mem pages DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 15, 1916. PAGE THREE Downey's Met and U. 8. Inspected Meats Always Leads Call 188 or 187 For Service GROCERY DEPARTMENT PHONE 688 Cascade Butter 30c lb. C))f MlraHlp uUDoggrr MONDAY, MAY 15, 1918. ( iik'lufiH and Chickens. W W. Harrab took out a building permit 'aft week to erect a "bunga- I low for Wyandotte chickens " Re corder Fltz GeaUd thought he said for "wine diet chickens" and asked If he wan going to build a road house. Jim Is same Load. While we were grieved to learn that Jim ICyie of Stanfield was Injured when an auto in which he was riding turned over and spilled him out, we were not inclined to put much blame upon the auto. There is a lim it even to a Word's endurance. Willi a Mean-. Halph Folsom is running for cor oner and that was what led to the in quiry. Whut business Is he In?" said a stranger to Doc Keber. He follows the medical profes sion," answered the doc. "Why. I heard that he was an un dertaker," said the first. ' So he is," said doc. K Muribus Urnom. Editor Bulldogger: I hear that the Four Hundred ",! began to figure .in saving the price of a few yards of cloth on each skirt that he had to pay for, but what ht saved there went for extra leather on the shoes. There has long been such an attachment between the hem of milady's skirt and the top of her boot that they can't bear to be far separ ated. So when the nem retreats up ward, the boot top goes in pursuit, and, Inasmuch us leather costs more than cloth, we trust neither will seek much higher altitudes. (Note. Though we are strictly neutral In the English-Irish contro versy, the following poem, submitted by a subscriber who, we have strong suspicions, has kissed the blarney stone, is toq much of, a gem to be al lowed to perish through failure to be printed. Therefore, we wish to pre sent it along with a disavowal of all responsibility. Editor. ) Here's to sweet Ireland, the land of my birth, The land of the shamrock, the best land on earth. The Irish were Irish, when England wasn t much, They still will be Irish, when Eng land talks Dutch RECONSTRUCTION OF . Mills are being refitted with mod- h SERBIA IS UNDER WAY 6rn machinery, expert engineer have assumed management of the mines (By United Press.) I and every effort Is being made to find ATHENS, May 16-Oermany has worken, , Doth from ,ne begun reconstructing Serbia. Austria-1 Hungary has charge of the work, but u,ttt,on at the top Germans are directing it. A similar policy is being adopted In ' If the people will agree to become j Montenegro. At the same time these Germans insofar as It is possible to ; industrial and agricultural improve make them over a point has now i ments are in progress, both countries been reuched where the conquerors, are being turned Into huge fortifies -ure evidently disposed to treat them,l'onl- humansly. Schools are also being opened. In Men are being Invited to return to Belgrade two are running, with a to thelr homes on condition that they tal attendance of about 3000. In cultivaee the land in the Austro-Ger- struction, however, Is solely in Ger mans' interests. Russian prisoners man. Serbian children are compelled are even being loaned to them to help to learn it, whether they wish to or with farm work. I not. Pendleton has now been reduced to The downfall of England as all mer. can see, Is coming so swiftly that all men will be free. For England next summer will walk with a crutch, Surrounded by Irish and all speaking Dutch. Thlrtv-Two. I can't help but take consolation out of the fact that, if they keep on with the process ol elimination, us common herd will soon begin to cut some mustard in the community through sheer numerical strength. Yours proletarlatly, (INK OF THE SUBMERGED. The Three Great Crimes. In prefacing his remarks from the THE ACHES OF HOUSE CLEANING The pain and soreness caused by bruises, over-exertion and straining during house cleaning time are sooth- pulpit of the Methodist church :is'. ea away by Sloans Liniment. No evening. Claude Penland said, "There i need to suffer this agony. Just apply are three things which I have always ; Sloan's Liniment to the sore spots, sworn I would never do. First, Ijrub only a little In a short time the have said that I would never be a Pain leaves, you rest comfortably an 1 councilman, second, I have said that, enjoy a refreshing sleep. One grate I would never make a speech and j ful user writes: ".Sloan's Liniment is third that I would never get drunk. worth its weight in gold." Keep a I am on the council. I am trying toj bottle on hand, use it against all sore muke a speech, and, as 'or the other. : ness, neuralgia and Cruises. Kills I feel myself slipping" Didn't Expect To Live In a letter to the IMiius laboratories. Mr. ;. (. Walker, of Wal ker, l-aiir County, Oregon, writes: "I have been tuklng Frultola and it has been a great relief I suffered ho with Kull-stones m