TEN PAGES iiiiHiiiiiiiiiiniiiHiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiii nun iiimiiiiiuiiiiiiimiii mug DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1916. i s I iut Buy for Cash YOU GET MORE AND PAY LESS. Do you w&nt the best for the smallest cash price? If so, the Dean Tatom Co. must be the place, and if you are a stranger in the city a visit to our new store will prove to you the truth of our claim : "We sell the best yet the price is small for cash only." The Dean Tati Co SPECIAL 11 FOR EASTER SERVICE IS AT PRESBYTERIAN (SIILRCH HAS BIO CONGREGATION ON LAST SUNDAY. Exercises by Primary Grades Ar Thoroughly Enjoyed; Part of School I'm nit) i Reemployed by Dlrec- tors; funeral of Late Pioneer, Mrs, Vt oilman, is Held. Phone 688. DOWNEY'S MARKET IN CONNECTION Phone 188. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiimimfi: MORE CURRENCY WILL BE ISSUED IN MEXICO MEXICO CITY. April 28. The sec retary of the treasury of the de facto government announced that a new issue of 600,000,000' pesos will be placed In sue is acceptable for all Internal rev enue taxes and wlU, it is stated, be destroyed as received. A decree has been Issued that after May 1 all freight and passenger traf fic tariffs on the national railways shall be payable In Mexican gold, on thf Rfime RCnlj. hafnra (ha rairAln. statu that trie new currency win do backed by a gold reserve of $50,000, 000 in Mexican gold, the equivalent of (25.000,000 In American gold. Each peso according will have a value of t cents In American money. The old Issue of 1750,000,000 W remain In circulation, with an arbi trary value placed upon it by the gov ernment of 2 1-2 cents gold. This !b- BnuUb.it Steamer in Tow. NORFOLK, Va., April 28. The Brazilian steamer Guajara. with pas sengers from Rio, was 300 miles south of Scotland Light, disabled and in tow of the United Fruiter Sixoala, hind Governor wua wmcn one is suposaj to nave been in collision. IF YOU HAVE CATARRH-READ THIS! A Message of Joy to Catarrh Sufferer. Wonderful Result From Breathing Marvelous Germicidal Air. Money Back If It Don't Help You. Catarrh in a germ disease and thof lasting. The first day s use will .(how germs thrive-far up In the recesses of improvement and In a short time there your nose, throat and lungs where imi should be no further trounle from medicines, Bprays, or ointments can ever reach them. Before you can it rid of catarrh you must get rid of the germe which cause it, Breathing the air of Hyomel is the only method known o us for killing catarrh germs and driving them from your system. Simply put a few drops of Hyomel in the inhaler that comri with every complete package and then breathe Its air for a few minutes, four timet- a day. It seems remarkable that so simple a way of treating catarrh will effect such marvelous results, but the most Important discoveries of science have always been the simplest. By breath ing Hyomel In this way every particle of air that enters the air passages of the nose, head and throat and goes Into the lungs. Is charged with a pow erful, antiseptic, healing balsam that Is carried Into the remotest air cells, killing all the germs and bacilli of ca tarrh, and soothing and healing the sore, inflamed membranes. tarrh or any symptom of catarrh. Regarding Hyomel Mrs. Mattie wlae mlller, a nurse, residing 1528 9th St., N. W.. Washington, D. C, writes: "I suffered with catarrh of the nose and throat which also affected the eyes and after using Hyomei have re ceived great benefit. If the use of my name will benefit anyone, you are welcome to use it. Through me sever al of my friends are now uaing Hyn tncL" The complete Hyomel Outfit is in expensive, it makes a pleasant, con venlent treatment as the inhaler can be carried In the vest pocket or hand bag. The Inhaler lasts a lite time and if one bottle of Hyomel don't give permanent relief an extra bottle can be obtained at any time for a trifling sum.. As Tallman & Co. and leading drug gists everywhere sell Hyomel under a positive guarantee of successful re Mills or money back, surely no catarrh sufferers should go long before trying The action of Hyomel Is quick and this simple home treatment Portland Rose Festival 1916 Queen Contest GOOD FOR ONE VOTE Void after Friday, May 5, 1916. Name Organization This coupon will count one vote when properly filled out and sent to Portland Rose Festival Contest Depart ment, 337 Northwestern Nat'l. Bank Building. Coupons must be neatly trimmed and put in package with number of votes written on top. (East Oregonlan Special.) UMAPINE, Ore., April 27. -Easter services In the Presbyterian church here led by Bev. H. A. Noyes were at tended by a large congregation, spec ial music by the choir and little chil dren in white was given and exercises by the primary grades were thorough ly enjoyed. A feature of the service was the baptism of two babies belong ing to Mr. and Mrs. cnas. V. Wellman and Mr. anr Mrs. L Larson. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Phillppl enter tained over Sunday Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Morgan of Walla Walla, also Mr. and Mrs. C E. Slmonds at a Sunday dinner. Miss Ethel Piper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. K Brady arrived Friday night from Baker to be present at the bedside of her mother, who is very low from cancer. The high school pupils met at the home of Miss Cynthia Stone Thursday night and made candy. Mr. and Mrs. Judge Kelly have sold their Overland auto and bought a new Chalmers Six. Miss Florence Phlllppi of Early. Oregon, Is making a two weeks' visit with her sister, Mrs. Guy G. Young. At the last meeting of the Vincent school directors, a part of the faculty were reemployed for next year, as follows Principal. Robert Brownell of Iowa; grade teachers, Edith Har per, Miss Wilson of Adams, and Mrs. John Sheeley. It Is expected the balance of the teachers will be em ployed shortly. Lou Hodgen, prominent democrat of this vicinity, attended the opening base ball game at Portland last week lie secured a seat at the game Just Withycombe and had his picture taken with him. Lou says the picture was no good and blames the weather. The funeral of Mrs. Helen Merrltt Wellman took place this afternoon from Walla Walla undertaking par lors. Hev. Burke of the Christian church conducting the service and in terment being made in the Mountain view cemetery. Mrs. Wellman was a pioneer of this valley, settling her in 1864 and was 79 years old at the time of her demise. About six weeks ago her husband, A. C Wellman, died. For many years, Mrs. Wellman had been bedfast. The following children survive her R. H. Wellman of Uma pine; Mrs. D C. HUbrook of Fruit- vale, Mrs. A. C. Kelly' or Yellowhawk Al Wellman of Butte, Montana, C. N, Wellman and M. A. Wellman of west ern Canada, and P. C. Wellman oi Kallspell. Mr. and Mrs. Sevy, who have been teaching at Vincent for two years past, have secured a place on the Milion-Freewater teaching staff, Mr. Sevey being apointed principal of the Freewater school and Mrs. Sevy of the Grove school. "They're ail trying Fatimas Fathnas have a! wave bSMt mighty popular in this town. But lately, since we've been telling smokers how SEN. BIBLE they are, Fatima Kits have bean juiapinf ' every day. Hearty everybody seems to be trying them. Everybody tra its a ee. :;,ioe"C!garatto ono that it. COOL to the tbsst and tongue and tree bom sftOt-cQKUb Fatuw. isn't tho ortfy sonsl bie cigarette but no other sensible one seems to pleats sc. many den's tastes. More Fatimas are sold than any other cigarette costing ever Sc. Today's the day yousoould try them. A Sensible Cigarette 2Qfor Ancient Eggs Are Stolen. THE DALLES, Ore., April 28. A robber who got a small haul at the exhibit pavilion of The Dalles Busi ness Men's Association at the depot got "stung." The four foot loaf of bread he stole was 40 days old. The dozen eggs had been In the window since Christmas and the two large Jars of processed cherries had been preserved in sul phate of copper. If he ate those cherries he la elthet- awfully sick or dead. Foes of Defense .Mauled. NEW TORK, April 28. The ap pearance of Major General Wood to apeak at a meeting or students of the College of the City of New York on "Preparedness" was the occasion of an attempted demonstration of "antl militarists' among the students and the rough handling of several who In terrupted him. A student who attempted to rally tnose opposed to preparedness was hustled .from the hall and another who attempted to address the students on the campus had to be rescued by the police. PIIJ.S BEST FOR LIVER. Because they contain the best liver medicines, no matter now bitter or nauseating for the sweet sugar coat ing hides the taste. Dr. King's New Life Pills contain Ingredients that put the liver working, move the bowels freely. No gripe, no nausea, aid di gestion. Just try a bottle of Dr. King's New Life Pills and notice how much better you feel. 25c at your druggist