PAG1 EIGHT PAGES PENDLETON BUSINESS DIRECTORY A Representative IMIMIIII Bill IH1 MM IUMUII1HM WHIIHPIU1MHIMMH1I1WIIMIIM HIM AUTO REPAIRING Ford Specialty. Ford AoceMortaa FRAZIER & aCRTSON AUTO REPAIR SHOP Shop phone, 103 It Cottonwood 8t, Op. City Hall. Motor Car Repairs W. J. BURNS MODEBN CYLINDB.4 QBINDBB AMU OVHBBIIM) i P18TON ASD BIIMM niuinMD Phone 11. NNl'l Blacksmith AUTO SUPPLIES TIRES AND ACCESSORIES Pendleton Rubber & Supply Co. TEL. MO. II. BEAUTY PARLORS Beaut, Parlors went. iBiarwimh Popolar Price. Ill Main rl Milling in Transit Heavy Losses are Suffered Because of Poor Grading PORTLAND, Ore, May 2 A mill ing In transit rate Is helng asked of the railroads by locnl grain Intel esls. The claim la made that very heavy losses have been suffered by the Pa cific northwest trade, as well as pro ducer, by reason of the poorness of the grading at Interior points for east ern shipment. It Is claimed that aft er the wheat was graded In the Inter ior it wait rearatled In the east, there. hy causing heavy losses to the shipper and the producers were sufferers In the end Under the terms of the proposed rate that grain interests here are ask- Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, ss tbe; csnnot reach the neat of Hie dliesse. US tarrli Is s local dlseane, gnntlj Influent hy constitutions! condition, and In order t enre It yen must tske sn Interns! rented) Utile Catarrh Cure Is taken luterunll) and arts thru the bloid on the mucous sur fsres of the system. Bail's Cutsrrh Cur. wss prescribed by one of the bent phylrl sna In this country for years It Is com posed of some of the beet tonics known combined with Home of the hst blow: purifiers. Tbe perfect combination of tli Ingredients in Hull's catarrh Cure is WMl produces sncli wonderful remits In rstsrrlim conditions Seud for testimonials, free F. 1. CHENEY A CO., Props.. Toledo, O AS Prutglats. 7.V. Hsll's Family Pills for constlpstlon. Hopes Women Will Adopt This Habit As Well As Men Glass of hot water each morn ing helps ua look and fed Clean, sweet, fresh. Happy, bright, alert vigorous and vlvacloua a good clear skin; a nat ural, rosy complexion and freedom from Illness are assured only hy clean, healthy blood. If only evuy woman and like every man could real, lie the wonders of the morning ln:de bath, what a gratifying change would take place. Insteada of the thousands of sL:ki, anaemic-looking men, women nod girls with paaty or muddy complex Ions; instead of the multitude of "nerve wrecks," "rundowns," "brain fags" and pessimists we should see a virile, optimistic throng o( rosy cheeked people everywhere. An inside bath Is had by drinking, each morning before breakfast, a glaas of real hot water with a tea spoonful o( limestone phosphate it: It .. m the stomach, liver, kid neys and ten yarda or bowels the pre vious day's indigestible waste, sour ,i rt in sons. thus iermenun""" - j ' . , cleansing, sweetening and freshen g the entire alimentary canal before putting more food Into the atomach Those subject to sick headache, bll louVneas, nasty breath, rtaunwtum.. colds and particularly those who have a pallid. sallow complexion and who are constipated very often, are .. .,..,(. a nuarter pound of limestone phosphate ' the drugstore. which will coat but a ir.ue - ... flelent to demoneuate the quick an remarkable change In noth baalth and appearance awaiting those who ,jto BM internal aanltation. We must re member that Inside eleanllnees la more Important than outride, because skin does not absorb Impurities to contaminate the blood, while the peree In the thirty feet of bowela do. DAILY List of Pendleton's Business Houses and Professional BOTTLING WORKS 222 Kut Court Pbone 177 FAMILY TRADE A SPECIALTY Quick Delivery. Pioneer Bottling Work Paul Hemmelgtrn. Prop. all kinds or Borr DRINKS AND BODAS BOTTLED- CIGAR FACTORIES SMOKE LA TOSKA CIGARS Havana filled 10c. Straight and Ptrfocto BbipM. Manufactured by PRNDLKTON CIOAB FACTOBY. CLEANING-PRESSING CLUB RATES. I will keep a man's suit prewed and repaired (or $1.69 per month and guarantee the beat poaalbl work. Kl'DD, THE TAILOR AWI DRY CLEANER, 310 West Webb Phone lit. EXPERT WELDING Pendleton Welding Shop EXPERT WELDERS Wt weld all kind! of cast Iron, alumi num, steel, copper and brass by tbe Modem Oiy Acetylene Process. Don't Wslt (or Bepalrs. Let Us Weld It 72 JOHNSON ST. Rate Being Asked ing, the wheat will be shipped to this city and graded. The proposed rate would also aid In the milling Industry of this city because n would enable millers to secure a thorough rate on the manufactured product which is not possible under present arrangements A very sudden and sharp advance was forced in the price of wheat at Chicago during the early session, due It is stated, to the crop damaga re Ports from the middle weat. Flour Selling price: Patent. .M; Willamette valley, 14.90; local straight. 