East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 01, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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New England Style Sausage
Baked Lunch Loaf
Boiled Ham
Summer Sausage
Kippered Salmon
Sliced Ox Tongue, in glass
Most Complete Line of Lunch
Goods in Pendleton.
Gray Bros. GroceryCo.
Two Phones, 28.
823 Main Si
808 acres, fenced and cross fenced, good buildings, with or without
stock, at tl6 per sere. Easy terms.
t!00 sens, food improvements, easy terms, with or without stock.
Price $10 per acre.
(00 acres, 300 in grain, 150 alfalfa, good buildings, close to railrosd:
all goes with outfit, at ISO per acre.
1000 acres of wheat land, close to R. R.. 130 per acre.
1 have acreage and suburban homes.
. business chances on Ua:n street.
5s residence property, some are good bargains.
tood business property m Athena, very cheap.
Cume in and talk it over.
E. T. WADE, Pendleton, Ore.
Served at the Following
St. George Grill
Quelle Cafe.
On Draught and in Bottles
at Following Resorts:
Connor's Cigar Store
Billy's Place
Coutts & McDevitt
The Crescent
Hound-Up Pool Hall.
Sold to the family trade In
cases of one dozen bottles
and up, quarts or pints.
Brewed and bottled by
Wm. Roesch Bottling Co.
City Brewery.
Wholesale and I'ainil) Trade.
Telephone 528
KRYPTOK Glasses are a wonderful convenience to
middle-aged men and women who wear glasses.
You tan MM both near and far objects through KRYP
TOKS with equal distinctness. Yet KRYPTOKS cannot
be distinguished from single-vision glasses.
flirt Hie nuiaauo of removing your reading glasses SVSTy time you
look across the roon, or s' s distance. They relieve the tiring strain
upon your eyes auvd bj frequently looking through your reading
glasses, at objects three or four feel away.
KltYPTOrLS are olld lennex without seam, line, or 1
are the only bifocals with mtMNh, even surfaces--no
Init. lslitn -blurring line. seam, or shoulders.
Royal M. Sawtelle
Since 1887.
mm i man pleaded guilty to vagrancy and
K u". ta taken out . per. was given a sentence of $50 or 30
mlt to build a garage on Aura street dsys,
at a cost of 1100.
Jay Bowcrnuui Here.
Bja M1ueU Car Jay Bowerman. Portland lawyer
r, t Q..,t. w.ii vnown resldeut who was once republican candidate
of Birch creek, has purchased a Mitch-' tor governor, is In Pendleton today on
eU "6 of 14." a seven passenger car,
from McCook ft Bentley of this city.
Golden Rule Values
Our method of buying, for cash only, secure for our store the best possible values
in all kind of merchandise, with the added advantage of buying all our good in
enormous quantities. At this tore you DON'T pay for the bill that wasn't paid, we
have no high priced bookkeeper's salaries to pay, nor delivery expense, neither do
we have high priced fixtures, all of which of necessity must be added to the selling
Rc-ovorliur from Pneumonia.
Isaac Jav. former local blacksmils state game Warden
who has been ranching near Uermls
ton recently. Is reported to be recov
ering from an attack of pneumonia.
state Warden Coming.
Cart l Shoemaker of Roseburg,
la expected 13
reach Pendleton tonight to confer who
Deputy George Tonkin.
HuUon to Sprsk Here.
R. P. Hutton. secretary of the Ore
gon Anti-Saloon League, will be here
tomorrow and in the afternoon at 4
o'clock will speak at the Baptist
church upon the subject, "What Are
We To Do to Keep Oregon Dry."
Treasurer Candidate Here.
Oliver Dickenson, Athena farmer
who is out for the democratic nomt
nation for treasurer, is meeting Pen
dleton voters today. He will be op
posed at the primaries oy H. J. Still
man of this city.
Mr. Judd Wins Tournament.
M(s. F. K. Judd Saturday won the
ladies' golf tournament held at thi
li cal links. Miss Kglantine Moussu
finished with second honors and Mrs
W. L. Thompson won third.
Takes Position In Bank.
Clyde Phillips of Portland arrived
yesterday and will take a clerical po
sition in the First National Bank
Youn PhilltDS visited Pendleton sev
eral years ago as a member of the j Previously tendered
University of Oregon Glee Club.
I'cst Hearing Not Sot.
The hearing of Mayor J. A. Best
on a charge of using abusive and ob
scene language in a public place has
not yet been set though Justice of
the Peace Parkes will probably sel
the time this afternoon.
Apron Ginghams 5
Percales 6, 10 12Vi
Dress Ginghams 8V.f, 10, 12Va
Outing Flannels 5, 6Vi, HlM
36-in. Bleached Muslin 5, 7if, S,
and 10 .
36-in. Cambrics 10, 12 Vif
Pillow Tubing 15, 17, 21
Sheets, full size, each.. 39, 69, 83
Bleached Sheeting 21, 23 25f
Table Linen, new designs 49, 69, 98
Colored Renfew Table Linen 49
Ladies White Wash Skirts 98, f 1.49,
1.98, 92.49.
