TEN PAGES 70 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1916. r New Spdrt Skirts Just Received Most attractive models, pretty for wear with white waists, are made ot mannish worsteds in large checks and stripes. The styles are on neat full flare lines with novel effects in belts and pockets. AH are moderately priced at $5.75 to $7.50. DASHING STYLES IN PETTICOATS. New effects in checks, plaids, stripes and changeable effect in green, blue, lavender, black and white and other combinations in taffeta of unusual quality and priced at $3.95. $5.75, and $7.50. mti Copyright Hart Scbaf f ncr l Marx Live Attractive Styles in the new "Sport" Suit, A Varsity Fifty Five Every- young man should see Hart, Schaffner & Marx newest sensation. A belt-back varsity Fifty-Five called the "sport" suit; one of the smartest fashions of the sea son ; the number of style variations afford a wide lattitude of choice. We've gathered a most exquisite assortment of solid colors and rich looking Scotches in grey and tan which are particularly adaptable in the "sport" styles and which will appeal promptly to the young men's tastes. $20.00 to $25.00 New White Boots Our stock of white shoes is the most complete in Pen dleton. Our 9 inch whit.; lace boot is one of the smartest you'll see. Fine kid, genu ine welt sole, latest style heel and toe, priced at $7.00 White buck with white soles and rubber heels, made in the New England last, lace, comes in all widths and sizes. Our price only $3.50 These and many other styles go to make up a most attractive showing of the season's newest styles. A correct fit guaranteed. Ash to see our "Ground Grippers." In our second floor Drapery Department we have the best 25c Curtain Scrim in the city. Full 36-in. wide and comes in cream, ecru and white. If you need one or two rooms freshened up for Summer, you couldn't find a more attractive, less expensive wayto do it than to put new curtains. We also have a full line of better scrims, nets, madras and muslins in all prices from 35 to $1.25 per yard. WHITE WAISTING A big assortment of White Waisting you'll find especially for Summer wear. Finest quality voile, madras, organdie, lace cloth, seed voile, lyklinen. These are shown in plain and embroidered de signs. The yard 25 to $2.00 DEVONSHIRE CLOTH One of the very best wash cloths that is made. Especially constructed for wear, such as house dresses, men's shirts, rompers and the like ; 32 inches wide, fast colors, shown in stripe, check and plain colors. The yard 20 TAFFETA SILK for suits. "Dame Fashion" has decreed silk suits to be more popular than ever this season. A wonder ful showing of taffeta silks in all shades ; 36 inches wide; best in quality and finish. The yard $1.25 to $2.50. COLORED CORDUROY Showing of a line of shades in colored corduroy, for "Sport Wear," 27 inches wide, colors of emerald, yellow, white, sand, rose, brown, Copenhagen, etc. The yard $1.25 T.P.W.Pure Food Shop 3 Phones 18. Cleanliness Economy Service Let us pack that picnic lunch. Cooked Meats and Delicatessen Goods in the wildest varie ties. Lunch Sets, consisting of dishes, napkins, plates etc. Set 15 and 25f T. P. W. Coffees No better coffees and no coffees better. Order a pound today. Strawberries, Fresh Vegetables and Fruits, fresh by express for Saturday's shoppers. Sunkist Oranges and Lemons, extra select or anges, dozen 50 and 60 Lemons, extra select, dozen 35 Home Grown Asparagus, pound 10 Crockery Department in Pure Food Basement. New Candies, Crackers and Cookies today. Jellies and Jams, jar lOf Milk Fed Chickens for Saturday. Phone your orders. T. P. W. Special Teas, good to the last leaf, the pound 60 and 75? The Peoples Warehouse Where It Pays To Trade ivswranKiMifliaii The picnic held yesterday evening by the German student of the high school proved to be one of the best social events of the school held for some time. Accompanied by Miss Slater, Miss Linsie, Miss Graves and Miss Bonney the students went by au to to McKay creek where games were played, after which refreshments were served. About thirty of the students and their friends made up the party. Mrs. a. Teyeson yesterday gave a farewell party in honor of her sister- in-law. Mrs. Sylvya Omlld, who sails for Norway June i to visit her aged mother and other relatives. The aft ernoon was pleasantly spent in a so cial way. Several beautiful vocal and piano solos were rendered. Those present were Mrs. S. Omlld, Mrs. O. Jensen. Mrs. L. Barrett, Mrs. J. Rust. Mrs. C. Carlson, Mrs R. B. Snyder, Mrs. C. Williamson. Miss Anderson, Mrs. K. Newtson, Mrs. Enoch Pear son and Mrs. Carl Swanson. A three course dinner was served. Superintendent ami .Mrs. .. V. Hampton left this morning for Ha ; ker, accompanyhiK the high school ! track team to the annual Eastern I Oregon meet. The dance given last evening In ; the Eagle-Woodman hull tor the ben efit of Pendleton's campaign to elect a queen of the Bose Festival proved very successful despite the short no tice upon which it was given and conflicting entertainments, it prov ed very enjoyable, too. being strictly Informal. Music was furnished by the United Orchestra. Bo successful was the dunce that the committee in charge decided to hold another sim ilar one next Thursday as a finish ing event for the campaign. 