4.405 00; oakers' local. 4.SO6.20; Montana spring wheat, 14 10; exports, I4.5ogi4.70; whole wheut, 18.15; graham, 15.40; rye Hour, 16.95 per barrel. Hay Buying price: Willamette valley timothy fancy. 20; eastern ' Oregon-Idaho fancy timothy, I2122; alfalfa. $2122; vetcn and oats. 111, clover, 111. Grain sacka 1914 nominal, No. 1 Calcutta. 11 I-2f 13 5-c In carlota; low amounts are higher. Mlllstuffs Selling price, carload lots: limn, 23; shorts, 125.50. Rolled oats 16 60j 6." 5 per baircl Rolled barley 111. 5032. 50 per ton. $9.20 IS PRICE IN PORTLAND ON SMALL QUANTITY OF HOGS PORTLAND. Ore., May 2. ."mail butchers paid as high as $ 15 fti :.2 for selected quality hcigs In small lots at North I'ortlnfnd during the morn ing, but the bulk of the good stuff again sold at 99.05, the latter a fractional advance over what similar stuff brought during last week There was a steady to strons tone in the swine division of the North Portland yards at the opening at the week's trade, despite the fact that the run over Sunday was liberally Increas ed. The country Is showing an inclin ation to market its hogs freely, this being especially true of Idaho points. Total run over Sunday In the yards was 4257 head, compared with 2677 head last week, and 1620 a year ago General hog market: Choice light weights 19.00 9.20 Good light weights 8.90 8.9a Medium weight. 8.50 8.76 Bough and heavy 8 008.25 tWMlc Market Is Steady . Onlv a few carloads of cattle came forward to the North Portland yards over Sunday, and the general trend of the trade was safely maintained at last week's figures. Pulp-fed stuff sold around 19 In the cattle division Three loads of California stuff came forward and sold quickly at the gen eral range for quality. General cattle market range: Choice pulp-fed steers. .. 18.85 9.00 Choice grain-fed steers . . 8.75 Ordinary grain-fed steers. 8.258.40 Choice, hay-fed steer. 8.50 8. 7b Good steers 7 50 S OH Ordinary to common steers 6.00 7.00 Ordinary to common cows. 7.2B P 7.3 r. Choice heifers T.MVT.T8 Ordinary heifers 7.00 7 25 Choice bulls 5"606 00 Good to fair bulls 4.00 5.00 Ordinary to common bulls 2 00 2.75 Best light calves 8.00 Good calve. 7.007.60 Choice light weights 9.00 Good light weight 8 808.90 Medium welghU 8 508.7!i Rough and heavy 8.00 8.25 Sheep continue yulct. Trade In the sheen and lamb divi sion of the North Portland market continues quiet, with a very small run reported In the yards over Sunday. Totals were but 300 head. General situation In the mutton trade shows practically no change from last week. General mutton and iamb range: Select spring lamba I10.00O10.60 Choice weight yearlings... 10.00 Oood to common yearling. 9 009110 Beat old wether. 176 EAST OREGON! AN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 2, 1916. WMlWIWmmWMlWmmmMM I IS. IS. M US I ELECTRICIANS CHARLES MILNE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Eattmat j Furnlahed. Phone III, 111 W. Court St FEED YARDS PHONE M6 THE ALTA FEED YARD 702 Rett Alia 8t FKKD AND BALES STABLE. FURNITURE Koch Furniture Store ("HAS. KOCH. Proa. We pay cash (or second hand stoves and ranges. 117 W. Webb 8t rbone 355-w GROCERIES I. B. JOHNSON & SOUS Groceries, Confections and Bakers' Goods. Cash paid for Butter, Eggs and Poultry. 202 W. Webb St Phone III SMART SET ASSISTS bbbbbbbbbbbbbbSsbbbbb BBBBBBBBLLLLLHIflBlHRfMLHKH MPS ARTHUR SCOTT BORDEN NEW VORK. April 27 The most beautiful flowers of the agricultural kingdom and the social world are rep resented at the International Flower Show now In full swing at the Grand Central Palace. Spring gardens thick with hyacinths tulips and daffodils, rock gardens with creeping cress and phlo vie with rose gardens, where buds of all shades from the delicate pink varieties to the deep shades of the crimson ramblers climb over trelllsea, gate and arbors. A whole department is devoted to or chids. Society ts well represented In the Tea Garden, the proceeds of which Good to common wethers. 