East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 06, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Adams Ladies Club
Have Gathering at
Mrs. Harrah's Home
The last word in automobile construction
The Masterpiece Car'
vi- ica rvnn sm.v. time is
Dalatv Itrfrrt-hiwuw Are- Screed the
iwwt: Many Adas rVUks Motor
to Otr OMOrl) Scat DmiiiK the
WnSt: If lotifre I nit Into
enIMate; Other Xews
.. . , ji
East Oregonian Special )
ADAMS. Ore., May . The Ladtes
Club met at the horn ot Mrs J. 0.
Harrnh Those present were as fol
tow Mrs Ella Bowling. Mrs Ella
Sttmonton. Mrs t'taaa Dapuis. Mrs. Ed
ward Mm F. B. Henry. Mrs. Coffey,
Mrs Frank Krebs. Mrs. T. A. Lieu
allen. Mrs J. C Chestnut. Mia. Jim
Pearson Mrs. M C. Mclntyre. Mrs
Taylor, Mtas FVrn Edwards. Mrs
Kteven Kdwardf Mrs. i'h. Schatt
and Mr and Mrs. J. W. Stockton. R
being missionary day. a rood program
was glcen. after which refreshments
were served A very pleasant after
noon was spent by all who were pre-)
Hobart Peringer was In Adams
Th uraday.
air. and Mrs Chas. s. hats and son
Charles, motored to the county teat
Mr. and Mrs 0. M Morrison and
children motored to the county seat
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Hales and son
John motored to the county seat Sat
urday. The Rebekah lodge No. lit. mat
Thursday night, havtng one candidate
to take who was Mrs. Frank Bunch
Hiss Jessie ("hesnut returned horns
from her school Friday to spend over
Sunday with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J C, Chestnut
Mr. snd Mrs. T. A Lleuallen motor
cd to WaJla Walla Saturday.
Billy Taylor. Frank Henry, Henry
Whitley and Carl Shristian joined the
Woodmen of the World at Athena
Wednesday night
Otis Lieuallen returned home Sat
urday to upend over Sunday with his
parents. Mr and Mrs T. A Lieuallen
Those who are taking the 8th
grade examination are Geraldine MoT- j
rlson. Helen Blake. Dorothy StoU, Ila!
Blake and Harold Cajstrona.
Mr. and Mrs. S. R Hunter and I
daughter. Dollie motored to the coun
ly seat Saturday.
ure$-Vmgue tTtlieNew MitcheU
XJX All Paid for Through Factory Savings
These are some of the extras which
the New Mitchell offers. No other car
in this class, we believe, offers more than
two of them. No other car at any price
offers more Una three or four.
Extra room a l!7-inch wheelbase.
Compare that with other Sixes.
Motor-driven tire pump, with a pres
sure gauge on the tubing.
Reversible head lamps searchlights
which shine forward or backward, or
wherever you want light.
A carburetor which costs 15 per cent
more than the usual.
Bates cantilever rear springs, which
double the ease of riding.
Oversize steering parts, made rff
Chrome-Vanadium steel and fitted with
ball bearings.
Chrome-Vanadium steel for all parts
which meet major strains.
An engine- with drilled piston and
other perfections to give wondrous pow
er for Its slse.
A 22-coat body finish of most endur
ing lustre.
Electric light in the tonneau.
Lighter, more powerful and silent
operating electric starter.
Engine primer on instrument board.
Locked compartment for articles of
Tool compartment under hood.
Handles for entering car.
Compartment gasoline tank, 18 H
This New Mitchell car Is produced for
one-half what It would have cost us seven
years ago.
It Is built for one-fifth less than It
could be built If we let others make our
Important parts.
How much we save Is shown by our
extras. Our price Is low for a big light
Six of the highest grade. Tet w offer
26 extras some very costly. And all of
these features which rivals don't offer
are paid for through factory efficiency.
7 Passenger MITCHELL "SIX" f 1475
5 Passenger MITCHELL "SIX" $ 1440
f. o. b. Pendleton.