Girls' Mary Jane Slippers 98, ?1.25,
91.49, 91.69.
Girls' Sateen Bloomers 25, 49
Girls' Bungalow Aprons 39
Ladies' Spring Dresses 98
Girls' Muslin Gowns 49, 69
Ladies' Corset Covers. .. 19, 25, 39
Ladies' Muslin Gowns 49, 69, 98
Brassieres 25, 49
Corsets, for all figures 89 98, 91.49
Ladies' Union Suits 25, 49
Children's School Hose, 2 pair for 25
Plaintiff Gets S1S0.50.
In the case of Perlnger vs. Car
ney, Huey and Bradley, the Jury Sat
urday afternoon brought in a verdict
of fls0.su for the plaiutiff. This was
the amount which the defendants had
J. C. Penney Co. Inc
WIU Discuss Decoration Day.
A meeting of the council cemetery
committee with members of the G. A.
K. and other citlr-ens will be held thi3
evening in the city hall for the pur
pose of discussing plana for the ob
servance of Memorial Day in a prop
er way.
Harney Anderson a Democrat.
Barney Anderson, prominent local
farmer who is seeking the democratic
romlnatlon for county commissioner,
Is having some annoyance from an
error on the part of a local paper tn
classing him as a republican. Mr.
Anderson Is a lifelong democrat and
does not like to have his friends be
lieve that a member of the G. O. P.
it, seeking a democratic nomination.
Mad Dogr Killed.
Police Officer Harry Edwards was
this morning called upon to shoot ths i Slt Vm Divorce,
dog owner by Jap Gulllford and wnicn A suit for dlvorce
has been exhibiting symptoms 01 ra
bies recently. The animal was bitten
was filed this I
afternoon by Julia Drake against her
husband. Hnrrv T. brnk. Th.. ...
three months ago by the Wilkes dogmarried ,n thig c, fc '
which was mad at mat time.
Seattle Singer Arrives.
Miss Estelle Buss, a prominent vau
deville singer of Seattle who has been
at the Alhambra and Clemmer thea
ters in that city, arrived yesterday to
fill a two weeks' engagement at the
Cosy theater. She opened last even
ing and scored a hit with the Sundaj
night audience.
she alleges that soon afterwards be,
Ban neglecting her and treating her !
cruelly even in Illness. They have
one child. W. M. Peterson is attorney
for plaintiff.
Buys a Grant Car.
James Bingle purchased a Model
V, Grant touring car and drove it out
yesterday to his farm near Helix.
This was the second Grant sold last
week, Grover Conger having purchas
er one and driven through to Long
Creek in one day. He left In the mor
ning at o'clock and arrived horns
at S after stopping for lunch at Ukiah.
Vestry and larlsh Meeting.
The Vestry of the Church of the
Redeemer will meet at the rectory on
Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock.
The annual parish meeting of thd
church has been called for Monday,
May 7th. at 7:30 p. m when the re
ports of the treasurer and secretary
will be received, the vestry for the en
suing year elected and other business
V W. Xye Is Back.
A. W. Xye. pioneer local resident
and property owner, has returned
from Portland where he has been liv
ing lately asd will soon be followed
by Mrs. Jessie Shultz. his daughter,
who is to take charge of the Nye ap
artment house on Water street June
1. Mr. Nye is In splendid health but
says "he Is glad to be back in Uma
t'Ua county again.
cost of the long water haul, gave
Welsh coal practically a monopoly oi
the Spanish Market. In Spain, the
king has power to alter such tarlfta
Mr. Veditz is acredlted to France, but
Spain Is included in his "territory.'
It looked like a bully good chance, so
Mr. Veditz went down to Madrid and
saw the king about It.
Their talk lasted an hour and five
minutes. Interviews between kings
and representatives of foreign services
of course are sealed for all time from
public eyes and ears In substance
it appears, however, that the king ad
mitted that Welsh coal had risen be
yond all reason in price and was get
ting very scarce In Spain. He would
be delighted to obtain American coal
on better terms but, If ships brought
coal from the U. S. to Spain, couldn't
they take something from Spain back
to the United States. Being a very
Returns from Convention.
A. J. McAllister or the Pendleton
Drug Store, arrived home yesterday
from Astoria where he attended the
convention of retail merchants. Rel
ative to the story that he is a candi
date for a position on the state board
of pharmacy, he declares he is not
after the position hrmself, but, in
common with other eastern Oregon
druggists, wants to see this part of
the state represented
sidered as drummers the rtamtnarnlt I
Attaches of the Department of Com-1
merce are In a class by themselves
They constitute a new corps of men
who really are salesmen-ln-general
for the United States-ln-general. There
are ten of them with offices at Lon
don, Paris, Berlin. Petrograd, Lima. I
Peking, Santiago, Rio de Janeiro, Mel
Bourne and Buenos Aires.
Notable "achievements" to the
credit of these drummer-diplomats are
already on record. For instance,
there's the recent case of Commercial
Attache C. W. Veditz, King Alphonso
and Spain's "transportation tax'
against American coaL
The "transportation" tax" amount
ed to (1.20 per ton which added to the
Sister lann- Away.
