East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 27, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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New Middies 98c to $2.75
We are showing the most complete and attractive lot of Middies ever
brought to Pendleton. Every day women, in looking at our middies exclaim, "1
really don't know which ones to take, they are all so pretty."
Our new middies have so much style and originality of design that they are
not to, be classed with the ill-fitting garments that you are accustomed to seeing.
For golf, tennis, motoring, picnic wear or whatever both freedom of motion and
stylish design are necessary, "Jack Tar" middies, of which we are the sole agents
are just the style you'd like 98 to $2.75
We have white wash skirts to match our middies in smart, sport styles from
$1.50 to $5.00. I
The season for light weight, underwear is here.
Your health and comfort demand lighter clothing.
We would call your attention to our stock of extra
quality undergarments for Spring and Summer
wear. We are sole agents in Pendleton for the cele
brated Lewis and Kenosha Cooper Closed Crotch
Union Suits. Every weight and every style is here.
Cotton, lisle, silk and wool ; long sleeves and ankle
length; short sleeves and ankle length: short
sleeves and knee length, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50,
$2.00 to $3.50.
The present conditions in Europe are such that
next fall there will be but very little flax in the man
ufacturers hands, and, even now, they are convert
ing their looms to the weaving of cotton. It will,
therefore, be to your advantage to buy now if you
wish to be sure of securing all linen at present
prices. Our stock U complete; we bought heavily
very early and can offer you prices not to be had
elsewhere. We invite your careful inspection.
With Two Par of Lined
Knickers Only $5.00
Without a doubt the hand
somest line of boys' suits in
the city for this remarkably
low price. Norfolk styles
with two pairs of lined
knickers, made with watch
pocket and belt loops; sizes
6 to 17 years; choice $5.00
Th final meeting of the Lincoln
Parent-Teachers' association of the
year will be held tomorrow afternoon
in the school building". Dr. 1, l. Idle-
mnn will talk upon dental Inspection
In the schools and Dr. W. D McNary
will discuss medical Inspection.
Mrs. P. J. Hegeman Is entertaining
at a needle party this arternoon tor
Mrs. John Matthews who Is soon to
leave for Baker to spend the summer
with a son.
Our ability to show the very newest styles enables
you to secure footwear here that is up-to-the-minute
in every detail $3.50, $5.00 to $8.50
They are nature's remedy for "hurty" feet. Call
and have a free demonstration.
We have sent to this money saving department dozens of
pairs of white pumps, oxfords and shoes, to be closed out at
the very beginning of the white shoe season. While in some
lots there are some siies missing, still we can fit most my
body. Here are a few of the white footwear bargains:
Canvas 1 -Strap Pumps For the little tot. Thin, flexible
sole and flat heel. Close out price 4c
ewbuck Child's Shoes The regular 'little button shoe,
with escolloped button-piece. Flexible sole, wedge heel and
very dressy shoe. Close Out Price
Wewbncfc Misses' Oiford9 A very pretty oxford for those
parents who require their children to wear a more substan
tial low shoe. A lasting sole and good heel. Close Out
Price 8c
New buck CMWrcn's and Misses Shoes A very dressy fall
shoe, made on a very pretty last. This Is a shoe that will give
most excellent wear annd sold at 12.75. Close Out Price $1.98
Canvas 2-Strap women's Pumps The best value yet In
white footwear. Would sell at the regular price 12 25. Close
Out Price ..' 1 4
The New Oxford Rubber heel and sols, with an excel
lent canvas upper. The best white footwear bargain In the
city. Close Out Price $1.7
Mall and telephonoorders filled.
Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Frank J
Deebach was pleasantly surprised St
her home on Lllleth street by a num
ber of friends. The afternoon was
spent In sewing and was concluded
with the serving of tasty refreshments
Those present were Mrs Walter
Jones. Mrs. F. King, Mrs. Trallor,
Mrs. Oranden. Mrs. Van Deventer.
Mrs. Bybee, Mrs. chlldreth. Mrs Flor.
ence Smith. Mrs. Hartman Long and
Mrs. Kyle Long.
