EIGHT PAGES VOTE YES FOR DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 15, 1916 GOOD 0 BONDS WHY? BECAUSE Every Voter In Pendleton Should Vote Yes THE SYSTEM OF ROADS PROPOSED BY THE BOND ISSUE ALL CENTER IN PENDLETON. THERE IS $140,000 FOR A ROAD FROM PILOT ROCK TO PENDLETON; $140,000 FOR A ROAD FROM HELIX TO PENDLETON; $300,000 TO HARD SURFACE THE MACADAM ROAD FROM THE STATE LINE THROUGH FREEWATER, MILTON, WESTON, ATHENA AND ADAMS TO PENDLETON; $300,000 FOR A HARD SURFACED ROAD TO THE COLUMBIA RIVER AND UMATILLIA THROUGH HERMISTON, STAN FIELD AND ECHO TO PENDLETON. PEN DLETON IS THE HUB. EVERY VOTER IN PILOT ROCK SHOULD VOTE YES BECAUSE it connects Pilot Rock, the growing cen ter of the south end of the county with the County Seat. The plan voted on appropriates $140,000 for a hard surfaced road between Pilot Rock and Pendleton. EVERY VOTER IN HELIX SHOULD VOTE YES, BECAUSE it connects Helix, the great industrial cen ter of the north end of the county with the County Seat. Under the bonds $140,000 is appropriated for building a hard surfaced road commencing at Helix and running to Pendleton. EVERY VOTER IN THE EAST END OF THE COUNTY SHOULD VOTE YES, BECAUSE it gives them a hard surfaced road di rectly through the industrial centers, puts them on the direct line of the great transcontinental high ways, insures the permanancy of their macadam road which must be hard surfaced to save it and re duces their taxes. EVERY LABORING MAN SHOULD VOTE YES, BECAUSE it means that $800,000 will be spent for labor in Umatilla county if the bond issue carries. EVERY VOTER IN THE WEST END OF THE COUNTY SHOULD VOTE YES, BECAUSE it gives them hard surfaced roads to the Columbia river and to the County Seat and insures the reduction of freight rates and the rapid develop ment of their undeveloped resources. EVERY VOTER IN UMATILLA COUNTY SHOULD VOTE YES, BECAUSE Barrett, Harrah, Vert et al, are going to vote NO. Are they running this county? (Paid Advertisement) Active Umatilla County Good Roads Ass n. W. C. E. PRUITT, Secretary. AH INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. foNtobai Bally and Semi Weekly at on, 07 in PUBLISHING diet on. Oregon, bj tb Pat CO. Official County Paper. er United Preaa Association at tne poatoiflce at Pendleton, 111 ilia, aa second-class null matter. Imperial BALE IN OTHER CITIES. Hotel Newa Stand, roraana. Newt Co., Portland, Oregon. ON FILB AT Bureau, 90 Security Building. D. c.. Bureau avi, tour- Street, N. W. Chicago Bo Washington, SUBSCRIPTION RATES. (IN ADVANCE) Dally, one year, by malL.-.- - J Uallw. six month, by mall - --u Daily, three month, by mall Dell, ana l mil an aar. br carrier.. Dally, atz month, by carrier Dally, aaa month, by carrier - 1.25 7.441 3.75 .64 son relating to submarine war fare the German government said: "In accordance with the general principles of search and destruction of merchant vessels, as recognized by in ternational law, such vessels both within and without the area declared a war zone (the waters around the British Isles) shall not be sunk with out warning and without sav ing human lives, unless ships attempt to escape or to offer resistance." That is exactly what this government desired from Ger many. It is true the kaiser qualified his promise by mak ing it contingent in a measure upon our calling Great Britain to time for violation of inter- On that basis democrats might well work for the nomination of Mr. Moores. However, there is something in this world besides partisan ship, particularly when that partisanship is of a narrow va riety. There is such a thing as political justice and such a thing as the desirability of ef ficient men in office. On this score Mr. Olcott is logically en titled to a renomination. He has been very efficient and clear headed. His opponents make no denial of these facts. The fight against him is en tirely on factional grounds. He has been too independent mind ed to suit the machine. Republican voters will not go wrong if they ignore advice from standnat Doliticians in Our government both parties and renominate a t n-vi. ,, Mr a mall. 1.50 i uu.il.' mi month, by mall 75 i nnrinnal law el-Weekly, fonr month, by mai. . . infnrm(,A Hprmanv this man who has a record that mer three awn ins, uy nnv. - mn m v ... cnnnfn- wmilH nrcpnt no such 1 its annroval. i qualifications. The statement! '" as the old man said. ! was evidently received at Ber-jTHE RICHEST TREASURE Daily. 