East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 27, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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r m i m Kama
Dorothy Bernard
A Play of Love and Hate, Bated on the Famous Stage Success,
Majestic Theatre in Portland is playing this picture today also.
Anita Stewart and Earle
In Their Weekly Play.
Adults 15c
Sb Advertising in Brief
Per Una flnrt Inurtlon lOe
Per line, additional uuertlon Se
Per line, per moath 11.00
No local taken (or Ian than 36c
Count 6 ordinary worda to line.
Local! will not be taken over the
telephone eicept from Kaat Oregon
tan paid op aubarrlbera.
Tor sal Furniture, Phone 356M.
Furnished room to rent. Phone 2R
For tree spraying, phone I. C. Sny
der. lira. Packer, dressmaking 400 B
Lac curtains laundered. Phone
Buff Orpington egg for hatching
11S B. High.
For rale White Froat refrigerator
Phone 110.
For rent Furniahed housekeeping
rooms, 401 Aura
Wanted Woman cook on ranch
Inquire this office.
Fr sale Good milch cows. U. J
Cresswell, City Phone 4FI.
Woman wants work by day, 36 cents
per hour. ilO Willow.
For rent Eight room hoUHe with
garden. Inquire 17 Willow.
For sale Two seated hack, bee su
pers and frames. Phone 54.
Hog for sale. Address Mrs. Peter
West, Box 14. Pendleton. Ore.
Good bulldlag lot for sale on West
Webb street. Telephone It4.
Penlaad Bros.' transfer Co. haw
storage warehouse Phone til.
Dressmaking by day or at home
Room II B O. Bldg Phone 246M.
I, hall your garbage and trash
Phose 5SSM. 140J W. Railroad st
Stilts pressed 60c; dry cleaned.
11.61. Rudd, 310 W. Webb. Phone
For sale, reasonable Horse, wagon
arid harness. Inquire Telephone Sta
bles. Wanted To rent 2 or 3 unfurnish
ed rooms for light housekeeping. Ad
dress X this office.
Few head of heavy worn horses for
sale. Phone 8F12, or write Route 1,
Box 44.
Wanted-- Girl to help with work en
ranch. Write Box 62, R. F- I. 1. He
Us, ore
Lady wishes position on ranch as
cook Box 61. Helix, Ore., or phone
Main 244, Helix
Wanted 2 or 3 furniahed rooms by
young married couple, no children, in.
quire "N" this office.
We handle Alberts nnd Montana
lands on easy terms. Pendleton Ex
change, Room 2, over Taylor Hard
ware Store.
Experienced couple want work on
ranch. Man good with all kinds ma
chinery. Address "R" this office.
The Echo Hotel la under new man
agement and la getting the glad hand
from traveling men
For rent Office room In ,Judd
building. Apply F, E. Judd. American
National Bank.
P-.r nle. at Commercial feed yard
in head registered Poland China seed
hogs. R. H. Barr, owner
Furnished tent house for sale. Will
ell cheap If taken at once. W. Webb
and Haxel streets Larson.
II roomed rooming house for sale,
i..,.n.,n Main strec' Owner
leaving town Inquire E. O. bldg.
For sale Blewett combined har
vester; 12 foot cut; almoat good as
new . Only 1600. B. L. Smith A Co
Prompt automobile taxi service,
day or night. Funerals to cemetery
only 13 60. Phone 80. Hotel St,
George. Carney Taxi Ce.
For sale 26 head of milch cows
ISO and up. One U. S. cream separ
ator, good s new, for half price. T
J. Cheney at ranch on McKay creek,
or address Pendleton, Ore.
Striking offer for live workers',
don't miss this chance; big field; full
particulars free; hurry, write now
Utility Mall Co , 117 7th sve, North,
Seattle, Wash.
w s
Today and Tomorrow1
William Fox Presents
& Dorothy Bernard in
lllancli sweet at Alta Today.
Furnished house wanted. Address
P. O. Box 867 or telephone 651.
For rent, reasonable, large well fur
nished, modern room, large closet
Phone 636J.
Lost Bunch of keya Reward if
returned to 81 Reed at the Reet
Barber Shop.