M. A. Rigby of this city has receiv
ed news of the death of his sister,
Mrs. W. F. Cook at Claresholm, Al
Itrta. the cause of death being heart
disease. The body will arrive here
tonight and the funeral will be held
tomorrow afternoon at '1 o'clock at
the Methodist church. Rev. and Mrs.
Uigby, parents of Mrs. Cook, will ar
rive from Los Angeles to attend the
Indians Conduct Services,
In response to Invitations extended
by Bev. A. McRae of Milton an 1 Rev.
H. A. Noyes of L'maplne, Parsons Mo
tanic and Albert Minthorn. well
known Indian workers m the Tutultla
church, yesterday spoke and sang fit
the Milton church in tne morning and
at the l'maplne church In the even
ing. Motanic was accompanied by
is two daughters, Esther and Mary
The Indians nracticallv took rh.inre
I of the services, singing songs In their
own toffgue and speaking of the mis
sion work among their people
Expert repairing
of Watches
and Jewelry.
Satisfaction guaranteed
Wm. Hanscom
THE Jeweler.
m Jusnus mrtsw, arrrm.
Eye Comfort for
Reading and Distance
KRYPTOK Glasses are
a wonderful convenience
to middle aged men and
women who wear glasses.
You can see both near
and far objects through
KRYPTOKS with equal
distinctness. Yet KRYP
TOKS cannot be distin
guished from single vision
end the nuisance of removing
your reading glasses every time
you look across the room or at
a distance. They relieve the
tiring strain upon your eyes
caused by frequently looking
through your reading glasses, at
objects three or four feet away.
KRYPTOKS are solid lenses
without seam, line or blur. They
are the only bifocals with
smooth, even surfaces no age.
revealing, vision-blurring lines,
seams or shoulders.
Exclusive Optician
American Natl. Bank Bldg.
Phone 609.
businesslike young king, he was In
terested to know where Spain would
be getting off In the deal. Spain rais
es oranges galore wnat about selling
Spanish oranges to America's teeming
Thereupon, as the story Is whisper
ed about, Mr. Veditz very tactful)
submitted that more and better or
anges are raised in the U. S A. than
anywhere else in the world snd" that
he was very regretfully forced to the
admission that, much as he desired
otherwise, there could be nothing do
ing In oranges Just stretch your im
agination a bit here, and, without vi
olating official secrets, yon may both
hear and see Mr. Verdlts warming to
his argument and driving horns this
clinching fact: "Tour majesty, na
tions may live without oranges b'ot
show me anywhere on the face of the
globe where the modern nation Is
which can live without coal.
A few strokes of the kingly Pen
wiped out the transportation tax and
we are now selling coal to Spain to
beat the band.
All Together
Pnttf Raid catches six.
Six persons were arrested Satur
day night In a raid on two houses by
Police officers Frank Nash and Whet
stone, Federal Officer oftedal
Sad Fireman Harry Minnis In the
BeSTOSy rooming house on Cottonwood
street the officers arrested Wilfrid
Minthorn Mauri Mamnffon V.A Chub-
man and Henderson Tatschina, Indians I
' ana vern nmiin, wnne, ana ai me cu
Howlsby place Melvlna Fife, a color
ed woman, was arrested This morn-1
Ing in police court Minthorn pleaded
guilty to giving Maud Sampson llqu.ir
and drew a sentence or 50 or 20 days'
In jail. Chapman forfeited bail of
10 for being drunk on "lemon ex
tract" and Vern Smith forfeited J5
on a similar charge. There was no
case against Tali hinu. The negro wo-
Big Bargains in
Second-Hand Cars
WE have six different makes of second
hand cars on our floors, all have been
gone over and put in good running condition.
Priced from $150 up
Chassis and motors are good as ever, making
them just the thing for converting into trucks.
We have priced them to make them sell
first come gets the best choice.
We are making a specialty of building over
old cars equipping them with truck beds and
converting the minto cars for light trucking
and roust-about work for farmers. Let us fig
ure with you.
Pendleton Auto Co.
812 Johnson Street.
Telephone Ml
Will give one-half of all the gross receipts tomorrow,
Tuesday, from 2 :30 p. m. to 5 :30 p. m. ad from 7 :30
p. m. until closing time, towards purchasing votes for
Miss Muriel Saling as queen of the Rose Carnival.
A Purchase Tomorrow at The Delta Means a
Vote for Our Queen.
With several hundred makers of automo
biles in America, the Ford factory turns out
more than one-half of the entire finished
product. Because the worth of Ford cars as
dependable, money-saving utilities has been
demonstrated beyond all question, the de
mand is constantly increasing. Order yours
NOW. Runabout $442.45; Touring Car
$492.45. All prices f. o. b. Pendleton. On
sale at
812 Garden St. Telephone 651
We maintain n special FORD garage with a FORD
FACTORY expert mechanic. Try our special FORD
oil. Gasoline service station. Free air and water.