SIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. TUESDAY, MAY 9, 1916. PAGE TWO We Make a Specialty of Lingerie Blouses at $2.95' $2.95 is very popular price; it's just about what most women like to pay for a danty waist We have concentrated our efforts on this special line, with the following results: The style we show are exclusive with us. The variety of styles we show are greater than yon would expect to find in a stare twice the 'fO' ours. We devote special attention to this department and are able to give you extraordinary values. The range of styles includes both novelty and conservative fashions. SALE OF WOMEN'S CLOTH SUITS We are sacrificing our entire stock of womens cloth suits; all are this season's new desirable styles. No freaks, all are good smart, quality suits. During this special sale they are all reduced 33 Vj '7c or one third, which means that Regular f 17.50 Suits Will Sell for f 11.75 Regular $19.75 Suits Will Sell for f 13.75 Regular $25.00 Suits Will Sell for $16.50 Regular $27.50 Suits Will Sell for $18.50 Regular $30.00 Suits Will Sell for $19.95 Regular $35.00 Suits Will Sell for $23.75 Regular $40.00 Suits Will Sell for $26.50 Regular $45.00 Suits Will Sell for $29.95 Regular $50.00 Suits Will Sell for $33.75 SILK CORD One of our popular silk materials that is used for suits. It is of medium weight, soft finish, especially constructed for suits. Shown in the popular shades of brown, navy, Copenhagen, black and plum; 36 inches wide. The yard $2.00 SKIRTING MATERIAL A big assortment of woolen fabrics that go to make up extra skirts, shown in plaids, checks and stripes, 42 to 54 inches wide. These are of best quality, newest in style and finish. Colors of navy, blue, green and brown. The yard $1.25 to $3.00 SERPENTINE CREPE One of the best wash materials of its kind. Shown in an assortment of Japanese patterns and plain colors. To be used for kimonas and house dresses. The yard 20 UNENE SUITING This is an extra quality cloth for middies and wash skirts ; 36 inches wide, shown in two cloths, domestic and linen finish. The yard 15 IMPORTANT NOTICE Wednesday, May 10th. is the last day of the special demonstration of the celebrated Royal Worcester and Bon Ton Corsets. Mrs. Bel den, expert on figure moulding and female hygiene will give you the benefit of her knowledge, gained through years of study on these subjects. Your corset should be most care fully fitted. Mid Summer Night Dream and other -enn from Shakespeare will be given by the Dramatic Study Club in the near future. Rehearsals are now being held daily under the direc tlon or Mrs. Adah Loan Rose and to all lovers of Shakespeare tola will prove an enjoyable entertainment. The program will consist of scenes from "The Taming of the Shrew.' "Romeo and Juliet" "Mid Summer Night's Dream" and "Antony and Cleopatra." Saturday May twentieth, is the dats set for the -Fu-y May Festival." to ? mw -Sat PENPUTON Mirfrrtng From Itwumonta. J. u Dunn is reported to be quite Ul at his home with pneumonia. Marriage I A marriage license has been Issued to Clifford Vivian Sloan and Haiel Andrea Johnson, both of gtanfieid. Judge Mann to Portland County Judge C H. Marsh left last night for Portland to remain until Thursday. i.rading Kightli Grade Papers. The papers of the eighth grade pu- nil wh, t.n,w the state examinations be given on the Round-Up grounds "-, mk m Mln( .r.ded by der the direction of Mrs. Adah Losh Countv auprin,endnt Toung and P. Rose About one hundred and seventy- g. Nordnof( Qf Preawatsr. Ths five children take part in this May d- wl. not , announced untl; Festival, and will entertain with songs , mldd of nt week and the crowning St their queen. Each' 2i, " OU B-ffaio hot., will be brownies, butterflies. ; ... h. , at.- a nrw ej '. js anu " "iiiit: boy$ and mi Is THE BARGAIN BASEMENT MEN'S SUIT SPECIAL Have you attended this, best of all Basement Sales? Here's what you can do with your money. You can buy a $12.50 Man's Suit for $6.45 You can buy a $15.00 Man's Suit for $7.65 iou can buy a $16.00 Man's Suit for... $7.98 They are single suits remaining from lots of 6. 