East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 09, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Something different. If you try this on your table
once we know you will want it all the time.
Guaranteed under food and drug act, June 30, 1906.
2 lb. Can 15c
County Butter, 2 lb. Roll 55c.
Full weight.
Gray Bros. Grocery Co.
Two Phonea, 28.
823 Main St
Served at the Following
St. George Grill
Quelle Cafe.
On Draught and In Bottles
at Following Resort:
Connor's Cigar Store
Billy's Place
Coutts ft McDeritt
The Crescent
Round-Up Pool Hall.
W. W. Hocn
Bungalow Pool Hall
Gritman Brothers
Sold to the family trade In
raxes of one doaen bottles
and up. quarts or pints.
Brewed and bottled by
Wm, Roesch Bottling Co.
City Brewery.
Wholesale and Family Trade.
8000 acres, fenced and cross fenced, good buildings, with or without
stock, at 110 per acre. Easy terms.
2:00 acres, good Improvements, easy terms, with or without stock.
Pi ice 110 per acre.
600 acres, 300 in grain, 150 alfalfa, good buildings, close to railroad;
.11 goes with outfit, at 150 per acre.
1000 acres of wheat land, close to R. R., 130 per acre.
I have acreage and suburban homes.
5 business chances on Main street
50 residence property, some are good bargains.
Good business property in Athena, very cheap.
Come in and talk it over.
E. T. WADE, Pendleton, Ore.
You can get a watch from
$14.00 up to $125.00, each one
fully guaranteed.
Select the price that you want
to pay for a watch and come in
and let us show you the watch.
No. 3 $14.00
No. 4 $17.00
No. 5 $22.50
No. 6 $25.00
No. 7 $30.00
No. 9 $50.00
No. 8 $40.00
No. 10 $75.00
No. 11 $100.00
No. 12 $125.00
Jeweler Since 1887
Hons.- on Track; Train Delayed.
The Norhern Pacific morning rail
from Pasco was 45 minutes late in
reaching the depot this morning ow
ing to the fact that a house, being
moved up Court street, was across the
tracks when the train reached that
Replacing Dirt with Grave.
For the past two days the O -W R.
A N. has had a crew at work shovel
ing out the dirt bed on each aide ot
the main truck and of track No. in
the local yards. The dirt is being
hauled away and will be replaced with
gravel in order to give better drain
age to the tracks.
students See Animal Films.
Yesterday afternoon all tho Mm
dents of the high school and the grades
were admitted free to the Tamil the
ater to see the pictures on the "Anl.
mal Life in Oregon," given by the
state game commission. This was
done to give the students a more nu.
tlcat knowledge of the leas familiar
animal lite of Oregon,
defendants have 'threatened to do him
bodily Injury If he goo. onto the land
he has leased and tnat they them
selves threaten to take possession ol
It. He further allege, that five acres
Is in alfalfa and that ne will lose the
crop unless he gets water upon il R .
ley & Raley are his attorney..
.loo Wiiraer In Hosital.
Joe Wuner underwent an opera
ndi this morning at the hospital for
a subdhrenlc abscess.
ZiogfeM Intercut cd in Round-up.
in a letter received by Leon Cohen.
from C. S. Jackson, who is In New
York, Mr. Jackson tells of meetine
Ziegfeld of "Zlegfeld's Follies1' fame
and stated that the noted caterer to
amusement lovers Is very much Inter
ested in the Round-Up and may at
tend the 1916 exhibition with the-ldea
of incorporating some of its acts in
his next "Follies."
l.CMHN for Cl
A. W. Nye, pioneer Pendletonlan
WW leave today for Umatilla to spend
a week with his brother-in-law j B
Rack from East.
Prod E. Judd. vice president of the
American National Bank, has return
ed from Hartford, conn., where hj
spent five weeks.
