DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 9, 1916. PAGE SEVEN PENDLETON BUSINESS DIRECTORY A Representative List o! Pendleton's Business Houses and Professional Men Classified for Ready Reference of the Public EIGHT PAGES AUTO REPAIRING Ford 8peoMtr. Ford AoosoMftai FRAZIER 1 6ERTSQN AUTO REPAIR SHOP top pfcoae, 90S Or for Hire 110 Cottonwood St. Op. City Hall Motor Car Repairs W. J. BURNS ARB CYLINDKA UR1NDKR A MOB8BN AMU PISTON AMD SIMM GROUND. PIMM Tl. Nle BUfkinitk Skos. AUTO SUPPLIES f TIKES AND ACCESSORIES Pendleton Rubber & Supply Co. TEL. NO- 1U- BEAUTY PARLORS Beauty Parlors BA1B DRESSING. HANICDR1NO, PACIAL MASS AOS, SCALP tRSAsV MBNT, BUrwim Popoitt me. "i 111 Main Street. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, a ttoj ranaot reseh the wl of the lee. (a larrb Is s local dlee. creatly influences, by conaUtstlonal condition, nd In order tr rare It yon mtiet tke n Internal remedy Hall' Catarrh Cure I taken Internall! and ct thru the blood on the mocoo ur face f the ytm nail's Catarrh i Cub v prescribed by one of the beet pjrylcl tna In thl country for year It I com Bosed of om of the best tonic known. coaMaed , with wane of the bet blood purifier The perfect combination of rot Ingredient In 1111' Ctrrh Cure I wht nrodere aurh wonderful reeult In ctrrhl roatton Send for testlmonl!. free. K J. CHENEY CO.. Prop . Toledo, O AU Druggut. 75c. ..., Bsll' frailly Pill for constipation. Get the Habit of Drinking Hot Water Before Breakfast Syt we cant look or feel right , wRh the system full of poison. Million f folks bathe lnterns.ll now Instead of loading their system with drugs 'What's an Inside bath? ' you say. Well. It is guaranteed U perform miracles If you could believe these hot water enthusiast. There are vat numbers of men and women who. Immediately upon aris ing In the morning, arms a ui I real hot water with a teaspoon, u. m limestone nhosphate In It. This Is a very excellent health measure. It Is Intended to flush the stomach, liver. kidneys and the thirty reet or intes tines of the previous day's waste, sour bile and Indigestible material left over In the body which If not eliminated every day, become food for the mil lions of bacteria which Infest the bowels, the quick result Is poisons and toxin which are then absorbed Into the blood, causing headache, bilious 1,., i.reutb. bad taste, colds. ftomarh trouble, kidney misery, sleep-1 lessness, impure blood and all sorts Of I ailments. People who feel good one day an'lj badly the next, but who simply can, not get feeling right are urged to ob-j tain a quarter pound of limestone, phosphate at the drug store. This, will cost very little but is sufficient to make anyone a real crann on m subject of internal sanitation. Just as soap hml hot water act on the skin, cleansing, sweetening and freshening, so limestone phosphate and hot water act on the stomach, liv er kidney and bowels. Tt Is vastly more important to bathe on the Inside than on the outside, because the skin pores do not absorb impurities Into the blood, while the bowel pores do. MOT1CR OF KWil'KST KOH mi's i-on STREET HPKIMvLINU. Notice Is hereby liTtO thai mM bid' will he received t the office be t "J Unorder In Pendleton, OtJtoB, Op to KlockP. H . on May 16, lOtV t rtnkl la the nnpaved streets of The City of Pendleton for the MUOa of MM, For the purpose of sprinkling. He ( ltj will he divided into district follow: I.Trlct No. 1 All that part -f On Ctt 1-ln.r north of (he I'mntllla Hirer. OUtr . I N'. - All that Pf1 of th.Cltj l,lg"",uth ot the UtwnlO Klver nd est Dfck7tS-All that pari of the Clt, l,lnT"on of the Cra.tl.la "Iver nd eluded In the contract Knrh bid musi spedfy the price per OU Ijd team per month straight time, awn and team to be Kl.r theXctlon of the itwrt Commto .loner when not MfUPMI " !" "nrln! In- the City t" fnrnW' sprinkling wagons So' water Bach bid mail