TEN PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1916. PAGE FOUR DAILY EAST OREGON1AN. PENDLETON, OREGON, -WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1916. PAGE FIVE TEN PAGES Knit Underwear, Corsets and Hosiery IN THIS DEPARTMENT WE HAVE ONE SPECIAL LOT OF MOD ART CORSETS, ALL PERFECTLY GOOD AND IN FIRST CLASS CONDITION, ONLY DISCONTINUED MOD ELS. REGULAR $4 AND $5 CORSETS. YOUR CHOICE ONLY ONE LOT R. A G. CORSETS The regular $1.25 and up to $2.00 quality at - OHf ONE LOT BRASSIERES While they last 39? 15', Reduction on our Regular Corset Stock. 10 , REDUCTION ON ALL HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR. Department C Art Dep t. 10 Per Cent DEPARTMENT E. Infant's and Children's Wear F i. n This if a great departm little ones comfortable ait happy. White Crepe Rompers 19 Children's Panto 10f Children's Petticoats.... 29t Children's Dresseg 39f Children's Night Gowns 39 Department J ,t in our store and we have everything to nuke the r X I TK REMEMBER Alexander is the home of Standard Patterns; new patterns and Designers now in for June. DEPARTMENT G. I Ladies Neckwear, Gloves, Ribbons and Furnishings ft GLOVES Silk, Kid, Doeskin and Chamoisette, all at a 10 reduction. Both Children's and Ladies. All colors, all sizes. COLLARS In this line we oner one lot at 10? your choice. One lot at just One Half Price. All new Collars 10 reduction. 100 dozen Ladies Handkerchiefs at 5, 10?, and 15?. DEPARTMENT D. Ladies Coats In this department we have but 5 White Coats left and every one of them worth reg ular $15.50 to $22.50. While they last, only IS HAT MONEY SAM WHITE SALE COMMENCES THURSDAY, MY II, at S 11 and is truly one of the greatest bargain offering sales, considering present conditions, ever conducted in Department H Pendleton. You cannot afford to take our word, or Let us assist you in your buying and explain to YOU why you should PROTECT YOURSELF and BUY NOW. Every piece of merchandise in our entire store, (that is white) is included in this sale and every piece at a sacrifice for the benefit of our customers. Ji All Goods Listed According to Departments any one elses for this, but come and see for yourself This is not a money making sale but is our method ot sharing profits with our many patrons. v SAVE $ BY ANTICIPATING YOUR WANTS AND BUYING NOW-EARLY BUYING IS ALWAYS BEST. White Shoes At White Sale Prices Now is the time for white shoes and the time to save money. Note prices below, they will surely tempt you. One lot Children's Canvas, all sizes 6 to 2. Sold from $1.85 to $2.50, for 95? Ladies' odd and end Canvas, Buck and Vel vet, sold from $3.50 to $7.00, for fl.45 All other white shoes and pumps we will give 10 Reduction from regular price. DEPARTMENT P. f Muslin Underwear, Waists, Petticoats In this line we are offering exceptionally good bargains. Leona three-piece combination garments, all sizes and different pat terns. Values up to $4.50. Now, each 98 Nice Line of Chemise (short) in long cloth and batiste, only 98? Princess Slips, slightly shop worn One Half Price, We are sole agents for the Mil dred Stout Muslin Underwear lor ladies, made in stouts and stouts only, 43 to 57 bust. Corset covers gowns, petticoats, pants and com binations. Special 20' Discount. Ladies' Crepe Knickerbockers, lace and emb. trimmed 25? Swiss and Lawn Aprons, lace and emb. trimmed f New Waist,. These come in voiles, lawns, organdies and linens, in all sizes and beautifully trim med. Reg. $1.50 and $1.25 values.... 