Will exchange seven room furnished
house In Irvington, Portland, for fur
nished house In Pendleton. Address
"$K" this office.
Lost Brown mare, weight about
1200 lbs., branded CL on left shoulder,
em-aped from barn in Pendleton on
Monday evening, April 24th. Reward
for return. H. P. Whitman
Lost One roan horse, had halter on
branded apple brand on left hip.
roached mane, weight about 1260
one brown horse, had halter on,
branded same as abope, roached
mane, weight about 1260. Will pay
$10.00 reward for inrormation lead
ing to recovery of above described
animals. James Crawford, Indian
I50O Acres Farm Land for Sale.
Located 4 1-2 miles aouth of Pen
dleton. O- P. Bowman, Pendleton. Ore.
Soda Fountain for sale.
See John Butler, Pastime Parlors.
Bowman Hotel property for sale.
Doing good business. Terms. O. P
Bowman, Pendleton, Oregon Adv.
For Rent.
Sheep ranch and range for 800U
sheep; meadow cutting 360 tons clov
er hay; water controlling spring,
summer and fall range, with good
Winter range. Will rent for term oi
years. $2000 per year. Address, msl'
or wire, Mary L. Hill, Denlo, Ore
gon, via Wlnnemucca. Nevada. Adv
Dance at German Hall.
Saturday evening, April 29, rain or
shine. Good time, good management
and good music Adv.
Fnrmeni Take Notice,
All kinds of well drilling done
quickly and at a reosonoble price. All
work guaranteed. Deep or shallow
wells, hard rock a specialty. Eight
years' experience. Will move any
where, distance is no object. It will
pay all who wish wells drilled to write
or consult with me. Charles F,. Lewis
Stnnfleld, Oregon. Box 162. Adv.
(Continued from page one.l
Mayor Best yesterday. It Is sBld, se
cured from Ray McCnrroll. one of th
principals In the bout of March 23. nn
nffldnvlt to the effect that he received
$60 for appearing against liagan and
that the money was paid to him before
the fight. Me wouiu ntti mime un ai
fldavlt that he took part in a prls
William Fa mum
Children 5c
Library News
The following new books have been
placed on the shelves of the public
(Ilass Abe, and Mawruss.
llarland Cardinal's snuff box.
Harrison The far horizon.
Hewlett Uttle Iliad.
Mackenzie Plashers mead.
Major Yolanda.
Marshall Old order changeth.
Mulder Bram of the five corners
Oppenhelm Double traitor.
Orcutt Bachelors.
Palmer Peter Paragon.
Ridge Happy recruit.
Rivers Valiants of Virginia.
Runkle Scarlet rider.
Tompkins Ever after.
Walling Vlolette of Pere Lachaise
Whl& Call of the North.
Wiggins Affair at the inn.
Wlggln Penelope's Irish experi
ence. Children's Books.
Figyeln-Hssy Two boys In the trop
ics. ' Huskell Katrinka.
Harrison Aaron In the wildwoods
Kelman -Stories from Chaucer.
Longfellow - Evangeline.
Lucia Peter and Polly in spring.
Mabie Book of Christmas.
MaoManus In chimney corners.
Masefield Jim Davis.
Mason Tom Strong, Junior.
Teattie Lotta Embury's career.
Pier Jester of Saint Timothy's.
Pyle Six little ducklings.
Rankin cinder pond.
Richards Quicksilver Sue.
Rogers Campfire girls.
Smith Christmas in legend and
Verrill In Morgan's wake.
Rolt-Wheeler Boy with D. S. life-
Tomllnson Tecumseh's young
Verrill Amateur carpenter. I
This photograph
the spo:
was b-ifii
NBubUcM piirt
j sixty-two years agt
next convention a
It will hold lt
month before its
A number of ladies went down to
Nolln thta morning to spend the daj
oh guests of Mrs. Dale Slusher.
Twelve young ladles and matron
went out this morning to the Guy Wy
rlck ranch to be luncheon guests ol
Mrs. Guy Wyrtck. The luncheon l
in honor of Miss Eunice Vogel w ho Is
a guest of Mrs. Edmund Mabie.