8.008.2b Best ewe 8.08 Good to common ewes... 7. 007. 50 GOVERNMENT TRIES TO STIMULATE THE QUALITY OF FLEECES DEMONSTRATION CAR SENT TO VARIOUS DISTRICTS TO TEACH GROWERS. WASHINGTON, May 2. The wool car of the U. 8. department of agricul ture which left Livingston, Mont., on January 19, has given demonstrations In more than 60 towns of tbe Import ant sheep growing states to at least fiOO persons directly Interested In wool growing. Since leaving Livingston, the car has been touring Montana, Idaho. Wyoming and Utah In order to demonstrate to sheepmen that the production of better wool means more money Jor them. The tour Is the re sult of cooperative arrangements made between the bureau of animal indus try of the department of agriculture snd the argrlcultural college, of the four states named. The trip of this car Is reported by wool specialties as tne most Import ant educational effort that has yet been made In aid of the sheep indus try, which provides nine states, em bracing one third or the total area of the country, with the greater part of their income. In recent years a wide Interest has been aroused in the GROCERIES J. W. DYER AT East End Grocery Phone 536 HIDES AND JUNK Pendleton Hide and Junk Co. Highest cash prices paid (or 2nd hand goods o( all kinds. Rubber, Auto Tires. Braaa. Copper, Sacka and Rags. HIDES, FELTS. WOOL FURS. 201 W. Webb St. Telephone III INSURANCE MANUEL FRIEDLY INSURANCE Automobile, FIRE. Burglary Plate Glass, Liability, Security Bonds, Accident and Health. Telephone 114. E. O. Bldg. LAUNDRIES TROY LAUNDRY Phone 171. ROUGH DRY 7c PER LB. Keep away from the waahtub and avoid a doctor bill this winter AT FLOWER SHW ::-:-::-v::-:vv-:: will be devoted to various charities Among the prominent persons at the Tea Garden were Mrs. Ogden L. Mills,: Mrs Arthur Scott Burden. Mrs C. B. Alexander, Mrs William ' Shaw, Jr.. Mrs. I. N. Phelps Stokes, Miss de Bar II. Mrs. E. R. Hewitt. Mrs. H. M. Har rlman. Miss May Vogel. Mis. Egerton L Wlnthrop, -Mrs. Morris L Kellogif, j Mrs. c. D. Glbsou. and the Misses Bar hara and Florence Loee. The Red Cross share In the proceeds of the Tea Garden will go toward the fund for the base hospital units, three j base hospitals of 500 beds each hav ing been allotted to the New York County chapter of the Red Cross. better preparations of wools for mar ket. At the same time, however, there has been in some quarters a certain doubt whether the financial returns' would repay the attention and expense Involved in a departure from the pres ent methods, or rather the present lack of methods. The more progres sive sheepmen have reallked that the success of the movement Is dependent upon general cooperation among the wool growers. This can hardly he ex pected in the absence of familiarity with the market grades o( wools and a knowledge of the wide differences in value, possible in wool, of the same grade. It is to furnish this Informa tion to practical sheepmen that the demonstration car 1. now making its tour. In the car are live sheep with fleeces representing the main market grades grown In the section in which the car is traveling. Above the crates holding the sheep are cases similar fleeces, the grade, shrinkage and value of which are clearly Indl cated. Stationary magnifying glasses show the distinctions In the fineness of the various grades of small sam ples. Considerable space is also de voted to exhibits demonstrating the way In which the value of wool de pends upon It. natura.1 Bhrlnktge. strength and character The methods of branding, packing and tying are also shown. Another portion of the exhibit which has roused much interest con l.ta of case containing samples of Men Classified for " PLUMBING-HEATING D. D. PHELPS PLUMBING, HEATING. And Sheet Metal Worker. 221 K. Court St Phone 441 Phone 32: Bes. 500. Agents (or PENINSULAR FURNACES. Worfaege & Ardrey PLUMBING AND HEATING. Tinning snd Bepalr Work. 109 W. Webb 8t, PENDLETON, OBH. PHOTOGRAPHERS Electric Studio . 