EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. MONDAY, MAY lt 1916. PAGE FIVE ................................... ihe Aita 1 neatre turn Hh i Last Time Today V. L S. E. PRESENTS MAY ROBSON -IN- A Night Out Vitagraph Blue Ribbon Feature in 5 Acta. KALEM PRESENTS "THE EYELESS EDEN." Adult 15c Children 5c COMING TOMORROW Gertrude Robinson and Alexander Gaden in "AS A WOMAN SOWS." -, efl Utility Mall Co, 127 7th LOCALS 8b Advertising in Brief Pr ltn flnt ImoiJIob rtr line, muumu Per line, per muotb -lOt 8c -11. It No localt takes for less thai aM Count 0 onuaarj woros i Urali will not ba taken over ttw ttlrpboaa aicapt from Bast Oiagaa tea paid op subscriber. ave. North For tree spraying, phone I. C Sny der Lac curtalna laundered. Phone 2MB. Buff Orpington egga for hatching US K. High. For aale White Frot refrigerator Pttoa 110. Wanted Woman cook on ranch Inquire this office. Hog for Mile. Address Mra. IVter West, Box II. Pendleton. Ore. Wanted Woman to do general housework. Call 127 Willow Tot rent -Nicely furtilsfied house keeping rooms. 114 Stonewall Jack son. For rent, nice cool, three-room apt. at 10 Water street or Inquire at Ken more Apia. I have a new list of property today at price that will nstontsh you. Let ma show you. E. T. Wade. Thoroughbred Poland China seed hogs for sale at the Commercial Feed Yard. R. H. Barr, owner. Salt pressed 60c; dry cleaned. SI. 6. Rudd, 310 W. Webb. Phon (II. Oood bulldlag lot for aale on West Webb street. Telephone 624. Penland Broe.' transfer Co. haw atorage warehouse Phone III. Dressmaking by day or at home Room II B 0. Bldg Phon 24SM. I haul your garbage and trash Phone S6.1M. 1401 W. Railroad at. Furnished house wanted. Address P. O Box 687 or telephone 161. 17 roomed rooming house for sal, good location Main street Owner leaving town Inquire E. O. bldg. Mtrikinir offer for live workers: don't miss this chance; big field; full '"" particulars free; hurry, write now Utility Mall Co Seattle. Wash. For ssle Hold gas harvester, 11 foot cut. Phone 2F11. Lady wishes cooking In country. 400 K. Alts. Phone 290J. Doing away, piano for sale, In good condition. Phone 7I2M. For sale sheap It foot Blewetl combine Almost new rj I, Hopkins, Helix.' For aale Oood black dirt for lawn purposes Inquire at new oost offlce Tuesday morning. For sal Blewett combined har vester; 12 foot cut; almost good as new Only 1500 E. L. Smith 4 Co For sale, reasonable Horse, wagon and harness Inquire Telephone Sta ble. Few head of heavy work horses for sale. Phone 8F12, or writ Route 1, Boa 44. Lady wishes position an ranch as cook. Box 61, Helix, Ore., or phone Main 244. Helix. For rent Six room house, comer Monroe and Jackson. Inquire Herman .''uhl. or phone 10F6. For rayjl.i I nulla furnished house, ulso 2 room furnished house with sleeping porches. North Side. Phone 241m. We handle Alberta and Montana lands on easy terms. Pendleton Ex change, Room 2, over Taylor Hard war Store. For sale A few used cars ut bar gains. Among the lot arc Buicks, Kens and Maxwells. See Hobblns & West at Independent Oarage. For rent Office room In Judd building. Apply F. E- Judd, American National Bank. Will exchange seven room furnished How If, Till!? In a letter to Hobblns & West Auto Co.. dHted April 2Nth, Orover Conger of Long Creek, says; "I arrived safe and sound at six o'clock last evening, after putting the little Orant through the most severe trip that could be pos sible for any car to pull through. We pulled through mud and doby axle deep and the Flowers gulch hill aa us slick as grease with the rain pour ing down In torrents. Two cars are stuck here now with roads far better ahead of them than I came over yes terday." Upon his arrival at Pilot Rock Mr. Conger phoned the above firm that a foot of snow