1 hn in a friendly spirit and the - f K,om nut tVio thonrv the The old man would say, when ? . . V Vf he heard us making' German reference to English ALA moan violations was possibly for JH1 In the spring-by the dreamy hcme consurnp1 folk dealred: . , the old soring fever what Al an rate was bred in tne oune TRAIN the HENRI MARCEL, French D i r ector General of Nation- p,. 'al Museums, has just reported tjennaii!. ... . , , -i t to me government ueiann ui each car. The train, says the report, carried over $200,000, 000 worth of treasures. Arrived at Toulouse, the most serious operation, that of unpacking, was successfully undertaken in the presence of the entire Louvre board; and each item was checked in after thorough examination. Not one picture suffered on the way or in packing and unpack ing; and all are stored in an "indestructible" build ing, which has been tested as to dryness; in fact, is under con tinual surveillance, so that harm cannot come to the pic tures or tapestries. They are not now on exhi bition, but only stored for safe- j -m a- -a m i im . ii a iy. al. iviarcei minKS mat ii would be quite safe to take' them back to Paris now, "as they will never be disturbed there now." Gen. Galieni, however, the military comman der of Paris, has refused per mission to bring them back be fore the end of the war. The works of sculpture and Sundays and Mondays. But the military authorities have insisted on getting ready places of safety even for the remaining art stores, which can be removed in a few hours should it become necessary. St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Senator Cummins seems to be overlooking Umatilla coun ty in his canvass of the state. The army bill agreed upon is as strong as congress may go without calling for compulsory service. Of the folk that were tired! ill burn "But 1 haven't any doubt Kf you'll sorter stir about An hit eome licks for llvln'. Tou'U be sweatln' t It out!" II. ' Cc A if 1 ia promise is in enjct " " .' ;the transfer to Toulouse of the ooservea in guuu i.u. I Ert treasures of the Paris Lou be well, a reassuring icaiuic, is the final acknowledgement bv Germany of having sunk Business is so good with most people there is little time for primary politics. Congratulations for our high school track team. . Some roads would be better if not "worked." taxes. Get the statement and figure It out for yourselves. Ask any bank et if theae figures are not absolutely correct In fact It will decrease tax-t es. As the valuation of the county Increases due to the development which must follow such an extensive public improvement the rate will de crease. Figure that out for your self. Here, ' you taxpayer! You have heard the call of your bull moosers, Barrett, Harrah. Vert, et al, now lis ten to this. You are spending this year $138,000 In road taxes on the present roads and what do you get for It? You get nothing but the op portunity to spend the same amount of money on the same work again next year. If you could spend this same amount nf money in making permanent roads this year and then next year put that money into making other permanent roads wouldn't you consider that good business That Is Just exactly what the bond Issue of fers. A permanent road with no fur ther expense for maintenance. Now la the Ideal time to float a Two Divorce Granted. Two divorces were granted Satur day afternoon by Judge Phelps. Thev minor pictures have not been j were given In the cases of Alton Boat j j, i . . j wick vs. Julia Bostwlck and of Flosal removed from the Louvre ; and, ( (.of). v, Jeg8le Goff The CM0 since March 1 the gallery is brought by Jesse doff against Flossie open to the public daily exceptrjoff was dismissed. lond Issue. The European war has turned the tide of money to the Uni ted States. The money centers are bursting with wealth. There Is a wild hunt for good Investments. Local bankers arc confident that If the bond Issue carries the bond can be sold for 4 per cent. That la 4 per cent Inter est where ordinarily you pay per cent. That one item alone la a saving to Umatilla county of practically half the amount which is now being wast ed on the roads every year. This cry of bonds being a mortgage on your home Is old Populist atuff. The people