214 E. Court 8t Portraits made day or night rain sblne. Give us s call. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. BOWMAN STUDIO 918 Main St., Tel. 829-W. HIGH GRADE COMMERCIAL AND PORTRAIT WORK. Post Card Photos 11.00 Dos. Amateur finishing. Aasco Supplies. wool in various stage of manufacture, from the wool in the fleece to the (In ished fabric. Very few sheep men un derstand tlie many processes Involved in the manufacture of finished articles from the fleece and are not therefore In a position to appreciate the im portance which manufacturers attach to the different characteristics of the wool that they purchase. The exhibits in the car are explain ed to visitors by representatives of the department of agriculture and the ag ricultural colleges cooperating with the federal department. A number of college In other western stateB have asked to have the car visit their territories, and dates and places will be arranged for continuing the dem onstration as soon as It is known what funds will be available for the pur pose during the coming fiscal year. SPOR TS AMERICAN IJ2AGUE. At Detroit rieveland 2 Detroit 0 At Philadelphia Philadelphia 4 New York 2 At Washington Washington 5 Boston 3 10 Chicago-St. Louis game because of rain. postpone! ITIONAL LEAGUE. At Boston Boston 5 8 1 Philadelphia 2 4 1 At New York Brooklyn 8 11 0 New York 5 13 2 j At Cincinnati Cincinnati 3 6 0 Pittsburg 0 8 4 St. Louis and Chicago game post poned because of rain. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN S. HAKER. FUNERAL Di rector and licensed embalmer. Op posite postoffice Funeral parlor, two funeral cars Calls responded to day or night Phone 75. J. T. BROWN'S FURNITURE STORE Funeral director and licensed em balmer. Most modern funeral par lor, morgue and funeral cars. Call'' responded to day or night. Corner Main and Water streets. Telephone 63 INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO. MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands in Umatilla county. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes Investments for non residents Writes, fire, lire and acci dent Insurance. References, any bank In Pendleton JAMES JOHNS, Pres. C. H. MARSH. Sec. BENTLEY A MONTGOMERY. REAL estate, (ire, life and accident Insur ance agents. 815 Main street. Phone 404. VETERINARY SURGEONS. cTwTrSFirirTr'Trc veterinarian. Residence telephone 27; office telephone, 20. attorneys. rlyTraILetTtto'rneyT law. Office in American National Bank Building. CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY Ready Reference ROOMS AND BOARD 702 E. Alta St Telephone 47 Moderate Bates Walt Help Only Employed. The ALTA HOUSE Mrs. J. SHEPABD, Prop. With or Without Board. Under New Management RUGS CLEANED Get Your Rugs Steam Cleaned At the PENDLETON BUG AND MATT HESS WORKS Upholstering and Furniture Repairing. All work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. Located 10S Water St Phone 678. STORAGE BATTERIES STORAGE BATTERIES ARE EX PENSIVE. They need the beat of care through the winter let CYRUS BROTHERS 722 Cottonwood St, care (or them Service guaranteed. Phone 146 PAINTS-WALL PAPER PHONE 158 Hale & McAfee WALL PAPEB, PICTUBB MOULDING, GLA88. DECORATING. PAINTING. Job Work Promptly Done. 807 Mala 8t Pendleton, Oregon. NORTHWESTERN LEAGI'E. At Spokane Vancouver 11 12 0 Spokane 4 7 5 At Seattle Great Pall. 3 9 2 Seattle 2 9 3 At Tacoma Butte 7 14 3 Tacoma 6 11 4 Five lAe on $765 a Year. WASHINGTON, May 1. The mini mum wage on which an American workingman can support a wife and three children is 1765 a year, Arthur Holder, legislative representative of the American Federation of Labor, told the House labor committee In appearing In belialf of the Nolan min imum wage bill. The measure would provide a min mium wage of 13 a day for govern ment employes. Air Raids Repulsed. PARIS, April 28. Numerous air raids on the western front, where several German plane, Including a Fokker, were brought down were of ficially reported. There were no oth er activities excepting an Intermittent bombardment of Verdun. 