AsaoHatcd Charities MmiU.ii
A meeting of the Associated Chart
lies is announced for this evening at
8 o'clock in the council chamber at
the city hall. i
Every Day Mi Needed in Every Home
Can be bought for less at The Golden Rule Store due to the fact that our 12S stores
buy only direct from the manufacturer, paying spot cash. We eliminate the middle
man's profit, bookkeeper's salary, loss on charge accounts as well as other needless
Window shadcN t'omnltHe J5c, 49c
Plain Scrims . UH IS I-ic. lac. 19c 5c
I anc llordcrtM Scroms . lOe I8c, ltc. JSc, 39c
The New side llrnixv, J,v
Hath Room Mais, SOxM 91.49
Wash Rags, with colored border Sc
Turkish Towels. icr pair a5c. 39c. 49e
Turkish Towels, fancy borders 49c.
Turkish Towels, Kr yard 19c
Huck Towels ftc, 8 1-So. 10c, IS l.e
Toweling per yard.. Be, s l-3c, 10c, 12 .Je, IRo
Mosquito Net, all colors A (..,.
Ijmv ('iirtuiiis. pair 19V, 9c. 98c. $1.19. to 94.98
Saranae Besets, 79x90 sto
Defender Sheets. 81x90 4fe
Kverwrar Minis, scam let 81x90 Stu
ScaJled Sheets, Heamlem 81x90 79c
Mohawk Sheets, seamlcs 81x90 83o
Mohawk Sheets, seamless 81x108 98c
IVquot Sheet, seamless 81x90 S4o
IVquot sheets, hemstitched, 81x90 98c
Itllmv fuse, plain or scalloied 10c, 12 -Jc, IB
.-lS-ltuli Itlcachcd Muslin f 1.4a
llo Muslin j (.j,,
liOtlMtUde Muslin g .j
IIUmm-IkhI IVpix'ivl Micetlng c
To Attend lluolist Meeting.
Kev. be K. Uevenger of the local
Haptist church, left this aft-r nunn
for Helix to attend a meeting of the
1 manna t ounty Baptist association
Which will continue for several days.
terday at the Temple theater by State pie his blessing and invited them to
Telephone 528 1
Old Time Teacher Here.
Dr. O. Devaul of Ukiah paid Pen
dleton a visit yesterday and renewed
acquaintances with friends made a
quarter of a century ago. Dr. De
vaul moved to Ukiah from Portland
about eight months ago after spend
ing IS years in the metropolis. He
first came to Pendleton SI years ago
and a little later taught school for
four years in the south end of the
county. Among his former pupils
are Alex Manning, ex-chief of police.
Miss flrace Gilliam, candidate for
county treasurer, and Mrs. Will Nor
Dean, formerly Miss Viva Warren.
Two Drunks In Court.
Tom Anderson admitted in police
court this morning that he was drunk
last night and was given a f 10 or flv.i
day sentence. Mike Williams denied
he was drunk, declaring he had hnd
hut three drinks. His trial is set for
4 this afternoon.
Warden Carl Shoemaker, proved ex
tremely interesting to school children
and the public in general. They wers
also a revelation to many people who
have had little knowledge of the work
curried on by the commission toward
protecting and propagating the fish
and game of the state.
BbO Tor Candidates.
.stunfleld Is springing something
new In the form of a grand ball for
Political candidates. It is to be held
tiere on the evening of May 15 and
ull candidates for office In this coun
ty will be given a special invitation
to attend.
COLUMBUS, May 9 Private Al
bert (loodwin or the Twenty-fourth
Infantry was killed because he refus
ed to obey order, and drew his revol
ver on a sergeant His body arrived
today from Mexico. The sergeant
shot him five times. He .previously
hud been urrested and held for court
I .ami Dispute causes suit.
Application for an Injunction re
straining H. H. Willard and wife from
Interfering with Anton Arnold in an
way or hindering him from irrigating
a tract of land which he recently leas
ed from Die M. HendricKson was made
in a suit filed today by Arnold
against the Wlllards. He alleges that
wmmt . . 1
llaby Scores o Received.
Many mothere.'who had their babies
tested at the recent eugenic test, are
wondering why they do not receive
the scores promised tnem Inquiry
among the ladles of the parent-teachers'
association brings tne Information
that Mrs. Bailey of Portland has not
yet completed computing the scores,
and that she will send them out as
soon a. possible.
live with him in his large house In the
exclusive colony here. Mr Plgnone Is
a Catholic.