Horse show Will He Held at Same
Time and Handsome Premiums will
He Offered ; AthtoUc Event Will
Also He Held and Fire Companies
Will Enter Contests.
Miss Irene Shea left this morning
for Cecil to visit her sister, Miss Viola
Shea, who 1b teaching there. Later
she will go on to Portland,
Miss Leura Jerard of this city, who
Is attending the University of Oregon,
has been chosen by the Oregon chap
ter of Chi Omega as "a delegate to the
national convention which will be
held in Lynchburg, Virginia, in June
The third annual ball of the Pen
dleton Fire Department, held last ev
ening In the Eagle-Woodman hall, was
a big success. A large crowd of danc.
ers attended and most remained for
the last number. The fire laddies hud
decorated the hall In red and white
streamers overhead, and about the
walls were noxsles, hose and relics of
the department. Punch and wafers
were served during the evening.
The Peopl
Where It Pat
To Trade
" - - - - " "
(East Oregonian Special.)
ATHENA Ore.. April i7 Attorney
Homer I Watts, candidate for district
attorney, spent Tuesday In Freewater.
Mr. Bliss and Mr Baker of Walla
Walla agents for the life insurance
company, were in Athena this week
J. B. Saylor of Ferndale passed
through Athena Wednesday.
Lola Key spent Saturday in Walla
Mrs. Watts and Mrs. Plamondon
were in Pendleton Tuesday evening to
see "A Night In Bohemia," at the Ore
gon theater.
quality than standard oat sacks or the
equivalent thereof (Approximate
standard dimensions 23x40 Inches. Ap
proximate standard weight of sack ten
and one-half (10 1-2) ounces.
Barley In burlap sacks, not lighter
quality than standard barley sacks or
the equivalent thereof. (Approximate
Mat Mosgrove of MUton. was 'n ! a.an(iard dimensions 22x3 inches.
Athena Tuesday looking after bis store I Approximate standard weight of sack
interests. j ten and one-half (10 1-2) ounces.)
Norman Tripp of Walla Walla , , ... t he tendcr.
agent for the Western Union Life In-1 fjn oontract8 without the consent of
Mrs Nsncy Kirk ed In La Grande j )(or TaMday
aurance company, was a business vis-
Sunday after an illness of two years
from paralysis. The body was brought
to Athena, the funeral being held is
the Baptist church this afternoon.
James Sturgis. Clark Nelson tnd
Marion Jack of Pendleton were in the
in the promotion and main,
tenancf of good health is
snd any disturbance of this
function may be corrected by
Major Swartilander, Umatilla In
dian agent, was In Athena Wednesday
Mrs. Minnie Roby Ferguson has
purchased the residence of Madam
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gross transact
ed business in Walla Walla Wednes
day. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sheard were in
Walla Walla Wednesday.
the buyer. In the event that the buy
er consents to take grain in bulk on
contract, he shall be allowed to deduct
four cents (4c) per bushel from the
value of the grain to cover the cost of
sacks: provided, however, that this
Told That There Was No
"After suffering for over twenty
years and having some of the best
doctors here tell me there was no
cure for me, I think it only right to
tell you for the sake of other suffer
ers as well as your own satisfaction
that a 25 cent bottle of Chamberlain's
Tablets not only relieved me but cur
ed me within two months although
I am a man of 65 years." writes Jul.
Groblen. Houston. Texas. Obtainable
everywhere.- Adv.
Judgment Given.
A defaul judgment was taken by
the plaintiff yesterday In the case of
Trombley vs. Newquist.
Divorce Is Granted.
Yesterday afternoon Judge Phelps
granted a divorce to the plaintiff In
the case of Frieda B. Jones vs. John
W. Jones.
Cole Cut BJ Chisel.
Cecil Cole, while doing carpenter
work at the O'Qara home on Aura
street yesterday afternoon, stepped on
the end of a chisel which flew up 'ind
struck him Just above the ankle, cut
tine a deen nash A physician wc.
sailed and .sewed up the wound.
