TEN PAGES PAGE TWO DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 1916. FROM THE PEOPLE i , New MOTOR COATS of Warm Weather Fabrics We are showing a most attractive assortment of motor coat. Different from anything you've seen. Made of linen, genuine Palm Beach cloth and a new mohair ma terial called "Silver Bloom," also pongee. The linen and pongee come in the natural shades. The Palm Beach in tan and the silver bloom in tan background with stripes of green and blue. All styles are cut long and full. Some with set-in sleeves, while adjustable collars and smart belts add dis tinctiveness to these coats that make them suitable for street as well as motor wear. All coats are washable. Ihe prices are $2.95. $3.95. $10.00 and $13.50 KAYOItS FttKlGHT HOAUS. Pendleton, Ore., May 16, 191. Editor Kast Oregonlan: It would pay to build freight road to haul our wheat anu other product to market and especially so since we have a new transportation line built to our doors by the federal govern ment that connecu us up direct with the world's markets by a wter routt that would reduce the freight rates ti. On the evening of May 23 nt the Alta theater, six scenes from some of Shakespeare's most popular comedies and tragedies will te presented by the Dramatic Study Club under the direction of Mis. Adati Loeh Hose This will be Pendleton's first public event of importance to celebrate the county fltty per cent and save aa Shakespeare's Tercentenary which has much annually to the producers and l)een tne occasion for such a decided consumers as the two toads to the riv- revival of interest In that most famous ei would cost. of poets and play writers. Our annual freight bill In this coun-1 The cast has been carefully aelect ty Is one million dollars, our taxes ed and trained and a performance of five hundred thousand, two dollars unusual merit, from mnny points of freight for every dollar tax. Flftv view, cau be expected, per cent of our freight bill or five hundred thousand dollars would build The Fred da Seegrus Kel met Mon- the Cold Surines road, and anothe day evening with Mrs. Gladys from Milton to connect with the road Slaughter and enjoyed a pleasant A Great Display of Mens Shirts Notice Our North Window WE ARE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS IN PENDLETON FOR THE CELEBRATED MANHATTAN SHIRTS. They are guaranteed fast color, cut fuller and fit better than any other shirt made. "Known as the best the best known." Economically priced at $1.50 to $3.50. MILITARY COLLAR SHIRTS We have an immense stock of mili tary collar shirts, in almost every con ceivable color and material. Madras, percale, silk, pongee, etc, 50, 75, $1.00 to $3.50. FLAT COLLAR SHIRTS The regular style of shirt, the kind that sells when all others fail. These come in the widest range of colors being built from Walia Walla to Wal lula. These two roads tapping a wheat and a fruit district at right an gles from the railroads will solve a real transportation pronleni. These roads would be an asset in stead of a liability and accommodate taxpayers as well as tourists. There is not muctj use trying to lower freight rates by a road along a railroad because this overhead ex pense is already met and the) can out reach and under bid us. Roads reaching from the towns oir. Into the country will develop our re sources, increase our- marketing facil ities, give dally mall and encourage country life by making it less lone some, giving the doctor a road and help the farmers to build COUS.tr) schools and churches,. Radiating roads are business, mar- time. Several new members were initiated and refreshments were serv ed. Ytstetday morning at 11:30 at the Hotel Pendleton, Bert Hiutt and Miss Lil'lan :i. Itoth, a Hermlston ccu.ilc. were united in marriage by Rev. J K. Snyder of the PresDyterian church Both young people are well known and prominent In their home coinmu nlty. Practical Economy Baking powders made from alum or phosphate may be bought for a trifle less than Royal Baking I-Wder, which is made from cream of tartar, derived from grapes. Alum powders are not only cheap, but they differ greatly in leavening power. If a cheap baking powder is used for a fine cake and the cake turns out a failure there is a waste of costly materials worth more than a whole can of the cheap bak ing powder. Royal Baking Powder produces the finest food, and its use therefore, results in an actual saving. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. New York mrawlierry short- A picture of Miss Touiae Bailey, elected as physical Instructor for girls In the Pendleton schools next year, appeared in a Portland paper this morning. Accompanying it was a dispatch from the University of Ore gon, which read: "Louise Bailey, popular senior co-ea and this year president of the Women's League, has been elected to the position of phy trophies of the occaslo, play candies and Ices among the guests anr: t.moon delicious ke and cream was served. Tomorrow afternoon Mrs. Mary J. Mr, Char e F i oit.swor- I lining the th were passed ernoon Club tlve. Eleven tables played at brldg. In which honors were won by Mri Fred Karl an 1 Mrs. James A Fee Tbt i. , i . . .i.iiti I i, urn honor guests aiso rei-i.c.i wmu.