98? Reg. $3.00 and $3.50 values $2.4B Reg. $5.00 and $5.50 values $3.98 GOWNS. These come in batiste, nainsook and long cloth trimmed with val laces and embroideries. Regular $4.50 values '. $3.50 Regular $3.50 values ?2.4 Regular $2.00 values $1.59 Regular $1.50 values $1.19 Regular $1.25 values f)8c Regular 75c values 09? Dress Goods, Silks and Satins This Department Should be of Special Interest to every lady CHARMEUSE 40-IN. WIDE AND THE KIND ALWAYS SOLD FOR $2.50 THE YARD, NOW, YARD $2.00 CREPE METEOR, 40 IN. WIDE, ftEGULARLY $2.00 AND $2.25 AT $1.69 PUSSY WILLOW, 40-IN. WIDE, REGULARLY $2.00 AND $2.25 AT $1.09 CREPE DE CHINE, 40-IN. WIDE, REGULARLY $2.00 AND $2.25 AT $1.75 FANCY GEORGETTE, 40-IN. WIDE, REGULARLY $2.50 AT $2.19 GEORGETTE CREPE, 40-IN. WIDE, REGULARLY $2.00 AT $1.69 HfSjf . -. .... - - jjjJb ONE BATH MAT FREE WITH THE FIRST THREE PURCHAS ES OF $5.00 OR MORE. IN DE PARTMENTS A AND B DEPARTMENT B This Department Comprises Cotton Piece Goods rinens, Domestics, Lining's and Lace Curtains TOWELS AM llVrHOWFil,s Twenty per cent redwtloll White Chiffon Taffeta, 36-in. wide, regular $2.00 at $1-79 White Chiffon Taffeta, 36-in. wide, regular $2.25 at $1-89 White Messaline. 36-in. wide, reg ular $1.25 at $1-10 Fancy Marquisette, 40-in. wide, regular $3.50 at $1.98 Fancy Marquisette, regular $2.00 at . 40-in. wide, $1.79 White Faille Silk, at regular $2.00 $1.79 Department I White Jap Silk, just the thing for underwear; this comes in differ ent widths and priced regular at 50c, $1.00 and $1.85 at 43c 79? and $1.65. White Cotton and Silk Crepe, the kind used so much for gowns, regular 60c kind at 49? White Silk Corduroy, wide wail and just the thing for those new coats, regular $4.00 the yard at $3.19 the yard. White Corduroy, regular $1.50 at fl-29 White Corduroy, regular $1.00 at 9? White Chinchilla, 56-in. wide, reg ular $4.50 yard at ?3.65 On all other wool goods, such as Serges, Batistes, Henriettas, Flan nels. Mohairs, Bedford Cords, Pop lins, Faille, Epingles and such litce we offer a 20 Reduction. Hack Towel and Linen Hot by the yard lUtili stitf-u These. arc 72 In. Rego- lr 11.15 Now JL tl.M Mth hi'Im. we have tsfe In all statu runuiiiir from thn small l-.liln. at 111' each mi lo the lurrc HxK4 In. it I " . Regular U l-2e Towel at ..I Kcmilar 1 r, Towel at . 2 fr 2"" KeKulnr lOo Towel at... Hemih'i JSC Towel at .J 22" Regular lie Towel at I SO" Regular 10c Towel at Regular 65o Towel at J M" Regular S5e Towel at .1 7.V 0 White Broadcloth, 54-in. regular $2.50 yard, at. .. wide, $1.98 Department A on all l .Mr i SHEFTS AND SHEETING Pequot Sheets 81x90, plain 94C Pequot Sheets 81x108, plain 81.17 Pequot Sheets 81x108 spoke Pitched $1.17 Pequot Sheets 72x90, plain 86? Pequot Sheets 81x99. plain 98 Integrity Sheets 81x108, plain $1.15 Integrity Sheets 90x108, plain $1.18 Far West Sheets 72x90. plain 63? Atlantic Sheets 63x90, plain 63? Moclipse Sheets 81x90, plain 89? Moclipse Sheets 63x90, plain .... 