Adv. tllMllflHlllUIIMMttlllUlllllllMHIllMlffllMIIMHflfiHIMiHIllliMlliMIIMUnillllllltllltMIMIHflHIII Saturday Specials IT IS TO YOUR BENEFIT NOT TO OVERLOOK THESE SATURDAY SPECIALS, AS THEY ARE ALWAYS MONEY SAVERS AND ON MATERIALS AND GARMENTS S USED EVERY DAY, AND FROM OUR REGULAR STOCK OF MERCHANDISE EACH AND EVERY PRICE GUARANTEED. Wool Challies Regular 65c quality, in both light and dark shades. Saturday Special, only 49c the yard, while they last, and we have a limited amount of them. Imperial Crepe Regular 60c quality, both in plain and flower- 1 ed. Saturday Special only 49c the yard. Collars One lot of collars from our regular stock and all good f styles. Ranging in price from 35c to $2.00, Saturday Special One-Third Off. Windsor Crepes Regular 25c quality in both plain and f flowered designs. Saturday Special 19c the yard. Queen Percales Both light and dark, and any piece in our S large stock. Regular 15c quality. Saturday Special, 7Vj yards for $1.00. Zephyr Gingham Regular 12V&C and 15c quality, any piece in our stock Saturday Special 7Vi yards for $1.00. Ready-to-Wear Dept. Bungalow Aprons In ginghams and percales, light and dark colors. Extra good quality. Saturday Special 69c. Crepe Night Gowns Lace and embroidery trimmed, white and g white with floral designs, Saturday Special 69c. Gingham Petticoats These come in wide ruffles and both light s and dark colors. Extra width. Saturday Special 69c Gingham and Percale House Dresses Full skirts neatly made and trimmed, sizes from 36 to 46. Saturday Special 69c WE HAVE THE LARGEST NOW IS THE TIME TO SELECT THAT NEW PARASOL. AND BEST ASSORTMENT IN THE CITY. ALL FRIDAY AND SATURDAY PURCHASES GO ON MAY BILL. The Daylight Store. Better Goods, Latest Styles, Prompt and Courteous Treatment. ALEXANDERS! nlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllinillllHlllimiiimiiitiiiiHiii .iimiiim.nniiiimiE ENTERTAINMENT ROYAL TO BE PROVIDED QUEEN BUSY WEEK IS OUTLINED FOR HONORED GUEST AT ROSE FESTIVAL. Among the moors, If a wife does not become the mother of a boy, she may be divorced with the consent ol the tribe. Hong Kong Cafe SJTD NOODLE PARLORS Noodles AND Chop Suey Outside Tray Orders a Specialty. Boxes for ladles and gentlemen. OPEN DAY AND ALL NIGHT MEALS 250 AND UP. Special Chicken Dinner Sundays. 548 Main Street Next to E. 0. Bldg. Phone 10 HllilllllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIUIUIIIIIU ANSGO Cameras Cyko paper and films. mm mm - Awarded gold medal Pa- nama-Pacific Internation- E E al Exposition, San Fran- E s CISCO. Developing and print- ing promptly done at Tallman & Co. I Leading' Druggiitt .nilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllh! FRECKLES Now Is the Time to Get Rid of These Ugly Spots. There's no longer the slightest need of feeling ashamed or your freck'ec, as the prescription othlne double strength is guaranteed to remove these homely spots. Simply get an ounce of othlne double strength from any druggist and apply a little of It night and morning and you should soor see that even the worst freckles have begun to disappear, while the lighter ones have vanished entirely. It is seldom that more 'than an ounce Is needed to completely clear the skin and gain a beautiful clear complexion. Be sure to ask for the double strength othlne as this is s-id under K'.arantee of money back If it falls to rci.ove freckles. Skin Muddy? Dull eyes, blotches and other skin blemishes result from a disordered di gestion. Purify the blood, tone the stomach, gently stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels and bile with BEECHAM'S PILLS Urge Sale of Any MxUcin la the V U. SoMmrywhere. bfcoxe. 0c., SSc. PORTLAND, Ore , April 28 The 1916 Rose Festival' queen will have a buss- week In Portland during the June fiesta. Tne afternoon of June 6 will wit ness a rehearsal of the crowning cere. mony. The same evening she will vis. it the city hall at 7 p. m. and with the mayor and festival governors will be escorted to the festival center by thd Kosarlans, mounted police and nation al guardsmen. After the crowning ceremony takes place at 8 p. m. the queen with May or Albee and J. H. Dundore, president of the show, will inspect the floral dis- play at the festival center. The morning of June 7 the aueen will head the children's parade and proceed to the Columbia river high way for the national dedication cere monies at 2 p. m Trie same evening she will be the guest of honor with her court and official party for a mag nificent fireworks spectacle on