- - - --- a... Aff Will enieiiiiiii "J " ' at the nmne ot asr later In 'hi Colesworthy. I her college career sne has been a member of the governing board of the students, called the student council; and patterns. They are priced from 50c to $3.00. GOLF SHIRTS AT $1.00 At $1.00 we are showing a great assortment of golf shirts. The best values you'll find. Good full cut and well made, at $1.00 T. P. W. Pure Food Shop" CLEANLINESS ECONOMY Home Grown Strawberries Fresh daily. Phone your orders. Gooseberries, New Carrots, Peas, New Potatoes, fresh for today's trade. Olive Oil Our pure extra virgin olive oil, for table or medicinal use. Bottles 35 to $1..50 Cans $1.00 to $3.75 3 Phones AU15 SERVICE Coffees I keting roads, country roads and they sical training; instructor of the Pen I should be built first, following the dleton high school. Miss Bailey Is a ! maxim of business before pleasure. I Kugene girl and a member of the i.u than m-,. ii...- nam ,f i he Kappa Kappa (lamina rraternltv In freight In this county could use the ! roads purposed in this bond issue on account nt' them nurallellnif railroads. vice president of the senior class. Cost of Koads. treasurer of the l'an-Hellenlc Associa- If fifteen thousand dollars per mile tlon of the women's rraternltles and builds a road lasting fifteen years it member of Kwana and Scroll and will cost one thousand dollars a mile script, honor societies." per year besides Interest and upkeep which will be one half as much more, j Mrs. John Kndicott and little son If we bond to the limit now for fif- j eft today for Portland to remain ut, teen years and spend our money then m after the Hose Festival, we will have to wait fifteen years be- i s s fore we can bond for any more roads. Mrs Earl Coutts has returned from No difference how cheap roads may ! a visit in San Francisco. Mr. Coutts be offered when the paving patents J wm return later, expire, no matter how- much we want .-. a road to the open river when the Carl Engdahl was in from Helix boats are started running regularly : sste; day. and are being used by everyone else, j j j Uwb waj ln from Hf,,jt Mon. we cun only stand l and look on. evening We will still have the same old I John F Krlvuon or 0reon clty , double freight rates, same old taxes ne Pend.eton for bonds which will far outlive tn roads they build. We should vote money for roads not interest on bondB. T. P. W. Coffee No better and no Coffees better. T. P. W. Tea Packed and import ed specially for T. P. W. Pure Food Shop. Pound 60s and 75 Condensed Soups 21 kinds, can 10 Buy them by the dozen. Peoples Warehouse Where It Pays To Trade Pay us you go is another maxim. Taxes have doubled in Pendleton in the last few years You can not sell property at cost here now. A paving boom will Increase rents by filling the country up with tran sient people and make work scarcet per capita. More anon. W. W. BASRAH. A. Winstock of Pilot Rock, was the city last evening. W. W. Caviness of Vale, well kmawn I here, is In the city. AOVICK FROM S. HEN SON. CgiltiiiiiiMiiiMmmiAiiMmfflim Trade in France Revives. I the beginning of the war, is now prac- PARIB. May 17. Unemployment,! tlcally non-existing in France, accord which was such a difficult problem at j ,ng to a report by tne minister of labor. On the contrary, there is a ' dearth of both skilled and unskilled labor, which Is keenly felt in view of the revival of Industries, not only those employed in supplying the needs of the army, but also in the civil and export trade. Government statistics show that at the end of January more than 80 per cent of the factories were working at full capacity and the number of em ployes exceeded by 1 per cent the to tal in normal times. BEFORE You let any work in our line, don't forget to get our prices. Estimates gladly furnished on any kind of stone, brick and cement work. S. RUGO & GO. Telephone 461 1'oRTLANU. Ore., May 13, 116. Editor East Uregonian: My attention has Been sailed to a speech of C. P. Strain, your county as sessor, delivered recently at Pilot Reek against the proposed road bond issue. I am very much Interested In the development of the state through Im provement of Its roads. I should dislike to see this improve ment blocked because of Mr. Strain's claim that It might help Portland's millionaires and hoteikeepers; or that it would not furnish :iume labor wa ges long enough: or that it would cause an influx f outside laborers to your county; or because Columbia county spent all her money for new construction, leaving- nothing for bard surface; or that It would raise city or farm rents, or that It will cost twice as much as It Is worth; or that you will be hypnotized by paving trusts. None of these reasons would influence a sane business man con templating similar private Improve- A. Buckley of La Grande, O.