had fallen in the moun tains and he was afraid to go ahead He was told that a foot of snow Olu not bother a Orant und to go on. Hi" letter tells the tale. Adv. L'NrVBBWTV LOOkKH I POX AS KXPKHT ON FLAT FEG71 Mrs. Sam R. Thompson is this aft ernoon entertaining for her mother. Mra. W. M. Blakely, whose birthday It Is. This afternoon the ladies of the Civic Club are entertaining with a May Day card party in the Moose hall and many matrons and maids are In attendance. Mrs. L J. McKennon of La Orande, who, at the age of 16, is the oldest resident of Union county, is visiting here today at the home of her daugh ter, Mr. C. A. Vurplllat, en route home from Portland, where she had visited another daughter. Though nearing the century milestone, Mrs. McKennon Is still active and travels by herself. Mrs. C. P. Barnett of this city has left for Lexington to visit her broth er, R. L. Benge, a prominent farmer of Morrow county. Mrs. T. H. Dobson of Tacoma, ar rived Saturday to be the guest of her sister. Miss Orace Stocking. She is en route to San Francisco. Mrs. Dob son's husband is the captain of the big ocean steamship "China." The following people were guests at Kinxhum Spring over Sunday: Mrs. Roy Alexander, Mrs Fred Bloch. Miss Faith Schnydell, .Carl Peringef, W. A. Keurns, Roy W. Rlt ucr, Mr. and Mrs. Hen L. Burroughs. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Chluupek. Miss Kdna Zimmerman, Ie Caldwell, all of Pendleton. G. M. Morrison and family, John Hales, Miss Daisy Ow ens, of Adams. All report the roads In excellent condition. In fact la bet ter condition than at any time last season. The Fredda Seegrus Kei will meet this evening at the home of Miss Merit Parlett, 517 Madison street O. D. Teel. Echo Irrlgatlonlst, Is up from his home today. H. M. Culter. proprietor of Hida way Springs, Is a Pendleton visitor. Mrs. W. R. Taylor and Mrs Deun Willaby are here today from Athena. Mr. and Mrs. D I. Hopkins of He lix were Saturday visitors In the city. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril r, I'matilla, were up from Saturday. Tom Hill, youngest son of John F. Hill, spent the weekend here. He is now in Touchet, Wash. LAST TIME TODAY. THE LEADING FAVORITE Blanche Sweet IN The BLACKLIST" A frank and dramatic discussion of the industrial problems, revealing secrets of the organized war between employers and labor. Also Two Big Acts The SMITH & WILLIAMS Dancing Newsboys. See baseball dance. their WELLS G. DEVEAUX Musical Comedian. La TOMORROW JULIUS STERGER, IN "THE BLINDNESS OF LOVE." J UNIVERSITY of OREGON. Ku gene, April 29. Since the Associated Press and L'nlted Press sent out from Portland the story of feet defects re vealed through a system of special photograph taken In the women'e physical training department ut the university, appeals for help have been coming to the department from wom en over all the l'nlted States. To them the department extends the same free aid that is given the af flicted girls of the university: a diag nosis and list of corrective work with directions is sent out. Through these exercises, which take some effort but not much time, and which involve no tro wonderplay shown here at th Alta Theater tomorrow and Wednes day. In this production, Mr. Steger, who has long been a favorite on the speak ing stage and screen, makes his debut under Metro auspices. He is provid ed with an excellent role, that of a tender-hearted old man whose love for his only son is blinded through his constant devotion to him It I in such parts as this that Mr. Steger excells. Many critics have called him the "David Warfleld of the Screen," so finished is his performance inien Towusend Leander's one solace Is the "wid- most realistic "sleep-walker's escar ow next door." Her daily plungs