Mrs. Glen Sturdlvant left today for
Payette, Idaho, to visit her parents
She waa accompanied by her mother,
Mrs. Jamea A. Dodd, who has been
visiting here.
Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Coon left yes
terday for Portland to visit with their
daughter, Mrs. H. A. Saxon.
The Current Literature Club will
meet tomorrow afternoon at the home
of Mrs. Lee Moorhouse on Watef
street. An important business meet
ing will be held at 2.
This evening a high school picnic
will be given under the auspices of
the "Bachelor Club." The Invitation
was extended to all the boys In the
high school., and each is to take his
lady friend. The picnic will be held
at Cayuse and the trip will be made
by autos. The students expect to
leave at 4 o'clock and return about
E. L. Hoppel, traveling freight
agent of the X. P. was at the Pendle
ton yescterday.
Miss Grace Gilliam, candidate for
the republican nomination for counts
treasurer. left this morning for the
east end of the county on a campaign
Mrs. Earl Tulloch entertained the
members of the Friday Bridge Club
yesterday afternoon at her home on
the north side. Honors were won by
Mrs. R. H. Home.
Mr. and Mrs. William Scheer re
turned this morning on the N. P.
from Ritzville, Wn., where they had
been for several days. They brought
their small granddaughter back with
Civil Csse Next.
At the conclusion of the Rhinehart
trial this afternoon, the case of Per
inger vs. Carney. Hey and Bradley, in
volving an alleged contract for a liv
ery barn, will come up for trial.
WASHINGTON', April 27. Senator
Hunting of Wlscpn, read peace mes
sages from several states, showing
that the contents followed identical
forms. He broadly Intimated that
Germany had paid for the telegrams
protesting against a severance of di
plomatic relations. Bushels of mes
sages are overwhelming congress.
"Plotters have filled the people with
fear that the president and congress
are trying to run the country into a
war." said Husting. He displayed a
copy of a circular sent to Wisconsin
voters urging that they write him and
enclosing printed letters.
birthday. The photo or Colone' Roos.
evelt was taken during the progressive
convention in Chicago, four years ago.
The colonel is going to be a factor In
the convention.
The Alta Theatre
W "iHH k
'! 'SKm
gsi Jm Wj
II Ij-A-tMfw' ' co. i y t
The most beautiful woman on the screen,
filmed in a photo-drama that caps the climax,
at Washington.
April 26. Frank D. Woodland of this
city has Just been appointed secretary
and general manager of the Southern
Park Trotting Association, which has
the finest plant west of New York
Among the members or the associa
tion are David Tod, H. H. Stambaugh
and David Arrel, millionaire sports
man. The plant was completed last
year at a cost of more than $50,000.
Woodland, who Is but 24 years ot
age, has a large acquaintance among
the trainers, drivers ana owners. He
Is secretary of the Ohio Racing Circuit
which holds annually thirteen succes
sive weeks of racing on the leading
halt mile tracks In Ohio.
Tramp Is Killed.
ROSE BURG. April 27. An uni
dentified tramp was believed killed
and twelve cars were wrecked wher. a
freight train left the tracks at Rice
Japs satisfied.
WASHINGTON. April 27. Japan's
demands regarding exclusion of la
borers were reported completely piet
In an amendment to the Burnett Ini-
migration bill which a majority of the; by comparison with the other success
senate committee informally approve l es which have been shown as Equit
I today. able releases. The story is full of
i liwumimimiillli mi i
' 1 1 K
Friday and Saturday-"THE WOMAN IN 47"
E By Frederic Chapin in which ALICE BRADY, America's star screen artiste, enacts
a part full of tense, gripping situations, and in which the liveliest interest is sustain- r
Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimi ijiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiHiiiiHiiir-
Today Only
As in a Looking Glass
The most
A thrilling
William larniim, Dorothy Bernard,
Anita Stewart and Earle Williams,
Showing at the Pastime Today.
William Farnum, one of the fore
most stars of the screen, will appear
at the Pastime theater commencing
today In "A Man of Sorrow," a strong
photodrama based on the famous
stage success, "Hoodman Blind." With
othv Bernard! the ex-Portland stock
actress, who is cast in a dual role.
