page sax DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY IS, 116 EIGHT PAGES JiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiltliilliiliHiiiiiiiiiiii 5 3 llilinllllllllllllMlll: HH Gentlemen: we've said it before we say it again. jH Bond Clothes $15 to $30 The highest standard of style and tailoring. H Bond Bros. Pendleton's Leading Clothieti OFFICE BOY BECOMES reached London the story of a $5 I REAL HERO IN BATTLE wee office boy, is years old. who died a hero among the bravest of the Ry Wilbor s Forrest. United Press brave of King George's finest on Oal Staff Correspondent.) j IPoU peninsula. LONDON". Mav IS There has Just I It Is a story to thrill the heart of Cook m a cool kitchen All the heat is concen trated where it is needed keeps you cool and makes for better cooking PEMCTJON NEW oil commovz f Why not cook with a modern oil stove this sum mer and be comfortable? Bakes, broils, roasts, toasts. More efficient than your wood or coal stove, and costs less to operate. Better cooking because the long bluechimneysgive stead ier, more evenly distributed heat, under perfect control like gas. No smoke or smell In 1, 2, 3 and 4-bumer sizes, ovens separate. Also cabinet models with Fireless Cooking Ovens. Ask your dealer today. STANDARD OIL COMPANY For Best Results Use Pearl Oil Pendletnn For Sale by W. J. CLARICE GEORGE C. BAER & CO. TAYLOR HARDWARE CO. :iiiiiiiiiiittiii!:iiiiiiiiiiitiiiiii!iiitiiiutii IANSC0 f Cameras ( Sj Cyko paper and films. E E Awarded gold medal Pa- nama-Pacific Interna ti on- E al Exposition, San Fran- E cisco. E H Developing and print- E s mg promptly done at Tallman & Co. teedinf Druggists lllllllllliflllllllMllllltlMlllllflMIIIIHIII? CALL AND SEE MY STOCK OF Outside Plants before you fill your porch boxes. Hanging baskets called for filled and delivered. CUT FLOWERS, FERNS, SEEDS, FLOWER POTS. G. W. Hooker Florist Open evenings, Phone 522 544 Main St. Hong Kong Cafe .tr NOODLE PARLOR Noodles AND Chop Suey Oatatde Tray Orders Specialty Boxes for ladles and gentlemen OPEN DAT AND ALL NIQHT MEAL the AN'D VP special Chicken Dinner Sundays. 548 Main Street Nest to B O. Blg Phone Cob Dung Low CHOP SUEY NOODLES HOT TA1ALES CHILLI CON OARNE SPANISH STYLE LUNCHES COFFEE Everything clean and up-to-date. FIRST CLASS SERVICE TEA 5c Package Under State Hotel Cor. Webb snd Cottonwood Sta. Phone f7. Pendleton, Ore. SPORTS ?itiiiiin ttiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMtiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiintiiiiimiiimiiiMiiiiiiimiir r PILOT ROCK BOYS ARE BEATEN AGAIN E I'KNDI.KTOX BOOKS HEPEAT THE TRICK AND CAPTURE GAME 6 TO 5. (lue. However, Is Protested and lrvstdent Vls win liase to De ckle; iti.iu .standpoint of Runs, However, pendletou Readied Both of Hock's Star Pitcuers. one score needed to tie. He hit a hot one down the first base line but Gumra grabbed It and the same ended. Pilot Rook Harlan, rf., p. . Westgate, lb . Clllbert, Sb ... Pickett, gb ... Darling p.. rf. . E. Smith, cf. . F. Smith. Royer, s: Albrecht, AB R po A If. .4 , .4 . .5 .S .4 . . 3 . . . .4 1 0 0 10 1 t 1 1 1 0 0 I 1 0 2 1 0 Pendleton repeated yesterday. Which is to say that the Bucks again trounced the once unbeatable Pilot Rock Pirates. As on the Sunday previous victory came upon a one point margin, the final score being 6 to 5. The largest crowd that has seen a local ballgame for some time was diamond duel Though Pendleton got every office boy In the United States, this recital of what happened to Cyril Cook after he left t,e drab surround ings in the dreary ofnee of a big Pall Mall firm and harkened to the order, "Charge!" and forgot the lordly over clerk's bumptious summons: "Boy!" Loss than two years ago Cyril was a typical office boy with a large Pall Stall firm. At the outbreak of war he misrepresented his age to a recruiting sergeant and joined the army. Early in 1115 his regiment was sent to the Dardanelles. A letter to the boys parents in East Flnehley