in pade.. tnat witnessed "the old swimming hole" Interests hlra . unduly. This leads o a chase with note from the w'd. which Us- Mary Miranda Lamb, his lawful wed- ander had forgotten on the dresser, ded wife, in the role of chaser. proves the sonambullst's undoing. In his effort to out-distance her be He even up matters with Mary, wberi lands in an Institution for the mental- hia oW C0Uege chum Blackwell relates ly depressed, where the foes of de- a mogt disgraceful story of Mart presaion wish to disfigure his none malden daw He ,mXtJlcK her to too beautiful skull. He escapes, and ,he wrong-doer" rest" the stock falls Into the clutches of the beautl- the Au ne ha ofUn met ,or l00 ful "widow next door," who wishes to dent "butterflv chaalnr .- u. i. coiuui unuae mm, to aiu livt inciiu, .-V i- The widow, posing as "Charity giv- starts Leander the stock Is more nunuMhl. ma in marrying Phyllis mater rp th. h.. (-.--.- ' ... inese iirtu i-Af valine . Iv..u. . .m.ouq, beunaer 8 niece tions. Mr. Steger occupies a place tnat is unique in nia piuiwuu. ";ing away her clothes. Degan nis career anu ' on a "butterfly" chase which is inter- I i ),n-l,-.n ! nuns nf I - Brownell of , several jeai. a a u.uc "'rupted by the arrival of Mary. Lean-' Located 4 1-1 mile south f their home,"""0" ability, ne was in granu der arrayed in a night-gown, candle- dleton. O. P. Bowman, peadletoa Ore. and later In musical productions '! Uick in hand, proceeds to give the Adv. tne neuer ainu, wiai mnveu n di j- . Temple tomorrow. 1500 Acres Commercial Association Meeting-. The Commercial association hold Its regular monthly meeting morrow evening. In time lost and medical attention, the wage earners of this country have an annual sick bill or 1680.000.000. WESTON NEWS NOTES PARTY MOTORS TO ATHENA 1)1' It Ha? LAST WEEK; PERSONAL NOTES OF TOWN. way a few years ago. After his singing rolce failed, Mr. Steger took up dramatic work, and in that realm achieved the greatest success of his career. He is perhaps best known to theatergoers for his ar tistic performance in "The Fifth Com mandment.'' This first served him as 1 a Marring vehicle in vaudeville, w here he appeared as a headllner for seven years. The draamtlc sketch was then elaborated Into a play, and Mr. Steger repeated his success of the two-a-day. Later "The Fifth Commandant" was made into a motion picture produc-S tion. and served to introduce Mr. Ste ger to patrons of the screen. While appearing in "The Fifth Com- slllllllllllllllliraillllllfllllllllllllllllllHIIHIUlllllllHIHIHIHIIIItlimiHIMUlMaimitlft mandment" In Los Angeles, in vaudc-S (East Oregonian Special. 1 ville, several years ago, Mr. Steger was i WESTON, Ore., May 1 Dr. J. D. ! honored with what is probably the Plamondon and wife of Athena nio. I creates! ovation ever ar-pnrdpd flnv nr. S! apparatus or other expense, flattened , ored Wegton wdnelda tlst on the vaudeville stage. After II Mrs. Alice Kirkpatrlck. Mrs. Rob-j taking the curtain calls, the enthusl-jS i ert Blomgren and Mr. and Mrs. or-' astic audience insisted on Mr. Steger ;S vllle Duncan of Weston, motored to and his company, repeating the ' S arches or pronated fleet can usually be restored to nearly normal cor.di tion. In one of the exercises the patient j floor, pick them up one by one with i the toes and put them Into a dish. This simple proceeding strengthens the , transverse arch The transverse arch if many girls has been broken down house in Irvinzton Portland for fur. ..i.h.rf ,,... i .!.. ' .h.... Is directed to put 2S marbles on the I "SM" this office uooi. pica mem Prompt automobile taxi service, day or night. Funerals to cemetery only (3 60. Phone 6S0. Hotel SL Georue. Carney Taxi Co. For sale 25 head of milch cows, 130 and up. One U. S. cream