LONDON, April 26. Four were
killed and 12 wounded in a Ger
man raid yesterday, it was offi
cially announced. Lowestoft
and Yarmouth were shelled and
twenty buildings at Lowestoft
were destroyed.
Zeppelins dropped 100 bombs
on the Thames estuary.
Alcohol Sales Less.
At the council meeting last eveninK
the sales of alcohol In Pendleton dur
ing the past week were reported bj
the police. The report showed 33 1-2
pints sold by the Tallman Drug Co.
to 28 people. S 1-2 pints sold by Koep-
pen Bros, to nine people and 60 pints
sold by the Red Cross Drug Store to
34 people.
(Bast Oregonlan Special.)
strawberry Day will be held on
Wednesday. May II. Growsrs ara
confident there will be a good crop
of berries, and that the season will
be at Its best about that time. The
annual horse show will be held at the
same time, and handsome premiums
will be offered in the various classes.
Last year the number of horses enter
ed was larger than expected, and It Is
hoped there will be a good strong on
exhibition this time. There will also
be athletic and other events
hose races between volunteer fire
companies from neighboring towns,
baseball game, and dancing afternoon
and evening. Plans are belg for
mutated tfir the bfggest and liveliest
day ever celebrated In Milton, and
there will be plenty of struwberrlea
and something doing every minute
Freewater Auction Sales Day, April
25, turned out to be a winner. The
plan of selling new merchandise of
every description, fresh from the
shelves of local merchants, was some
what unique and auctioneer Fred km
fert kept the big crowd buying all the
time, and kept them in a good humor,
and the prices they paid for the mer
chandise made many a pleased custo
mer. The Merchants' Association of
Freewater have put on several sales
days during the fall and spring, and
the attendance Is larger at each sue
Cure for ceedlng one. There were perhaps 100
automobile loads as well as wagons
and buggies that blocked the streets
for blocks.
Walla Walla high school baseball
team visited Milton Tuesday after
noon, and went horn with the scalps
of the Columbia College tossers at
their belts. Final score. 14 to 6. Hits
were Infrequent by both teams, hut
dropped fly balls, high and low throws
and general all around bonehead plays
contributed to the score on both aides
W. E. Jones and J. B. Frazler made
a business trip to Pendleton Tuesday
D. H. Cox has purchased a Bulck
oar of the Milton Oarage.
F. M. Kent. W. H. Steen snd Frank
Winn went to Pendleton Monday for
jury duty.
Prof. J. B. Washburn will retain
his position as superintendent of
of schools of District 31 next year,
Miss Mamie Smith will teach In high
school and the remainder of the high
school faculty will be chosen by the
board, probably next Saturday. The
teachers of this year's corps who will
remain are Luella Daniels, J. W.
Smith. Mrs. W. H. Richardson, Mrs
Ida Keane. L. H Kicker. Lena I.
Menaing, Vivian Brinker, Adele Beck,
and Clara Brown. New teachers al
ready selected are Prof. I. B. Sevcy
this year principal of Umapine high
who will head the Freewater school,
and Mrs. Sevey who will be principal
at the Qroe. and Lucy Coffey of Wal
lowa, Pearl Wilson of Adams. Esther
Compton of Milton, Mabel L Jones,
and Mrs. Amy McDanlel will be as
signed positions In the grade rooms.
It Is understood that John Sheley,
formerly partner with o. H. Griswold
in the publication of the Umatilla
County News at Freewater, has decid
ed to remain In the east where he
went a few weeks ago on word of his
father's illness.
L W. Simmons of State Line has
purchased a Ford car.
He Most Popular Chew fori
Third of a Century
The man who chews gets by t th
moit wholesome enjoyment and satis
faction out of tobacco, especially if lit
chews fhg tobacco. The rich juices
of the leaf are retained in good
plugs better than in any other form.
For more than generation Spear
Head has held first place as the favor
ite high-grade plug chewing tobacco.