tells the story. A comrade detailed how the youngster fought In practically every important engage ment. Twice he surprised his officers by bringing in Turks he had captured at the noint of the bayonet He had undertaken many dangerous' i lub chased him out at the end of the outpost duties and his conduct i fou"h inning Thereafter Harlan throughout all engagements had won,erved up nis "Peedballs liut failed to him high praise from the command-' stoP tn locals "tU too lata. renuletou, too, used two heavers. McUarrigle for five Innings was in great form but in the sixth and sev enth began to be bumped Variau went in for the final two frames and managed to save the game, although things looked pretty dubious in the ninth. Pendleton earned the first run in the second on Varlan's two-sacker, Anderson's sacrifice and Uroees sin gle through short. In the fourth, aft er Peterson had whanged the pill for Totals . . . Pendleton Eubanks. rf Knight, rf. 2 Clark, 2b 4 reterson, ss. Varlan, cw Anderson, If. Qroce, 3b . . Coshow, 0 . . Gumm, lb McUarrigle, p-cf . . 3 36 6 $24 AB R H PO .! 0 0 0 Totall JO 7 27 iS 4 Score by Innings P Rial, tnA... out at Round. I'd Park for the;,, " " " " " " 2 1 16 .. " - - r. hock . . . H 1 4 n n j Pendleton . R 0 1 0 2 IMC H1UIO P,,,,,ilt 1 2 3 0 0 8 1 3 0 0 x 7 victory is not certain vet. I 0 . ' " 1 u 1 x 9 At the close the Pilot Itock manage-1,, I...; Bw"' hits. West- ment served a notice of protest upon i ulu,e n". varlan. Umpire Hauerstatte on the grounds , " i ""mP runs' Aarla". that Qroce. who played third for Pen- IT "r" Harl:ln P'ett. was ineligible under the by- WWrl, YB laws of the league. The protest will , 1 . " nv' wn,ln' McGarrlgle; ". mcv.arngie 1. Varl an 1; off Harlan I; struck out, by Mc garigle 8, Varlan 3: bv Darlinir ! A good nickel smoke THE OWL is always a mellow smoke never harsh. That is because a million dollar supply of slowly curing tobacco is always in re serve for the OWL. The OWL is an unusually even-burning smoke. That is because it is seasoned leaf, properly made into a cigar. Naturally, the OWL is always worth your nickel. 1 be decided by President Woods. I The Bucks beat both of the Rock valiant twirlers, Darling and Harlan. The southpaw started but Varlan's big According to his comrade, the for mer office boy was m line for dec oration. He was killed December 15; shot through the head. I Miie Back. Lame back Is usually due to rheu matism of the muscles of the back. Hard working people are most likely to suffer from It. Relief may be had by massaging the back with Cham berlain's Liniment two or three times a day Try it. Obtainable every where. Adv. 'laiian .; passed halls liv ihi,. 1 wild pitches, by Harlan 1; left on basi es. Pilot Hock 7. Pendleton 2- hit by Pitcher, E. Smith by Varlan; time ot game 2:05; umpire. Hauerstatte- In nings pitched by Darling 4, Harlan 4; McGarrigle 7. Varlan I; hits off Dar ling 4. Harlan 5, Mcdarrlgle (,; victory credited to MctJarrigle; defeat charg ed to Harlan. The Million Dollar Cigar M. A. GUNST & CO. INCORPORATED Australian postal authorities, in an effort to abate the short-paid postage nuisance, are now stamping on the back of each short-paid letter the fol lowing: "This letter was posted in sufficiently prepaid. Please advise your correspondent to inquire of lo cal postmaster correct rate." Resinol Surely Heals Sick Skins U'l'oopinp cough. "When my daughter had whooping cough she coughed so hard at one time that she had hemorrage of the lungs. I was terribly alarmed about her con dition seeing Chamberlain's Cough Remedy so highly recommended I two bags, Varian poled the ball out got her a bottle and It relieved the once. Berore she had fin ished two bottles of this remedy she was entirely well." writes Mrs S P Grimes. Crooksvllle, Ohio. Obtainable CRAWFISH FALT'S famous Fresh Every Day OYSTERS CLAMS SEA CRABS Fine, Clean Furnished Rooms In Connection. Steam Heated. The Quelle Restaurant Exclusive distributing depot