separ ator, good as new, for half price. T J. Cheney at ranch on McKay creek, or address Pendleton. Ore. For sale, or will trade for sketch. In "The Blindness of Love," S EDISON DISC TALKING MACHINES car. Cadillac touring and roadster Demountable rims, new tires. Car in first clans condition Will demonstrate same under any condi tions. Address Hox 28 3 city Lost One roan horse, had halter on branded apple brand on left hip. roached mane, weight about 1350 One brown horse, had halter on, branded same ns abope. roached mane, weight about 1250. Will pay $10.00 reward for Inrormatlon lead ing to recovery of above described animals. James Crawford, Indian Agency. the feet of the I'nlverslty of Oregon lighter, KjrB ,han upon any University topic Mre The Diamond Point. With this you are never out of needles and your needle is always new. No spoiling of valuable records by using old needles and every reoord is played as it should be, reproducing the nstural vole and tone. All v prices and easy terms. fall and hear It. WARREN'S MUSIC HOUSE For Rent. Sheep ranch and range for 8000 sheep : meadow cutting 3E0 tons clov er hay; water controlling spring, summer and fall range, with good winter range. Will rent for term of years, $2000 per year. Address, mall or wire, Mary L. Hill. Denio, Ore gon, via Wtnnemucca, Nevada Adv Soda Fountain for sale. See John Butler. Pastime Parlors, Adv Horse Registered Kentucky Saddle for Sale. I will offer my entire herd of fine bred horses at public auction. In this lot will be some of the finest and best bred young stallions and fillies ever prodlced In this state These horses are of the "Black Squirrel" and "Cheater Dare" strains. They are the most fashionably and intensely bred lot of horses on this coast. I will also offer several head of very heavy draft stallions and mares, Ir, weight from 1600 to 2300 pounds This ssle will take place at the Vet erlnarv Hospital, Wnltsburg. Wash., May 31th 1S16. There will head in the lot Athena during the week. Bert Whitman of Pendleton was in Metro has provided Mr. Steger with S the city Tuesday. ja similarly strong role, which wins j 5 Mrs. J. A. Lunsdon of Athens, visit-and holds the sympathy of the aye- jj ed relatives in Weston Wednesday. tators. s Will Price, local painter, has Just j completed painting the interior Of I MAY BOBflOM NfOKES through, unscientific footwear. Pain. Joe Hudson's tarm residence north nil J. "A NH.I1T ol'T' 151 quick tiring and Inconvenience in 'town Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mc.ntyrej r walking follow. I have also just commenced the paint-1 No more pleasing or delightful pic-j5i More western newspapers have con-j ing of the interior and exterior of I ture has been seen for some time than SI taned editorials upon the condition of their commodious residence in the the Vitagraph Blue Ribbon drama now 55 same locality. 1 showing at the Pastime. May Robson, Mrs. Stanley Loud of Milton, was in the celebrated stage star, has the e.id-!s the city during the week visiting rela.!ing role In the play "A Night out tives. 1 which has been her vehicle on the S A large number of Weston people speaking stage for a number of years, went to Pendleton the last of the Less than two years ago she appeared week t" see the movnig picture show ' at the Oregon theater In this play entitled "The Birth of a Nation" j Tomorrow a new picture will tike! Mr. and Mrs. Henry' Waddingham , the screen. Mutual Masterpicturcj S visited relatives in Walla Walla Sun- present "As I Woman Sows." faturl day. Mrs. R. A. Lieuallen Is having hr house Tepapered. Will Price is do ing the work Miss Oladys Smith and Miss Keriol Mary MeBrlde spent the week-end with Mr I and Mrs. J. A. Sumscen. near Athen i Mrs James stanfleld. who hai been