PAGE EIGHT UA1LY KAM (JRKG0N1AN, PENDLETON. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1916. TEN PAGES Valuable Health Hints For Our Reade CATARRH Jtmt hrrsure you haw) your MM H wet, cold. ntiince, don't morel Yon can't cure catarrh youi rune. Take 8. 8. and vm will drlra no medical value. F acne and all nek en should be treated wiU out. lawk and spit and i ma ld. red. pore and tive orely plus it up. S. S. S. irrh by greasing POISONED BLOOD. 1. S. S. regularly So many different things contribut catarrhal tniisons to poison the blood and the effect i out of your blood. The membranes so startling that the sufferer ! will sonn recover and no longer eon- panic-stricken and Is led to u ltmn to accumulate the mucous that ful drugs. thickens Into catarrh. :ome harr.: If you haTP anv blood trou ble, get a bottle of 8. S. S. and take cathers and H S S stiniulates the cells of the tls- according to directions uer to select from the blood their own Don't take anything else. Poisone.i esst mal nutriment. Rapid recoTery blood Is bad enough without roinin f rom catarrhal inflamalion in the atom- your bones. Joints, teeth and vital: arh, kidney, Madder and all mem- with minerals. 8. S. 8. so stimulate? bratiea it the result. osllular activity that they reject all MALARIA. poisonous Influences and select onh Throughout the country, wherever those materials In the blood that mak malaria abounds, are happy. Joyful healthy tissue. This la why its assist people to whom S. 8. 3. has given won- anoa toward recovery Is so noticeable clerful help in the treatment of mala- and at times remarkable. 11 a after the most sickening torture 8. 8. 8. is welcome to the weakest Imaginable. stomach and is assimilated just a- The gaunt complexion of malaria readily aa the moat nutritious food. It victims, the chills and fever, the ma- has helped to cure a host of sufferers larial dysentery that seems to defy al( V. RHEUMATISM, other treatment, the malarial leg, the In any form of rheumatism give the enlarged liver, the persistent anemia blood a good effectual cleansing with where the blood turns to water and 8. 8. 8. the system wastes away. These are Use this remedy for three days and the conditions that 8. S. 8. soeffectu- take a hot salt water bath to open the ally asisst in overcoming, by helping porea. This relieves the hings and to restore the blood to its natural vigor. Kidneys and assists 8. 8. S. to utilise STUBBORN SORES the skin as the principal avenue oi Some limes a sore spot become fndo- elimination, lent. The tissues surrounding It lose Avoid salt, calomel and other drns tone and are unable to provide auffl- tie narratives as thev absorb the mow ciart nutriment to stop the drain. It tura from the walls and membranes of is then chronic. Just saturate your the intestines, weaken the muscular blood with 8. 8. 8. This is quickly action, produce chronic constipation accomplished as 8. S. a I naturally and thus tainate the system with iuiuiticu mo suuie tut uiiiK ur may roeumauo poisons. PAGE, ROUS FROM ROMKj ItACM Wli.soN ; HUDSON BAY GRANGE CORD AS TO - - :Js ItKSOLlTION PASSED UiAlXST PROPOSED ISSUE TO lil IUD GtH)I) ROADS, Puny is Given sattinlav Night i Sprtiigxlale Dramatic club; Mb Bdith Harper ami Pupils of Prim ary Grades Entertain Parent of School; Other News Notes. 8. 8. 8. af Get a bottle ot any drug store. Don't other healthful llouid. Nature acts with marvelous ranldltr take a nhtt,,t. when e.ven the proper assistance, and a 8. 8. Is purely Teretabte and Is 8 8. S. so stimulate cellular activity prepared only by the Swift Snecifl that the part surrounding an ulcer e- 0.. S71 Swift Bldg., Atlanta. Oa. Write lct from the blood the material that for special booklet on any of the dis make new tissue. Thus the sora spot ease mentioned and If medical advicf rapidly heal in a natural way ila wanted, write for that also to srf Local applications for any akin Jl. draw given above. Both book! a and ease will afford protection from with- medical advice are free Ariaona wants to fight. TUCSON, Arts., May 10. Mention; of the Mexican situation by Temporary Chairman Richard E. Sloan caused a live-minute demonstration at the re- jublioan state convention Mr. Sloan was chosen temporary hairman by acclamation. THOMAS HElSOJi PAGE. NEW TORK. May 9 President ilson s foreign policy has given Am. erican diplomacy the highest standing in the courts of Europe, in the opin ion of Thomas Nelson Page, United States ambassador to Italy, who ar rived on the St. Louis He came with Mrs. Page, on a three months' leave of absence from hia rwwi ,t r Fire UM to War PW. 