family and friends didn't expect me to live." I ru I tola is a iiowerful iuuwtinal lubricant and softens the hard ened particles that cause ho much suffering, expeUliur the congested waste In an easy, natural manner, to the sufferer's great relief. A nt to clearly Indicate Its efficacy. T" single dose is usually sufflHe build up and restore the weakened, run-down system, Traxo Is high ly recommended as a tonic-alterative that acts on the liver and kid ncyti. stimulates Uie flow or gastric Juior to aid digestion and re niovrw Wle from the general circulation. Frultola and Traxo are prepared in the llnus laboratories nt Montlccllo, 111., and arrangcniciitN have been made to suoply tlH-ni through representative druggists. In IVndlctoii they can Ik- ob tained at Tnlliiiaii A Company. 828 Main St. Some Ration. At the recent eighth grade exam inations In this county, one of the questions asked was as follows "What is an Ideal ration for a dairy cow?" The examiners In correcting the pa pers, found the following answer by one boy; "An ideal ration for a dairy cow is it should have a large udder, it should extend well towards the back and front, it should have a friendly look in its face, it's hip bones should not extend out too far. None (.! But the Natives. Another question asked In the 8th, grade exams was the following In ths department of civics: "How to make a good American citizen out of foreign children?" Answered one patriotic young soul: "A good American citizen had ought to be borned in the United States. If they arnt It takes them several years before they can be naturalized." The High Cost of Brewing. There is certainly a law of balance in all things, even in dress. When short skirts came In vogue mere man pain. 25e at your druggist. Adv. HARD TIMES DANCE AT MEACHAM ATTENDED BY MANY Pemeco Meats Prepared In Pendleton We will buy your eggs, chicken and veal CENTRAL MARKET Phone 6ft 108 E. AIM s UMMER TOURS SEASON BEGINS JUNE FIRST Low Round-Trip Fares via UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM to Eastern Cities. Chicago S 72.50 St. Louis ...I 71.90 New Tork ...110.70 Cincinnati .. 80.50 Koston 110.00 Washington 108.50 Omaha 860.00 Kansas City 80.00 Detroit 88.50 THROUGH SERVICE to Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, Chicago Direct connections for Atlantic Coast Points First-Class Limited Trains Automatic Signal Protection. T. F. O'BRIEN, Agent R. BURNS District Freight & Passenger Agent Walla Walla. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature How to Destroy Catarrh Germs and End Catarrh Forever Catarrh Is a germ disease and the only way to cure it so It will stay cured and never come back is to kill and drive out of your system the ca tarrhal germs which have found lodg ment there. When the germs go the tatarrh will stop. The trouble with most treatments, like sprays, salves, creams, greasy balms, lotions, etc, Is that they give only temporary relief by opening up for a while the clog ged head, throat and nostrils. In a little time the Catarrh comes back as bad as ever. People who suffer continually from cutarrh should drop such temporary make shifts and get something that really gets at the root of the disease and stamps It out. There is nothing better for such cases than breathln,; into your nose and lungs the pleasant, soothing, healing, germ destroying air Of Hyomel (pronounced High-o-me) made from the purest oil of Eucalyp tus and combined with other powerful healing, antiseptic and germ destroy ing ingredients. Hyomel penetrates and heals the Inflamed, swollen mem branes of your nose and throat, stops discharges, clears the passages and completely overcomes the disease by destroying Its cause. For catarrh germs cannot live In your body after Hyomel reaches them. Tallman & Co. ahd many other good druggists in Pendleton and vicinity nave long sold ByoiUel on a positive guarantee oi successful results or money buck anO find this generous policy pays Most druggists are now giving a pocket In haler made from hard rubber with every complete treatment sold. This makes u very simple, easy and con venient as well as a thoroughly reli able means of treating by the best known method this dangerous and often disgusting disease. It IMiEK HAVE DIFFICULT TIME IN DECIDING WHOSE COS TUME IS BEST. (East Oregonian Special ) MEACHAM. Ore., May 16 The hard times dance Saturday night was greaUy enjoyed by all, though the crowd was smaller than usual. The three Judges had some deciding on hand to pick out the persons repre senting real hard times. Mr. and Mrs. Clint Davis were finally chosen and each given a 50 cent piece as prize. It surely was worth 50 cents to patch up the costumes they had. At midnight the hard times seemed to float away by the many good cakes and sand wiches which were served. Among the outside attendance were Mr and Mrs. J. Birnie, L Tip ton, and Mr. Savage or Kamela, and Messrs. John