ill with erysipelas, has so far re. covered as to be able to be since referendum days. Examinations of the feet are to be Included in the physical examinations of girls entering the university here after. "In spite of the agitation over our findings, we have a much better pel -cenage of good feet here than Is found In the middle west," said Miss Ma'i ' Louise Cummlngs, director of the ( partment. "Fashion Week!" Monday, May 1 to Saturday, May 6 Many of our customers already know, and we would like to have all others learn, that Nemo Corsets are not only superior in style and durability, but give a hygienic and comfort service that has no rival. Every Nemo does something for you; and, being a very positive corset, it is necessary to get the RIGHT model the one that is designed for YOUR figure. Nemo Week is a good time to study Nemo Corsets. Our stocks are full, and our fitters are anxious to assist you in selection. Nemo Self -Reducing Corsets $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 Nemo Wonderlift Corsets $5.00 Nearly every woman really needs the special hygienic service that Nemo Corsets give. Let us fit you in the RIGHT Nemo and you will have ess plete corset satisfaction ever thereafter. No advance in Semo prieet yet, though iKi makers tell us that tne high cost of material trill compel an advance in the near future. PACIFIC COAST LKAGITKR MAKING GOOD IN NEW YORK ft.' ' i 4MAa. Joe ctceoH. NEW VditK. May 1, When Joe Ocdeon came to the New York Yan kees from the 'Pacific Coast league be 26 ws heralded a a wonder. Since the beginning of the season he has ing Gertrude Robinson and AlSXSnd Gladden. lot Mary's uinib. Ble.ssed her little lamb, i was grief and woe; Whenever Mary said a word, the was sure to go. -Leander Lamb, etymologist ami's out of matrimonial martyr, hunts the savage I a imli doors. Mrs T. H., Ahearn of Milton, tele phone lineman, was in the city trans acting business during the week. butterfly. He is flirtatiously Incline! but doesn't know "how." 10', DISCOUNT ON ALL NEMO CORSETS THIS WEEK THE DAYLIGHT STORE. Better goods, later styles, prompt and courteous -treatment. ALEXANDERS! Clieirolet Rst Wishes Agency. Sam I Paine has purchased the Pendleton agency for the Chevrolet car, known as the "little wonder" nrd U looking for a salesroom location. Telephone 14. Ask for a demonstra tion. Adv. IIIIUIHlllMirilllllllllllltllllllllHUIIIIIIIIIIIIltlllMlllllllllllllttllllllllllltlUIIIItlllltlS MARSHALL IN pioneer's plcnle at Weston. Twenty-fourth annual reunion I'ma tilla County Pioneers at Weston, Ore.. June 2nd, 3rd. HAS VINDICATION Bowman Hotel Property for sale. Doing good business. Terms, o p Bowman, Pendleton, Oregon Adv. Motion Picture News What the Picture Theaters Have to Ten Yon. Please write for descriptions and terms of sale. R. W. LOUNDAOIN, Owner. Box 106, Waltsbnrg, Washington. (Adv ) lived up to his reputation, the bat and In the field. both at He has ' Julius SUver at Alta. "The Blindness of Love," poduced popularised himself with the New by Rolfe Photoplays Inc., with Julius York fans who have become staunch : Steger, the gifted dramatic actor In rooters for the western lad. 'the stellar role, will be the next Me iiiiii i i iiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinitiiiitiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiMitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiMiiiitifiiiititnniiiiiitiiiiii 1 I A CnP NORMA TALMADGE, SEENA OWEN AND TULLY 1 TTATC TODAY MART I Keystone Comedy "GYPSY JOE" Featuring Joe2ackson j TOMORROW, TUESDAY ONLY Richard Carle supported by Jessie Ralph, Marie Wayne in I "MARY'S LAMB" I TEMPLE I iimuuiiiiiutiiiiiMuiiuiiMifi uwfiuiutiiuuiuiitamiiiiaiuMtiiiiiiUHtiiiMiiiiuijtjiuuiiiaHiuuiiiiHttiuiwiiMiijiiniuiiiurV