63? SHEETING in all widths from 5-4 to 10-4 and in Pequot, Moclipse, Queen of the Home, Pepperell, Aura or Mohawk, any of these at a 10',' reduction. Lace Curtains just One Half Price. I5r Reduction on all Table Linen, Art Linen and Dress Linen. LONG CLOTH. 48 inch. These are all 06 and Tl Laces and Embroideries f- One Cabinet Laces lc Yard. One lot emb. flouncing for underskirts. This is sold by the pattern, and pattern is furnished. Regular $3.95 per pattern. Sale Price $2.50 per pattern. On all other lace and em broidery flouncings we give a 20' , discount. Remember thia includes every piece of White Goods in our entire stock. Regular IZftc Quality 11$ Regular 15c Quality 13 Regular 20c Quality 18 Regular 25c Quality 22c DEPARTMENTS L and N Thse departments are Men's and Boys' Wear exclusively, and should be given careful consideration. MEN'S DEPARTMENT L We Hope to Meet You at Ale Landers Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Bring your friends. The Daylight Store, better goods, lowest prcies, prompt and courteous attention ALEX ANDERS BED SPREADS. Regular $7.50 at $6.49 Regular $8.50 at $7.19 Regular $6.00 at $5.19 Regular $5.50 at $4.89 Regular $4.00 at $3.49 Regular $2.75 at $2.35 Regular $2.50 at $2.29 Regular $2.25 at $2.05 Regular $2.00 at $1.75 Regular 95c at 85? NAINSOOK, 36 AND 48-1N. Regular 20c Quality 18? Regular 25c Quality 22? Regular 28c Quality 16? to 23? Regular 30c Quality ..." 26? Regular 35c Quality 30c Regular 40c Quality 33? INDIA LINONS, ALL 36-IN. Regular 12Vc Quality 11? Regular 15c Quality 12' i Regular 20c Quality 17? Regular 26c Quality 21? Regular 35c Quality 30? White Wash Fabrics On these materials we offer a 10' , reduction, and have them in the fol lowing materials. Lawns, Organdies, Piques, Limns, Marquisette. Dimi ties, Batiste, Poplin, Surf Suitings, Beach Cloths. Cotton Gabardine. Gala tea, Kindergarten Cloths, Voiles, Swiss, Kool Silk, and in fact anything de sired along this line. Remember 10', Discount. White Shirts. II 25 quality il.tO Whi Shirts. 1 so quality $1.3-1 White Shirts, 12.00 quality $1.75 White Shirts. 12.50 quality $2.2.". White Shirts. 13.00 quality $2.." Waiters- Coats. J1.25 Uality $1.15 Waiters- Aprons, 35c quality si Waiters' Aprons. 50c quality 45V rooks' Aprons. 35c quality sir Men's Night Gowns. 11.00 quality '.hi. White Handkerchiefs, s for 25c qui1 Hy I for 22c White Handkerchiefs I for 25c qual ity 2 for 22. Men's Night Gowns, Si Wash Ties, 25c quality . Wash Ties, 35c quality Wash Ties. 50c quality White S, x. 25c quality White Sot, 50c quality White Gloves. 11.50 quality . . White Handkerchiefs. ;5e quality 22 White H.indkerchiefs. 50c quallt t.V White Hats, 75c quality SIH SI. Hi lie .4le 23V l.v Children's Department N I Wash w ash I Wash Suits. Stilts. Suits. I Wash suits. ys White White 11.50 JI 75 12.00 12.50 Shirts. Shirts. quality . IMS quality. . . HJB quality . . t."7 quality . (3.25 1125 qua::t fl.lt) 11.50 quallt- si '.; Whits Wash Wash Wash Boya' Boy lllouses. 60c quality . I.V Suits. 75c quuITiy lie Suits. 11.00 quality ..!. Suits. 11.25 quality 11.10 White Shirts. 76c quality .. .V White Shirts. l 00 oWSlMl 'V luallty 23c ill him mi ti hi i arTirTSSisssssssMSsssssst-'