East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 02, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Toasted Bran Flakes
( A Natural Laxative)
The hole of the Wheat Bran thoroughly cooked and
sterilized by a special process.
Package ... 15c
Roman Meal, package 35c
Pott Porridge, package 20c
Corn Puffs, package 15c
Puffed Rice, package 15c
Puffed Wheat, 2 package 25c
Gray Bros. GroceryCo
Two Phones, 28.
823 Main St
8000 acres, fenced and cross fenced, good buildings, with or without
stock, at 210 per acre. Easy terms.
JIOO acres, good improvements, easy terms, with or without stock.
Pi ice 110 per acre.
(04 acres. 300 in grain. 150 alfalfa, good buildings, close to railroad;
1 goes with outfit, at 250 per acre.
1000 acre of wheat land, close to R. P. . $30 per acre.
1 have acreage and suburban homes.
5 business chances on Ma n street
(0 residence property, some are good bargains.
Hood business property m Athena, very cheap.
Come in and talk it over
E. T. WADE. Pendleton, Ore.
Served at the Following
St. George Grill
Quelle Cafe.
On Draught and In Bottles
at Following Resorts:
Connor's Cigar Store
Billy's Place
Coutts A McDevltt
The Crescent
Round-Up Pool Hall.
Sold to the family trade In
cases of one dozen bottle.
and up. quarts or pints.
Brewed and bottled by
Wm. Roesch Bottling Co.
City Brewery.
Wholesale and Family Trade. Telephone 528
W I trrrr at has to imtf-t J
a be tfassMfssssyrlw
KKYPTOK Glasses are a wonderful convenience to
middle-aged men and women who wear glasses.
You can see both near and far objects through KRYP
TOK8 with equal distinctness. Yet KRYPTOKS cannot
be distinguished from single-vision glasses.
end the iuinnur of I seieviaf your read:ng glasses every time you
look aerest the room or at a distance. They relieve the tiring strain
i eon rour eyeu caused by frequently looking through your reading
glasses at objects three or four feet away.
KRTPTOKS are solid lenses without seam, line, or blur. They
are the only bifocal with smooth, even surfaces no age. reveal
ing, vision blurring lines, KeatnF. or shoulders.
Royal M. Sawtelle
Since 1887.
Plaintiff Get Judgment.
Justice of the Peaee Joe H. Parkes
this morning gave the Pendleton Rub-
ber & Supply Co.. Judgment for iius.
TO ugalnst R H. Home.
f mi from three to two the swear
ing of a large number of voters will
Increase the work of the election
Baiaresue Court concluding.
The supreme court, which began ts
May sesston here yesterday, Is grind
ing through the docket rapidly and
may finish up this evening. All mem
bers of the court, with the exception
of Justice Robert Eakm are present
There are no Umatilla county cases
for argument at this session.
Case is isLsmtssed.
The suit of Ellen Parr VS. Charles
Parr has been dismissed upon motion
of the plaintiff.
Alleged Perjurer Before Court.
Harry Redford, arrested recently
on a charge of perjury in connection
with the purchase or alcohol, is be
ing given a preliminary hearing this
afternoon befoi-e Justice of the Peace
Parkes Redford is accused of mak
ing false statements regarding the am
ount of alcohol he purchased wi'hin
a given time.
Battle Is Appraised.
H. S. Murray, B. B. Richards and
I F. S. Le Grow have appraised the at
! tate in this county of Warren W. Ray-
mond at J85.S00. It consists of 144U
I acres of land.
Opium Smoker Arrested.
The police today arrested Jane
Doe, a colored woman who is alleged
to be an opium smoker. The arrest
was made at the home of Ed Bowls
by on Willow street and the police
found apparatus for the home manu
facture of opium. This was confis
cated. The woman will probably be
tried tomorrow.
Will Hulld New Walk.
S. Rugo & Co. last night secured
the contract from the city for laying
a cement walk on Ami street from
Alta to Webb.