'Considering the action of tho CHICAGO. May 10 Fire destroyed i ident and his attituiU- u ,h .. the Chicago Grain Company elevator I bassador, "it seems to me that his for- and 60.000 bushels or grain causing a "We will undertaae to clean up this unsavory mess." said Sloan. "WajlWMM loss. i,re not too proud to fight when It is! Clarence E Fox. president of the neceaaart that we should fight to company, intimated that the fire prelect our inherent rights j might be attributable to a war plot Iron Is Greatest of All Strength Builders; Says Doctor A secret of the Great IMa ranee and Power of Athletes. Ordinary N mated Iron WUl Make DeUiatc. Nervous, Klin town Peo. , pie 200 lVr (tent Stronger in Two Mfeaf Time ha Many Iron in the proper form. And this i after they had In some casea been doc ' turing for months without obtaining j any benefit. But don't take the old forms of reduced iron, iron acetate or tincture of iron simply to save a few NEW YORK. N. T. Most people U- You musI . k lron form foWlahly seem to thins, they are going tnal can be ea,liy ab30rbed and as-! to get renewea neaitn ana strengrn gilnllatea like nvucatea Iron if you from some simulating medicine, secret .. , do rnna nthfrwiM, f.5u pwcj is tne sounoest. sanest and vtiaesi mat could be followed. Tho ministers of several neutral states nave said to me that President Wil son has placed American diplomacy on uie nignest level that could be reach ed. To me it seems sound and hril. llant. and several of the crises through which he has passed remind one of inose passed by Washington and Lin coin " Dr. it may prove worse than useless. Many nostrum or narcotic drug, said ..awr,. " " -" ,'..w. , an atrtipte or nrtxe nahter h&s won has studied widely both in this coun-1 lhe day almpI. because he knew the try and Europe, when, as a matter of gecret of strength and endurance fact, real and true strength can only j before he went Into the affray, while come frnm the food you eat. But peo-!many another has gone down to In l.le often fail to get the strength out of gIorlous aefcat gimpiy for the lack of their food because they haven't jron enough iron in their blood to enable It NOTE Nuxated Iron recommended to change the food into living matter above by Dr not patent FYom their weakened, nenous con-' medicine nor secret remedy, but one tiitlor they know something is wrong which is well known to druggists and hut they can't tell what, so they gen- whose iron constituents is widely pre erllay commence doctoring for stom- scribed by eminent pnyslclans every -ach, liver or kidney-trouble or stom-'where. Unlike the older inorganic toms of some other ailment caused by iron products. It is easily assimilated, the lick of iron in the blood. This does not injure the teeth, make them thing may go on for years, while the black, nor upset the stomach; on the patlattl suffers untold agny If you ' contrary, it is a most potent remedy are not strong or well, you owe It to in nearly all forms of indigestion, as yourself to make the following test; i well as for nervous, run-down condi See how long you can work or how lions. The manufacturers have such far yon can walk without becoming great confidence in Nuxated Iron that tired Next take two. five-grain tab i they offer to forfeit JI00 to any ehari tets of ordinary nuxated iron three, table institution if tney cannot take times per day after meals for two any man or woman under 60 who woeky Then test your strength agjln lacks iron and increase their strength ;ind jiee for yourself how much you 200 per cent or over in four weeks' have gained. I have seen dozens of time provided they have no serious or nervoua, run-down people who were genie trouble. They also offer to re ailing all the while, double their fund your money if it does not at least trength and endurance and entirely double your strength and endurance in fet rid of all symptoms of dyapepsie. ten days' time It is dispensed in this 'iver and other troubles in from ten city by A. C. Koeppen S Bros, and all to fourteen days time simply by tak- other druggists POPTLArt IN WASHINGTON. 0MNaMKflMaMKfl-MMttM (East Oregonlan Special.) I'MAPINE. Ore.. May 10 Hudson Bay Orange No. 361. patrons of Hus-j bandry met in regular session on Frl-1 day night and passed the following i resolutions declaring their opposition' to the proposed I9SO.000 road bond issue for the following reasons: Resolved, to-wit: First., we do not believe we can eat our cake and kean It too. Second, that the proposed j bond issue will improve only two per: cent of the roads of the county mak-1 ing It necessary to raise practically I the same amount for road purposes1 as has been raised heretofore or re- j suit to the absent treatment by the ' seir-elyled active Good Roads Asso-I elation. Third, that the proposed' hard surface roads are In the nature! of an experiment and the mainten-j ance of similar roads In other parts! of the United States have proven! very expensive. Fourth, that we re gard the maintenance of our earth roads of more Importance at the present time than improving n small portion of oor roads to be used prln ! elpally us pleasure boulevards ' Fifth, that the statements that these1 hard surface roads will cost but a two! mill tax for fifteen years is mislead ing from the fact that it makes no ' provision for the maintenance of the! same but will result In a permanent! tax of four to five mills. The taxi will prove far more permanent than the roads; and be it further resolved, j that this grange Is not an organlxa-l lion of millionaires numbering but: very few among its active members. