pay to write or consult me. chaa
E. Lewis, stanfield, Oregon. Box 162
Dance at German HaL.
There will be a social dance given
M German Hall, Saturday evening,
.May 20th. Good music ami enjoy,
able time promised all. Adv.
For Rent.
Sheep ranch and rang, for 8000
heep: meadow cutting 3(0 ton. clov
er hay; water controlling spring,
summer and fall range, with good
winter range. Will rent for term of
years, $2000 per year. Address, mail
or wire, Mary L. Hill, Denio, Ore
son, via Wlnnemucca, Nevada. Adv
pioneer's picnic at Weston.
Twenty-fourth annual reunion Uma
tllla County Pioneer, at Weston, Ore.
June 2nd, 3rd.
I'liono 455.
108 E. Alta
Had Terrible Pains
in Kidneys and Back.
T)rnr Mr. ftditnr1
. - - - "'"I" i niuii vmi
bout B Anuno." I was very sick, could
hardly be np ; I was in bed most of the
time. Hurl trrihlo nalnn I,, ..... I.!.l
and back, so ranch bo that I had to
scream sometimes when I was sitting
down and wanted to pet np, the pain
was so great. I had tried a well-known
kidney medicine but it didn't help me.
I hoard of Dr. Tferee's Annrio Tablets
so 1 thought I would try them. J took
onlv one box of the Tablets, and my
back is now free from pain and I can
work and take care of my family. I
feel I cannot say enough for this medi
cine. Sincerely, Mrs. Wm. Keller.
Note: This "Anurio" is adapted
diseases arising from disorders of the
kidneys and bladder, roch as backache,
weak back, rheumatism, dropsy, con
eestion nf tha ti,i,,.,v. ;!!.,. ',..i;
oi the bladder, scalding urine and
urinary troubles. The physicians and
tmecisllieta of Hp Pm.Aft'u h., n , T
tton, at Buffalo, N. Y., have thoroughly
tpf,t iWa - 1 i
. , , i ,j u mm taam ueen
with one .n.-end iu.oocfnl In ami..n.
" . .- . ... . . . . .. , l.ciu ,u-
inff tllPdn trnllKlctB n nd in
, O - - - 1,1 in,,-, uwico
nho.,1 I.. , . : , I . . .J! J L.U
mn'iuim i 11,1 ! il l' u - ' i . ',! Ninnpva
I'll,,..,,., 1 ,.. S,,., ,. ......1..,, I. . .
, i.-, n.i in); . ,i n r ir-, , "Anuric " iwih-q wiui prouucin
ot Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, have re- """'e than three quarter, of th
peatedly sent back for more. Such a world's supply of olive oil.
uciuiuiu iias oeen createa tnat ir. rierce
has decided to put ,: Anuric" in the drag
stores of thie country, in a ready-to-use
form. If not obtainable send one dime
bv limil to ')r Pianio far trial naxlrara
or 60 cents for full treatment.
Dr. Pipir.o'a HnMcn At.uKnnl nt.. I
is a blood cleanser and alterative that
Btartfl ine liver and stomach into vigorous
action T. fhna ttaaiata f Ka 1..... ...
rich, red blood, which feeds the heart,
nerves, Drain ana organs of the body,
You feel clean, strong aud strenuous.
fr"" """ III,II,IIIWI1'
Auto Stage.
For Adams. Athena and Weston
leaves The Quelle restaurant at 10 a
m and 4 p. m. each day.
When a 12-Inch .hell strikes the
water It throws un a "SDlash" hisher
than a battleship mast This splash
weighs about 2000 tons, enough to
drown a small ship.
Britieh Monitor Destroyed.
LONDON, May 18 The admiralty
announced that the Deroberk, a small
British monitor, was destroyed Minis.
R. C. Hager, John Hager, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Thompson and Mr. and
Mrs. Dolfay Thompson were in Pen
dleton Monday.
Miss Evalyn Meagor went to Pen
dleton. Dave Bonlfer was in Pendleton
All Griggs was on the river Wed
nesday from Duncan.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thompson
went to Athena yesterday.
R. C. Hager went to Pendleton to
see his sister Mrs. J. C. Williams who
arrived Wednesday from Nebraska.
This will be their first time to meet
ior 4u years. She may decide to make
Pendleton her home. She is at pres
ent visiting her son. Ed .Williams.
Frank and Jesse Bennett have re
turned from Wallowa county.
Ralph Tucker and Jim Ueuallen
of Weston are on the river this week
looking after their cattle. Most
every one has moved his stock to
their summer range this last week.
It is believed that forests sometime.
One Drowns with Ship.
LONDON M. i e !- mi.j
and two injured when the fishing; take fire by the heat generated from
smack Research was sunk. i the ruihin i ,w. u
"e ruDt"ng of the branches together.
2 WaWa1 V4
(East Oregoninn Special.
GIBBON, Ore., May IS. W. W.
Horn returned from Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Hyatt of Wes
ton are here visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Dolfuy Thompson.
Hood'. Srapril, a Spring Tonic-
m.un-ine, i. necessary.
Everybody is troubled at this sea
son with loss of vitality, failure of
apiietite. that tired feeling, or with
bin, mis turns, dull headaches. Indi
gestion and other stomach troubles,
or with pimples and other eruptions
on the face and body. The reason is
that the blood is Impure and Impov
erished. Hood's Sarsaparilla relieves all
these ailments. It Is the old reliable
medicine that has stood the test of
forty years, that makes pure, rich,
red bloodthat strengthens every
orcan und builds up the whole sys-J?m-,
'tis the all-the-year-round
blood -purifier and health-giver.
Nothing else acts like it. for nothing
else s like It. There Is no real sub
stitute; so be sure to get Hood's.
Ask your druggist for it today, and
begin taking It at once.
A Carload
C all and inspect them Mondav
or Tuesday. They will not last