EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 15, 1916. PAGE FIVE WHERE QUALITY IS A REALITY, NOT A PROMISE LAST TIME TODAY CHARLIE CHAPLIN In His Burlesque on fi carmen A A Laugh- A Scream-A Howl 4 Acte 4 20c Adults 10c Children TOMORROW CRANE WILBUR in 5c The Love Liar 15c LOCALS Pld Artvertiemn! Furnished roomi for rent, 'i lipr,.p.ion street. l'T rent Five room furnlshel r u.-o. Phone 544. For rent Five room furnished 'ouse. Inquire this office. Sit Dundle wheat hay for sale 'Roberts, Box 3, Pendleton W. Dance Wednesday N1tn There will be a dance In Moose hall Wednesday night, May 17. Musi.: by lawyer's Orchestra. Admission sOc; ladles free. Adv. CONROY BUSTED the "HIGH COST OF LIVING" in Pendleton If it's costing you too much to live it's positive proof that you are not trading with CONROY, the man who put grocery price in Pendleton DOWN WHERE THEY BELONG. Bet Cane Sugar, 100 lbs. $8.50 Spuds, per 100 lbs $ 1.50 Beans, small white, pinks and limas, 8 lbs 25 Rice, 4 lbs 25 Corn, Gloss Starch, 4 for 25 Baking Soda, 4 for 25 Mayflower Rolled Oats, 91b. sack 35 Matches, 7 boxes 25 ; dozen 40 Best Crepe Toilet Paper, 4 for 25 Mince Clams, solid pack, 2 for 25? Sauer Kraut, 2 cans 25 Vanilla Extract 35c bottle 20; 65c size 40 String Beans, good quality 10? Large Sunkist Oranges, doz 40 Best Lemons, doz 25 Lemon Cling Peaches, 2 large cans 25? Star Naptha Washing Powder, 25c size 20? Church's Grape Juice, qts. 35 ; pt. 20? Try a Package of Ensign Coffee. .. 25? Large Walnuts, the lb 20? Maccaroni and Spaghetti, 5 lb. box 30? Pickles, gal. glass jar, sours, dills 75 Pickles, gal. glass jar, sweets. .. $1.00 Armour's Pork and Beans, 3 cans.. 25? Brooms, 50c value for 35? WE PUT THE GROCERY PRICES IN PENDLETON DOWN TO WHERE THEY BELONG AND INTEND TO KEEP THEM THERE. TELEPHONE. 640 TEMPLE SELIG OFFERS The Sensational Photodrama of the Canal Zone "The Ne'er- do-Well" By REX BEACH Author of The Spoilers, The cast that made the Selig play "The Spoilers" famous, enact powerful roles in "The Ne'er-Do-Well." Thrills and heart throbs through this great drama. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY NAY 17th and 18th Ms 25C Children 15c A record-breaking crowd promises to be present Thursday evening In the Eagle-Woodman hall for the sec ond and last benefit dance for Pen-1 dleton's campaign to elect Miss Muriel! Sallng queen of the Hose Festival, j Tickets are being sold all over the county for the event. Mr. and Mrs. De Witte C. Whitnev of Portland have announced the en-: gagement of their daughter, Nellie, Dee, to Mr. Bert Allan McDonald of, Pendleton. The weddlnir Is nlanned ' for the late summer. Miss Whitnev ' Is a talented vocalist of Walla Walla and has had classes here for several years. William McBride, Adams farmer,; was in Pendleton Saturday Mr. and Mrs. James Hill of Helix' were in the city Saturday. Lloyd Riches, editor of the Stanfleld Standard, spent the week-end In the city. He was accompanied by his brother, Harold, who is visiting him., Supt. I. B. Young returnd Satur-, day from Arlington where he was a Judge at a field meet. He also stop-1 ped at Hermiston to appear before the parent-teachers' association. me Alia i neaire i Strength comes from well digested and thoroughly assimilated food. Hood's Sarsaparilla tones the diges tive organs, and thus builds up tho strength. It you are getting "run down," begin taking Hood's at once It gives nerve, mental and digestive strength. Adv. Motion Picture News What the Picture Theaters Have to Tell Yon. PASTIME SHOW I M, CHARLIE CHAPLIN IN CARMEN TODAY franc Wilbur In "The Love Liar,' Tomorrow. "The Love Liar," a five act Mutual Masterpicture, DeLuxe Edition, at the Pastime tomorrow, is the biggest pro duction coming to date from the Da vid Horaley studios. An idea of its sumptuousness may readily be glean ed from the information that the set tings used In this picture required ten weeks' time to build. Representations are made of the richly furnished liomes of the ultra-wealthy and of the fashionable resorts they frequent, lending a fine background to the nar ration of the drama. Tuesday and Wednesday Metro Pictures Corp'n. Presents THE BRILLIANT STAGE STAR Mabel Taliaferro in HER GREAT PRICE TODAY MARIE DORO "DIPLOMACY : COMING TUESDAY TWO BIG VAUDEVILLE ACTS. TODAY MUSICAL ROBERTS and HARRISON the Dark Town rWl The COSY TODAY The Dare Devil of War ft A thrilling photo-spectacle portraying the most marvelous military feats of modern times. "FOR THE LOVE OF MIKE AND ROSIE," L-KO. Comedies. TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY MARY FULLER in an emotional drama, "THROWN TO THE LIONS" Depicting a young girl's peril on the Great White Way. ESTELLE BUSS, SOPRANO SOLOIST. THE NE'ER-DO-WELL" A !s1Ik Screen Version of RCx Peach's Most Famous Story. This great photodrama is consider ed the worthy successor of "The Spoilers." Both stories were written by Rex Beach, and both have the same filmed by the Selig Company. "The Ne'er-Do-Weil," written by the same author, produced by the same direc tor, and enacted by the same star. that appeared m "The Spoilers," makes the production extraordinary in ever; detail. "The Ne'er-Do-Well" does not