The drew la Coming.
Glad news for the kids Is contained
ir. the announcement today that John
Robinsons Ten Big Shows has been
booked to show in this city on June
iltlO KeuUtered In City.
An even 2100 voters are registered
in Pendleton for the primary election,
; according to Miss Frances Sallng, reg-
istration clerk who Is today totaling
jup the registration in the various pre.
Will Sen Rooming House.
Penland Bros., who have operated
a rooming house over the Talliaan
Drug Store in connection with their
transfer business for the past 17
years, have announced that they in
tend selling their lease and fixtures
and devoting their time exclusively to
the transfer business. They will move
their office from their present loca
tion to the East Oregonian block.
No steellieads t Dam.
Game Warden George Tonkin to
day received word that there are no
steelheads now running at the Fur
nish dam and thinks local anglers
planning on a trip down would have
a profitless trip.
Brighten Up
Give Yourself that New Spring Ap
pearance by Wearing One of Our
Stylish Suits, Coats, Dresses.
90.90, 912.50, 914.75, S 16.50
95.00, 99.00, 912.50, 914.75
95.90, 90.90, 912.50. 910.50
91.98. 92.98. 93.98, 94.98
Crepe da Chassis, U distr $1.25
Oriental IHrngees heavy quality 79e, SSe. $1.25
Striped INmgwn 7c
(ilasgon Linen Suiting, only IX l-tu
Piques, white or colored S5c
Itomper Cloth, white or colors 15o
New Scrims 10c, 140, Mk Ific
Colored Wash Good Ifle, 13 Oo, 15c, 18c
Mercerised Poplins 18c
serpentine Ctejse 15c
tedtts Dainty Collars S50, 48e, 89c ISo
New iwncv Kihhons 18c, :15c, 28c, 85e
Boadolr cap 25o. 48c, 88c, o
Children's lhiranol ac. 4Sc, Sac
ladles' Parasols 88c, $1.18, 81.8s
l-adles' New Middles 88c,
ladies White Tailored Skirts Sc, fl.48, 8I.8H
White Wash Waists Mo
White Waists with frill H8
Muslin IVtttconts !, SSe, 8c. $1.48, 11.98, $1.18
co. inc. v
I.C. Penney
Road Meeting Is On.
Pilot Rock is having a good roads
meeting this afternoon for the pur
pose of listening to arguments for and
against the road bonds. J. F. Robin
son, president of the good roads as.
sociation is there and the side of the
road bond advocates will be presented
by J. T. Hinkle of Hermlston. C. P.
Strain is to make a talk in opposition
to the bonds.
Redmen Will Initiate.
Umahollls Tribe, the local of the
order of Kedmen. will hold a class
initiation this evening and the Pilot
Rock degree team will come In to put
on the work. J. A. Donavan of Her
mlston, the grand sachem, will also
pay the lodge an official visit.
Service Cannot Attend.
Robert Service, candidate for the
republican nomination for public ser
vice commissioner, is in the city today
and says it will be impracticable for
htm to be here for a meeting May
owing to the fact he has appointments
In central Oregon at that time. He
states that some weeks ago he sug
gested a joint canvass of the district
but it was rejected by other aspirants
Sninii wreck Near Echo.
A loose wheel on a ooxear attached
to a westbound freight yesterday ' aft
ernoon caused a small wreck near
Echo on the O -W. mamline and de
layed the arrival of No, 2 and No 18
about two hours. No great damage
was done. ,
Selling Many Harvesters.
Four orders for Blewett harvesters
were placed yesterday by Umatilla
county farmers, those buying ma
chines being Fanshier Bros., Pendle
ton; Frank Hardy, Pendleton; C. W.
Howell. Pendleton, and Jacob Rhode,
Echo. According to A. R. Blewett
president of the company, many or
ders have also been received from out
side the county and he says the en
tire output for this year, 27 machines
will soon be disposed of. The work
of assembling harvesters is now un
derway at the Blewett plant.