In Pendleton tor FALT'S Sea Foods. When you know physicians have pre scribed Resinol for over 20 years in the treatment of ecrema and other itching, burning unsightly akin eruptions, and have written thousands of reports saying: "It is iry regular prescription for itching," " Resinol has produced brilliant results," "The result it gave was marvelous in one of the worst cases of eczema." etc., etc., doesn't it make you feel, "Tliir- is the treatment I can rely on for MY skin-trouble T" When Resinol Ointment touches itch ing skins, the itching usually stops and healing begins. With the aid of Resinol Soap, it almost always clears away ec xenuu ringworm, pimples, or other dis tressing eruption quickly, leaving the skin clear and healthy. Hold by all druggists. Use Resino! Soap regularly and ynu will be astonished to find how quickly it soothes and cleanses the pores, ami leaves the complexion clear and fresh. or me lot tor two more counters. Harlan walked the first man, Coshow in the fifth, the Pendleton catcher took eeond on a itRiue,! hull atln third and came home on a wild pitch i ever5'where. Adv after McUarrigle had got life on a' bunt. Varlan's third hit of the day, a stol en base and Groce's single put over the first of three in the sixth. Groce 1 stole second and took advantage ot Royer's bobble on Coshow's smash to short to register. Coshow ended uu at third and came home when Gumm Suit Is Dismissed, who had walked, drew a wild throw! The suit of Jess Goff vs. Gladys to second from Harlan. j Goff hM been dl8miS8ed from tne J. A single by Pickett- followed by a suit court docket homer from Darling gave the Pirates ' two in the sixth and two more wer. To Proeecitte ta GPam c,(Unty chalked up in the seventh on singles Prosecuting Attorney Frederick by Royer, Harlan and Gilbert and a Steiwer arrived home Saturday morn sacrifice by Westgate. j K frum Grant t.unty where he had .uiau mi a. oHiun in me eigntn, been eal ert 1,. ,muit PENDLETON second was purloined and In the capacity score of special urosenutnr n. made when Gum made a wild heave growing out of some alleged thefts of in me nmm AiDrecnt arew horses and cattle wilt at third a walk but was forced at second by Harlan who stole second and third. Gilbert pounded the ball at Peterson, whose error permitted Harlan t score. Gilbert lit on second and Pick ett came to bat with two down and not come uu until later. Several men, among Billy Clark and Frank Morrison, were Indicted by the grand jury for alleged operations on the north fork of the John Day. BETTER AND SOFTER LIGHT la assured by the use of soma of these beautiful fixtures at our. They give a light that Illuminate the room perfectly, but that doea not tire or strain the eye. They are not expen sive considering their extra ef ficiency and extra beauty. Why not at least see them? J. L. VAUGHAN NAP BECKER, oNb' OF GREATEST PITCHERS .VI J. IN 4) 44444444444444 NO MORE BACKACHE NO MORE MISERY Hundreds of people have been re lieved of the agonies caused by weak, diseased or clogged up kidneys by us ing Solvax, the new remedy that quick- ly reaches the source of all kidney complaints. If you suffer with pains in your back and sides or have any signs of kldnerf or bladder trouble such as rheumatic pains, puffy swellings un der the eyes or in the feet and ankles, If you are nervous, tired and run down, or bothered with urinary disor ders. Solvax will quickly and surel relieve you of your misery. Solvax is the most potent remedy yet devised for ridding the system of uric acid and driving out all the poi sonous fmpurltles wnlch cause such troubles. It neutralizes, dissolves and make the kidneys sift out all the uric acid and poisons left by the blood, and renders the kidneys and urinary organs clean, vigorous and healthy. Tallman & Co. the popular drug gists, say that no medicine ought to be paid for unless it doe the user NEW YORK, May IS Nap Ruck some good. They therefore sell MM, one of the best left