contain a dull moment. There are hand-to-hand conflicts, a great fire, beautiful tropical scenery, and the odd nooks and corners of old Panama are depicted. An all-stai cast, including Kathlyn Williams and Wheeler Oakman, together with gen uine Panama atmosphere, combine to make "The Ne'er-Do-Well" one ol the greatest film dramas ever pre sented. Wednesday and Thursday at the Temple. PILLS BEST FOR LIVER, Because they contain the best liver medicines, no matter now bitter or nauseating for the sweet sugar coat ing hides the taste. Dr. King's New Life Pills contain ingredients that put the liver working, move the bowels freely. No gripe, no nausea, aid di gestion. Just try a bottle of Dr. King's New Life Pills and notice how much better you feel. 25c at your druggist. Adv. LOCALS 8b Advertising in Brief RATES. Per line first insertion 10e Her line, additional Insertion 5c Per line, per month $1.00 No locals taken for less thin 25c. Count 6 ordinary words to line. Locals will not be taken over the telephone except from Bast Oregon tun paid-up subscribers. City pound Phone 438. Chas. Myers, paper hanger and painter. Phone 636 J. For sale Set of Ivory bedroom fur niture, new. Box 771, Pendleton. For rent Six room house. Inquire SOS K. Railroad. For tree spraying, phone I. C Sny ier Lace curtains laundered. Phone MIX, Bundle wheat hay for sale. Wm Kupers. city. For saleWhite Frost refrigerator Phone 110. Good building lot for sale on West Webb street. Telephone 624. Penland Bros.' transfer Co. havi rnrage warehouse. Phone Stl. For sale Hold gas harvester, 16 foot cut. Phone 2F11. I haul your garbage and trash Phone 553M. 103 W. Railroad st Ulrl wants work of any kind. Ad dress "A" this office For rent Furnished rooms for light housekeeping or lodging. Brown Hall. Phone 350. Suits pressed 50c; dry cleaned, 11.60. Rudd. 310 W. Webb. Phone 686. Few head of heavy work horses for sale. Phone 8F12, or write Route 1. Box 44. For rent Office room in Judd building. Apply F. E. Judd, American National Bank. For rent Nicely furnished house keeping rooms. 114 Stonewall Jack son. For sale, reasonable Horse, wagon and harness. Inquire Telephone Sta bles. For sale Blewett combined har vester; 12 foot cut; almost good as new . Only 3500. E. L. Smith A Co. Prompt automobile taxi service, day or night. Funerals to cemeterj only 33.60. Phone 680. Hotel St, George. Carney Taxi Co. We handle Alberta and Montana lands on easy terms. Pendleton Ex change, Room 2, over Taylor Hard ware Store. Wanted Position as cook on ranch, references Inquire M this office. For rent Light housekeeping rooms, 726 Johnson street. Lost Gold Brooch, set with bril liants. Finder please return to Apt 12. Association Building. $800 automobile for sale at a snap Can be converted Into auto truck or delivery car at very small cost. Car in first class condition. See Raj Crystal, Grovery department. Peoples Warehouse. Thoroughbred Poland China seed hogs for sale at the Commercial Feed Yard. R. H. Barr, owner. For sale A few nead full blood Shropshire sheep. Jas. Porter. Phone; 241R. For sale 25 head of milch cows, $30 and up. One V. S. cream separ ator, good as new. for half price. T . J. Cheney at ranch on McKay creek, I or address Pendleton, Ore. Mattresses made over, furniture re pairing, upholstering Calls city or country. La Dow Bros... 219 Beaure gard Phone 227J. Rooming house for sale. Mais I street, in center of business district. Doing good business. Inquire of Pen-1 land Bros. intiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiMiiuiiiiniiiiMiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiticiiiatnM ! SPECIAL I TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY SPECIAL PRICE OFFERINGS ON HIGH-GRADE I SILVER PLATED WARE IN TABLE SERVICE. KNIVES, 1 FORKS, SPOONS AND FANCY PIECES IN FLAT I WARE. ALSO A FEW PIECES OF SERVICEABLE I 1 HOLLOW-WARE. DIAMOND SPECIALS ALL THIS WEEK. A. L. Schaefer JEWELER. SuiiiiruiMiiimtiii miiimmiiiiiiiimii iniiwiiiiiiiwiiiimtittiiiitiwniiiil For Rent. Sheep ranch and range for 8001 sheep: meadow cutttng 360 tons clov er hay; water controlling spring summer and fall range, with good winter range. Will rent for term ol i years. $2000 per year. Address, mal or wire, Mary L. Hill. Denlo, Ore gon, via Winnemucca, Nevada. Adv IUDAY! TODAY! COME ON GET THE HAPPINESS HABIT DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS Farmers Take Notice. All kinds of well drilling done at a reasonable price. Work guaranteed Deep or shallow wells. Eight years' experience. We move anywhere. It will pay to write or consult me. Chaa E. Lewis, Stanfleld, Oregon. Box 163 Adv. soda Fountain for Sale. See John Butler, Pastime Parlors.-Adv. pioneer's picnic at Weston. Twenty-fourth annual reunion Uma tilla County Pioneers at Weston, Ore.. June 2nd, 3rd. "ft Habit of Happiness" Will Show You How. This is positively the most unique, worth-while comedy drama ever fimeld. Hundreds got it last night watching the clever inimitable Douglas Fairbanks put life, energy, enthusiasm into the "down and outers" of New York. It's a wonderful system, told in a wonderful way you'll feel better for seeing it. KEYSTONE COMEDY, "A BATHHOUSE BLUNDER." TEMPLE