East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 15, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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We Grind
Our Coffee
when you buy it
and just as you
like it on our
You have been
usinjr coffee
ground the old
way, now try
the new way
and note the
Gray Bros.
Two Phones, 28.
(Continued from page one )
as a bark number in his profession of
'a fee-grabber.
He declared himself strongly for
national as well as state prohibition.
In the course of his talk. Rev. Hub
bell declared that more liquor had
been shipped Into Oregon since the
first of the year for personal use by
members of the ministry than by any
other class of citizens from a per
capita standpoint. Later In the even
ing Rev. J. E. Snyder qualified this
Served at the leading cafes and resorts.
Sold to the family trade in cases of one
dozen bottles and up, quarts or pints.
Brewed and Bottled by
I Wm. Roesch Bottling Co. I
City Brewery.
Wholesale and Family Trade. Telephone 528
A Gem-Set Ring
HPHE ideal gift for either boy or
girl graduates.
Rings, because of their countless associations, are
Significant of love.
Sweetheart, wife, daughter, mother, sister all
know this dainty sentiment That's why the gift of
I set Mug from you means far more than mere in-
I'he most delirate compliment that anyone ran pay
is in the giving of a gift like this.
They are set with precious and seml-preclous gems
of unusual beauty and perfect cut. And every Saw
itlle Ring la a safe purchase because the stones are
guaranteed secure.
Theae rings ar designed by leader In the art and
their work Is marked by rare distinction.
Tb.y are made iii appropriate styles for men,
wmin n and children.
See our special offering of Commencement Rings for $2.50
Grocery Co.
823 Main St.
statement with the explanation that
Rev. Hubbell did not include ministers
of protestant evangelical churches in
his crit'cism. Moreover. Rev. Snyder
that no protestant evange
lical church ever used fermented wine
in their communion service.
The auditorium of the church was
packed by the congregation.
nance at German Hal..
There will be a social dance given
.u German Hall, Saturday evening
May 20th. Good music and enjov
able time promised all. Adv
Jeweler Since 1887
Ti Inderjro 0Tiinn.
Licit Nelson, who has been work
ing in the grocery department of thej
Peoples Warehouse, went to St An
thony's hospital today to undergo nn
i iteration
lYeewuter Defeated Preseott,
Word comes from Freewater thl.i
morning that the team of that town,
p:aying on the home grounds, defeated
tae Prescott team yesterday by the
wore of 9 to 3 Bartholomew pitch
ed for the Freewater team
Heuutilul FJk Horns.
Mayor Homer I. Watts of Athena. :
today, brought down a beautiful pair
of elk horns and presented them to
the local lodge of Elks. He took them
from an elk he killed in Montana last
,V 'ended Indian ound-up.
A party In eight autos, returning
from Utngham Springs last evening
stopped at Thorn Hollow and visited
the Indian round-up which has been
in prograss there since Wednesday
The Indians and a few white cowboys
had been breaking horses all day, but
U:te as the party was, they saw five
horses ridden.
Small lire This A. M.
At 4:55 this morning the fire alarm
from Box 13 was sounded and the
fire department was summoned to
915 Johnson street where fire had
broken out. The flames were quickly
extinguished, and the damate will
'amount only to 50. The properly is
owned by Mrs. Lina H. Stursts and
occupied by Walter Barr, a medicine
peddler who Is absent from the city
ft this time. An Investigation bv the
fire chief convinces him that the fir
wtarted from spontaneous combustion
in a pile of trash in the house It
was discovered by Mrs. Charles Ham.
iltcn. who lives nearby.
Roosevelt Gets His Patent,
C. E. Roosevelt, who some time ago
completed the Invention of a curb
ruaner attachment for go-carts, re
ceived from Washington, D. C, this
morning his letters patent He has
an agreement with an eastern go-cart
manufacturing plant to take over hit
invention for a ten per cent royalty
I. S. xntsi; HACK FROM
MIKS." a
BOSTON. Mass.. May IB. Unstint
ed praise of the spirit of wounded
British soldiers is given by Miss Mil
dred Elsie (Jraves, of West Roxburj ,
who has Just returned from the Eng
lish hospital at Wimereux. France.
