EIGHT PAGES AN INDBrMKT NEWhTAPISR. rtt M mm Dally ana Semi Weekly at Paw- dleta. t(rf m til the vast rkudma.n ithi.ishisu co. effk-tal Canary Paper. Member Inlt Pram) Asaoclatloa sun i u.r etaffl. it Candle! on. Urataa, a MaMH Mil matter 1 H aU IN OTUBB CIT1M. maafal Bain Newe staa Partmad, PAGE FOUR swaaaa Mewa Ca . Parttand, Oragoa. ON KI1.B AT CMcage Unread MB Secarlty Building. WasMagtoa, D C, Btreaa Ml, Pour taaatk street. N W. BVBSCRIPTION RATH. UN AUVANOKi Daily, om year, t.y mall U 00 Itallt, all moath by mail 2.50 Daily, Ihm moats, by atal! l it Daily, ear month by mull &0 Daily, r T. r. t.y carrier T.M Dally, ai month, by carrier i'i Iially, oar month, by carrier S Semi Weekly, oar year, by mail . 1.40 Kami-Weakly, ate moatha, by mail 7 Kerol W eakly, four mouths, be mall M Dally, tare moatba. kf carrier l.M THE lJTTLa IADS. The little ladi ahall laugh. And go dancing as they will. For the violet hour la theirs And the dawns or daffodil. For the little lads are beauty. and they shall not feel the stain That is sometimes back of pleas- urc. like the lightning back of rain. The little lads shaU laugh And the world grow glad to hear The singing end the sound Of their laughter and their cheer. For the little lads are living In the blossom and the smile. And they'll know so much to frighten whan they come to Afterwhne. Selected. OF SELF; MORE OF NATION mS the war in Europe going to bring Americans closer r together and cause them to think less of their individu al affairs and more of the na tion? Some fine suggestions along this line were made yes terday by President Wilson in a speech : "I believe that certain spiritual regeneration is going to come out of this thing. We have been thinking too much about our individual selves and too little about the coun try of which we consti tute a part "God forbid that we should be drawn into war, but if we should be, Am erica would seem once more to shake herself out of a dream to say 'Did any man dream that we were asleep? Did any man deem that we had for gotten the traditions of America? Did any man deem that he could tam per with the honor and integrity of the United States? And in the great voice of enthusiasm which would be raised all the world would stand once more thrilled to hear the voice of the new world asserting the stand ards of justice and lib erty." While this "spiritual regen eration" is on let it be hoped it will be indulged in by capi talists as well as by laboring folk. Let the armor plate and munition makers cease their howl against government plants and unite in supporting a government armor factory on the score it will be benefi cial to the nation at large. Let the shipping combine cease opposition to the admin istration's merchant marine bill and thus submarine their desire for immense profits and give the country- a chance to obtain ome ships. Let oppo sition politicians place country above partisanship for a time and not try to tear down the work of the president in order to make political capital. If these things should come about even in a fair degree the country would indeed be "thrilled." THE WORK YOU ARE AD APTED TO Jt AYS Prof. Edgar James SHw Swift of the University of Washington: "There if no such thing as general ability ; men have ability to do certain things but they may be incapable in other things." It is an argument for speci lization and there is foundati on for it A man might be suc cessful m a farmer yet be a Men Difficult to Fit Instead of several tiresome fittings, a week or ten days waiting and possibly dissatisfaction at the end, you simply step in, try on the suit you like see that it fits you perfectly and have it at your home within two hours if desired. The sort of men whose figures are "different" who are hard to fit can wear Bond Clothes $15 to $30 We have them in short, stout and tall as well as regular models with the assurance of correct fit and with the superlative Bond style. We carry a wide assortment of these superb gar ments for just such men. You'll save money, time and temper by dropping in here and in specting these premier styles in your size and cut. failure as an artist and vice versa. The captain of indus try would probably not suc ceed as a dancing instructor and the latter would not hold his own in the banking busi ness. It is of the utmost import ance that a person find the calling to which he or sne is 'adapted. It may mean every ' thinsr. It is a mistake to make a work horse out of a Jersey cow and the illustration may be made to fit the human problem. Many a man fails because he does not get into the line of work where his tai- ents will count. STEEL BARGES ON THE OHIO ft HE first of a fleet of self J propelled steel barges has been launched on the Ohio a 200;foot freighter, equipped with motor propul sion, a traveling crane, elect ric wenches, self-propelled carrying trucks and a wireless outfit. Few men will be re quired to navigate; take on and discharge cargoes, and ex pense all around is reduced to a minimum. With respect to certain classes of freight, the railroads cannot compete with barges able to burn crude oil, make fair time and operate with a small crew. The near future will witness considerable development in the revival of river traffic. Added to the Louisville line and the barges now operating from Chicago