EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGON! AN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1916. PAGE THREE limilllllllHlllllllilllilllllllllllllllilliiiiiiiitiiilllllllllllllllllililiiiiiiillllllllllllllllu: WE ARE MAKING A WHOLESALE PRICE ON ALL Smoked Meats BEECHNUT I HAMS and BACON and the largest stock of smoked meats in the city to order from, I The time to order is NOW. The telephone, 188 The place DOWNEY'S MARKET ! ITU MACHINIST TO FOR AN OPERATION ItOIIKKT III !I SUFFERING PitOM STEEL BPLCfTEB IX ON P. OP HIS ARMS. Will Have to be Itemoved a it Has Worked ItHelf Through the Fletth and Is Scraping the Bone of Hit Arm; Foreman of Hrldge Gang Re. sign; Other News. ( East Oregonian Special.) RIETH. Ore.. Aurll IT. LOOM I Marlln, boiler maker at the shops ha moved his family here from I Grando and la now at home In hla railroad bungalow. Machinist Robert Rudd went to Portland on Xo. l Tuesday morning for medical attention on account of the steel splinter that embedded itself ii: hit arm a short time ago. The steel has worked in until It la scrap ing the bone and will have to be re- fmoved at once to obtain any relief. Henry B. Meyers employed at the rcundhouse has moved his family from Walla Walla to Pendleton being Telephone 688 for Cascade Butter, 35c lb. nllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliliiiiiiiiiiiillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllir Safety For Your Money Service For You Every dollar you deposit here is in per fect safety. Every service we render you will be in the helpful, friendly spirit that always characterizes the American National. We want your patronage you should have our strength and service. you ju&TAjutLa. ill A kath? mm unable to get a house here at Rleth In which to live. Mrs. G. 8. McClellan made a short visit with friends In I'nlon last week but was glad to get back to a live town again. George Gratton. assistant foreman of the bridge gang located here, re signed Saturday night and Is now en gaged In the boarding house business having bought a half Interest In the "cook" tent on the north side. Fred Last, foreman of the water service department has been busy the past week running water pipes and putting hydrants along the tracks v.here the cars are located that are used as living quarters to supply those people with a good quality of water ar.d Insure a healthy populace. R. H. Waring, a resident here fot some two months has moved to Baker leaving with his family on Xo. II Tuesday evening. Mr. Waring has secured a contract at Baker for laying a large amount of cement sewer tile. Miss Maud Waring arrived from Port land Mondav and accompanied the family to Baker from here Roy Reeves and Herbert McGinn, employes of the station here, have been assigned to positions as extra passenger brakemen between Pendle ton and Huntington and are working on temporary assignments this week. These young men are well liked and will no doubt make a success in their lew undertaking. Karl Hacker who worked as car checker here a week or so has given up railway work and taken a position us driver of a motor truck In Pendleton. Operator C A. Barry Is all smiles at lust, Mrs. Barry having arrived from Payette, Idaho, last week and they are at home In their cabuose house on Frog avenue below the round house. Alexander Mllburn an old time trainman and yard man has been act ing as night call boy a few days but thinks the lob requires too much 'hot footing it" for a man of his age and gave up after four night's work. R. B. Anderson of the engineering force is now spending most of his time at Messnes overseeing the erection of a coal chute similar to the one here except in size, the Messner chutes be ing somewhat smaller. Mr. Anderson leturns here a couple times a week to keep matters going as they should at this end. Mrs. R. A. Rudd went to La Grande Monday for a week's visit with friends there during Mr. Rudd's absence In Portland. She will probably be glad to get back here to a live town again after a few days loneliness in the me tropolis beyond the mountain. a minimi iimimimmiinimmim mimumi iiiiiimiiiimimmimmmmmmmiimmmimmimtim Eye Satisfaction Foot Comfort 1 in Train Theft Xets $1000. SOUTH BEXD. Infi.. April J7. Silks and other merchandise valued at $4000 were stolen from Xew York Central train Xo. 32. which arrived In South Bend from Chicago. The robbery took place at Xorwood, a little station west of South Bend, where the Xew York Central detec tives claim a "fence"' Is located. Most Our New Shoes For Women Eight and one half and nine inch boots are becoming more popular every day. We are now prepared to satisfy your wants in Nine inch Glazed and Dull Kid lace boots, s White Reignskin, 9 inch lace, over white ivory sole and full white ivory heel. This sThoe cannot be duplicated. Get them S now. White high grade button buck, beautifully designed. English walking shoes in dark tan Russia calf, lace, Hackney last over gray rubber sole and heel. WE WANT YOU TO SEE THEM. WE'RE SURE YOU'LL LIKE THEM. ALEXANDERS SHOES OF QUALITY s All purchases charged here Friday and Saturday will be placed on your May bill. ?tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiitiiififiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiftfUiiniiiiiiiiiiiManiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiK of the merchandise was from a Chi cago department store. Splendid for Rheumatism. "I think Chamberlain's Liniment Is just splendid for rheumatism," writes Mrs. Dunburgh, Eldrldge. N. Y. ".It has been used by myself and other members of my family time and time again during the past six years and has always given the nest of satisfac tion." The quick relief from pain which Chamberlain's Liniment affords Is alone worth many times the cost. Obtainable everywhere. Adv. KNOW THYSELF. Know thyself, immortal being. True to our Maker's seeing. Let not your self be betrayed. By any worldly thing displayed, Nor contradict thy Inner soul, But make thy self In God's sight whole. Let not thy conscience by pride be ruled. Nor thy inner soul of self be fooled, For pride is but an outward show. Displayed by men on earth below. While conscience within thine own soul lies, And is the part of us which God supplies. Only that small part doth God hold, 1 Yet by Him we are all controlled. Save a few, who are but sinners. And with Christ they would be winners, But their conscience is ruled by pride, And the humble gift of God denied. Had they but known themselves. Their records might be on God's shelves, But they must reap what they did sow. While on this small earth here below. i So what can your soul rise and say. Of your good deeds on earth today JAMES KIRKPATRICK, JR . Weston, Oregon. Age, 20 years. Date, April 27, 11- That he receives messages from as far away as Paris with the frame of an iron bed is the claim of a London wireless expert. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. From a small beginning the sals and use of this remedy has extended to all parts of the United States and to many foreign countries. When you have need of such a medietas give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a trial and you will understand why it has become so popular for coughs, colds and croup. Obtainable every where. Adv. STARTING TODAY OREGON THEATRE STARTING TODAY ELLIOTT & SHERMAN PRESENT D. W. GRIFFITH S MARVELOUS SPECTACLE Matinee Daily 2: 1 5 Lower Floor 75c and $1.00 Balcony 50c Gallery Unres. 25c Evenings 8:15 Lower Floor 75c and $1.50 Balcony $ 1 .00 Gallery Unres. 50c Boxes $2.00 mm REMEMBER! ONLY TODAY TOMORROW and SATURDAY NOTE Don't Be Wned, These Prices Will Always Prevail, So Don't wait and be Disappointed