This unique distinction is due solely
to the wonderful quality and flavor of
Spear Head the richest, mellowest,
tastiest chew in the whole world.
Spear Head is the choicest of all
red Burley, hand-stemmed and made
into mellow-sweet plugs in a perfectly
clean, most sanitary factory.
You can't chew the flavor out of
Spear Head, because it's a part of the
tobacco. That rich, ripe, red Burley
taste keeps on pleasing you as long
as you keep on chewing.
Chew Spear Head and youll be
chewing the pure; and most satisfying
tobacco that it's possible to make. In
10c cuts, wrapped in wax paper.
Germans Isolate Camps.
BBKLIN, April 27 "As an act
reprisal for 111 treatment of German and the city council decided to
New Plumbing Inspector
Frank B. Hayes last evening resign
ed as plumbing inspector of the city
giving as his reasons lack of time and
0 i special knowledge, and Mayor Best
appointed Robert Simpson of the
Round-Up City Auto Co., to succeed
i him Mr. Simpson was a plumbing In
of ! spector In Portland for three year
does not prevent any sale being made war j,riMirlr)i in x,,rtnern Africa, who hlin a trial here Remuneration for
in bulk where the buyer and seller ure cm ff from communCatJon with services comes from fees paid by the
mtually agree at the time of the sate riermany, the German government has plumbers.
(Continued from page one.)
to deliver and accept grain in bulk as
full delivery on a contract; and pro
vided, further, that grain In bulk with
sacks on top shall not constitute de
livery on contract as sacked grain ml
! that It shall be optional with the biy-
I er to accept such grain in bulk with nave been T(.iutn,.d t0 Berne
sacks on top as sacked grain or griln
j in hulk and In the event that the gralr.
j Is accepted as grain In bulk, the sacks
: Khali he held Intact, special piled and
In the
suspended all Intercourse with tho
French prisoners In the camps at Ohr
druff and Holzmlnden," the Oversees
.Vows Agency reported.
"Six carloads or parcels destined fo
the French prisoners tn the
Stomach Bitters
w in sound burlap sacks In good con
ditlon as follows:
Wheat Standard Imported Calcnt
ta wheat sacks or the equivalent ' mari,e(j for seller's accounf.
thereof, made of not less than ten (H) ' event that sacks In any number to the
! ounce quality cloth. (Approximate; of ten (0) per cent of the total
Yearns I'or Pendleton.
A. T. Matthews, who cold out nil
business here last year and went tc
Los Am?eles to go Into the contracting
camps business wfth his brother, is yarnlni!
foi a cllmlise of Pendleton again. He
has negotiations under way for sell
Slept During Holdup. j lng out down there and thinks it llke
SALEM. Ore.. April 2.7. Insurance ly that he will return to this city.
Commissioner Wells returned from speaking of L'matllla county In a let
St. Louis, where he attended a meet- ter received by a friend this morning
ing of the National Association of In- he says: "I think she Is the best coun
surance commissioners. Wells was on ty In the world and Pendleton the best
ally pretty Indian girl, was caught on
Ten-Mile creek by Sheriff Chrisman.
He was brought here and was bound
over to the grand Jury without bonds
Bessie Starr, who ended her grief
over the attack by committing sulclds
later near the scene of the crime, was
laid to rest with prolonged Indian
rites at Oelllo
Hood's Ssrsspsrills, the (jrwt Bli-od
isr, is the
Spring slckm-.. i comes In de
cree to every man, woman ano child
In our climate.
it Is that run-down condition of
the system that results from impure,
impoverished, devitalised blood.
It Is marked by loss of apprtr.n
and that tired feeling, and In many
cases try some form of eruption.
The best way to treat spring sick
ness 1s to take Hood's Isarsaparll'.i
This old reliable family mvll In
purifies, enriches and revitallr.es in
blood. It is an all-the-year-roti: id
alterative and tonic, and Is abso
utely the beat Spring medicine.
Get your blood In good condition
it once now. Delay may bo dan
gerous. Ask your druggist for
Hood's Saraa partus, and Insist on
having It, for nothing else can taka
its place.