he ,v,m,p,,ied 3 H certified check In the sum of ()n lnndre.1 Hollars ($100.00), made payable oTe order of the Mayor of The Ity of Pen, leton " evl.h n. e of good falih, the ime to be forfeited to the City f th. Mdder Is successful and refuses to sign the 'oiirart with the f'lty In accordance with he terms of thl. notice. nd 0 be returned o the bidder If unsuccessful. Th Com mon Connril rerve, the right to reject .ay nd ll bid. In It dlctlon. Dated thl 4th oar of Max, 1818. imtea row riTZOBRALD, City Becordn. BOTTLING WORKS 222 But Court Phone ITT FAMILY TRADE A SPECIALTY Quick Delivery. Pioneer Bottling Works Paul Hemaelgara. Prop. ALL KINDS Ol1 SOFT DRINKS AND SODAS BOTTLED CIGAR FACTORIES SMOKE LA TOSKA CIGARS HTn tilled 10c. Straight tod Perfecto Shapes. Manufactured by PENDLETON CIUAK FACTORY. CLEANING-PRESSING CLUB RATES. I will keep a man' suit pressed and repaired for 11.60 per month and guarantee the beet possible work. HUDD, THE TAILOR AST DRY CLEANER, 110 West Webb Phone 115. EXPERT WELDING Pendleton Welding Shop EXPERT WELDERS We weld all kind of cut lroa, slnal num. Meet, copper sd brat by the Modern Oiy Acetylene Precast. Don't Wdt for Repair, Let tl Weld It 728 JOHNSON ST. Outlook for Wheat is Very Poor Prices in Chicago Market Take Rise PORTLAND. Ore. Mav 9 There was a better feeling In the Chicago ,on- trade during the early session for Government Report Surprise, wheat and prices were higher, due tc Th' rVorl of the government la the expectations of a government re- ""ed during the day. was somewhat of port showing a serious decrease in!" surprise, indicating a condition of American crop prospects I S2- Pr cent for wlmr wheat wlth . , . . I an abandoned acreage of 4.235.000 t iin r km awu 11 it. oruu in i wheat trade abroad. Broomhall ca bled that Liverpool wheat opened firm with the cargo market about Sd dear er with firmness of Manitoba offers. Weekly shipments from North Am- erica Wheat 10,040.000 bushels; corn 778.000 bushels; oats 2.436.000 hush- els to the United Kingdom. Russian weather Is milder at the! port of Archangel ana the river is fre of ice and navigation Is open. Argentine weather Is fine for plant ing and the movement of grain. Locally the situation remains ex tremely quiet In the wheat trade, with little buying reported In the country, although both oata and barley contin ue firm in the country. Flour Selling price: Patent, 20' Willamette valley. 14 90; loeal straight. 4.805: bakers' local, $4,801 O5.20; Montana sprlhg wheat. $6.10; exports $4 5004.70; whole wheat, 1 j 86.65: graham. $5.40; rye flour, $5.96 1 per barrel nriii.mo. Hbv Buying mnthv ,.-.. .,0. eastern Ore-! g(in,uaho fancy timothy, $21 9 22; nl- . .. ttaoi ,-etch and oats 818. clover. $16. Grain sacks 1916 nominal No. ROUGH TERRITORY IN MEXICO MAKE MULES NECESSARY ybf ; , - - . th. trail encountered hv th puniUv expedition in the Mexican ELECTRICIANS CHARLES MILNE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Eatlmat j Furnished. Phone tit, 118 W. Court St FEED YARDS PHONE 848 THE ALTA FEED YARD 702 Eut Alt St PEED AND SALES STABLE. FURNITURE Koch Furniture Store CHAS. KOCH, Pros. We psy cash for second hand stoves and ranges. 117 W. Webb St (tone 886-W GROCERIES I. B.JOHNSON & SDKS Groceries, Confections and Bakers' Good. Cash paid for Butter, Eggs and Poultry. 202 W. Webb St Phone 871 Calcutta. 1S 1-2 613 5-c In carlots; less amounts are higher. Millstuff Selling price, lots, bran 123; shorts, 25.50. carload Rolled oats 26.5006.75 per barrel. "l naney i t.w.a per acres. The winter wheat crop la esti mated at 499,000,000 bushels, which would give a total, wheat crop of ap proximately 900,000,000, or a greater amount than expected recently. Last year the winter wheat crop was plac ed around 656.S66.000 bushels and the total crop at 1.022,029,000 bushels CATTLE RECORD IS BROKEN AT $9.15 PORTLAND, Ore., May 9. Cattle niitrket records were smashed at North Portland when the weeks trade opened. A sale of a carload of Marling steers was made at $9.15. The cuttle were purchased by M. J. $5.