"A Man of Sorrows" deals with a, "The Birth of a Nation," begins its
man who marries one of two sisters, three days' engagement at the Oregon
who look exactly alike. He sees his, theater There will be two per-
sister-in-law in the arms of a stran
ger, assumes that it is his wife, and romances dally at 2:15 arnd 8:15.
leaves home. He roves about the Nothing like this wonderful attrao
world, seeking solace, until he meets tion has ever been seen upon the lo
his sister-in-law, who informs him of cal boards. It is given here exactly
the true condition of affairs. as it is being presented In New York
Anita Stewart and Earle Williams City where the big drama has broken
will also be shown in their usual every record in the stage history ot
weeklv picture. Four big screen stars i the first city In the country. In addi
In one show. Come early.
kitty trordon st Alta Today.
"As In a Looking Glass" the new
World Film feature in which Miss
Kitty Gordon will make her first
screen annearance at the Alta todav
only, affords the star an opportunity War. The force that slavery played
to display to best possible advantage i in producing this crisis is traced from
the beauty that has made her famous its inception to its anolition. While
on the stage. She has a role of trc- the basic theme is historical in its
mendous dramatic power and ' foundation Its intent Is the fundamen
throughout the picture appears in a tal one of true drama. The force)
rapid-fire succession of the most mar-j which make for these results have,
velous gowns and hats ever seen on ; been marshalled upon a larger scale)
the screen of a motion picture theater, j than was ever dreamed of before.
Where directors of vast spectacles
Mae Murray at Alta Tomorrow. hae dealt with hundreds in the past
Mae Murray, the Beautiful star, Griffith employs thousands. Eighteen
who is to make her photodramatlc thousand people till his stage which
debut in the Jesse L. Lasky produc-' has vast territory for Its background,
tion of Mary Johnson's ramous novel. Three thousand horses pass before
"To Have and to Hold" at the Alta your view in wild dashes over miles of
tomorrow and Saturday, had a most country roadway. The decisive bat-
strenuous time during the filming ol
the picture. For eight days she and
her company were cut off from com
munication with the outside world
while in a Uttle town on the Pacific
coast. Immediately after leaving
there, the comapny went over to Cat
allna Island to film some exterior
scenes and she was left alone the en
tire night on a barren Island during
the height of a rainstorm and on ac
count of the high seas it was with
great difficulty that she was rescued
It is a Paramount Picture
There is a great photodrama ached-!
uled for presentation at the Temple
Theater tomorrow. It Is called "Tho
Woman in 4 7." and has Alice Brady,
the celebrated screen star, in the prlr
clpsl part. Coming as the next re
lease on the Equitable program, it is
a striking feature In a long list of
striking features, and suffers nothing
iiiiiiiiiiini huh mi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiimii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimiiitu
Last Time Today
Bullets and Brown Eyes I
The Village Vampire
marvelous gowns ever
and dramatic story of life
striking and tense situations, with
I thrilling climaxes, and gives the star
full opportunity for the display of her
well known dramatic talents. There as
not a dull Inch in the fall five reels
' of film, and there is no slackening of
attention permitted as the develop
ment of the story unfolds Itself.
"B,rth f
D W- Griffith's mighty spectacle)
tion the piece has piled up record en
gagements in Chicago, Boston, San
Francisco and Los Angeles.
It covers a wide range of American
history and touches only the highest
points of interest in the great events
that led up to and terminated the Civil
ties of the Civil War are reproduced
in faithful detail and you see these
conflicts fought again just as , J
were waged 50 years ago cities were
built up only to be destroyed to lend
force and verity to the dramatic nar
rative. Ruler- Send Greetings.
LONDON, April 27. King lieorge
j sent the following telegram on Easter
i day to Emperor Nicholas
"Today, when by happy coincidence
our two nations are celebrating Has
let and we are commemorating St.
tleorge. I cannot refrain from send
ing you congratulations, in renewed
confidence in the victory of the allied
armies. I followed with delight the
recent victorious achievements of
your gullent army."
Emperor Nicholas replied thu:
"Warmest thanks for , vnrTtStTr
greetings and good wishes. I entirely
share your confidence in the ultimate
sueces of our combined efforts.''