12 and 18. Every suit as good as the day it ar rived. There are no other prices like these clean-up prices. $17.50 Suits Offered at Clean-up Price $8.76 $20.00 Suits Offered at Clean-Up Price $9.65 $22.50 Suits Offered at Clean-Up Price $9.90 Clothing representing the very best it is pos sible to buy. We offer you $25.00 Men's Suits Priced $10.35 We offer you $27.50 Men's Suits Priced $11.45 We offer you $30.00 Men's Suits Priced $13.95 Visit This Money Saving Department. The Peoples Warehouse Where It Pays To Trade wmmmsmmmm Mrs. Xesmith Ankeny and Mm ' Frederick E Judd entertained yester day afternoon at bridge at the home nf Mrs. Ankeny on North Main street ' The rooms were very prettily decor ated in wild luppin and yellow tulip. Honors in the play were won by Mrs. J R. Dickson and Mrs. William lc Kinney. Twenty-six elderly ladies, whose average age was (7. were entertained at a very pleasant tea, party at Hill side Home by Mrs. Frank Frasier, Mrs. John F. Robinson and Mr. Charles Hamilton. Many stories of early days were tola and (here wai other entertainment to miike the af fair a pleasureable one. Mrs. Carl Power sang several songs during th i afternoon. The guests were Mrs. Mary Boyden. Mrs. Homer Halleck (Portland), Mr M J. Marsh. Mrs. Mary Lane, Mrs. S Morse, Mrs. Jesse Falling, Mrs. Agnes Kelson, Mrs P. J. Hegeman. Mrs. J. H. Raley, Mrs. Lot Livermore. Mrs. William Blakely, Mrs. Wlllam Roesch, Mrs Helen Bothhy, Mrs. Mary Disosway. Mrs Margaret Clark, Mrs. Annie Strahorn. Mrs. Mary La Dow, Mrs. Elen Bond. Mrs. E. J SommervMe. Mrs. J B. Burchlll. Mm. Ann Matlock, Mrs. K a Shull. Mr? Clara Stocker. Mrs. J. E- Smith, Mrs Pauline West and Mrs. Mattle Ln Dow. Miss Price of Spokane. a granddaughter of Mrs. Jane Hartman, was also present ' The I-adles' Aid of the Presbyterian church will meet tomorrow afternoon In the church parlors. Mrs. D. C Hansen returned yester day from Pasco where she spent Sun- lay with Mr. Hansen, who Is in busi ness there. jor Lee Moorhouae the horn of a bull buffalo which his father, the late Cass !( liter, picked up on the plains on September . 181. The date to scratched upon the horn. Out Upc l aid I'D. Chester Fee of Pendleton, captain of the University of Oregon track team and the leading point winner for Bill Hayward's bunch of athletes. Is not able to wear his track togs be cause of bloodpoisoning above hit knee. As a result the university has given up all hope of winning the an nual dual meet with O. A. C next Saturday. brine Through Snow Storm. 0. A. Kobblns Is nursing an In jured hand received Saturday when he drove a big Paige through the south end of the county Into Uepp- ner. He drove through a heavy snowstorm and had difficulty in see ing the roads which in places were very bad. At one place he almost up set and strained his hand in holding the car to the road. BRITAIN ADDS TO LIST OF PROHIBITED GOODS WASHINGTON. May An addi tional list of American commerce which cannot be received by British ports was received at the state de partment from i'nited States fonsul Genoral Skinner, at London. Among the articles are canned, bot tled, dried and preserved vegetables and pickles, litter, rubber tires, tubes for motor cars and motorcycles, salt larch, farina and potato flour. official), have taken the ground that such prohibitions constitute a question of International politics with! Great Britain, which could not well tie made a supject of protest by the I'nited States. Tie Ceaitg Baby! Hooray! Homy! Kst'APKD CONVICTS BATTIjK WITH POSSE EUREKA, Cal., May 9 Four e. taped convicts from the Mendocino i highway camp battled with a posse of! deputies and prison guards today. Thei fugitives were heavily armed and maintained a desultory fire rrom a gu'- ly all night. They built improvised! shelters. The posse expects the con-1 vlcts to use up their ammunition and ; surrender before night Nothing else cin so completely endear 9 to the present and the future si the etpeited arrival of a bohf . Bat in the mean time the comfort of the mother is of test importance. There its splendid external rem edy known ss "Moth er' Friend" which ex erts a wonderful Influ ence upon the expand. Inr muscles. Tbrr bs enne more pliant, stretch without undue pain, me the period one of pleasant antk Ipatlen I. -.trad of ap is s aeries of sr!e:dld letter from all over the country motlier tell of th arret help "M'ltlirr' tri: 1 to them, km grandmollirrii tell tlie wonderful story in their own dsurMers abmrt to eiter the stair of motherhood. Oct a ta.llk: of Mother- Friend" todsy of ywr neureet drunrist. 