PAGE SIX DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1916. EIGHT PAGES DELEGATES ELECTED FOR STATE MEETING BY HELIX BAPTISTS CONCESSION AGREED TO OVER SALE PLAN OF 0. AND C. GRANTS HAMMOND SI I.I.S RADIO X TORPEDO TO I s. For Your Baby. The Signature of $15 to $30 J FILL COMMITTEE FAVORABLE TO CREDIT ARRANGEMENT FOR TIMBER LAND. Bon C ote MB SBKBft. SJ a BP L Ml TattaiCa' A Toledo blade was so well made They could bend, but could not break it; And so today, with Bran-New, it's the same way; They can try but they can not make it It's in a class by itself and has the "pep " City Brewery Telephone Sis WRITE TO TOUR FRIE.VDS OS I Nanogram Stationery W. 6. SMITH & CO. WEDDING AND VISITING CARIlj ENGRAVERS. MOBnN HLDG.. PORTLAND. OR. I First-Aid to the Tired Housewife GAS QUICKEST CLEANEST JUST TELEPHONE 40 Pacific Power & Light Co. "ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE." LJAYE you ever 11 bought a suit which the day after it left the store's mirror ran back to a differ ent shape like a dog to its master? The style and fit in Bond Clothes is built through the fabric, not simply on it and you have the assurance that the appearance you require will last. Bond Bros. Pendleton's Leading clothiers. Match prices Are Soaring. ST. PAUL, Minn., April tS Rub bing sticks again may become the world's way of making a fire. "Hie price of matches is soaring. Soon box es selling now for a penny may be bringing ten cents. This was the dec laration of T. E. Tucker, match man ufacturer of Chicago, who says that of the 3 7 chemicals used in making matches, the majority are Imported from foreign countries, now at war. and cannot be gotten. The Boy is Father to the Man Old sayings like this are fraught with a most important meaning. And what will aid the expectant mother In conserving her health, her strength, her mental repose and the ab sence i if vexati odi pains is a subject of vest moment Among the recognised helps to a splendid rem e d j known as "Mother's Friend." Applied to tiie muscles It sinks in deeply to make them firm and pliant, it thus lifts the strain on ligaments th-t produce pain, it lightens the burden on aefwoos system, induces calm, restful nights of bealtbgirlng sleep and makes the days sunny and happy. Get a bottle of "Mother's Friend" of any druggist and you will then realize why It has been considered true to Its name In our best homes through three generations. It is perfectly harmlefci but so effective that once used It to recommended to all expectant mothers by those ) went through the ordeal with surprising ease. By writing to Bradneld Regulator Cc 412 Lamar Bldg, Atlanta, Ga, you can have a free copy of a wonderful stork book that unfolds those things which all expectant mothers u -light to read. Write today. Let us be your cook. We will equip your kitchen complete withi range, piping, etc., and the question of pleasant summer meals will be solved. CHEAPEST WILL ATTKNO CONVENTION TO BK BU AT THF. DALLES THIS WKEK. l ii-i,t Service Al Well Attended and BxewUent Proa-rani Is tihen by Those Taking Prt in the RsartiU as; Athena ream Is Defeated b Helix, 7 to (Bast Oregonlan Special.) HKUX. Ore.. April it The Bap tist Sunday school has elected Mr. and Mrs. W. H Rale. Mrs. E. E. Heist and Mrs M. L Morrison, delegates to the state convention to be held at The Dalles. April 8-2. The Easter service Tield at the Bap tist church was well attended and a good proa-ram enjoyed. One number of especial interest being children dressed in costumes of the countries where missionaries are sent and recit ing appropriate verses. The Christian church was filled at the Sunday evening service. A beau tiful program was rendered, the spe cial feature 'being the impersonation of women and the angel at the tomb. Members of the churches united In making the day a happy one. The Athena baseball team met the local boys here Sunday afternoon. Ths score being " to 2 In favor of Helix. The Helix public school fair was held at the school house Friday after noon. There was a large attendance and the fair pronounced a success. Prizes In primary room in basketry: First. Carl Clark, fancy basket; sec ond, Robert Kerley, fancy basket. In termediate room, in sewing, first. Iva McKlnney, scissors; second, Alice Clark, work basket. In manual train ing, first, James Davidson, saw; sec ond, Henry Kupers, hammer. Advan ced room, prizes in sewtng, first. Irna Tesne, scissors; second. Pearl Hevel, workbox. In manual training, first, Orval Potts, saw; second, Lloyd Dav idson, hammer. High school, prizes in sewing, first, Clara King, scissors, second, Edna Potts, workbox. In manual training, first, Edna Potts, saw; second, Clara King, nammer. Prizes for best cakes baked by boys, first, Bryce Parker, 8th grade, base ball bat; second. Edmund Pots, hlih school, base ball bat; third, Myro;. Shannon, baseball. Judges on sewing Mrs. L D. Smith, Mrs. James Hill, Mrs Leroy Penland; basketry, Mrs. W. H. Morrison. Mrs. W. H. Albec, Mrs. Alford Sondo; cooking, Mrs. W. F. McCormick. Mrs. A. L Drover. Mrs J rjrtswold; manual trainingg. Rev W. F. McCarmack. Leroy Penland. E. E. Eheler. Prizes given by district 66 and Union District No. 1. Mrs. Mattie Benson of Walla Walla is