to New Orleans, if promised a St. Louis line of importance. The proof that our great inland waterways in their present state are as navl gable as those of Europe to light-draft craft multiplies BOND BROTHERS Pendleton's Leading Clothiers rapidly and similar business must be the result. St. Louis Post-Dispatch. ........... The Irish rebellion seems to have been plotted for the ben efit of Germany rather than of Ireland. The man who drives a car recklessly on a crowded street takes chances with human life. Will Verdun prove the Dar danelles of the German cam paign? It is lilac blooming time in Pendleton. FROM THE PEOPLE mow: about ko.d bonus Pendleton, Ore., May I, Editor Kast Oregonian: One word more on the Barrett- i Harrah-Vert propaganda agalnxt good roads and the bond issue. These men who control the various organizations, the names of whiuh they use In their advertisements, are wealthy land owners. They have made their fortunes In Umatilla coun ty. They have lived here many yeiir Hut during all these years not one of these men has ever gained any no toriety for his phllanthrophy, pro gTenslveness or personal endeavors to warn the betterment of the county us a whole Never a movement has beer. Inaugurated by these men or one in which they have Interested themselves unless Its ultimate object was a per Honal gain to them. And now these men want to Motet to the people of Umatilla, Hetmlston, Stanfleld, Echo, Helix. Pilot Rock. Milton, Freewater and the whole county as to what they shall or shall not do in regard to the bond Issue. These men are the millionaire wheat farmers who want to see no progress or development In the county. The) want the taxpayers of the county tn go on spending all the tax money Ir. building them a macadam road snrt In maintaining it. Tney have a road the only good road In the county, an ! gam . f Ha- iPSftam amhLamffSattnmiL. M lam fsfl arwVnaml BMb! mw aalali (I mmYmVtta! awYmV LmasEa Qai K H alaaVIaK'ES ' Lmfl bliW6nes"s At the Mia Theater Todny a they want no more good roads built because it would not personally bene fit them. They have no Interest in any part of the county except that wherein their lands are located an'i since the roads to be built by the bonds do not criss-cross the wheat belt and give them perfect roads Use) are opposing it and making the mis statement that the bonds mean In creased taxes and high cost of living, when In fact, the monds mean Ie taxation and a lower cost of living e cause the roads will provide more adequate and cheuper means pi transportation and communication -the entire county. They cry, "Protect the Widow's Mite." When before In their long i years of money making did these mn ever consider the wtaow and het mite? Have they ever protected her mite and accumulated Immense In dividual fortunes at the same time? This is tUt way they protect the wid ow's mite, by going around and ask ing the poor people to donate money to them to be used In putting on a campaign against the bond Issue. Why don't they put up this money them selves? They havo plenty of It. In fact, the people, the dear people would like to see nothing so much as these men spending a few dimes o( their many thousand dollars In face, hey would Ilk. an opportunity to get ' SSeNE FKOM ThS ofTo'Ve ml Tomorrow. some of this money in circulation. They also appeal to the laborer. What have they ever done for the la borer? The laborer is the bane nt their existence. In fact, they are con tinually endeavoring to so perfect their operations that they can do away with ' the laborer entirely. The bond Issue means that the laborer will get $800, 000 of the Issue, for that amount will be spent for labor In the construction of these roads and It wjll be local la I bor. If these men are sincere In their I protestaUon then we propose that they loan the county the money re i quired to build good roads and charge It's to Your A d vantage in every way to be careful of your diet and see to It that the Stomach, Liver and Dowels are working harmoniously. As soon as help is needed. Try HOSTETTERS Stomach Bitters no interest. They have the money and more than enough and they could af ford to do this without endangering the widow's mite In tne least. We appeal again to the comnrm people of I'matllla county to uiw. it their independence and say whether or not theHe few Heirish millionaires dictate to them. UMATILLA COUNTY HOOD novii ASS'N, by W. fj K. Pruitt, Secretary. Annual production of honey and wax in the United States has gradual ly mounted until it now totals In val-j ue more than 16.000,000. Big Bargains in i " Second-Hand Cars WE have six different makes of second hand cars on our floors, all have been gone over and put in good running condition. Priced from $150 up Chassis and motors are good as ever, making them just the thing for converting into trucks. We have priced them to make them sell first come gets the best choice. GET A GOOD TRUCK CHEAP We are making a specialty of building over old cars equipping them with truck beds and converting the minto cars for light trucking and roust-about work for farmers. Let us fig ure with you. Pendleton Auto Co. 812 Johnson Street. GO TO THE St. George Grill when you want a good steak. 35c Merchant Lunch Served Daily. We are not cutting prices but are improving quality. Telephone Ml