She was a member of the Second
Harvard Unite of Nurses, and the
youngest nurse in the hospital.
Describing some of her experiences
she said:
"I say some terrible shrapnel cases
while at Wimereux. Hen without
hips, Jaws, arms, legs', shoulders, and
still other simply peppered with small
Shot. How they could remain alive is
a miracle. And yet a large number
do recover.
"The 'Tommies' are simply wonder
ful. Such cheerfulness is simply re
markable. Always a cheerful smile or
a Joke, no matter whether they could
move or not. Suffering the agonies
of the wound, with all Horts of ter
rible afflictions, meant nothing to
them they were simply pure grit.
"Not once In all the hundreds of
l-etlents which passed through our
ward did I ever get a cross word or
an unkind remark. AIwbvb helping
'stater,' as they called us, whether
we were making their beds, appl)
dressing to their wounds or feeding
them. Always extremely polite, they
would do anything In their power to
help the nurse.
"And they would tell you about
what they did or what they saw on thp
battlefield. Preposterous tales, some
of thenn that a little simple nurse
would swallow with eyes and mouth
wide open. But the moment that you
left the room, they would start laugh
ing, the story would be repeated all
along the line and for days the poor
nurse would suffer grins from all.
on the manufactured article He may
so east soon to superintend the first
output of the runners. Many Pen
uleton people are familiar with the
invention Bl a model was used fot
sometime on a go-cart at the Brown
furniture rtore. It Is so designed that
a ro-cart may be raised to or lowered
from a curb without any jar or partle-
lar care being used Those who have
'ised it declare It will prove a great
tt nvenleiie to city mothers.
Two Drunks in Court.
One drunk answered the roll call
in police court this morning He gave
the name of I'arl Nelson and took five
days in jail. Another drunk, booked
aa John Doe. forfeited bail of S 10.
To Elect Now President
At the call of Vice President I E.
Young the local Chautauqua associa
tion Is to meet tomorrow evening at
the rooms of the Commercial Asso
ciate to elect a president to take the
position made vacant ny the resigna
ton of A. J. McAllister
Bradley May Resign.
It is reported here today that Coun
ty Surveyor Willard Bradley has been
given a government position, secured
through civil service examination, and
in accepting the same will resiga hi
position as county surveyor.
Kyle Is Recovering.
Word received from J. M. Kyle of
Btai field who was injured las', week
in an auto accident. Is to the effect
that he is recovering from hU Injur
ies and will be able to finish his cam
paign. He is now In The Dflls
Dentil at State Hospital.
William Russell of Milton SJ years
old. died yesterday morning at the
Eastern Oregon State Hosplta' of se
nile dementia and the bodv will be
ser.t to Weston for Interment DttMH
ed had been an Inmate of the hos
pltal fc r the past three year.-
I.n-t Week Queen Contest.
The contest for the election of a
queen of the Rose Festival ends Fri
day evening of this week and ballot
ing is expected to be heavy toward the
end of the week. The last standing
given out shows Miss Eleanor Jackson
of McMinnvllle, leading with 487,000
votes to her credit. Miss Muriel Sal
ing, Pendleton's candidate, is sixth
with 254,000 to her credit. However,
the committee is holding some votes
in reserve. The last benefit for Miss
Sallng will be Thursday evening when
a dance will be given in tlie Eagle
Woodman hall.
In the Family, in the church and Be
tween Capital und i.ais.r, the old
Spirit Of III-reeling Keel, the
World in a Turmoil; I .arse Audi
ence ileum Address,
Lack of harmonj in the family, In
Society, between religious faiths and
loo often between la'Jor and capital
breeding irreverence which causes
bitterness and strile is what's wrong
wiith the world, according to Peter
Collins of Boston, a lecturer of na-
tlonal repute, who addressed a large
audience in the Oregon theater Sat
urday evening, under the auspices Of
the local Knights of Columbus lodge
Peter Collins, who is a young man,
and a gifted orator, Is not a philoso
pher or a theologist, but a worku
man. his trade being electrician. He
was a member of the first industrial
commission of Illinois and has become
nationally prominent In his champion
ship of almost any i ause that will Im
prove the world for Its people. His
address was particularly Interesting
In that it was the first big public ef
fort of the Knights of Columbus, a
fratenal order of CathollcB, to pro
mote more harmony between the dlf-
lerent religious faiths in this city.