1'ae this splendid help v. i!i jmjr m n hand guided by roar own mind For a free hook T Isterest snd Importance to all mother write to Bradftrkl Rcgulstor Co.. 409 Umar Bid;.. Atlanta. Oa. It relate tlie prrwoal experiences of many happy mother. It tell sassy I iMts that all atmies rhould he fa atlr arith; It I at ur-- a guide sod sa faagsrsUon. for t book. gmmmmmmm GO TO THE St. George Grill when you want a good steak. 35c Merchants Lunch Served Daily. We are not cutting prices but re improving quality. Until recently 70 per cent or more of the waste molasses from Hawaiian sugar factories was thrown away. Fur naces an now being Installed to burn this molasses and use the heat for making steam Last ear, for the first time in more than half a century, new railway con struction in the United States fell to less than IBM miles. In 1914 the to tal of new mileage built was 1532 and in 113. 5071. LOCALS (Paid Advertisement.) City pound. Phone 438. For rent Six room house. Inquire 803 E. Railroad. For tree spraying, phone I. C. Sny-isr. Lace curtains laundered. Phone 20t R. Bundle wheat hay for sale. Wm Kupers, city. Two furnished housekeeping rooms for rent 124 Jeff Davis. For sale White Frost refrigerator Phone 310. Good building lot for sale on West Webb street. Telephone 624. Penland Bros.' transfer Co. hsv-i to rage warehouse. Phone III For sale Hold gas harvester, 14 foot cut. Phone 2F11. Going away, piano for sale, in good condition. Phone 762M. I haul your garbage and trash Phone 553M. 1403 W. Railroad st Suits pressed 60c; dry cleaned. 11.50. Rudd. 310 W. Webb. Phone 686. Will 1 11m Prairie thickens. K F. Averill left last night for ir rlgon to meet W. L- Flnley, state bl ologist, who will make an attempt to film 'some of the wild life of Umatll la county with his moving picture camera. Mr Averill has located a den of coyotes for him out from Irrlgon ;ind Mr. Flnley will attempt to get pic tures of these animals at play. X moving pictures of coyotes have ever been taken. Mr. Averill has also lo cated a nest of prairie chickens In the Cold Springs country and Mr. Flnley will film them also. r-W J n siJowBP' jj SCENE FROM "THE CONSCIENCE OF JOHN DAVID," TERPICTURE, DE LUXE EDITION, IN FIVf ACTS. HORSLBV. gtoWHug Or e With w. Ple Today. MUTUAL MAS PRODUCED BY For rent Nicely furnished room. Inquire 613 W. Alta or phone 356J. Few head of heavy org horses for sale. Phone 8F12, or writs Route 1 BOS 44. For sale A few nead full blood Shropshire sheep. Jas. Porter. Phone 241R Wanted Woman housekeeper in country Steady Job. State wages wanted. Address "H" this office. For rent Office room in Judd building. Apply F. E. Judd, American National Bank. For rent Nicely furnished house keeping rooms. 114 Stonewall Jack son. For sale, reasonable Horse, wagon and harness. Inquire Telephone Sta bles. Thoroughbred Poland China seed hogs for sale at the Commercial Feed Yard. R. H. Barr, owner. Wanted A good salesman and col lector who can furnish a rig or auto. Apply 220 Court street. I for sale mewett comoinea nar- vester; 12 foot cat; almost good new . Only 1600. E. L. Smith a Co. Prompt automobile taxi service, day or night. Funerals to cemetery only 3 50. Phone (80. Hotel St, George. Carney Taxi Ce. We handle Alberta and Montana lands on easy terms. Pendleton Ex change, Room 2, over Taylor Hard- ! ware Store. Rooming house for sale. Mais street, in center of business district. Doing good business. Inquire of pen- i land Bros. For sale 25 head of milch cows. ) 130 and up. One U. S. cream separ- ator, good a new. for half price. T J. Cheney at ranch on McKay creek. I or address Pendleton, Ore, Lost Ladles gold watch with chain attached on W. Webb. Please return ;to 1004 E. Webb. . Ofrice girl wanted State age and experience, also salary expected. Ad ' dress "0" tljjs office. i Mattresses made over, furniture re 1 pairing, upholstering Calls city or j country. La Dow Hros.., 219 Beaure ; gard Phone 227J. j For rent Up to date gpt at the I Kenmore. Special summer rates for i room and board i or t room apt. at 109 Water street Phone 421. 