-!""' of tBlR c,tv and consisted of 32 "! OI puip-rea seaning s.eer ....... Burley. Idaho. The slpment was made by the Portland Feeder corn- 1-any. or wnicn rrans mirae . acting head. .The company also brought In a numner oi oinr. r nnhi-fed stuff from Idaho. One. load was sold at $9 and two others went at $S 90 to the Union Meat company. The carload of yearling that 1 brought 15c abo e any previous ope mountains are inaccessible to any I method of transport except the hardy army mule. Several hundred of these GROCERIES J. W. DYER AT East End Grocery Phone 536 HIDES AND JUNK Pendleton Hide and Junk Co. Highest cash prices paid for 2nd hand goods of all kinds. Rubber, Auto Tires, Brass, Copper, Sacks and Rags. HIDES, PELTS, WOOL M FTJRS. 208 W. Webb St. Telephone 1(1 INSURANCE MANUEL FRIEDLY INSURANCE Automobile, FIRE, Burglary Plate Glass, Liability, Security Bonds, Accident and Health. Telephone 104. E. O. Bldg. LAUNDRIES TROY LAUNDRY Phone 179. ROUGH DRY 7c PER LB. Keep away from the wash tub and avoid a doctor bill this winter market transaction in Portland aver aged around 901 pounds, while the average price paid for the steers was 182.35 each. "The transaction shows," says Mr. Kurke. "that there is a really good mar,et here all the time for quality stuff, and baby stuff especially Is finding favor with the trade and pays lest to the country feeder if properly taken care of." The general cattle market was con sidered steady to firm during the day. General cattle market range: Choice pulp fed steers. .. .$8. 90 9.15 Choice grain fed steers. . 8.75 Ordinary grain fed steers. S.25iS.4u Choice hay fed steers.... 8.504S.75 Good steers 7.50&8.00 ordinary to common steers 6.0Ui J.08 Choice cows ..50 Ordinary to common cows 7.25 4J7.35 Choice heifers '. 7.507.7b Ordinary heifers ..00i.2o Choice bulls 5.5O06.OO Good to fair bulls ., 4.00 5.06 Ordinary to common bulls 2.00 4; ::. 75 Best light calves 8.00 Good calves 7.00 7.50 Run of Sheep Disappointing. Contrary to expectations of the trade (here was a very small run of sheep and lambs reported In the North Portland yards over Sunday. Total arrivals during the period were but 454 head, but this was a slight in crease over the same period a week ago. when the showing was 300 head. General ideas of the trade, however, are that the run will show some in crease during the present week. In the meantime the market stands in a very firm position, with not enough stuff coming to fill even immediate requirements of the trade. General shorn mutton and lamb range: Select spring lambs $10.00 W 10.2") S av fins setzycm , patient animals are now busy tran porting food and other supplies to our soldiers below the border. PLUMBING-HEATING D. D. PHELPS PLUMBING, HEATING. And Sheet Metal Worker. 221 B. Court St Phone 441 Phone 32; Be. 60S. Agents for PENINSULAR FURNACES. Wodaige ft Ardrey PLUMBING AND HEATING. Tinning and Repair Work. 100 W. Webb St, PENDLETON, ORB. PHOTOGRAPHERS Electric Studio 214 E. Court St Portrait made day or night rain or bine, aire as s call. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. BOWMAN STUDIO 018 Mala St, Tel. 820-W. HIGH GRADE COMMERCIAL AND PORTRAIT WORK. Post Csrd Photo 11.00 Do. A ia tear flnthtng. Anco Supplies. Best yearlings 8.008.76 Good to common wethers 7.60 . 7.75 Best ewes 7. 00 Good to common ewes .... 