Girl .Suicide Is Burled
THE DALLES. April 27 McKlnley
Wesley, the Indian who is alleged to
have attacked Bessie Starr, an unusu-
Pendleton people are astonished at
the INSTANT action of simple back
thorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed
In Adler-l-ka. ONE SPOONFUL re
moea such surprising roul matter it
rellees almost ANY CASE constipation
sour stomach or gas. Because Adler-i-ka
acts on BOTH lower and upper
bowel, a few doses often relieve or
prevent appendicitis, a short treat
ment helps chronic stomach trouble.
Tallman A Co , druggists.
standard dimensions, 22x3 inches, j nuTnber of acks contained in a car tne train neld up ln Wyoming .but town in the country. Further
Approximate standard weight of s-ick
twelve (12) ounces.
Oats In burlap sacks, not lighter
The Annie Wright
Tacoma, Washington
An endowed church school for girls. Certificate ad
mit to Smith, Wellesley, Vaccar and the leading state
universities. Special advantages in music, art and do
mestic sciences.
Bt. Rev, Frederick W. Keator, Pres. Board of Trustees.
shall tie designed as in "bad oruer
by the state grain Inspector, the buy-
er may charge the sellr three cents
(3c I each for such "wad order" sacks
and In the event that sacks are des
ignated as "resacks" by the state grain
inspector In any number, the buyr
may charge the seller ten cents (10c)
per Buck for all such resacks, to cover
knew nothing about the hold-up un'li Pendleton has the best water, best
the next morning, the sleeper he oc- schools and Is the best advertised city
cupled not being molested. jon the coast. 1 can scarcely tell a
. ----- man here that turn from Pendleton
Police Chief Wll Tcaoh. without him replying to me something
BERKELEY, Cal April 27. Chief about the Round-Up."
of Police Vollmer, of this city, is to be-'
come a member of the University of Buys Another Slice," Ranch,
California faculty at the summer aei-
the cost of resacklng and handling the gjon waJ He w g,ye
lecture course In criminology.
Chief Vollmer's patrolmen and le-
srsx-fal Notice for the Grain Trade.
Owing to the present high price of tectlves take courses In criminology.
bags, the grain committee of the Mer-
1 1 'Hants' Exchange Of Seattle, at a Spain has planU for public elec
j meeting April 10. passed the follow- trie lighting and 978 for private use.
i Ing to take effect on all trades from , i
this late: should Not Feel Disconraged.
So many people troubled with In
i Three cents allowance for bad order "on " constipation nave been j creek. Idaho. The ranch was former
R. N. Stunflcld announced yester.
day that he had bought the sheep
plant of McLeod and Hodgeon, ol
Caldwell, Idaho, for $18r,.ono. In the
deal are Included 12S0 acres of pat
ented land, 3000 acres under lease,
ml 20,000 she'ep. It Is understood
that the purchase price was paid In
The patented land Is on Junk creek,
end th" range undi-r lease Is on Sucker
Four cents per bushel for bulk
One dollar and a half allowance per
ton for bulk barley, oats and rye
Merchants of Seattle
benefited by taking Chamberlain I lit known as tho Isaac sheen ranch.
Tablets that no one should feel die-j Taken as a whole the ranches and
cooraged who has not given them a ' waterholes control range 20 by 6
trial. They contain no pepsin or oth-'mile. The property Is regarded as
er digestive ferments but strengthen nne Qf the best sheep propositions In
the stomach und enable It to perform the west.
Its functions naturally. Obtainable1
everywhere Adv. News of Pendleton on Page 8.
-&e CosaltH
of Quality
gives you more
miles to the dol
lar. Carbureting
qualities account for
that no waste of gas.
Dealers everywhere and
also at our many
Service Stations.
Standard Oil
You let any work in oar
line, don't forget to get
our prices. Estimates
gladly furnished on any
kind of stone, brick and
cement work.
Telephone 461
Young Veal,
Highest Market
Cash Price Paid
08 East m St. PHONE 455