1 W l 1-A.i,lu lot .i'.nlii. rtn. I ... in. ... i . . . n tertained at un Informal dancing I'artv at her home In honor of Miss ! Eunice Vogel who Is visiting hero. Mrs. Temple has Invitations out for another party next Wednesduy night Mrs. Walter Cresawelt assisted Mrs Temple last evening. A very beautiful afternoon party as given yesterday at the Adams country home near Adams at which Mrs. John Adams. Mrs. J. Koy Raley, Mrs. Sam R, Thompson and Mrs. Georee A. Hnrtman were hostesses. The guests, most of whom were from this city, motored out early In the af ternoon. Yellow lupin gave a very springlike setting to the rooms. Nine tables iduved at bridge during the afternoon, honors being won by Mrs. C, F. Colesworthy and Miss BOPBiS Howler, Dainty refreshments were served at the end of the play. The same ladies are giving a second party tlrs afternoon. I Mrs. Walter Minnies left this morning for her home at Walla Walla Sfter a several days' visit as the guest of Mrs. E. B. Aldrlch. i Harry Hogue, former local hard ware salesman, has taken a position as salesman in the Taylor Hardware Co. He was formerly with the Goodman-Thompson Co. here. ' Mrs. C. S Jerard left today for Portland to visit a slater for a few days. ! Mrs. L. F. Lampkln returned thii morning from Helix wnere she had been attending the county Baptist convention since Wednesday. Miss Ethel Hoothby of Portland, arrived last evening to spend a month with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Boottab), I'll West Court street. i M. O. La Hue of Pilot Itock is at the Golden Utile. E. A. Corder of castle Rock Is a guest of the Pendleton. J. T. Hoops of Juniper was In the city yesterday afternoon. Mrs. J. I). Plamondon of Athena, Is spending the day in Pendleton. Mrs. H. K. Hurtholornew of Stan field was registered at the Pendleton esterday. John .Martin, who farms north of Athena, was In the city yesterday. Floyd Wlllaby of Athena spent yes terday In Pendleton. Glen Scott was In from his farm last evening for the dance In the Eagle Woodman hall. Mr and Mrs Ralph Holte of Stan field passed through Pendleton this morning en route to Walla Walla. icrmn of Disease should be prompt ly expelled from the blood. This Is a time when the system Is especially susceptible to them Get rid of all Impurities In the blood by taking Hood's Sarsapurllla, and thus fortify your whole body and prevent Illness. Adv. LOCALS Sb Advertising in Brief , 1 1 flrat l'r I la, additional Pr I IB, gm wmui , No locals takes for Ian tkaa JS. Count ordinary words to Uaa Locals will nut be taken over tk las paid up avMcrlhen. H3S; i Insertion Sa 11 Ml City pound Phone 4JI. Hv room bungalow for rent, mod ern. Phone 444 Chaa. Myers, paper hanger and painter Phone U J. ,r sale Bet of Ivory bedroom fur niture, new. Box 771, Pendleton. For rent Six room house. Inquire 803 E. Railroad. For tree spraying, phone I. C. 8ny- Ur Lace curtains laundered. Phone 204B. Bundle wheat bay for sale. Wm Kupers. city. For sale White Prost refrigerator Phone tit. Good building lot for sale on West Webb street. Telephone 524. Penland Bros.' transfer Co. havi torsge warehouse Phone ttt. For sale Hold gas harvester, 16 foot cut. Phone iVll. I haul your garbage and trash Phone 553M. 1403 W. Railroad st. Suits pressed SOc; dry cleaned, 11.50. Rudd. 310 W. Webb. Phone ttl. Few head of heavy worn horses for sale.' Phone 8F12, or write Route 1, Box 44. For rent Office room In Judd building. Apply F. E. Judd, American National Bank. For rent Nicely furnished house keeping rooms. 114 Stonewall Jack son. For sale, reasonable Horse, wagon and harness. Inquire Telephone Sta bles. Wanted A good salesman and col lector who can furnish a rig or auto. Apply 220 Court street. For sale Blewett combined har vester; 12 foot cut; almost good as new . Only 1500 E. L. Smith ft Co Prompt automobile taxi service, day or night Funerals to cemetery only S3 60. Phone 180. Hotel Bt, George. Carney Taxi Ce. We handle Alberta nnd Montana lands on easy terms. Pendleton Ex change, Room 2. over Taylor Hard ware Store. Wanted Position as cook on ranch, references Inquire m this office. Rooming house for sale. Main street, in center of business district. Doing good business. Inquire of Pen land Bros. For sale 25 head of milch oows, 330 and up. One V. 8. cream separ ator, good a aew. for half price. T J. Cheney at ranch on McKay creek, or address Pendleton, Ore, Mattresses made over, furniture re pairing, upholstering rails city or country. La Bow Bros.., 219 Beaure gard Phone 227J. $800 automobile for sale at a snap Can be converted into auto truck or delivery car st very small cost. Car In first class condition. See Ray Crystal, Orovery department, Peoples Warehouse. The eminent English psyslelst. Thompson, explains tne phenomenon giving radium Its name as a gradual loss of some of the ions of Its atomk system, and this Is explained the ev idence that its rays behave more like matter than the waves of heat and light The world's population makes use of 12,500,000 glass eyes In the course of each year. CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature Special! for Saturday U. S. Inspected Eastern Corn Fed HAMS 22C I Oregon Market Always see that the meat you eat bears this stamp wtTx and you are get ting purity. 600 EL. (501 Sunday is Mother's Day Why not a Strawberry Short Cake like mother used to make. Served at Also our Special SUNDAY DINNER From 4 :30 to 9 :30. Come in tonight. Half of our proceeds from 7 :30 on. go toward electing Pendleton girl queen of ..the ..Carnival. I iniw.Tn I 111 V f VII 1f IV HAPPEN AT I a n 1 jtf&teA MothersOT Attend the Presbyterian Church Mothers Day Services 11 a. m. Sunday May 14 A WHITE CARNATION WILL BE PRESENTED YOU AT THE DOOR WHICH YOU WILL WEAR IN HONOR OF THE DEAREST, SWEETEST WOMAN THAT EVER LIVED YOUR MOTHER.