8800 automobile for sale at a snap. Can be converted into auto truck or delivery car at very small cost. Car in first class condition. See Raj Crystal, Orovery department, Peoples Warehouse. The Ladies Aid of . the Methodist hurch wll! meet tomorrow afternoon at the home of Mrs. R. I Oliver, 901 Jackson street, with Mrs. Oliver, Mr Roland Oliver. Mrs. A. W. Rugg and Mrs. L. L Mann as hostesses. As the first of a series. Mrs Ben L. Burroughs. Mrs. Henry w Colllna and Mrs. Roy Alexander are this aft ernoon entertaining at a bridge lunch eon at the Hotel Pendleton. lie. . W. A. Futter, prosperous farmer o! the Holdman district. Is a Pendleton j visitor today. F. K. Noordhoff of Freewater, is here assisting the county superln tendent in grading papers. $2.VM0 Deal tlosed. One of the largest real estate tran sactions to take place here In several months was concluded several days ago when Dan Russell of Nye pur chased the John Miller section of land northeast of town, the consideration being 826,(00, Including stock. Imple ments. e.c. The Miller family expect to leave within a month for their old home In Missouri. Mr. Russell re cently disposed of his place near Xye but has many acres of leased land in that vicinity. He will not move to his newly acquired property until fall. Pilot Rock Record. FKFD IIERRKSllOIT TO essay come back d2k BS t Fred Herreshoff, formerly a con spicuous figure in goir, will make an attempt this year to regain his for- mer prestige. When Herreshoff was taken III last year and was sent to n hospital, It was thought that he would never again w;eld a golf club.' It whs said his eyes were seriously of fected. But now Herreshoff has ap peared on thp Garden City, L. I, links. In something like his old form. It is now said he Is playing almost as well ns ever and his frlendssay he will be up among the leaders In com petitive golf thin summer. Fine! When you drink .it at breakfast, you will realize what great care has gone into the production of such coffee as Schilling's Best , For instance, the even grinding is one important .reason for its flavor and economy. Every particle of coffee yields the utmost in smooth rich coffee-taste. Schilling' Best goes further. Sold only throuRh Rroccrs. In vacuum-scaled tins Schillings B Dcst Hughie Jennings Manor of Dtnit " T-atn." tayt Italian peat too low in fuel value to be used for heating is being uti lised in the manufacture of nitrogen fertilisers. WRITE TO YOUR FRIENDS Of Monogram Stationery w. a. SMITH I CO. WEDDING AND VISITING CARD ENGRAVERS. MORGAN BLDG.. PORTLAND. OR : "After efdkat finish in m bat gamm a pip full of Tuxedo mttkti victory sweeter or obit. Em- Yok for TuxoM" They All Like Tuxedo because they can smoke Tuxedo from dawn till dewy eve in perfect comfort and with always increasing satis faction. KoWThMmt T4fPm mi CtaraS From three to five yean' ageing in wood does all that Nat art can do to make Tux edo mild and mellow. Then Science steps in with the original "Tuxedo Process" imitated but never equaled and takes out all the bite. You take no risk in trying Tuxedo. Read that uncon ditional guarantee in the top of the tin ; get your money back from the dealer if you are not thoroughly satisfied. You car. buy Tuxedo everywhere Pouch 5c Psnous green tin 10c In Tin Us. uniars, 40t OMdICC. In OUil Hum iJtrs, SOt and 90c. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY hHt 1 tv ! OSMER E. SMITH Candidate for Republican i Nomination District Attorney Umatilla County, Primary Election May 19, 1916 (Adv.) Rip Van Winkle was a lucky man, And the reason for the state ment must at once occur to you Because we're mighty sure that there must have lived a brewer Who could furnish him with something that resembled Bran-New. City Brewery