"Religion can't flgh love, and 1
guess father knew It," said Mrs Plgnone.
suit 1 trough 1 on Notes.
John H. Bauer, a Walla Walla at
torney, this afternoon filed suit In the
circuit court against the Seattle-Alaska
Anthracite Coal Co. for Judg
meiu on eleven notes upon which is
alleged to be due $9832.25. The notes
were given to A. K. Wylde and as
signed to plaintiff, it is alleged. At
torney fees in the amount of $660
Is nuked.
knights to Weston.
-Members of Damon Lodge No. 4,
Knights of Pythias, will on Wednes
day evening motor to Weston where
they will visit with the K. of P. lodge
I of that city. The tnlrd rank work
will lie put on by a team from Damon
I lodge. A large number of Knight'
j have expressed their intention of
making the trip nnd all members who
j desire to go should conrer wtth J H
! Gwinn, K. of R, and 8.
Miss firace Gilliam of Pilot Rock
who Is acknowledged to be the first
on the list for the nomination for
County Treasurer on the Republican
ticket was called to Los Angeles last
.Saturday on account of the serious
I illness of her sister. It Is not defi
nitely known when Miss Gilliam will
return, but she will try to get hack
before the primaries. In the mean
t'me her friends and supporters ar
vigorously pushing her campaign for
the nomination and there is every in
dication that she will be the choict
of the majority of the Republican
voters for this office.
Miss Gilliam makes a straight for
ward statement that she will conduct
the office without a Deputy, thereby
raving the County at least $900 a
year. She is also a very' capable wo
man and eminently qualified to handle
the affairs of this office, giving it her
undivided personal attention. She is
a life long resident of Umatilla Coun
ty, a tax payer and has every Interest
of the County at heart. She can and
will give far better consideration to
the affairs of this Important position
than would or could any other per
son who Is merely a temporary resi
dent of the County and has no other
Interest In the office than the mere
salary which It pays.
Neither of Miss Gilliam's oppon
ents say they will conduct the office
without a Deputy when It Is well
krown fact that there Is not suffici
ent work to require any assistance
Miss Gilliam Is one of the good citi
zens of Umatilla County and Is per
sonally and financially Interested in
Its development and progress. Her
home Is here and always has beeii
and her people are the pioneers who
so greatly assisted In the development
of this County In the early days. As
a native citizen she Is entitled to se
cure the support of every patriotic,
home-loving and consistent Republi
can of the County and her election
will be an advance In home Govern
ment and the franchise of women.
A vote for Miss Cllllam will be . step
In the rlgh' d'rectlon. Adv. 1
I Vestrymen -Are Kleotea.
The annual parish meeting of the
! communicants of the cnurch was held
I lust evening ami in spite of stormy
j weather there was a good representa
live crowa. 1 ne loitowing were elect
ed vestrymen for the ensuing year:
John T. I-nmbirth Charles M. Stype,
A. W. Nye, Norborne Berkeley, Eu
gene T. Avlson. Delegates to convoca-
1 tion and their alternates were also
elected. The newly elected vestry will
meet at the rectory tomorrow nlghi
and organize.
B. W. Home of Helix Is a Pendleton
visitor today.
Z. D. Moore of The Ditlle. I. s
guest of the Bowman.
Lute Templeton of Heppner, was
In the city last evening.
Lola E. Laurence of Ukiah. was at
the Pendleton yesterday.
B. L Hoppei. traveling freight agent
for the N. P.. Is In the city.
w. w. suiuvan of Stanfleld was up
from the west end yesterday.
E. P, Marshall left yesterday for
Portland to remuln several days.
The North Side Bridge Club I.
meeting this afternoon at the home of
Mrs. James Johns, Sr.
C Martin and C. Shafer of Baker
are registered at the St. George.
J. Alton Yeager, sealer of weights
and measures and candidate for as
sessor. Is In the city.
0, S miss of Walla Walla, repre
sentative of the Columbia Life A Trust
Company. Is paying Pendleton s visit.