McCook & Bentley
323 East Court St., Corner Thompson.
Telephone 65
- - - .1 -
. The following services will be held
at the Methodist church tomorrow:
Sunday school at 10 a m. Epworth
League at 7 p. m. Preaching at 11
a m. and 8 p. m. Morning subject,
"The Wonder of Our Sonshlp." Text,
First John 3:1. J. Evening subject
"Sleepers Called to Awake." Text.
Eph. 5:11. Special music by the
(hrisaan science.
Corner E. Webb and Johnson j
streets Services Sunday, nam. and!
t p. m Sunday school. 10 a. m ij Wed-:
neaday. s p. m Subject of lesson !
sermon. "Adam and Fallen Man ' The!
reading room at the church is open!
dally, except Sunday, from 2 until 4
P. m
Pastor H. H. Hubbell will preach
Sunday. May T. on the following
themes: 11 a. m. "The Place of
Prayer." 8 p. m. "Is the Dance Im
moral " Bible school at S:45 a. m.
C. E. meets at 7 p. m.
The following services will be held
M trie Presbyterian church tomorrow: !
10 . m.. Sunday school; 11 a. m. I
morning worship, sermon by the pas
tar. Subject, "Does God Send Trou
ble?" Anthem by the choir. Solo,!
Mr. Rose; 7 p. m , Y. P. P. C R. ; 8 p. i
m.. popular evening service Sermon j
by the pastor. Subject. "A Modern
Miracle." Anthem by the choir poll ,
Miss (li.idys Hamley. "
diarch of the Redeemer.
Sunday school at lo a m. Beini
the first Sunday In the month, the Lit
anv will be said and the Holv Com
munion celebrated at the 11 o'clock
service. Divine service with sermon
at 7:30 p. m. All are cordially invited.
Charles Quinney. rector
Bible school. 9:45 a. m ; preaching.;
11, subject "Succor for the Tempted;"'
P. P p r. 7 p. m.: preaching, sub-'
Ject. "What Should Be the Attitude of ,
tha. Churc h Toward the Dance?" This
niibject should interest every parent;
and every young person Come and
near It discussed. E It Clevengerl
In a further letter to the East Ore
gonian relating to the O & C land
grant bill, Senator Harry Lane says In
I do not think there is anything fur
ther that I can say in regard to this
subject. My Idea of disposing of the
land is governed by tne conditions un
der which the grant was made and
the manner In which said lands were
handled by the settlers. No value
was pared on the timber by either the
railroad company nor the settlers. It
had no value. Host of the settlers'
time was devoted to destroying it In
order to clear the land which was the
richest where the timber grew the
heaviest. He did clear tt by grubbing
up the stumps, piling them up and
burning them. The railroad company
officials knew this as well as any one
else and a price of 32.50 an acre was
set upon the land, ana as I stated
above the land where the timber grew
being included regardless of the tim
ber. AH bona fide settlers should have
sufficient timber in oraer to pay them
for the expense of clearing the land.
There will be no difficulty in dis
posing of all of it on an equitable ba
sis, the surplus timber oelng disposed
of in such a manner as to build
schools, public highways, reclaiming
lands and harbors improvements.
This is what I stated before the
I commmee on puouc lanua. 1 wuuiu
not do an Injustice to the railroau
company, neither would I allow the
railroad company to do an Injustice
.to the people of the state, if I could
help it.
If you thing what I nave said is of
sufficient Importance you are at lib
erty to publish It In the paper.
Thanking you for writing me on
this subject, I remain with kind re-
i gards.
Very truly yours,
War was ever the breath of life to
the American Indian, and in a strange
way the present one is reacting great
ly to his advantage, especially in the
case of the Crow tribe In Wyoming,
who have been enriching themselves
at a great rate by selling horses to
the allied governments.
flB Advertising in Brief
Per line first Insertion lue
Per line, additional Insertion 5c
Per line, per montb $1.00
No locals taken for less than 2St
Count 6 ordinary words to line.
Locals will not be taken over the
telepbone except from East Oregon
Ian paid-up subscribers.
Grant Division Is Plan. ing data preparatory to starting a
BAKER, Ore.. May 6. Drover j movement to divide (Irani county. The
Conger and E. O. Yoodall are secur- matter Is to go before the tlrunt
Overland control is so simple and
natural, its operation so easy,
that you drive instinctively
Model 7 5
Roadster :.:.
f. o. b. i .! -I
To appreciate this and the
other Overland advantages
you must drive it yourself.
