'DAILY EVENING EDITION TO ADVERTISERS. The Hast Oregoalan his the largest bant tide unci guaranteed paid clrrulitlun of any S per in Oregon, eaat of Foreland and by J the larget circulation in Pendleton of anjr other newspaper. DAILY EVENING EDITION WEATHER ht and Tf sd ..... YEBTERDArS WEATHER DATA. Maximum temperature 73. mini mum IT. rainfall. 0; wind. wait. 11(1)1, weather, clear CITY OFFICIAL PAPER COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPEB VOL. 28 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 1, 1916. ' NO. 8797 ""' " "" - !. hum."'' ' ',., mi 'i . '.Li.,,.,,'.,,.., , ' i",'',', ,' ,,.,, ' , I, , , "- ....... i 4 i SITUATION NOW REACHES CRISIS WITH MEXICANS Question of Withdrawal Which May Mean Peace or War With the Defacto Forces Up to Wilson. REQUEST WILL 60 UNHEEDED Administration Doc Not Intend to Treat Willi obregou In the Matter of Taking tb American Troop Oat of Mexico; Bauer and Wilson In Conference. VlLLlNTAh, HAVE HURNED THE MORMON COLONY EL PASO, May l. viliuitas have burned the Mormon colony at Chulchupa, the colony' care- taker reported upon hi arrival here today. The attack occur- red last week. Two hundred American familial deserted their home more than a month ago, fearing Villlata outrage. Three newspaper correspond- ents have returned from Perh- mg's heudquarter because they understood the active operation In Mexico were over. Thl reviv- ed rumor that the expedition ' wuuld withdraw shortly. BL PASO. May l The question of withdrawing the American expedition, upon which depends peace or war with Mexico, was up to the preaiu 'til today. Scott ha nought Pershing' opinion on the Curranxlstas demand for immediate withdrawal. A second conference with Obregon may be held later today. Intervention Interest Save Scott documents to show that the Carranziata would not cooper ate in policing the border, but hud themselves looted American property. WASHINGTON, May 1. The ad mlniKtratlnn does not intend to heed Obregon' suggestion that the Amer ican expedition withdraw from Mex ico. BoMt and Funton again have been instructed nut to treat with Ob regou regarding withdrawal Instead they mint again expres the need of the CurrartlstuH cooperating with the Americans. Secretary linker visited the presi dent following the receipt of Scott's request for more explicit instructions on how far to go at the next coher ence He must have received hi In struction quickly. The conference with Wilson lasted 10 minutes. Reservation May Secure 2 Bridges First Planned as CONFERENCE COMMITTEE RE PORTED TO HAVE ENDORSED ARRANGEMENT Word ha been received here that through the efforts or congressman Sinnott. a conference committee pass ing on the Indian bill has decided in favor of the original plan for erect ing two bridge on the Umatilla res. ervntlnn. one at Mission and one at Thorn Hollow. As adopted by the conference committee the federal gov ernment will provide two third te bridge cost and the county on thlrd. As amended In the senate !v Senator Lane the hill provided that the county pay half and the govern ment half. The news i welcomed here as It gives promise of the early construc tion of the, two bridges, both being badly needed. The appropriation however, has not yet been passed by . congress. M,W0 Bond Demanded. COEUR D'ALENB, Idaho, May l. N. D. Wernette, prosecuting attorney of Kootenai county, made a formal demand on a surety company for 125. 000, the bond of James W. Smith, ex assessor and ex-officlo tax collector of Kootenai county. The demand was made after the county commissioners and the prose cuting attorney had considered a re-1 port of a special auditor. The re- port, according to Wernette, shows alleged shortage In excess of 850,0011 In the accounts of the ex-assessor. The alleged shortages are principally In uncollected back taxes, refund and collected taxes unreported. State Should Provide Homes. t PAUL. Minn.. AD1 ! Pretn vine covered cottages should be estab lished, by the state, at 1 cost of 81, 000 each, for teachers of consolidated rural school, in connection with their school, State Superintendent C. G. genu) said. REBELS GIVE IIP THEIR ARMS AND REVOLTJS OVER Irish Insurgents Surrender in Large Numbers to British Troops Fol lowing Fight in Dublin. SNIPING NOT YET DUELLED Scattered 1 lands on outskirts of fit Keep (u intermit tent Firing on sltiiern But Work of Rounding Them Up Is Going Forward; Revo lution Effectively Broken. LONDON, May I. All the Dublin rebel commanders have surrendered, It was officially announced today Correspondent Forrest of the Unite-l Press reported that the rebel who were holding Stephen Green surren dered lut night. Four hundred and fifty Insurgents entrenched in the ' central part of the city, also laid down their arms at the foot or Parneli mon ument. Large forces or rebel at En nescorthy, go miles south of Dublin. surrendered after a short truce, din-1 patches