TEN PAGES -JjlW - -i ii DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 1916. PAGE SEVEN VOTE RIGHT ON , COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION FOR THE EASTERN ORE GON DISTRICT; VOTE FOR ED WRIGHT OF UNION COUNTY La Grande, Oregon, May 10, 1916 TO THE PUBLIC t Realising the forcefulness of an editorial in Sunday Oregon ian of May the 7th, in which an appeal wa made to Oregon Republican to be ure and nominate a man of ability and integrity to the office of Commissioner of the Public Service Commission, we, as citizens of Union County, wish to state to all voters east of the Cascade Moun tains, that Ed. Wright, candidate for Republican nomination for this office, is just such a man as should be nominated. ... He was born and raised in Union County, and we who know him best stand ready to vouch for his ability to execute the duties of tlje office, his high standing as a citi zen and his fairness as an official. As evidence of our confidence in him the people of Union County have elected him four consecutive terms to the office of County Clerk without opposition. We unqualifiedly endorse Mr. Wright's candidacy, and assure the voters that with him as Public Service Commissoner from Eastern Oregon every case will be de cided on its merits, and absolute fairness will mark his career. J. G. SNODGRASS, President La Grande Commercial Club. J. D. DOBBIN, Farmer. FRED J. HOLMES, President Island City Mercantile A Milling Company. F. M. JACKSON, Engineer, O.-W. R. A N., La Grande. F. L LILLY, Merchant, La Grande, Ore. DR. W. D. McMILLAN, Sec. La Grande Chautauqua. ED. CONLON, Farmer. W. H. REUTER, Red Cross Drug Store. W. S. ALLISON, Mammoth Grocery. J. D. McKENNON, City Commissioner. J. W. KENNEDY, Ex-Mayor. CHRIS JOHNSON, Pres. North Powder M A M. Co. J. F. PHY, Ex-Sheriff Union County. RAY W. LOGAN, Real Estate. BRUCE DENNIS, Publisher La Grande Evening Observer. J. R. OLIVER, Ex-County Clerk Union County. C. C. PENINGTON, Ex-Sheriff Union County. F. L. MEYERS, Cashier La Grande Natl. Bank. PETER BIEVER, Engineer, O.-W. R. & N. Co. H. E. GOOL1DGE, Asst. Cashier La Grande Natl. Bank. H. L UNDERWOOD, Physician. W. H. BOHNENKAMP A CO., Hardware A Furniture. W. R. JONES, Merchant. ' HAL BOHNENKAMP, Undertaker. E. E. KIRLEY, Merchant J. A. ARBUCKLE, Model Restaurant. M. S. BLOCH, Merchant. C W VAN FLEET. Merchant ' i MAC WOOD, Merchant, Golden Rule Co. T. M. SHANNON, Harness Maker., A. S. QUINTTER, Cigar Store. GEO. H. CURREY, Real Estate. B. W. HEWETT, Jeweler. LA GRANDE PHARMACY. Druggist ROBT. S. EAKIN, Attorney-at-Law. C. T. BACON, Physician and Surgeon. COCHRAN A EBERHARD, Attorneys. FRENCH & SCRANTON, Merchants. ROBT. A. FRENCH, Stockman, Cove, Ore. B. F. BELL, Fruit Grower, Cove, Ore. BURL CONLEY, Farmer, Cove, Ore. G. C. CONLEY, Farmer, Cove, Ore. NEWLAN BOOK A STATIONERY CO., Book Store, La Grande. ANDREWS BROS., Merchants, La Grande. B. W. NOYES, Barber, La Grande. C. D. PUTMAN, Druggist La Grande. ROBT. PATTISON, Pattison Bros., La Grande, Grocers. ARCH GILFILLAN, Surveyor. MANUEL SNIDER, Teacher. rf. M. CLARK, Sawyer-Clark Co. T. J. SCROGGIN. WM. S1EGRIST, Merchant, La Grande. E. A. STRAUSS, Merchant, U Grande, The Hub. J. G. HOLM, Oregon Co-op. Assn. JOHN COLLIER, Ex-Merchant. A. B. CHERRY, Florist. J. K. WRIGHT, Sec. La Grande Inv. Co. J R PEARE & SON, Jewelers. THOS. J. LOFTUS, Farmer. SILVERTHORN'S FAMILY DRUG STORE, Druggists. C. H. CONKEY, Farmer. JAY VAN BUREN, Merchant C. S. MILLER, Conductor. P. S. NOULTON, Agent O.-W. R. A N. Co. A. J. MARTIN, U Grande, Storekeeper, O.