visiting her mother, Mrs. Gather ine Stanton. Mr. and Mrs Walter Ash of Wallula were in Helix Saturday. Roy Rice of La Grande, spent .Sun day with friends here. W. F. Middleton, of the Columbia Fruit farm near Attalla, was a Sun day visitor. Many auto loads went from here Saturday to see the baby parade In Pendleton. The annual Sunday school picnk will be held at Roy Penlantl's May ", Mrs. A. L. Grover and Mrs. A. K Kennedy gave a surprise blrthdas luncheon to their mother, Mrs. D Kendall Saturday arternoon at the home of Mrs. Grover. There were 12 invited guests, all present. The rooms were decorated with tulips and ferns. The well appointed taole, with Easter emblems, a beautiful birthday cake, with candles was cut by the guest of honor. Those present were Mrs W. F, McOormmack. Mrs. R J. Iysli" Mrs. L D. Smith. Mrs. George Clay Mrs. L Hutchison, Mrs. Mary Mont gomery, Mrs. John Peterson. Mrs. Ro McConnell, Mrs. J S. Norvell. Mrs J Griswold. Mrs. James Kern. Mrs. M D. Smith. Mrs. D. Dendall. Mrs. A. L Grover. Mrs. A R. Wennedy, Gwendo lin and Reglna Grover Mrs. A. P Myrlck of Pendleton. 1: visiting her mother. Mrs. Anderson, of Helix. Ray Pif-rce received a severel sprained ankle during the ball gam? Sunday. FINANCING THE TEEL PROJECT IS FINISHED ECHO. Ore.. April 2". Flnam In: of the Teel Irrigation project was com pleted here when directors of the dis trict awarded $1,000,000 per cen construction bonds to Henry J. Kaiser the highest bidder The Teel project embraces 20.00a acres adjacent to Echo. Water wil be taken from John Day watershed Mr. Kaiser Is president of the Kaiser Construction Company. Vancouver, I? C. with a Portland office at 111S Northwestern Bank building. Duu h Bar Seized Ship. HER LIN. Anril 2S (By wireless to Sayvllle. ) The German steamships which were seized In Portuguese ports shortly before the declaration of war between Portugal and Germany will not be permitted to enter Dutch ports the Overseas News Agency an nounces. This decision was reached as a re suit of an Investigation by a com mltiee of Dutch naval officers and ex perts In International law. Dutch Hat War Bread. LONDON. April 27 War bread ap peared on breakfast tables In Holland for the first time. An Exchange Telegraph dispatch from Amsterdam says that Dutch ba kers have been ordered to sell war bread on acawunt of the difficulty of procuring American wheat. The scarcity la due ' to submarine warfare and the recent loss of Dutch ships 4PMH HA$Jtafl?ipj WASHINGTON April John Huys Hammond. Jr has given the of the kind of puts service to country an example Americanism which his country above personal gain. He has sold to the government all of the patents 12S of them and the ex clusive course of torpedoes by radio dynamic forces, either from the shore or Horn aeroplanes, which will insure their striking their marks at a majrl- ntUn distance of twenty-eight miles. The price he will receive for his in. vtntion K50.000 was fixed by a board of military and naval experts without bargaining on his part, and it I said on reliable authority to repre ent very little more than he has ac tually spent to bring his device-to Its present state of perfection. In addition to turning his invention over exclusively to the United States, Mr. Hammond agrees to devote his time without pay to installing the apparatus. John Hays Hammond, Jr., is the twenty-six-year-old sqn of the famous mining engineer of the same name. Naval experts who have tested his de vice in every way possible declare It will make the entire coastline of the t'nlted States pracically invulnerable to attack from enemy battleships. Mr. Hammond was summoned before a sub-committee of the house to dem onstrate the working of his appara tus. Willing Maids Bashful. ST. PAUL, Apr. 27. "Ambitious but bashful" is the characterization Jo seph Mounts, secretary to Chief of Po lice John J. O'Connor, made of St Paul young women the other night after a day of telephone calls regard ing Elmer Johnson, rancher of Sidney, Mont . who wrote to the chief, making an offer of matrimony to a suitable St Paul girl. "Many girls." said Mr. Mounts "called me. asking about Johnson, but none would give me her name. 1 think the girls are passing up a gi thing, because I think the man is on the level." To Build Up After Grippe, Colds Bad Blood Take a blood cleanser and alterative that starts the liver ami stomach into vigorous action, cailed Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery because of one of its priucip'l ingredients the Golden Seal plant. It assists the body to manufacture rich red blood which feeds the heart nerves brain and organs of the body. The organs work smoothly like machinery running in oil. You feel clean, strong and strenu ous instead cf tired, weak and faint. Start to take it to-day and liefore another day has passed, the impurities of the blood will begin to leave your body through the eliminative organs, and in a lew days you will know that the bad blood is passing out, and new, rich, pure blood is filling your veins and arteries. Get Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery to-day from any medicine deal er, in tablet or liquid form, or send Dr. Pierce, Invalids Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y