received in London today stut-j ed. Sniping on the outskirts of Dublin' may continue for several days while the troops round-up the scattered reb el. There was no intimation what punishment would be given the rebel pi Isoners. Close Formation Attacks Made on the French Lines HAVE BEEN Hi til l 11 IIU1K AT VERDI X. PARIS. May l. Following a severe bombardment, the German last night hurled powerful cloae formation at tacks against the French north ! Dead Man's hill. Today's communique said that every charge wilted under the terrific fire. Th German losses were enormous. Another alt. ek in the Cumieres sector was repulsed. The German attacks have grown steadily more violent since the T,u tons resumed the Verdun offensive on Friday Guns of every caliber shelled Dead Mans Hill and Hill 304 and rained projectiles east of the Meuse. A curtain of French mitrailleuse fire mowed down hundreds of the advanc ing Germans. French aeroplanes showered bombs on the railways at Etain and Sebastopot. near Thlacourt A German hlvnar at Aplneourt was bombarded from the sky. This photograph of Liberty Rail, with the defiance of the Itrltlsh gov. ?rnment In large letters was taken ome month ago. The hall was the Liberty Hall Headquarters of the Irish Rebels jjl Hit! rii-fev4' ton H - i ...J Hii mmt liTHM;" i .W stmt ntmnvii, ? I Gibson Guilty of Violation of Dance Ordinance But His Sentence Suspended by Court A verdict of guilty with a suspend ed sentence was handed down thit afternoon by Municipal Judge The. Fltx Gerald In the case of AfftSf t: Gibson whose trial on a charge of violuting the 'dancing ordinance was held Saturday afternoon. The case was taken under advisement until thia afternoon by the Judge. The trial was held between 3 and I Saturday afternoon and wa attended by a large number of people. Mayor J. A. Rest and Officer Frank Nash were the two prosecuting witnesses. Nash testified first that he cautioned Gibson to change his method of danc ing when he noticed him dancing close to his partner and In u way he con sidered improper. The mayor declar ed the defendant was dancing a "cross between a rag and a walk dnnee" but what he objected to most he said, was that he did not obey the placard on the wall which read "Eight steps and turn." The ordinance prohibits ragging and indecent dancing but the prose Adams Young Man Probably is Fatally Injured in Accident (East Oregonian Special. ) HILTON, fire May 1. Another au tomobile accident which may prove fatal occurred on the macadam road on Dry Creek near the J. H. Coffman Place yesterday about noon. In the car were James Lieuallen of Adams and young Koffman of Walla Walla and two young ladles. They were go ing about 25 miles an hour. The car turned over and righted itself. The young ladles suffered many bruises Wheat Advances Three i Cents in Chicago Pit CHICAGO, May 1. (Special to the Kast Oregonian.) Today's range of prices: Open High Close May . ...tl.tf $1.1714 tl.l64 July . ..11.17 11.18 S1.17'n Tort hand. PORTLAND, Ore., May I. Special! Merchants Exchange prices today. lub, 91 bid, 97 asked; bluestem II 03 bid, 11.07 asked Liverpool. LIVERPOOL, April !8 Wheat Spot Nn. 1 Manitoba. 12s 10d (tl.84 Per bushel!; No, 3. 12s id: No, 1 rorthern spring, lis id; No. 2 red western winter, lis 5d (tl.68 per bushel.) headquarters of the followers of Jim l.arkln. the agitator, who was in the United States not long ago. Frcm this point the rebels spread through cution contended that the placard on the wall, put there at the suggestion of the mayor, plainly Indicated that mON Umn eljht steps without turn. Ing was co us!,' frt1 hot decent The defendant, a half dozen ladies with whom he had danced including the middle-aged married lady with whom he was dancimt just before his arrest, the two floor masters and others at the dance, testified, some very positively, that Gibson was not ragging nor dancing In any manner suggestive of Indecency. His wife, too, was among the witnesses. Gibson further stated that he never had rag ged and did not know how. The defense sought to show that I he, arrest was the result of words between the mayor and defendant afler he had finished dancing. Col. Rafey, his attorney contended there is nothing In the ordinance limiting the number of steps dancers shall take during a dance and that the ma yor has no power to make such regulations. Koffman had his shoulder dislocated, while Lieuallen suffered a fractured skull. They were rescued and hauled to Milton by Claud Steen, who was met here by Lieuallen' parents and Dr. Montgomery of Walla Walla. Dr. Thomas of Milton ana Dr. Montgom ery took Lieuallen to Walla Walla to the home of hla parents, while the other three were taken to their homes at Adams At 6 o'clock yesterday evening. Lieuallen was still uncon scious. NEWS SUMMARY General. Irish rebels surrender and lay down their arms. Germans deliver new attacks In dose formation against