-W. R. A N. J J. CARR, Carr Furniture Co. J. D. CASEY, Meacham Lumber Co G. S. LEVY, Levy-Vogel Drug Co. H. M. BAY, Bolton-Bodmer Co. UNION, OREGON TONY D. SMITH, Mayor of Union Oregon. DR. J. E. WOODELL, Union. T. T. COCK, Union, Cock Bros., Merchants. WALTER COCK, Union, Cock Bros., Merchants. JACK HILL, Blacksmith. W. T. WRIGHT, Ex-Mayor. S. I. BENSON, Farmer and Stockman. W. M. COCKRELL, Farmer and Stockman. HOMER E. CULLISON, Pastor M. E. Church. G. W. LAWRENCE, Harness Maker. O. M. GROSSLAND, Barber. W. A. FEISER, Druggist T. J. COMBS, Merchant. W. H. VOGEL, Pres. Union Commercial Club. TOWNLEY'S BUSY STORE, Merchants. EDWARD ELLISON, Agent Central R. of Ore. G. H. LEWIN, Druggist. G. W. BENSON, Ex-County Clerk and Stockman. E. P. M1CHELL, Mkhell Hdw. Co. H. L WEST, Jeweler. D. COOPER, Stockman. LEON LEVY, Farmer. LEVY'S MAMMOTH STORE. GEO A. SCRIBIRD, Publisher E. O. Republican. W. A. MAXWELL, Publisher Oregon Scout. ROBT. A. MARR, Farmer and Stockman. H. DIXON, Asst. Cashier First Natl. Bank ot Union. F. HUTCHINSON, Cashier First Nat'l. Bank ot Union. D. BEADLEMAN, Harness Maker. A. SCIBIRD, Merchant. J. M. JUMPOVW, naroer. A. BENSON, Farmer and Stockman. L MclNTOSH, Merchant F. DAVIS, Davis Adjustment company. H. W. M inuN VAN HOUTF.N. Farmer. C. L CADWELL, Mgr. Union Hdw A. HANSON, Merchant. JACOB KOHLER, Farmer. r W IRWIN. Dentist. A. BIDWELL. Sec. Union Milling , W. STEVENS, Farmer. J. PADDOCK, D. V. M. Veterinary Surgeon F. HALL A CO., Merchants. Co. Co. UNION HDW. CO. W AUSBURN RICHINS. Merchant. W. D. HANKS, Merchant J. P. MYERS, M. D., Physician. (Paid Adv.) Natatorium Committee Makes Financial Report All obligations in connection with the construction or the Natatorium having been met the Natatorium com mittee of the Commercial Auociatlon ha submitted a final report as to the subscription receipts and the dis bursements. The summarized report is as follows: Complete report, In detail, of the Natatorium Committee of the Pendleton Commercial Association. Pendleton, Ore., April It, 181S. To the Commercial Association, The 'County of Umatilla, The Donors of the Fund, The General Public. Sufficient subscriptions have been paid to clean up the remaining out standing obligations against the Nat atorium Committee or the Pendleton Commercial Association, we now submit herewith for your information consideration and approval a recap itulation of the different Itema enter ing into the cost of the pool, build ings, etc. A detailed Hat of the sub acrlptlona and disbursements Is also appended hereto. A little less than one hundred dollars of the subscrip tions remain unpaid, but no further effort will be made to collect theae. However, any future payments will be turned over to the committee of the council, which now has the manage ment of the natatorium: Total subscriptions as per list herewith tl0.701.il Total coat of nataturium, as per recapltulatiun 10,699.83 7,358.00 Balance, turned over to the council committee I 1.78 (A detailed list of the vouchers which support the above disburse ments is attached to and made a part of this report .) Condensed ItecapUnlatloii of the Dlsbursemenw. L. Monterttstelli. contract for pool and buildings..) L. Monterastelli, extras net Excavating, backfilling, grading, etc., for pool, waste-supply - pressure pipes, etc Labor with teams,. ...I Labor without teams.... E. p Matthews, superin tendent, 5 months J. O. Conville, trips to Pendleton, plans, speci fications, etc Life-rail and scum-trough. Liability insurance Drayage Envelopes and postage, for notices to subscribers... Stationery, printing una ad vertising for bldB Hardware, pipes, valves, etc. Lumber, cement, sand Terra-cotta pipe Electrical labor and sup plies have the reputation among car owners of representing more dollar -for -dollar value than you can buy in any other tire. The Cost Is Less than the plain tread styles of many other standard makes. Added to that is the remarkably liberal Fisk FREE SERVICE in more than 100 direct branches. Fisk Tires For Sale By PENDLETON AUTO CO. Pendleton 4 15.60 889.85 clapping of hands No action was ta-'old idea of the strictly tailored man- world today than the club women. ken. 6J6.0U 125.0(1 ! nish club woman is out of date There