That the lecture was a big success
I from this standpoint was evidenced by
the applause given the speaker by
the mixed audience
Harmony Is 1 lualamental.
Harmony was one of the essential
laws of Ood and Is the very founda
tion of civilization, according to tne
speaker, and yet In this day of sup
posedly advanced civilization one out
of every 20 marriages results in a di
vorce. This Illustrated the lack of
harmony In the family.
In speaking; of lack of harmony be
tween men and women over religion
he said Ood endows every man and
woman with a free will and conscience
and the right to d'termlne any kind
of worship, while the brotherhood 01
I man and the fatherhood of God go
absolutely hand in hand. "Mood will
ought to prevail among men Irre
spective of religious belief. In thu
birth of this nation, Protestant, Ca
tholic, Jew and dentils worked to
gether, fought and bled together and
they have worked together in its con
servation Therefore harmony ought
to prevail between them." In argu
ing for religion he stated that science
does not and could not abolish reli
gion. "In fact It proves religion an t
yet people are listening to the. idle
Money Saved is Money Earned
You save money on every purchase when trading at
The Golden Rule Store
kliitouss H8c
tiliiglutiu Hoirse OrenHCN H8c
Now Dainty Wash Drews Si.lit, $8.88 to $7.0
Uk Curtain Ic, Uc, 8e
Curtain Scrims lOo. 150, 18c, ISO, 3c
l adle Slippers si. III. Sl.tm. 2.. S.tH
UidleV Shoes $1.98. -'.!. 2.8, 93.50
tadl.V Silk Root How S.V, 4C
I ad lot- Waist Aprons !15c
Window Sliades 25c, 49c
.Colgutc's Talcum Powder t 12c
t;iit Bdjre shoe Polish I8c
prating of street orators who char-
acteriu the bible history as myths
This irreverence Is the cause of the
lack 01 harmony."
He said what the world needed as
a remedy was to take the ten com
mandments and live up to them.
Capital and Labor.
Describing the labor movement as
the righteous expression of the hopes,
aspirations and Ideals of the laboring;
classes and stating that labor believ-j
ed in rights, duties and responsibili
ties, he dwelt at length on the trou-
bles which have too often occurred
between labor and capital He said!
there was no doubt that misery and;
wretchedness existed among the work
ing classes and that one of the great
evils of toduy waa the evil of the
unpaid working man. He sum su per,
cent of the people were of the labor-
ing classed and that 58 per cent
the men working In factories get less
than a decent wage ''About 90 per
cent of the evils cluster around the
I, -. . , . ..... ,,, 1 .Irlnn .......
e,u i ... u,....u (returned last evening from a week
In the case of women he said that
the legislatures could settle the prob-
lem with minimum wuges but the on
ly remedy in the case or the men was! Mr W. D. Price of Pilot Rock, has
the remedy of a Christian life be-1 been )n the clty 'on
coming more universal. "It is neces-1 Ruby Banister of Athena, was at
sary to arouse a social conscience.
He alao dwelt on the evils of em
ployment telling how there were from
8 to 12 per cent of the men out of
employment all the time, and yet he
aid that all who had studied the
problem agreed that there were more
Jobs or more employment than men
in this country, and that the unem
ployment of this 8 to 12 per cent cost
the country one billion dollars annu
ally, or about a fourth of the total
amount of money in the country
He told of his connection and ex
periences with the Illinois industrial
Perfect fitting glasses ma
terially aid the eyes, besides
making you see better, but!
perfect fitting glasses are to
be had only after a search-1
Ing, thorough examination byl
nn Optician of long experl-1
In having your glasses
made here you are certain
of the right kind of an ex
amination find consequently
the right glasses.