Verdun. Reply of Germany to V. S. demands is due next week. Mexican situation Is approaching a crisis. Local. Gibson found guilty but sentence is suspended. Teachers are elected for next year. Farm house on reservation burns. Bridges over Umatilla are provid. ed for by congress. Blind girl and eom.oanion injured by auto. Pendleton gives beating to Echo team. Mill. At "Ijukin's probably capture me Him m a eoiiii.uir Cltiien Soldiers." They j the men concerned In of the postofflce acting TO IkiriANDS IS DUE THIS WEEK Tentative Draft Still Undergoing Changes But Fundamental Points Will Remain Unaltered. GERARD'S REPORT IS ON WAY American Ambassador said to Have Dispatched Long; Message Regard ing His Confereuce with the Kaiser j Washington Is Annoyed Over the German Delay. BERLIN, May 1. Ctermany's reply to America's submarine demands will I be dispatched to Washington this week ' unless the unexpected happens. The! tentative draft is still undergoing j changes. The decision regarding the fundamental questions Is unaltered. However, certain newspapers warned I the public not to count for a certain! i on America's full agreement with the attitude of the reply. WASHINGTON. May 1. A long dispatch from Gerard, outlining the conference with the kaiser, was re ported en route today. It may reveal what Germany proposes to do regard ing meeting the American demands. Unofficial Berlin reports of a reac-1 lion in the optimism there is being re flected here In annoyance over the delayed reply. It was deemed un likely that Germany would trifle with the American opinion by permitting I the anniverslty of the Lusttanla dis aster, Saturday, to pass without riefi note avowals of the present case. It was believed that the president will not wait longer than Saturday for a reply. Unless early evidence of a note is forthcomng, Wilson is likely to suggest to Gerard that the time is up. Although the reply was complet ed on Friday, a delay followed the conference between Gerard and the kaiser. Indicating that Gerard did not consider the reply acceptable. Three Cheers for Joe. MILWAUKEE, Wis., May 1. Jo seph Hasenmiller wanted to prove he wasn't a hyphenated American, so he erected a sixty foot flag pole on the!was made without any accident or lawn in front of his home and an Am erican flag will fly there from now until the end of the European war. Refused to Pay German. APPLETON, Wis., April 29. Albert De Coster, Belgian-American, just kept right on owing John Wendt, Ger-; man-American, 835 today, because hel tnougnt it oeneatn tne dignity or a the 8hipment t0 reacn this ,,itv Mav Hundertmark. Sr.. 74. and C H. Ber Belgian to transact business with a , ' " ! thiame, 69, always feel qualms about German. The cour awarded John the The Chevrolet, while comparative h j voUn r a"ody for anything. thirty five but Albert's hatred for Ger- new tQ this cout)ty a we known ear j Hundertmark' first vote was cast for mans would never let him pay it. heand indlcatlon of lts popularltv j Lincoln and Berthiame's first vote sa,d. L,,. i,- u-j . .,. . .i..iwent for Garfield Roth men h f- miner me uirecimn oi vne man rein Society. The hall was taken by Brit- ish soldiers, Wednesday, April :, at the cost of eleven lives. Fire Destroys a 2 Story House on the Reservation FVRNITURE BURNS AND FAMILV ESC APE FROM HOME WITH ONLY CLOTHES, Fire Saturday evening between ,:S()f and 8 completely destroyed the two! . . story house on the reservation occu-JMiSS Mabel TempletOn 311(1 MlSS pied by Sam Ingall and family. Not . c .. c. . . ti... only was the house destroyed but all of the household goods were lost, the family escaping from the burning building only with the clothe they had on. The fire, supposedly, was caused by a defective flue. The family was at home at the time but the whole upper story was a mass of flames before they discovered it. With no facilities for fighting the flames, the members; of the family were powerless to do! finvtfilno- THa Inn. wa. inrnu. etiH hv! insurance. The house was on the Indian lanl of Mrs. Barney Sherry and was bnilt a few years ago by L. L. Mann. It was across the road from the J. R Thompson place. Squirrels Like sir Edward. LONDON, May 1. Sir Edward Grey's fondness for squirrels and the squirrels' fondness for Sir Edward Grey became known today. The Brit- tab. foreign secretary occasionally goes into retreat on his estate in Northumberland There are many wild squirrels in the surrounding wood. Almost uncannily the sqoir- rels know when Sir Edward arrives, for they quickly make their way into the house, scale the walls and invade tne iiDrary; men jumping on Hirione eye witness, Miss Saling started Edward's writing table they are re- to lead her blind companion back warded with nuts from the minister's when she saw the auto making the hand AGENCY ESTABLISHED HERE FOR THE CHEVROLET AUTO sM E. PAINE IS MANAGER OF NEW CONCERN; LOCATION BEING SOUGHT Sam E