and It Is up to them. In my estlma 'are no better dessed women in the tion, to keep up their reputation. To Teach at O. A. C. Principal L. P. Gamee of the high school, will teach summer school the Oregon Agricultural College dur inv Tim. nnH .Illlv Ur fiflmhee will: """"instruct the normal students in the ilfi department of agriculture. O. I J 10 88 37 35 188.50 50.15 177,15 252.44 Total 110,699.93 Respectfully submitted. C. M BISHOP G. A. HARTMAN LEON COHEN. C. H. MARSH. Q. I. LA DOW. G. L. BOY DEN. Natatorium Commlttc Women CMttoiM Church. MINNEAPOLIS, May 17 Church se which fail to extend to women members, the right of a voice in their affairs, were criticised by delegates to the Mississippi Valley suffrage con ference. A Missouri delegate declared that the pastor of her church hail gone so far as to ' talk against woman suf frage almost every Sunday from the pulpit." "What did you do about it?" de manded a score of delegates "Quit the church,' was the reply. the hall rang with cheers am ROAD TO HEALTH S THROUGH THE KIDNEYS ! I .inn i mih 11 vr.nLui jivriii'- -w ING OIT FOR FRILLS. ; 1 - ' -. ' :- - k.v iff , lit JMpp Hi. Inn mi Lira. Jam m.vmKy. ,'; " Take Iron, Says Doctor, if You Want Plenty of "Stay There" Strength Like an Athlete! Ordinary Nuxated Iron Will Make other troubles in from ten to fourteen Delicate. Nervous, Rundown peo ple 200 Per Cent Stronger in Two Weeks' Time, in Many Cases. days' time simply by taking Iron In the proper form, and thte alter they had in some cases been doctoring for months without obtaining any bene fit. But don't take the old forma of NEW YORK. N. T. Most people reduced iron, iron acetate or tinctuie foolishly seem to think they are go- of iron simply to Bare a few cents, lng to get renewed health ami . You must take iron In a form that strength from some stimulating medi- can beeasily absorbed and assimilated cine, secret nostrum or narcotic drug, like nuxated iron if you want it to said Dr. Sauer, a well known special-1 do you any good, otherwise it may ist who has studied widely both in prove worse than useless Many an this country and Europe, when, as a j athlete or prixe fighter haa won the matter of fact, real and true strength j day simply because he knew the se can only come from the food you eat. Icret of great atrength and endurance But people often rail to get tha i and filled his blood with iron before strength out of their food because j he went into the affray, while many they haven't enough Iron in their j another has gone down to inglorious blood to enable it to change food into j defeat simply for the lack of Iron, living matter. From their weakened, NOTE Nuxated Iron recommend nervous condition tney know some- ed above by Dr. Sauer, to one of the thing is wrong, but they can't tell newer organic iron compounds. Un what. so they generally commence I like the older inorganic iron products, doctoring for stomach, liver or kidney j it is easily assimilated, does not in trouble or symptoms of some other I jure the teeth, make them black, nor uiim.ni Allien hi iho i l of iron In unset the stomach: on the contrary, it the blood This thing may go on for, years while the patient suffers untold agony. If you are not strong or wen. you owe it to yourself to make the following test. See how long you can work or how far you can walk with out becoming tired. Next take two is a most potent remedy, in nearly an forms of indigestion, as well as for nervous, run-down conditions. The Manufacturers have such great confi dence in Nuxated Iron that they offer to forfeit 100 00 to any charitable In stitution if they cannot take any man five grain tablets of ordinary nuxated i or woman under SO who lacks iron iron three times per day after meals for two weeks. Then test your strength again and see for yoursel." how much you have gained. I have seen dozens of nervous, rundown peo ple who were ailin ail