Here you will find modern
equipment, careful, palntak
Ing attention and reasonable
Phone 609
YES, It's Going
to Happen at I
Men s Divmh Hand shirts
Hontoti tiartcis
Parts Garters
ork Pants
Khaki Pants
Heavy Weight Dine nib Overalls
Heavy Wright BMW Waist Overalls
Hear) Weight BtaM Bib Overall
Mglit W eight Itluc lllb Overalls . . .
Canvas Gloves, leather fatvil
Cama Gloves, knit wrist
Men's Dress shirts, soft collars . . , .
J. C. Penney Co. he
commission, of the deplorable work
ing conditions discovered and urged
more cooperation with, the federal
employment of men, but the greatest
difficulty lies In the fact that labor
is crowded Into Industrial centers and
bears not of a Job elsewhere. In this
problem the government employment
bureau can be made or great asslst-
M William Hanscotn h.is return
j ed from The Danes where she visited
with Mrs. James A. Cooper,
, ,
l Mrs. W. M Blakely, Mrs. Sam It
I Thompson and Mis Thelma Thompson
the Pendleton Sunday.
H. H. Trowbridge, John Day stock
man, was a weekend visitor here.
H. L. Anderson and Morris L. Amb
of Ontario, are at the Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. 'Doc" Evans
were passengers on east bound No. (
this morning.
Mr. and Mrs George Dlmlck of
Walla Walla were Sunday guests of
Mr and Mrs. C. H. Belts.
James H. Sturgis of the E. L. Smith
& Co , returned yesterday from a
business trip Into southern Idaho
Mr. Farmer
Here are a few FORD facts and figures
No one ever criticizes the far
mer for keeping a driving team?
yet our statistics show that It
requires five acres of land to
produce feed for one horse and
Webster says, "Statistics are a
collection of facta."
Now, If it takes five acres of
land to produce feed for one
horse, we must certainly charge
the value of this land up to
power as that is all we derive
from It.
Ho, If a man has a driving
team worth 1260, harness worth
140, buggy worth 100 and his
land is worth II B0 per acre, he
has Invested I1S90 In his driving
outfit. To find his annual ex
pense on this outfit allow Inter
est, taxes and insurance at 6 per
CPnt 1113,40, cost of farming
ten acres, llOCk repairs and
shoeing $11.10 and you have an
annual expense uf 1225; and I
Round-Up City Auto Co.
812 Garden St. Telephone 6S1
We maintain a special FORD garage with a FORD
FACTO RT expert mechanic. Try our special FORD
oil. Gasoline aefvlce station. Free air and water.
Don Prultt was up from Stanflcld
for Sunday.
Dr. J D. I'lamondon of Athena. Is
bore today upon a business trip.
Duncan McDonald was a visitor in
Pendleton Saturday from his homo at
Mrs. J. N. Quest and daughter, Mrs.
Ray Pierce of Helix, are In Pendle
ton today upon a shopping trip.
lU-ht Thins; for a BUlou Attack.
"On account of my confinement in
the printing office I have for years
been a chronic sufferer from indi
gestion and liver trouble. A few week"
ngo I was not able to go to tne ca.
for two days. Falling to get any re
lief from any other treatment. I took
three of Chamberlain's Tablets and
te next day I felt like a new man."
writes H C Bailey, Editor Carolina
News, Chapln. B C Obtainable ev
erywhere. Adv.
Expert repairing
of Watches
and Jewelry.
Satisfaction guaranteed
Wm. Hanscotn
THE Jeweler.
haven't mentioned stable and
shed room at all, as a car would
require shelter as well as horses
and rig.
When a man changes from a
driving team to an automobile
he reclaims ten acres of his
farm, cuts down his expense,
making It possible to save time
while on the road and get out
and see what others are doing,
and profit by their experience
and best of all, to get himself
and family in n better frame of
Is It any wonder that the au
tomobile has brought prosperity
Instead of bankrupting this coun
try as was once predicted.
Go over these figures careful,
ly and show which statement, If
any, is wrong, then let us talk
to you about a FORD the real