Mrs Harry Thompson and little
daughter of Browncvtlle, who hsvs
been visiting here, will leave Thursday
for home They will be accompanied
as far as Portland by Mis. Edith
That Distress
After Eating
Is certainly very annoying.
It Indicates some weakness
of the Stomach and Liver
which may be corrected by
careful diet and the aid of
Stomach Bitters
Game Pictures please.
The pictures of the wild life of th
state and of the various phases of the
work done by the fish and game de
partment, exhibited Saturday and ye.
married the man I wanted the most,
that's all. It doesn't make much dif
ference when a girl's In love, whether
the man she marries is a hod-carrier
or a college professor. If he's the
right man, nothing else matters."
Mrs Ernest Edward Plgnone, frail
and ethereal looking, smiled as she
made this statement.
This was her explanation for se
cretly marrying Ernest Edward Plg
none, a brick layer and "strong man"
of Morristown's little Italy. Her fath
er, the Rev. Dr. James H. Buckley, a
world famous leader In the Methodist
Episcopal church has given the coir-
Expert repairing
of Watches
and Jewelry.
Satisfaction guaranteed
Wm. Hanscom
THE Jeweler.
Good taste demands Kryp
tok lenses.
They give all the conveni
ence of Bifocals, yet add a
touch of distinction because
they cannot be detected
from single vision lenses.
Far and near visions are fus
ed in one wonderfully clear
crystal lens. They must be
fitted right
Exclusive Optician
American Nat. Bank Bldir.
Phone 609.
They Let Him Sleep
"Since taking Foley Kidney ftfls
btlimv I am entirely cured and I
eleep toundly all night, "
H. T. Straynge
Take two of Foley Kidney
Pills with a glass of pure
water after each meal and at
bedtime. A quick and easy
way to put a stop to your
getting up time after time
during the night.
Foley Kidney Pills also stop
pain in back and sides, head
ache, stomach troubles, dis
turbed heart action, stiff and
aching joints and rheumatic
pains due to kidney and
bladder ailments.
GAINESVILLE. GA.. R. R. No. 3. Mr.
H. T. StrajuiK mi For ten run I've
been unable to sleep all night without renins
up. Sometime! only a lew minutes altet
goloc to bed I'd have to set up. and I tried
everything I heard of for tlie trouble. Lest
rear 1 triad Foley Kidney Pille and altet
tailor one bottle I believe I am entirely
rimn ann i aiMmn miiniiiu man.
. . . mnrnrr trrmtmr nrrw - " - .
since toe, wlci .
rk-. '1 M... Tk;. To give all a chance to try Foley 4 Co. 'a family remedies,
ftUn I 1T118S 1 niS. to FoUy 4 cx,,. 3835 Sheffield Ave,, Chicago, 111., this
clipping and Sc, with your name and address written clearly, and they will mail you
trial package containing samples of Foley's Honey and Tat Compound, Foley Kidney
Pills and Foley Cathartic Tablets,
Sold Everywnere.
0 r
-TTj -
jjj P ' ' ---- 1 WkWkmWk
To 1.250.000 Ford Owners
"Solve the problem of lubrication and
you have solved 76 per cent of all the
difficulties you may have with motor
cars." FORD TIMES, May, 1916.
"After careful experiments and testa,
we have adopted White lltar Extra Qual
ity Motor Oil here it the factory and for
use and sale at our branch house., as
best adapted for Ford cars
(Signed) FORD MOTOR CO."
TRONGER than any claim we might
make is the above signed statement.
When you consider the
responsibilities of the Ford
Motor Company to over a
million and a quarter own
ers When you realize the
thoroughly reliable tests,
covering a period of three
years, that led to this de
cision to use White Star
Extra Quality Motor Oil
exclusively in Ford factor
ies and service stations
Can we make any more
logical bid to you or any
other car owner to use this
oil in your motor?
You can depend on ft
as the Ford Motor Com
pany depends on it.
Sell it in the popular
six-gallon container and
standard sizes.
Round-Up City Auto Co.
812 Garden St. Telephone 651
We maintain a special FORD garage with a FOUD
FACTORY expert mechanic. Try our special FORD
oil. Gasoline service station. Free air and water.