184,473 CktaeM Trained. WASHINGTON, May 1. Approxi mately 234,472 citizens of military age in the United States now outside of the army have had military training. I This estimate was transmitted by the I war department to the senate in re sponse to a resolution. Adjutant -General McCain reported 1 67.763 men passed out of the army after three years' service between j 1 906 and 1915. Of these 6S93 were i deserters or others who left without j honorable discharges. Tltere were 126.400 men who serv. ed and passed through the organised ! militia during that period, and 40,317 who were graduated from some civil educational institution where the GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, wilH deeds, mortgages and contract drawl.. Collections made. Room 17, Schmidt block. FEE & FEE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office In Despaln building. CARTER & SMYTHE, ATTORNEY'S at law. 0(fice in rear of, Ameri can National Bank building. JAMES B PERRY. ATTORNEY AT law Office over Taylor Hardware company. PETERSON A BISHOP. ATTOK neys at law; room 3 and 4. Smith Crawford building1. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY, ATTORNEV at law. Will practice In all state and federal courts. Rooms 7, 8 and 9, Pespain building. FREDERICK STEIWER. ATTOR ney at law. Office in Smith-Crawford building S. A. LOWELL, ATTORNEY ANP counsellor at law. Ofdce in De spaln building. AUCTIONEERS COL. W. F. YOHNKA, AUCTI' N eer. make a specialty of farmers stock and machinery sales. "Ttv man that gets you the money." Leave orders at East Oregonlan office. ahtet. RAYMOND W. HATCH. ARCHITT.c Despaln Building. Phone 718. Pi dteton, Oregon. of the Public SIGN PAINTING DP ITS A SIGN WE MAKE IT KEM SIGN GO. 80S Cotton wood Street, Phone 172. Pendleton, Ore. SHOE REPAIRING WB MEND SOLES. RUBBER HEELS A SPECIAL!. Pendleton Shoe Hospital W i MoGARRIGUB SHOE REPAIRING ON BClENfiriC PRINCIPLES. We call (or and deliver. 187. 816 Mala Bt TAXI SERVICE CARNEYJAXI CO. Phone 680 ST. GEORGE HOTEL, Prompt service, day and night Funeral service I8 60. WATCH REPAIRING John Rosenberg Watchmaker All Work Guaranteed. Corner Court and Cottonwood. received instructions satisfactory to the war department. EAT A SQUARE MEAL AND NOT FEAR INDIGESTION There are hundred, of people In Pendleton who were not the least bit surprised when they read In the "East Oregonlan" that Tallman A Co. were selling Ml-o-na on a guarantee to re fund the money in case It did not re. lleve. This remaraable dyspepsia remedy will relieve the worst case of indigestion, headache, dlzxines8, or the general played-out condition ;! afflicts every one suffering with stom ach trouble. Mi-o-na doe not simply relieve, it alms to cure. Tallman A Co. can tell you of many well known people In this city who thU remedy has restored to health, o'ten after they have tried many other meth ods of treatment with tittle or no benefit. No other dyspepsia remedy has made so large a percentage of cures as Mi-o-na. It 1. so large that Tallman A Co. stands ready to refund the price to any customer whom it does not help. The best kind of advertising Is .he praise of a pleased customer, end there are hundreds In Pendleton today praising Mi-o-na because It does what it is advertised to do. A few moniha j ago they could eat nothing without I wondering what the result would be. I Since using Mi-o-na. they eat what i they want and when they want with no fear of suffering. This medicine i comes in the form of a small tablet 1 and is very' pleasant to take. It speedily and permanently relieves al most all forms of stomach trouble and Ls the only one sold under a pos- itive guarantee without any reatric , tion, to refund the money if It do-a not relieve. This is a good time to ; get well and you ought to take udvati- tage of Tallman A Co.'s offer. SECOND HAND DEALERS. V. STROBLE, DEALER IN NEW and second hand goods. Cash paid for all second-hand goods bought Cheapest place in Pendleton to buy household goods. Come and get our price. 219 E. Court street. Photu 271W. VAULTS. , -- --v-vwv--s, -s- THE NATIONAL VAULT CO. PORT land. Ore. Steel reinforced concrete burial vault air tight, waterproof, ev erlasting. For sale by Pendleton un dertakers. AGENTS W ANTES), ELDERLY MEN DESlKINi; LIGHT employment can make good wagee selling our FULL LINE of popular priced Nursery Stock, outfit fur nished. Investigate Address I'aclfte Nursery Company, in 1 Grind Avenue. Portland." M III' -