Pioneer Westonlan Here.
Ben Walden, pioneer farmer of the
Weston section, is paying Pendleton
his first visit in a year. Mr. Walden
has been a resident of Cmatilla
county for the past forty years. When
he first came here from Brownsville
he lived on the old Knotts place near
Pilot Rock but most of the time he
has been In the county has been spent
on his farm near Weston. In recent
years he has lived a retired life in
Weston. Mr. Walden came to Ore
gon in 1852 and belongs to a well
known pioneer family of the state. Hs
is a cousin of Senator Harry Lane.
He is renewing old acquaintances In
Pendleton today and will remain over
(Continued from page on..)
Voters May Be Sworn In.
An impression prevails over the.
county that unregistered voters will
not be permitted to vote under the
new law. This is erroneous as the law
provides that an unregistered voter
may be sworn In by filling out a reg
istration card, signed ty two free
holders and being sworn by a judge
of the election board. Under the old
law voters could be sworn in before
any justice of the peace. Inasmuch
as the number of election Judges has
i The Immediate cause of death was
e arner of the liver.
Mrs Knight was a daughter of Mr
and Mrs. W. C. Kern, Mr. Kern being
former treasurer of Umatilla county,
and she was born at Bedford, Iowa,
on December 21. 1856.
She was married on December 20.
'.8"4,c Mt Humboldt, Nebraska, and
with her husband came to Umatilla
county in December, 1877. They set
tled at Helix in 1879 and moved to
Pendleton In 1904 where she had made
her home since.
Besides her husband, Mrs. Knight Is
i survived by seven children as loilont:
Arthur L of Shlloh, Mtss; William L
of Btrathmore, Alberta; Clarence 0.
of Portland. Ore ; Alvln P., of Pendleton-
Rmest B. of Pendleton; Mrs. B.
B. Eastrldge of Pendleton; and Ralph
W. of Pendleton. Another daughter,
Mabel Ivy. died.
The funeral will be neld tomorrow
afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Chris
tian church at Helix.
Mrs Knight wus a prominent
member of the Maccaoees and Rebek
ah lodges of this city.
roached mane, weight sbout 1250
One brown horse, had halter on,
branded same as abope, roached
mane, weight about 1250. Will pay
210.00 reward for Information lead
ing to recovery of above described
animals. James Crawford, Indian
For Rent.
Sheep ranch and rang, for 1000
sheep: meadow cutting 3(0 tons clov
er hay; water controlling spring,
summer and fall rang., with good
winter range. Will rent for term of
years, 12000 per year. Address, mall
or wire, Mary L. Hill, Denlo, Ore
gon, via Winnemucca, Nevada. Adv
Hazel Clark of Albee, was In Pen
dleton yesterday.
Hazel Taylor of Milton, was a vis
itor here yesterday.
Mrs. W. S. Ferguson of Athena, was
a Pendleton visitor yesterday.
George A. cressy of Hermlston, can
didate for the democratic nomination
for county commissioner, is here today.
Soda Fountain for Sale.
See John Butler. Pastime Parlors-Adv
1500 Acres Farm land for sale.
Located 4 1-1 miles south of Pen
dleton. O- P Bowman, pendleten. Ore
pioneer's picnic at Weston.
Twenty-fourth annual reunion Uma
tilla County Pioneers at Weston, Ore.,
June 2nd, 3rd.
Bowman Hotel Property for Ssle.
Doing good business. Terms. O. P.
Bowman, Pendleton, Oregon. Adv.
Redmen Take Notice.