You can do this when it
suits your convenience.
See us right away.
Model 83 B
f. o. b. Toledo
Roadster $4)75
Telephone 46
726 Cottonwood Street
City pound. Phone 438.
For rent Six room house. Inquire
803 E. Railroad.
For sale A few Bead full blood
Shropshire sheep. Jas. Porter. Phone
For rent Furnished sleeping and
housekeeping rooms. 216 Willow
Phone 242J.
Thoroughbred Poland China seed
hogs for sale at the Commercial Feed
Yard. R. H. Barr, owner.
17 roomed rooming house for sale,
good location Main- street. Owner,
leaving town. Inquire E. O. bldg.
For sale Blewett combined har
vester; 12 foot cut; almost good as
new . Only 3500. E. L. Smith & Co
Prompt automobile taxi service,
day or night. Funerals to cemetery
only 3. 50. Phone 680. Hotel St,
George. Carney Taxi Co.
We handle Alberta and Montana
lands on easy terms. Pendleton Ex
change, Room 2, over Taylor Hard
ware Store.
Don't forget, there will be a good
crowd, good dancers and good music
at the dance next Saturday night In
Eagle-Woodman hall.
Rooming house for sale. Main
street. In center of business district
Doing good business. Inquire of Pen
land Bros.
For sale 25 head of milch cows.
330 and up. One U. S. cream separ
ator, good a new, for half price. T
J. Cheney at ranch on McKay creek,
or address Pendleton, Ore.
Notice to the public.
Beginning on Monday, May 8,
1916, we, the undersigned, promise to
open our shops at the hour of seven
In the morning and to close at the
hour of eight In the evening, with the
exception of Saturday, when we will
close at eleven p m. and to charge the
following prices:
Hair cut 36c
Shave 15c
Neck shave 6c
Shampoos 25c and 60c
Tonics 10c and 16c
Manage 60c
Pendleton, Oregon, May 3, 1916
For Sale or Trade.
for property In or around Pendleton,
house and lot In Willamette valley;
also lot In The Dalles. Inquire G.
Hansen, Pendleton Creamery. Adv.
Public Dance Tonight. Moose Hall.
The public la cordlaly Invited to
attend the regular Saturday night
dance tonight In Moose hall. Music
by Sawyer's orchestra. Admission,
10 cents. Adr
county voters next fall. The two will
circulate petitions ut once, and It is
felt that they will have no trouble In
getting the required number of signa
tures. The proposed division will run be
tween toWMhips one and 12. cutting
the present county In two from north
tn south, in about the center The new
e.iuntv would Include Ixmg Creek,
Hamilton, Monument. Hitter. Range,
Austin, StBSSn villi and (iranlte, If It
v Ins. ,
nmmkc' Cbecfc t urd.
DULUTH, May -Tobias Relnert
in, of Winneshelt county, Iowa, and
.hlas llelnertson, of Duluth, are
ii different men.
Relnertson No. i cashed a check
la. H6 which was Issued to Rein-
rrtwn No. 1 and will serve 30 days
it the work farm on a petit larceny
'Souls In Itomluee." With Nance O'Jfeil at l"a.tlmo Kiindar and Monday.
The increase In the demand for pot
ask hay resulted In a number of ln
; qiilrles of government officials con
icerning the amount of this chemical,
i contained In wood ashes, which may
I be available at xawmills operating on
national forests.
if : "-"ll
Independent Garage
Tj40' lHiHHiiH SsawsaasaaaaBSsfcaaB.
HHj ' ysBBH wis 5?
Repair Service
that's different
Drive around here occasionally and let our mechanics talk to you about the
performance of your car. Tell them how it acts and of any small troubles that
have appeared. They will advise you right and without any charge. We are
conscientious in our work and are building our growing business upon the basis
of "satisfactory work will make you a steady patron." '
Remember, it costs nothing to consult us and "a stitch in time saves nine."
Service station for gasoline, lubricants and accessories. Free air and wa
ter. A car washer who knows how. Try him.
Hemmelgarn 6 Webb, Prop3.
Corner East Court and Thompson Streets
Telephone 633