handed pitch vax under a positive guarantee to cr In the history of baseball, I prac quickly relieve the worst cases optically "all In," and It 1 thought he kidney trouble or refund the money. I will permanently retire from the Try . Solvax today and If you cannot game. Mucker ha been Placed on see and feel a decided change for the tie "disabled" list by Piesident Eh better just go to Tallman & Co. and ; betts of the Brooklyn National. HI tell them you want your money back contract with the Brooklyn 15 Inches boom Reported. Supervisor W. W. Cryder of the Umatilla forest has received reports of the readings of the snow stakes in the mountains of the southern end of the county for the first of the month. The stake at Pearson's Meadows showed 15 inches but no snow was reported at any of the other stakes. However these stakes ure set In the meadows. In the timber there la ; still considerable snow. Since the j readings were taken there has been I about a four Inch fall over the moun tainous sections. The range season is j being very much delayed by the j weather, Supervisor Cryder report IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIinillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIli: 1 Why Not Own Your Own Home 1 BUY OR BUILD ON THE INSTALLMENT PLAN. I It's paying rent to yourself. Come and see us, and we will outline this plan to you. I MATLOGK-LAATZ INVESTMENT CO. E 111 East Court St 5 Real Estate Farm and City Loans Insurance S aiilllllllllllllllll'llllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHHHIIIIIIIIIHIIP aillHHNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIHIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIimilllllMlirmNMK I NOODLES, CHOP SUEY, CHINA DISHES f 1 SlOFY' KWONG HONG LOW 1 Wli A Vj IW West AltaSt. Upttain. Phone 413 fttNHIIIIIIIH"'!' lIoiiiiiiiHillMIIII IIIIIIIIMMIMIIMHIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIilliNlh? DOUBLY PROVEN. Pendleton Readers Can No Doubt the Evidence. Longer This Pendleton cltixen testified long ago. of undoubted confirmed, complete the ffVTt. ttiP RtSCKER.. Told of quick relief benefit. The fact are now Such testimony I evidence conclusive . It form convincing proof of mer- B. P. Hutchinson, prop. West End (Crop Mill. H10 ltf". Webb St., Pen idleton, say: "I suffered a great j deal from-a dull pain In my back, " o'er my moneys, j often no I tlced that my kidney were sluggish i and that the kidney secretions did not i pass freely. Doan's Kidney Pills re- . lleved the pain In my back and re moved the trouble with the kidney se cretions." (Statement given May 18. 1910.) DOAN'S ALWAYS EFFECTIVE. OVER TWO YEARS LATER. Mr Hutchinson said. "I (till use Doan's Kidney Pill with very good results." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don'l NorthernPacificRy. THE YELLOWSTONE PARK LINE THROUGH TRAINS EAST NONE BETTER GET THE BENEFIT COURTEOUS TREATMENT SUPERIOR DINING SERVICE. EASTBOUnu SUMMER EXCURSION team simply ask for a kidney remedy got and they will return It without any ends this year and the big fellow will Doan's Kidney Pill the same thai iiii-stlon. This Is the strongest ar-! probably not be seen In action again, Mr. Hutchinson ha twice publicly gument that can be offered In behalf ' nr he declare he will never -pitch fot recommended. Foter-Mllburn Co.. if any medicine a minor league team. Prop., Buffalo, N. Y. DAILY FROM JUNE 1. Westbound Round Trip Summer Excursion Fares now in effect. Tell your Eastern friends. Or, let us give them full information. Round Trip Homeseekers' Rates TO MONTANA, and return. Low, attractive. Let us explain them. TO CALIFORNIA, have your ticket read from Portland via the "Great Northern Pacific S. S. Co. Fast Palacial Steamships, making train time (but 26 hours at sea.) Low fares, with berth and meals included. Tickets and full information WALTER ADAMS Agent, Pendleton, Ore. A. D. CHARLTON, A. G. P. A. Portland, Ore. PORTLAND ROSE FESTIVAL, June 7-9. LOW FARES.