6.50 Hog- Run Less Liberal. Last Monday's liberal run of swine at North Portland was not reached by the marketing over Sunday, Total ar rivals since Saturday's report -consist ed of 3420 head, compared with 4257 head last Monday and 1387 head this same day a year ago. General hog market conditions were considered steady to firm at North Portland during the day. Sales oi tops were made around $9.109.25 for extra good stuff. General hog market: Choice light weights 89.104i9.26 Good light weights 8.908.05 Medium weights 8.508.75 Rougi and heavy 8.004J8.25 CROP ItfPORT SHOWS WINTER WHEAT GOES BELOW THE AVERAGE WASHINGTON, May 9. A sum mary of the May crop report for the State of Oregon and for the United States, as compiled by the Bureau of Crop Estimates and transmitted through the Weather Bureau, U. S. Department of Agriculture, is as fol lows: Winter Wheat. State: May 1 forecast, 12,400,- 000 bushels; production last year (fi nal estimate), 16,200,000; two year ago, 13,684.000; 1909-13 average, 12, 955,000 bushels. United States May 1 forecast 499.000.000 bushels; production last ytW (final estimate). 655.045.000; two years ago. 884,990.000; 1909-13 average, 441.212,000 bushels. CLASSIFIED DIRECTOR Y FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN S. BAKER, FUNERAL rector and licensed embalmer. nosite Dostoffice. Funeral parlor pi Op two itinera) cars Calls responded to day or night Phone 75. J. T. BROWN'S FURNITURE STORE Funeral director and licensed em-1 balmer. Most modern funeral pal'-: lor. morgue and funeral cars. Call's j responded to day or night. Corner; Main and Water streets. Telephone 63 INSURANCE AND I AND BUSINK.SS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO. MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands In Umatilla county. Buys and sells ail kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerage business. Pay taxes and makes investments for non residents Writes, fire, life and acci dent insurance. References, any bank in Pendleton JAMES JOHNS. Pres. C. H. MARSH. Sec. BENTLEY MONTGOMERY. REAL estate, fire, life and accident insur ance agents. 815 Main street. Phone 404. VETERINARY SURGEONS. C. W. LASSEN. M D. V . COUNTY veterinarian. Residence telephone 27; office telephone, 20. ATTORNEYS. HALEY & RALEY, ATTORNEYS AT law. Office In American National Bank BulMtag. ROOMS AND BOARD 702 B. Alt kg. M88M (Ml Moderate Bate. White Help Only gmployed. The ALTA HOUSE Mrs 1. SHBPABD. Prep. With or Without Board. Under New RUGS CLEANED Get Tottr Rugs Steam Cleaned At the PENDLETON RUG AND MATTKBM WORKS Upholster log sad Furniture Repairing. All work guaranteed. Price reasonable Located 108 Water St Phone 878. STORAGE BATTERIES STORAGE BATTERIES ARB EX PENSIVE. They need the best of care through the winter let CYRUS BROTHERS 728 Cottonwood SL, care for them Service guaranteed. Phone 645 PAINTS-WALL PAPER PHONE 158. Hale & McAfee WALL PAPEB. P1CTTJRB MOULDING, GLASS, DECORATING, PAINTING. Job work Promptly Done. 807 Mala St Pendleton, Oregon. Rye. State: May 1 forecast, 436.000 bushels; production last year (final et-timate), 414000; two years ago, 36,000 bushels. United States: May 1 forecast, 44, 300,000 bushels; production last year (final estimate), 49,190,000; two Sears ago, 42,779,000 bushels. Meadows. State: May 1 condition 93, com pared with the ten-year average of 96. United States: May 1 condition 88.4, compared with the ten-year av erage of 88.3. Pasture. State: May 1 condition 93, com pared with the ten-year average of 85. v United States, May 1 condition S5.2. compared with the ten-year average of 85.8. Spring Plowing. State: Per cent done to May 1, 1916, estimated 89 per cent, compar ed with 92 May 1 last year and 84. the ten year average. United States: Per cent done to May 1, 1916, estimated 70.4 per cent, compared with T8.3 per cent on May 1 last year and 6S.6, the ten-year av erage. Soring Planting. State: Per cent done to May 1, 1916. estimated "5 per cent, compared with 86 May 1 last year and 80, the ten-year average. United States: Per cent done to May t, 1916, estimated 56. T per cent, compared with 65.3 per cent on May 1 last year and 55.9, the ten-year average. Hay. State Old crop on farms May 1 estimated 75,000 tons, compared with 120,000 a year ago and 173.000 two years ago. United States: Old crop on farms May t, estimated 11.000,000 tons, compared with 8.468.000 a year ago and 7,832,000 two years ago. Prices. The first price given below is the GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, wlli-t, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawl.. Collections made Room 17, Schmidt block. FEE & FEE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office in Despaln building. CARTER & SMYTHE, ATTORNEY'S at law. Office In rear of Ameri can National Bank building. JAMES I law 0 company. 