ten cents for trial package of tablets. What Our Neighbors Say. Astoria, Oregon. " After having had the gnp i couia not regain ,iy strength; my blood was poor. I was nervous snd also had heu- niatism. I tried everything but just could not get any relief. Finally I decided to take Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discc.i and it cured me. iirMit T ne the Pleasant Pellets for constipation," Ck R. Spiceu, 373 hxeuaege at. Ik I ' i nSsHK , WASHINGTON, April 2. Credit versus cash sales of timber on the Oregon A California land grant waa the most controverted point in the fl ral consideration of the Ferris-Cham, btrluln bill by the house public lands committee and subcommittee, follow ing the receipt of strenuous objections made to the cash plan of sale by the forestry officials. Secretary Houston termed the cash plan "archaic.'' and asserted that It Mailt the loss of a large sum in sell ing the timber. Against this was ths advice of Secretary Lane of the Inter ior department, who held that diffi culties connected with a deferred payment sale are too great. Representative Slnnot protested aRalnst a change to the credit plan because of the delay that will result In bringing large areas onto the tax rolls of the counties. The subcom- mittee stood by him. but Chairman Ferris was much impressed by the idea that something should be dom io mollify the criticism directed the bill by the department of agricul ture. He contended that It would be unwise to take the bill on the floor of the house without some concessions, and the full committee accepted his arguments. 1'nder the credit plan approved, it Is proposed that when timber is put up for sale it shall be offered on a 10. Mar payment plan, the principal to be paid In 10 annual sums, with In terest on deferred payments at a rate not exceeding 6 per cent. This Inter. est, of course is to go into the general proceed! fund, along with the princi pal. The argument Is advanced that, with payments of Interest going Into the fund in lieu of direct taxation, and annual payments made at a price presumably much higher than would be offered for cash, local Interests will be better off than If the cash plan were adopted. Congress Has Much Work. WASHINGTON, April 2 Sena tor Kern, democratic leader, predicts that congress will scarcely finish its work until September. He declares there Is no intention of democratic leaders to abandon any legislation. Has Faith In Remedy Mrs. II. S. Carlson of Wakefield, Nenr., testifies to the relief she rK-rlencrd from the urn of Fruitola and Traxo. "I used Fruitola and Traxo with very good results having passed almost a cupful of galLstones with the first bottle. My skin la clear now, and I have a good appetite. I have lots of faith In Fruitola and Traxo." fruitola Is a powerful lubricant for the Intestinal organs, soften ing the hardened particles that canse so much suffering and ex-IM-lling the congested wuste In an easy, natural manner. A single dose Is usually sufficient to clearly Indicate Its efficiency. Traxo Is a splendid tonlc-alU-rative that acts on the liver and kidneys, stimu lating the flow of gastric juices to aid digestion and removes bile from the general circulation. For the convenience of the public, arrangements have been made to supply Fruitola and Traxo through representative druggists. In Pendleton they can be obtained at Tallman & Company, 23 Main Si- The Shortest Distance Between Two Points is "Long Distance' It the only guarantee that you have the Genuine prepared by him for over 30 year. YOU'LL give YOUR baby the BEST mows Your Physician Knows Fletcher's Castoria. Sold only in one size bottle, never ill bulk or otherwise; to protect the babies. The Centaur Company. The major matters will be fought through to a finish. This program Is contradictory to the one generally un derstood the president favored. Pro. longed fights and perhaps filibusters are practical certainties on the ship purchase and child labor bills. Rural credits is the next legislation for the senate to consider. Some hoped to adjourn before the June convention. Airbrake Plant Closes. PITTSBURG, April 28. The West lnghouse Airbrake Company plant closed today with 3000 employes ong Distance Telephone Service Eliminates time. Binds city and country together. Saves the expense and inconvenience of travel. Broadens companionship. Conserves time and energy. Unites producer and market. Enables any one to send the right word to the right place at the right moment. Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station and your Telephone is the center of a system connecting five western States. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE and TELEGRAPH COMPANY (JU&fWucAu ' striking. The Union Switch and Sig nal company employes have joined ths strike. Five hundred men quit In a body. Approximately 20,000 men are striking now. v JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIE lANSCOl s ( Cameras E Cyko paper and fibrin. E Awarded gold medal Pa- E nama-Pacific Intentation- S E al Exposition, San Fran- E cisco. Developing and print- E E ing promptly done at E ! Tallman & Co. I Laadinf, Druggists ftllllllllllllllMIIIIWIIIIIMIWIIIIIMIIliT