Paine and Harrv Alnsroueh . manager and salesman respectively ! were talen "to the Pendleton Drug for the Chevrolet Motor Co. In this;Store for flm W and later Dr. Guy territory, arrived last night at 11 oV Boyden had Miss Templeton moved to clock from The Dalles in a "Little Wonder" Chevrolet 490 In which they left The Dalles at 1 o'clock. Tho trip trouble, and their running time was remarkably good considering the con dition of the roads. They will establish headquarters here just as soon as they can find a suitable location. A carload of uui s lert the factory at Flint, Michigan on Vpril 22, a part of a !5-car shipment made upon order Qf B(mj E Koon- of Prf,H Mr , ' ,l ten" carloads leave the factory every ' vored were assassinated. They al mornlng for the Pacific coast. The j ways ,eI1 thl" ator to politicians seek- car is made In two models, the 49ti'ns tne'r vote. and the Baby Grand, and sells for 150 j and 8865 f. o. b Pendleton. Eden is Near Soldier. LONDON, April 29. On officer Child's Death Due to Cat. j serving in Mespotamla wrote home ABILENE. Kan.. May 1. Anthrax, j as follows The Garden of Bden is according to phpsiclans. waa respon-not many hundred yard from my sible for the death of Paul Lloyd, the j camp. On the river front grows a 8-year-old son of arfleld Lloyd, a ma- j tree which has long, yellow beans and chmlst here. ; feathery leaves. It is the only one of The child was ill for two months j its kind here, and "T A tkins" has and specialists announced he had con- named it "The Forbidden Tree " In traded the disease playing with the jits vicinity small Arab boys hawk family cat. Several operations werebeap clgarets biscuits and tinned performed in attempts to thwart the j milk and the locality is known a disease. TVmptatlon Square." Most of Present Teachers in Schools Reelected by Board Klection of teachers for the Pen- will nrobablv k. Idleton schools next year was held b the school board Saturday evening.! With but few exceptions the present teachers were retained, some at ad- vanced salary, but some of the teach, ers i. -elected win protiatm resign, leaving vacancies to be filled la L. P. Gambee was re-elected prin cipal of the high school at a salary ot $13',0 and all of the other faculty Positions are the same for next ear at) this sition with the if directoi 13 ground y w as chi ixet ptiun c girls the p, athletlt I Ruth Ti B. K. were re snips bi filled. (Mil .elect it the The that v gra written enly nei Misses . Pherson ane and girli El ' lYlldlel. and rvrssi. The frMt teachers 1 been assigned to their most of those re-electe 'their present positions. Some few I YOUNG LADIES ARE INJURED BY E nuuo oauiig ouuxn vj tnaumic While Crossing Main Street. POLICE MAY MAKE ARREST j Mjf, xcmpleton is Blind and Was Be ing Led by Miss SMtag at Tiase of Use Accident; Said That Auto Wa Taken from Oarage Without Any Authority. Struck by an auto Saturday even ing at 8 o'clock as they were about to croas Main street, Mia Mabel Temple ton of this city and Miss Anna Soling, a young lady who teaches at Csurass, were knocked down and severely : though not seriously Injured The au l to was being driven by Guy connerty. J and Carl Churchill was occupying it i with him. Miss Templeton is Blind and waa being conducted by Miss Saling, who & her cousin. The auto waa traveling j north on Main and at the intersection Qf Main and Court was being turned ; about The young ladles had started ! across the street directly in front of ; The Leader Store and, according to turn toward them. They had not quite reached the walk again when the auto struck them. Both were thrown backward upon the walk and tne anto crashed into a telephone pole a few feet away. Miss Templeton suffered two cuts and torn muscles on tne calf of her right leg and some other braises. Miss Sailing's head struck the pave ment with considerable force and she was partially stunned besides suffiv- "n ome onuses. Tne young ladles the hospital. Both are recovering to day but Miss Saling will not return to her work for several days. The auto In which the men were riding was a Ford ana belonged to James Walden. It is claimed that it was taken from the Long Garage without any authority. There is some talk of an arrest in connection with the accident. May Be Bad Sign. ST. PAUL, Minn.. April 29.Woht term starts. Anson Cornell, prominent I" football and baseboll man may be employe! partly by the inhsrds coach and partly by the liinlor clubs of Pendlet.ii director iha,r,u,. Taliman was named a committee of one to make negotiation The following are the teachers e. ected for the high school u P Gambee nrlnelnnl n f r-wi W. K. Livingston, ''larence Tubbs. Anita Slater. Caroline Honnev Fmnia ler, Mildred Wilson, Norma Graves" 1 Maria n H Webb riant II. Mmlth and Louise G. Bailey. Mn'uiirv. In isted. Mays Hi 'eva Unr, Mr I MulholUn. Ise Deute. Klore gar, Vesta Cutil E. E. Gels ant HOT MOBIL 0