the Willamette river. the second day will witness the queen present at the annual roller skating marathon and in the after noon she makes her appearance in the floral pagean. After this parade she takes an active part In the chil dren's singing. The last dny of the festival features the queen in the Fraternal. Military and Civic pageant, if the queen is elected from outside Portland she will ride in an especially constructed float as will maids of honor from Oregon cities, or Vancouver, since Clarke county, Washington, has been includ ed in the territory covered by the queen's contest The afternoon of june 9 will find the ueen present at the first annual river regatta and In tlte evening she ieaas tne l altee procession. The queen will also hold receptions for dis tinguished guests in the city for the national dedication of the highway Special Clothing Sale For One Day Only, Saturday, April 8 We will place on sale all of our Men's Suits. Blue Serges, Cheviots and Cassimeres. Nothing reserved. Come in and get your suit now and save money. $15.00 SUITS, SALE PRICE $12.00 $17.50 SUITS, SALE PRICE f 14.00 $20.00 SUITS, SALE PRICE ?16.00 $22.50 SUITS, SALE PRICE f 18.00 $25.00 SUITS, SALE PRICE $20.00 $27.50 SUITS, SALE PRICE f 22.00 $30.00 SUITS, SALE PRICE $24.00 ALEXANDERS All purchases charged here Friday and Saturday will be placed on your May bill. NEWS NOTES OF WESTON FORMER RESIDENT RETURNS TO GREET OLD FRIENDS; PER SONAL ITEMS. (East Oregonlan Special.) WESTON, April 26 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Vanwinkle spent Saturday aft ernoon in Pendleton. Henry Waddingham and daughter, Miss Daisy, motored to Walla Walla Saturday to visit relatives. James Ritchey, a former Weston farmer, is here from Cornelius. Ore gon, greeting old friends and looking after his farming interests. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Gordon of Helix was In the city Sunday visiting Mrs. Gordon's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Beamer. Earl e Lieuallen was over from wal la Walla Sunday visiting his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Lieuallen. F. G. Lucas has gone o Montana on business. Mrs. George Jones Is here from Montana, visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. WlU Bsatns. Fruit trees here have an abundance of bloom. Indicating a good crop. A splendid Easter service was ren dered at the Methodist church Son day night, consisting of anthems by the choir, instrumental and vocal so los, interspersed by Interesting talks by the pastor, Rev. N. D. Wood. Mr. Brill, one of Weston's ball pray ers, had his arm severely Injured Sun day while playing ball. mm pmwumm Buys New Cadillac. James H. Sturgls of the E. L. Smith & Co., has purchased a new model Cadillac auto from E. P. Tulloch. Doctor Going Ut I'mapinc. Dr. N. A. Snook of Mabton. Wash., is a guest at the home of Dr. I. II. Temple in this city and is en route to Umapine where he expects to open a drug store and practice medicine. Moving to Montosano. E. G. Kay, who has been employed at the Sawtelle Jewelry store, is leav ing for Montesano, Wash , near Ab erdeen, to go Into business for himself. A Pretty lJve rjW. Like Mark Twain and Villa, James McKay, well known horseman, says the report of his death last winter was very much exaggerated. He has Just returned from Portland where he had been for several months nnil states thnt he w;ia reported to have died down there News of Pendleton on Page 10. .JEST?' Ilif mm I It 111 'i I II IHlHIIil'lil!1 Make delicious pie crust after this recipe Mix one scant teaspoon salt with one and one-half cups pastry flour. Chop ta scant half cup chilled Cottolene. Mikingrad ua ly three tablespoons cold water. Mix well, but do not knead wuh hands. If soft, lay paste in pan and place on ice till chilled. Sprinkle flour on molding-board; flour rolling-pin; roll out flat, then roll up into form of jelly roll; stand it on end; pat down and roll mto circular shape. When rolled into proper size cover sides and bottom of pie dish. Fill in pie material. Roll top crust in same way, making several incisions to allow (broiling and puffing in baking. Cottolene makes pie-crust light flaky, wholesome: it excels for all shortening and trying. Its use is simple, and you can get it in pails of various sizes to suit your convenience. Ask your grocer for a supply today. Write for a free copy of our real cook book, "HOME HELPS." Our General Offices, Chicago, will supply you. LsulilFAIRBANKSsSsO Ws