There will be a meeting of Uma
hollls Tribe No. 18, I. O. R M , at
Eagle-Woodman Hall. May 1, 1918, at
7; 30 o'clock p. m., sharp Balloting
for candidates, class Initiation, offi
cial visit from the Great Sachem, with
. saaasa 'mm,' .warn, . -
LWiTl f ' SM . stW
M7L . WLht Seme
The photograph shows the British she had been torpedoed on Friday,
March 2itn. rne picture snow tne
channel steamer Sussex on her arriv
al In the harbor of Boulogne after
A full course luncheon was prepar
ed and served today at noon by half
the members In the domestic science!
class II of the high school to the other I
members. Next week the plan Is vice
versa so that all the members get act
ual work in preparing and serving'
meals. In other of the classes. Miss I
Butler has divided the girls Into
groups of three and these groups pre-1
pare and serve a twenty-cent lunch-1
eon to invited guests Miss Butler has
found that this is the best way to train!
the girls In the art of work.
It. A. M. Attention.
A chapter of Roynl Arch Masons
will be instituted at Hermiston Wed
nesday, May 3. All Royal Arch Ma
sons are Invited and expected to at
tend. By order of the High Priest of
Pendleton Chapter, No. 23, R. A M-
(8b Advertising in Brief
Per line first Insertion 10c
Per line, additional Insertion. fx
Per Hoe. per month 00
No locsls taken for lest tban 25c.
Count t) ordinary words to line.
Locals will not be taken over trie
telephone eicept from East Oregon
Ian paid-up subscribers.
entire forward
blown away.
part of the vessel
For rent 4-room furnished house
North Side Phone 248M.
Lost Valuable package near depot.
Return to Pendleton Drug Co
For sale Cadillac car In good run
ning order. Cheap for cash. Phone
Will exchange seven room furnished
house in Irvlngton, Portland, for fur
nished house In Pendleton. Address
"SN" this office.
Prompt automobile taxi service,
day or night. Funerals to cemetery
only 3 50. Phone S80. Hdlel 8t
George. Carney Taxi Co.
Striking offer for live workers;
don't miss this chance; big field; full
particulars free; hurry, write now
ijtlllty Mail Co, 127 7th ave, North.
Seattle, Wash.
For sale 25 head of milch cows
230 and up. One U. S. cream separ
ator, good as new, for half price. T
J. Cheney at ranch on McKay creek,
or address Pendleton, Ore.
Lost One roan horse, had halter on
branded appls brand on left hip.
Expert repairing
of Watches
and Jewelry.
Satisfaction guaranteed
Wm. Hanscom
THE Jeweler.
refreshments. Officers of Pilot Rock
Tribe will put on the Initiation. All
Redmen sr. Invited to bs present st
7:80 sharp. By order of the sachem.
(Adv.) Chief of Records
i ' rri- aj Ksw 1
Eye Comfort for
Reading and Distance
KRYPTOK Glasses are
a wonderful convenience
to middle aged men and
women who wear glasses.
You can see both near
and far objects through
KRYPTOKS with equal
distinctness. Yet KRYP
TOKS cannot be distin
guished from single vision
end the nuisance of removing
your reading glasses every time
you look across the room or at
a distance. They relieve the
tiring strain upon your eyes
caused by frequently looking
through your reading glasses, at
objects three or four feet away.
KRYPTOKS are solid lenses
without seam, line or blur. They
are the only bifocals with
smooth, even surfaces no age.
revealing, vision-blurring lines,
seams or shsulders.
Exclusive Optician
American Natl. Bank Bldg.
Phone 60S.
With several hundred makers of automo
biles in America, the Ford factory turns out
more than one-half of the entire finished
product. Because the worth of Ford cars as
dependable, money-saving utilities has been
demonstrated beyond all question, the de
mand is constantly increasing. Order yours
NOW. Runabout $442.45; Touring Car
$492.45. All prices f. o. b. Pendleton. On
sale at
812 Garden St. Telephone 651
We maintain n special FORD garage with a FORD
FACTORY expert mechanic. Try our special FORD
oil. Gasoline service sntion Free air and water.