are more intelligent today and understand such things better. Would you people of Pendleton want your paved streets torn up, your water system discarded so you would be compelled to drink out of the creek, your school houses torn down and old shacks substituted simply be cause you had to make these improve ments through the Issuing of bonds? Who put that caster oil in Santa Claus' chowder? Adv. vre. The occasion of the report nrAwn rw.v.nLi r iimMtl Vl 1 comil the Sussex and the statement i paintingSi The old man would say: "When the road looks mlgnty long When ambition not a one o ou has fired. It's the old spring fever what baa got you, good an' atrong, You're the folks that were sure born tired: But ef you'd sorted riae. With the fire in yer eyes. You'd read yer shiny titlea To the world an' to the akles.' frank L. Stanton that the submarine commander has been punished for his act and for having misrepresented the facts to his government. POLITICS VS. MERIT FAVORABLE SITUATION ama .. U ; ammiuuirila 'nomination of Mr. Moores by i sudden shocks. mm uj i ri i nimv ri 1 - - - ,-a , ill i tO . j... . Axr rmt there ; the reoublicans. He is of tne uu ot tne most vaiuame paint- arp .,MnK the bond issue, if they , r-.r. ..ntimism in the I old guard contingent and noth-Ungs, with an even number of had their sweet way about it a law nM,m 10f OP"""' ' eAtirlnelv. t rlpmn. ! 1ah value, were taken to a would be passed prohibiting anv one present state Ol all airs oeiwceu - ---- ---- else from making money but them- aC t.:.j c .nH c.er-: cratic success in Oregon than special tram in the Midi sta- to have the old guard tnum-! tion ; the cars were padded pliant in the opposition party, thickly; two guards were in Bom of these good men wite rcj U P P O R T E R S of Mr. Moores for secretary of state are making active use of democratic aid, quoting freely from some democratic newspapers and democratic warhorses in opposition to Mr. Olcott and favorable to Mr. Moores. It is probable that from a strictly partisan viewpoint the democratic party in Oregon would be benefitted by the All the Indians ,,n the reservation are going to vote against the bond Is sue because It doesn't provide private roads for them. had been scratched or other wise damaged. M. Marcel relates how he had opposed the government's order to remove the treasures at the time of Von Kluck's drive to within 20 miles from Why can,t ,.matma f,ollnty lw fans; and now ne imaiiy COIl- progressive and np-to-the-tlmes at Sented to pack them, as Well any other county in the United States'; as the famous tapestries of ft i the richesi community in the Reims, Chantilly and Compie- w"r,d ?ne- still the mall order houses are Each painting was wrapped' rushed with orders from the bond ip in OVen-dlied Wax paper, With ' posers for speakers. It them come. a layer of cotton over it back The mor of ,nat klnd of' dope t1hV J t f. il Vww.u 18 Pdled t "ere the better It Is oiiu iiuai, " V.I 'or the bonds. made with copper spirals GOOD ROADS NEWS Edited by W. C. E. Pruitt, Acting Secretary of the Active Umatilla County Good Roads Association. Contri butions cheerfully solicited. holding the frames in position, and protecting them against And finally Bave you ever noticed that the man who squeezes the pennies until the In dian grunts can never see anything bigger than a penny? All these men the United States and m.nv. In reply to the vigor ous note from President Wil- opposing the bond Issue are making the astonishing assertion that the man who doesn't pay taxes, that Is whose name Is not down on the tax roll for a seqflon or two nf land or a as! thousand or two dollars nf taxable property, should not be allowed to vote. What do you think of that? One of the first questions asked by Intending settlers of any state or county is as to the character of roads that prevail there. This Is among the most important things that help to decide the question of whether or not the settler will choose that district for his permanent residence. Say, now. you People of Pendleton, to get right down to brass tacks on this bond Issue what does It mean to on and the community? Here Is a road from every section of the county leading Into Pendleton, a hard sur fnced road that Is open to traffic every day In, the year. Whnt Is the Hnswer? The bond Issue will not Increase mm