McLaughlin. Martin T. McLaughlin and John Bryson of Dun can. Another dance was announced for May 27. Mrs. W. Chelf and daughter, Grace, came up from Huron on Saturday to attend the dunre. Mrs. Chelf return ed to pack their household goods, as they have decided to reside here per manently. Mrs. T. C. La wry and son Billy, re turned to their home at The Dalles on Sunday, having been here for sev eral weeks attending -her mother, Mrs. Geo. Hilyard, who was lately laid at rest. J. D. Casey took his daughter, Miss Jenny Casey to La Orande on Thurs day night to receive treatment for pleurisy at the hospital there. Mr. and Mrs. R. Wllklson left on No. 18 Friday night to spend the week-end at La Grande. Mrs. Frank Hanlen came down on Saturday from Kamela to spend the day with her mother. Mrs. J. Baker lXXTtol Husband Sues. Alleging that his wife. Bernice, de serted him at Ontario in October, 1911, and is now living at Boise. How ard G. Purkhiser has brought suit for divorce in the local court through his attorney, will M. Peterson. Smjthos sue Indian. The firm of Smythe Bros. has brought suit against Tom Shelal, well known Indian, for the recovery of gelding or its money equivalent. 100, and j:". damages, c. H. Carter Is at torney for plaintiffs. "Be Kind to Animals" Week. The 21st of this month has been chosen by the American Humane As sociation for Humane Sunday and the week preceding "Be kind to animals week." Anyone interested In thl great work of helping the down trod den and oppressed aud teaching kind ness and consideration towards dumb creation will find helpful suggestion-! in leaflets of printed matter alonj; that line which will be gladly given upon request by the following ladles: Mrs. A. J. McAllister, Mrs. James Fee, Mrs. a H. Clarke, Mrs Thomas Boylen, Mrs. F. W. Vincent. (Signed.) AMERICAN HUMANE ASS N TUESDAY and every other day of the week you can buy your ever-day needs for less at the Popular Cash Store Every day new customers are coming to this thriv ing fast growing department store. WHY? Just Come and See Why ill LADES IT- EVERY ONE THIS SEASON'S BEST STYLE; NO FREAKS 15 EVERY SUIT OF FERED IS WORTH MORE THAN PRICE ASKED DON'T DELAY. Me Skirts (1.69 to $1.98 Spring Ms (7.45 to (15.00 W. B. tats 90c to (3.50 House Dresses 79c to (2.19 SUMMER WAISTS Beautiful showing of White Lingerie Waists, long, short and half sleeves. P. C. S. Price 49 , 69. 98, f 1.19. $1.25 to $1.59. Pretty Silk Waists in crepe de chine, pussy willow silk, tub silk, Jap silk, etc. P. C. S. Price $1.98, $2.25, $2.98 and $3.25. JUST RECEIVED Shipment of shoes in the white canvas 1 -strap pump for ladies ; also the white canvas with rubber sole for misses' and the patent Mary Jane white sole and white bow trim; also complete line of Barefoot Sandals. NEW MIDDIE BLOUSES 35 to $1.98 SUMMER WASH MATERIALS These lines consist of many artistic designs and patterns. The colorings are very attractive and daintily shaded. The materials are, Rice Cloth, Voiles, Ba tistes, Linens, Lawns, Suede Voiles, etc. The yard 5. 11. 12, 15 18 and 20. TOWELS AND TOWELING Turkish Towels, Huck Towels, Linen Towels, in fact, most anything in towels you may desire. We have them at a big saving to you. Each, 8V4. 15 25. 33 45 and $ l.OO. Toweling by the yard, comes in Linen, Crash, Huck, etc. Yard 8, 9 10. lit, 12. to 50. WHITE WASH MATERIALS For those White Skirts, Middies, Dresses and Waists, we are showing a very complete assortment of white ma terials, such as Middie Cloth, Galatea, Palm Beach Cloth, Flaxons, India Lin ons, Handkerchief Linen, Long Cloth, etc. The yard, ll. 13 18 20. 23 33t to ?1.00. SHEETS AND PILLOW CASES These are two items that every wo man is interested in and always wants to have the best quality obtainable. We are able to please you. Sheets, full sizes 79 and 98 Pillow Slips, each 10. 12 23. 35 FANCY SILKS 59c, 69c, 70c, 89c to $1.19 YD. SILK POPLIN, 36-IN WIDE, YARD 89c SHEETING, TUBING AND MUSLINS King Muslin, yard 7 Lonsdale Muslin, per yard 12 Unbleached Muslin, 4, 5, 6. 7, 81s, 10 yard. 9-4 Pequot Sheeting, per yard 25 9- 4 Aura Sheeting, per yaxd 25 8- 4 Aura Sheeting, per yard 23 10- 4 Aura Sheeting, per yard 27 9- 4 Aura Unbleached Sheeting, yd. 23 45 inch Tubing, per yard 20 42 inch Tubing, per yard 18 Frost Muslin, per yard 0 NOTIONS, ETC. Good Quality. Pins 4 Safety Pins 4 Wire Hair Pins, package 1 Invisible Hair Pins 5 Darning Cotton 4 Talcum Powder, can 9 Hooks and Eyes, card 5 Extra Quality Thimble 5 Tape Measures 5 Dressing Combs 23 Hair Brushes 33 Skirt Markers 13 Hose Darners 13 Wash Cloths 5 Crochet Hooks 5 MUSLIN WEAR In this line you will find most every desired garment, all made from select materials, beautifully made and dain tily trimmed. Muslin and Crepe Gowns at 49, 69. 79. 98. to 91.39. Princess Slips, Drawers, Knvelope Chemise, Skirts, Corset Covers, etc. REMEMBER POPULAR CASH STORE PRICES ARE LESS. Popular Cash Store WHERE IT PAYS YOU TO PAY CASH.