the while and increase their strength 200 per cent or over in four weeks time pro vided they have no serious organV trouble. They also offer to refund your money If it does not at least dou ble your strength and endurance in No person alive is stronger than hi? kidneys. The minute the kidneys be come disarranged or clogged With waste the warning is flashed through out the entile system. The greater part of all sickness today can be avoided by keeping the kidneys work ing properly. Tallman & Co. the popular drug gists, can tell you of many well-known people In this city whom Solvax, the standard kidney remedy has restore.) to health, often after they have tried many other methods ol treatment with little or no lienerit. There are hundreds of people in Pendleton who were not the least bit surprised when they read in the Eas'. kvv YORK. May 17 Brains and oregonlan that Tallman & Co. are beauty go hand In hand, according to selling Solvax on a guarantee to re- the views of New York's club women. fund the money In case it did not re- wno are up in arms against a move- lleve. This remarkable kidney rem- ment to require the plainest kind ot edy is guaranteed to help the worsi raiment at the coming sessions ot the case of laiy. sluggish, or logged-up Biennial Convention of the Oenera; kidneys, or the general headachy, Federation of Women's clubs, kinkybackeil, played-out condition The brainiest woman in the world that afflicts people suffering with ut 0f date clothes a Joke, kidney trouble. Solvax does not simp- it takes the pink poke bonnet an I ly relieve. It aims to cure. all of the trimmings that go to make The best kind of advertising is the the woman attractive, to make i per- pralse of a pleased customer, and fectly balanced leader of thought any- there are hundreds in Pendleton to- way. day praising Solvax because it does These are some of the Ideas that what it is advertised to do Not very are being expressed by the army of long ago they were afflicted with all New York women In connection with manner of slcktoh, uncomfortable some Insurgent demands that the del- pains and each day seemed to bring .'gates who are to come to New York with It a new ache In some other part shall be plainly practical. of their body. Since aslng Solvax "x great many of theae women. " they are once more bright and chip- said Mrs. Penrhyn Stanluws. wife of per and able to enjoy life at its full- the Illustrator and one of the best est with no more fmi of suffering- dressed women In New York, and No other kidney Sam edy has mads cue of Ihe patronesses for the Tea such a large percentage of cures :u Harden at the coming Fashion Kxpedi ' Solvax. It Is so large that Tallman & tlon to be held co-Incident with the iCo. are perfectly siife. In standing biennial convention, "are coming I" i ready to refund the price to any cus- New York to study style To ask tomer whom It don nm help. Thin them to come in severe, black tailored Is a good time to cat well and you suits, with small hats and expect to ought to take advantage ot Tallnian find New York women dressed that ft Co. 'a offer. way would bo an unkind Joke. Tho double and even triple their strength I ten days' ftme. It is dispensed In thla and endurance and entirely get rid of jetty by A. C. Koeppen & Bros, and all symptoms of dyspepsia, liver an: i all other druggists. s UMMER TOURS SEASON BEGINS JUNE FIRST Low Round-Trip Fares via UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM to Eastern Cities. Chicago t 7S.50 New York . ..MM Boston 110.00 St. Louis . . Cincinnati Washington t 71.30 XS.54) 1OS.S0 omaha tsti.oo Kansas City au.lMl Ietrolt ... : Ml THROUGH SERVICE to Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, Chicago. Direct connections for Atlantic Coast Points First-Class Limited Trains Automatic Signal Protection. T. F. O'BRIEN, Agen R. BURNS District Freight & Passenger Agent Walla Walla.