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Wellman left Sunday for Grants Pass to attend the' State ( Irange In session at that place. ' They will represent Hudson Bay Grange No. 361. " Such tobacco enjoyment as you never thought could be is yours to command quick as you buy some Prince Albert and fire-up a pipe or a home-made cigarette! Prince Albert gives you every tobacco sat isfaction your smoke appetite ever hankered for. That's because it's made by a patented process that curs our bite and parch! Prince Albert has always i&'iw."'... been sold without coupons or premiums. J r "Bok.d baton! We prefer to give quality ! prince Albert the national joy tmoko has a flavor as different as it is delightful You never fasted fAe like of it I And that isn't strange, either. Ob tka ravHM tide of thU tidr ni liii you will rcd; "Pro- mix as? 0N6flUI)MIN6Hpf AND CKMRIITe TOBACCO Bay Prine Albert tvery wherm t.ibacco it sold in toppy red bagM, 5c; tidy red tint. 10c; handsome pound and half-pound tin humi dors andthat corking fine pound crystal-glass humi dor with sponge-moistener top that keeps the tobacco in such clever trim always Men who think they can't smoke a pipe or roll a ciga rette can smoke and will smoke if they use Prince Albert. And smokers who have not yet given P. A. a try out certainly have a big surprise and a lot of enjoyment coming their way as soon as they invest in a supply. Prince Albert tobacco will tell its own story I R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO, Winiton-Salem, N. C Mrs. R. K. Brady received word on Fred Lamb of Dixie is visiting with Sunday of the death of her father. J. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Comtock this syaaM of Columbus. Ohio. , week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hodgen enter-1 A baby girl was born to Mr. and talned at dinner on Sunday having Mrs. Frank Harrington Thursday, as guests Mr. and Mrs. I.ou Hodgen May 4th. Mr. and Mrs. Barrlnafaui mid family. Mr. and Mrs. Orlando live on the old Ketty place. Hodgen and famllv. Mrs Vfttln Sh...... anl.rl.ln.rl h.. ..... classes the fifth nnd nlh m-Haa nl . WWWWWWWWW The springdale dramatic Cub gave' 0BAMF1 ! a recital in the Orange hall on Thurs- 4 ' 1 11 ' day evening which delighted the au-!A dience present. Mi.-s Winifred Wil-; mot was the reader assisted with mu-j sic by Springdale talent. Miss Kdith Harper assisted by thei pupils of the primary grades, and the. Vincent orchestra and high school pupils entertained the parents and patrons of the school Friday evening with a much enjoyed program, ow ing to the rain the performance was j given In the hall in place of the school lawn as originally planned j The stage was made beautiful with evergreen trees and lattices of spring j flowers. The prouram was as follows with music by the orchestra through-1 out: "Meeping Beauty," a fairy tale, play by the little ones, with Ken- NorthernPacificRy. THE YELLOWSTONE PARK LINE GET THE BENEFIT THROUGH TRAINS EAST NONE BETTER COURTEOUS TREATMENT SUPERIOR DINING SERVICE. E ASTBOUND SUMMER EXCURSION DAILY FROM JUNE 1. Westbound Round Trip Summer Excursion Fares now in effect Teii your Eastern friends. Or, let us give them full information. Round Trip HomeeekerV Rates TO MONTANA, and return. Low, attractive. Let us explain them. TO CALIFORNIA, have your ticket read from Portland via the "Great Northern Pacific S. S. Co. Fast Palacial Steamships, making train time (but 26 hours at sea.) Low fares, with berth and meals included. Tickets and full information WALTER ADAMS Agent, Pendleton, Ore. A. D. CHARLTON, A. G. P. A. Portland, Ore. PORTLAND ROSE FESTIVAL, June 7-9. LOW FARES. Miss KUwtllle iansiim. Miss Katherlne Lansing, sister of the secretary of stale, nas spent the winter in Washington, where she hat ;r grade become a social favorite. Detfa and Helen Hodgen as king and fjueen and .Anna Aiurphy as a Sleep-, ing Beauty and Chartti Saunders us the charming Prince, Pantomime. tht Girls. Hoys' May Pole Dance I t'o-Poss-Oh. a dairy song in costume 1 by Anna Murpnv and Kut h Msll- haney. Pantomime, the Boya. Uirls' ! gver Hammer, tough Chicago light May Pole Dance. Trio, Frami- BehtH I weight has joined the ranks of the oert and Genevieve Sevy and Clifford