1RRY. ATTORNEY AT over Taylor Hardware PETERSON & BISHOP, ATTOR neys at law; room 3 and 4. Smith Crawford building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY. ATTORNEY at law. Will practice In all state .aid fe.leral courts. Rooms 7. S ami Despain building. FREDERICK STEIWER. ATTOR ney at law. Office In Smith-Crawford building S. A. LOWELL, ATTORNEY AM counsellor at law. Office In De spain building. AUCTIONEERS. COL. W. F. YOHNKA. AUCTION IS, makes a specialty of farmers stock and machinery sales. "The man that get you the money " Leave orders at East oregonlan office. ARCHITECT. RAYMOND W. HATCH. ARCHITECT Despain Building Phone 788. Pen- SIGN PAINTING XT ITS A SIGN WS Mill IT KEM SIGN GO. BM Gotten wood Blum Phono Itf. Pendleton, Ore. SHOE REPAIRING WB MEND SOLES. RUBBER HEELS A SPECIAL!, Pendleton Shot ReipHtt w 4. euoiuuuiiB SHOB REPAIRING ON SCIBJCflflC PRINCIPLES. W call for sad deliver. pkem nr. 8ie Mats st TAXI SERVICE CARNEY&TAXI CO. Phone 680 ST. GEORGE HOTEL. Prompt service, day and ntgbt rnoeral service 88.50. WATCH REPAIRING John Rosenberg Watchmaker All Work Guaranteed. Cera Court and Cottonwood. average on May 1 this year, and th second, the average on May 1 last year. State: Wheat, 87 and lit per bushel. Corn, 86 and ft. Oats, 3t and 51. Potatoes, 77 and 77. Hay, 813.10 and $9.50 per ton. Eggs, 28 and 19 cents per dozen. United States: Wheat 102.0 and 139.6 cents per bushel. Corn, 72.2 and 77.7 cents. Oats, 42.6 and 53. 4 cents. Potatoes, 94.8 and 50.5 cents. Hay, 812.20 and 11.72 per ton. Eggs 19.1 and 17.1 cents per dozen. Cotton 11.5 and 9.1 cents per pound. NOTICE OP PAYMENT OP CITT 08" PENDLETON IMPROVEMENT BONDS. Notice Is hereby given that Ctty of Pea dleton Improvement Bond No. 4, Series O, will be paid upon presentation thereof to the undersigned at the American National Bank, Pendleton, Cmatllla County, Oregon. Interest on said Bond ceases Jfnne 1, 1918. Dated May 0, 1916. LEE MOOUUOTJ8E, Treasurer, City of Pendleton. By Wm. Mlckelsen, Deputy. IX POUND. The following described animal has been taken up by the marshal of the City of Pendleton, to-wtt: One dark brown mute, hair brand F R A. Branded arrow head on left stifle. Coming 3 years old, weight about 800. If said animal Is not claimed by the owners or those entitled to the posses sion of them, costs and expenses against them paid and they taken away within ten days from the data hereof, then at 2 o'clock p. m of the i 19th day of May. 1916. the said ani- mal will be sold to the highest bidder. at public auction, for cash, at the City i pound, the Round-Up Feed Yard, or j W Webb streets. In said City of Pen , dleton. the proceeds of such sale to j be applied to the payment of such costs and expenses of making sale. Dated this 8th day of May. 1916. T. B. QURDANE City Marshal. SECOND HAND DEALERS. vTsTR)BLErEALER uTNEW and second hand goods. Cash paid for all second-hand goods bought Cheapest 'place In Pendleton to buy household goods. Come and get our prices. 219 E Court street. Phon 271W. MONTANA FARM LANDR NORTHERN PACIFIC .tern Mon RAJ I.WAT na at 12 60 II ln Holt, GEX1 NTI'I ELDERLY MEN DESIKIN, employment can make go selling our FULL LINE of priced Nursery Stock. Ou nlshed. Investigate Addres Nursery Company, 123 1 Avenue, Portland." LIGHT 'aclfle vlrand Ml