-tv . of. ments flcial, is at the St. George. Tne vlta ,,UPtton asked by Mr. Soence Bentley made a business Strain Is "will it pay ?" That question is or snout a ne. at tne ase ut " en terprises and Improvements. Any man or community who Is afraid "it j One of the prettiest afternoon par j ties of the post-Lenten season was Mhat given yesterday by Mrs. William j M. Slusher and Mrs. Dule Slusher at j the Slusher home on Jefferson Btreet I The event w as planned as a compli ment for Mrs. J. L Sterrett of Port land, mother of Mrs. Slusher. Jr.. and for Mrs. Frederick ouilck of Port land, daughter of Mrs. Slusher, Sr. The spacious rooms of the house were brightened with the blooms ot yellow lupin and looked very attrac- CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature ears -fl - Will M. Peterson NUMBER 23 ON THE BALLOT Vote for Will M. Peterson for delegate to the Democratic Na tional Convention at St. Louis. There are five candidates from the second congressional dis trict on the democratic ballot for delegate, only two of whom jean be voted for by any one voter. Mr. Peterson will appreci- ate the votes of Democrats 1n Umatilla county in particular as he has labored with them faithfully for Democratic principles for fourteen years, ever since he has been a resident of the (county, and he is now anxious to take part in the re-nomina- tion of President Wilson. His slogan on the ballot is, "Wood row Wilson, the man of the hour, greatest of all presidents." Adv. A Clear Brain and healthy body are essential for success. Business men. teachers, students, housewives, an1 other workers say Hood s Sarsaparilla pives them appetite and strength, Rnd makes their work seem easy. It over comes that tired feeling. Adv. trip to I'matilia Monday evening. CATARRH GERMS EASILY KILLED OXI.V WAV TO OURS! Tills KAKK IS TO DKM ItOY its cm si:. IMS. J. W. Kays, former prominent fur niture dealer of Eugene, spent yester day In Pendleton and Hermlston. CALL AND SEE MY STOCK OF Outside Plants before you fill your porch boxes. Hanging baskets called for filled and delivered. CUT FLOWERS, FERNS, SEEDS, FLOWER POTS. G. W. Hooker Florist Open evenings. Phone 622 544 Main St. THE 6000 JUP6E 6ETS A TIP FROM THE COUNTRY DOCTOR. i woulb'mt te without rr, i ain't afaaio or f otaws whin i Have rri lYOU ALWAYS CARRY THEj rREAL TOBACCO CHEwJ SWITH YOU I NOTICE I IN MY MOUTH HAVC rtl M EN are Ice mini the tnth afceut chotWr.t tohaeeo. A elm, mall chew oi W-B tJL I i.hewins! tie item tonscco uit,HBF, f.e, raree' ill aactlr yvm. It Itnii a clean Ultr-uui in me nxMiin wm mi miaa. I t laMe Ikal Ika nrdiaarr tne" JaWWTfl on man. I Hal', tm ill l raaaooa wr naes arc to aascr to tell thai, Irie,. J t aboul kiol I aasera Cktv " Notica bow the tail bring! out the rich tobacco teat. " by WEYMAN BKUTON COMPANY, SO Severe, New Yoeb Qtf won't pay" never gets anywhere. If, however, you are convinced your roads -will benefit no one or create no additional values, bring no ad li tlorjal desirable citizens to your coun ty, nor Induce "back to the soil" more curbstone farmers, nor scatter more school houses and homts among your over-large farms; in other words. II Umatilla county Is COMPI.KTEL) and If you have catarrh and want to get rid of it you must kill the germs which cause catarrh Stomach dos ing, ointments, sprays, creams, douch es, etc. fall because they uverlooi; this fact. They all help b) giving temporary relief but they do not reach the germ life that has found lodgment in your head, nose, throat, and could not destroy It If they did. The best known way of destroying the dangerous germs of Catarrh and consequently ending the disease Itselt. is to breathe into the air passages of your nose and throat the pleasant, penetrating air of Hyomei ( pronoun - FINISH Kl), then vote down the d Hlgh-o-me). Hyomei Is made rrom purest on rjucaiyptus com urn . ed with other powerful, healing, anti septic and germicidal ingredients. You breathe it througn a little pocket inhaler which Tallman & Co. an i other leading druggists In Pendleton and vicinity are furnishing with WW) complete treatment sold. Every time you inhale the sweet, fragrant air of Hyomei through this little device you ure drawing Into your swollen. Inflam ed, germ laden membrane a medl- bonds. Also for the same reason vote down any tax for roada But if good roads pay, then bond. Any undeveloped country is a bor rower. The low rate of Interest en ; ables a municipality to do what might i be a hardship for the Individual--! farmers realize this, and that's the ! reason for their demands for rural j credits. Bonds distribute the coit I over an extended period, making it ease and at the same time geting full - - . - ; ; ' .1 and Immediate benefits, besides com- i'ed air which will not only reduce pelllng the future resident to share ln some degree the coat of Improve ments he may be enjoying. But don't be misled by noises oi paving trusts we have had the same thing when Multnomuh county was paving. Buy the beat you can get fot your money, whether patented or not. That's the way 1 buy my washing ma chine, and that's what was done in thin all the swelling and Inflammutlon and open your clogged nose and stopped up air passages, but will absolutely and positively destroy every trace of Ctitarrh germ life It reaches. Drug gists are so sure of the nlesseil, lastlnq relief that Hyomei brings tti catarrh sufferers that they sell It Invariably on the positive guarantee that money paid will be refunded If successful re- county; It Is worth ;l we paid, was ulta are not secured rrom its use. Oct built under the eatlmata, and no ono a Hyomei outfit from your druggist In this county has any grounds for today and begin at once to drive this complaint. dangerous and disgusting disease from S. BK2WN. your system forever. JAMES HARVEY GRAHAM Democratic Candidate for Representative in Congress, his name in on the Democratic Ballot. Adv. Write