j hoyi who have whipped Freddy Ward Folk Dane Tennis Song In Welsh -Ktihblt, llghtwe'ghl champion the high school pupil Biawattin lot the world. In a ten-round contest an Indian play in i hlch Roy Kirii in Milwaukee the other evening Hani wai Hiawatha and Marjorle Wellmun iner showed up the champion aH had was Nakomu with the r-s; of i',M! done l. Willie Ititrhle. Henm Interested In Mr. Hammer punch. and hi R. D. Cleveland, son of former Pre. Ident Cleveland, Is president of the freshmen slty at Princeton unlver- The American tomato crop I worth 1140,000,000 a year. health Ur atk tiiek XCcmen For Forty Years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Has Been Woman's Most Reliable Medicine Here is More Proof. in ciKi' Mottle Hi on. 11, if nl ana Ju Bhutrtfe. Manager thT UglttwelgliU are imw tleeplV KIDNEY TROUBLE LEADS TO TERRIBLE TORTURES Hundreds of sufferers from pains in the back and sides, bladder and uri nary disorders, lumbago, rheumatism, I dizziness, puffy swellings under the eyes or. In the feet anil ankles, ner ! vousness, tired or worn-out feeling j don't seem to realize that the greater part of all sickness today can be i avoided by keeping tne kidneys work I Ing properly, tf you suffer from any J of the many agonies that accompany weak, eogged-up or diseased kidneys I you should not neglect yourself anoth er day and run the risk of serious j complication. Hecure a package ot holvax, ,the wonderful new kidney remedy which Is very Inexpensive yet acts quickly and surely on the seat ot the trouble. You'll be sururlsed how entirely different you'll feel In a very short time. It doesn't matter how long you have suffered, how old you ure, or what )ou have ued. The very principle ot Solvax Is such that It Is practically Im possible to take It Into the human sys tem without beneficial results. Holvax Is pleasant to take. gives 'I'llck relief and has been so uniform ly successful that Tallman & Co. wil, In future sell It under a positive guar antee of relief or refund the money No other kidney remeay ever had I large enough perrcemage of cures so that It could be sold In this manner. A guarantee like this spenka volume" for the merit of Kolvax. There is no time like the present to do a thing that ought to be done If anyone has kidney trouble today is the beat time to begin curing it k I '"'Lj Alta Theater, Thursday Only. 1 Trial To women who are suffering from some form of woman's special ills, and have a constant fear of breaking down, the three following letters ought to bring hope: North Crandnn, Wis. " When I was id years oltl I got married and at 1 years I gave birth to twins and it left me with very imor health. I could nut walk across the floor without having to sit down to rest and it was hard for me to keep about and do my work. I went to a doctor and he told me I had a displacement and ulcers, and would have to have an operation. This frightened me so much that I did not know wlmt to do. Having heard of Lydia E. PinklmmV Vegetable Oomrxnmd I thought I would give it a trial and it made mo as Weil nx ever. I cunnnr aaa iniwli In ,,.,, iZ einkham remedies.' -.Mrs. Mavmp. Aibach, North ( randon, Wis. Testimony from Oklahoma. Lawton, Okla.-" When I began to take Lyduv E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I wetned to ls gootl for notliing. I tired easily and had headaches much of the time ami was Irregular I took it again be tore my little child was lorn and it did me a wonderful amount of good at that tune. I never fail to reoomrnend J.ytlia K. Ilnkham's Vegetable (-omiK)und to ailing women lrcmise it lias done so much for me. Mrs. A. L MoC'aslanm, 600 Have St., Liwton, Okla From a Grateful Massachusetts Woman. Roxbury, Mass. "I was suffering from inflam mation and was examined by a physician who found that my trouble was caused by a displacement My symptoms were bearing down pains, backache, and sluggish liver. I tried several kinds of medi cine; then I was asked to try Lydia EL Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound. It. has cured me and I am pleased to bo in my usual good health by using it and highly recommend it." - Mrs. B. M. Osgood, 1 Haynes Park, Roxbury, Mass. I'. 7Pn want special advice wrltf to Lvtlla '.iVi I", meaictne up. (confldentlal) Lynn, Magg. Your ! w,111 P"ned, read and answered by a woman and held lu strict confidence. "WMl M""" imiHumn imiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiimiHi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiihiiiihiihii: 1 Why Not Own Your Own Home I BUY OR BUILD ON THE INSTALLMENT PLAN 5 ... I It's paying rent to yourself. I Come and see us, and we will outline this plan to you - MATLOGK-LAATZ INVESTMENT CO. I S 112 Enst Oourt 8t I Real Estate Farm and City Loans Insurance I Iwwmwpw mmmmmm iiiiiiiiimimmiiiiiiiHiimHiiiiiiii I