DAILY EAST OREGON! AN, PENDLETON, OREOOH, SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 1916. I'M OUIIIIIIIIHIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIg Veterans Approve of Scenes in Great War Drama We've Popularized Wooly Boy" Clothes In this Town because we have permitted them to popularize them selves by offering them to mothers who appreciate an en I TEN PAGES i 1 1 H 35c Pound It's Pure Because a re s wrannpd in wav r , ... i r- t It's in a parafined lined carton. It's cheaper in price then other butter. The Dean Tatom Co. Phone 688. Groceries and More of Them for CASH. IIUIIHIItlllllllliliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir jj f mat Lnginei It it positively the only succets ful angina of its kind on the market it operates on gas, gaso line, kerosene or alcohol about Sc worth does the wash it is the principle exclusive feature of TTlotoi This washer will not injure the daintiest linens or the mot deli cate Uces and It will handle the heaviest blankets doing the work twice m well and in leu than bnlf the time requixrd bf the old fashioned wither or back-bre akiuff, kn uck le st Inninf wash Umid and tab. Come In and sea i I wondrrfal new labor tair it hat nunyeirlusivw pa tented feat urea that no other waahint machine cad have guaranteed for i yrari-money clieertullr refunded if too are not thoroughly aatishtd in every way. Call and ire It today. s McCLINTOCK & SIMPSON Pendleton's Big, Busy Farm Machinery and Implement House. Telephone 610. 400 E. Court St. OREGON TTtaiitacr nudtt. "A Nit in Bohemia Next Monday and Tuesday 100 PEOPLE 100 PEOPLE SEE THE KIDDIES bolist Mrs. Carl Power Mrs. Roy Alexander Mrs. Nancy Dickson 10 COMEDIANS LOCAL HITS 20 HEW MS Rufus K. Love, Director Lots of Seats for Both Nights Warren Has the Seats It's Pasteurized. L naner Alls Theater Tomorrow and Monthly The pineapple and Spanish moss are botanical relatives Catarrh and Colds To Be Rid Relieved oLa a treat achievement Most people would be well and nappy were it not for ca tarrh. It is worth ten years of any one's life to learn how to get rid of catarrh. PE-RU-NA will show you, rnuch quicker than any one could tell you, how to get rid of catarrh. THE PERUN A CO., Columbus, Ohio Mm. Emma Gannon, 107 E. South St.. K, ...... . Ilia., writes: "For fifteen years I had catarrh of the head and stomach. I could hardly walk. My attention was called to The Ills of Life.' I read It through. Then bought a bottle of Peruna. I am entirely well now." THEATRE Kti "HEIb Sherman'- Mnnli to the S"a. scene In the list of accurate battle scenes and maneuvers in Griffith's "Birth of! a Nation," noted pictorial drama of the civil war, which vlsuallzea the! problem uf slavery and state sover-; eignty. now attracting large audience? in several of the large cities, and which Manager Welch is to bring herej for presentation at the Oregon theater Thursday. April 27th, for three days Is an accurate reproduction of Sher-1 Mian's march to the sea. It depicts realistic viewa of thei union troops passing through Georgia,! the burning of Atlanta, etc. Sherman's move was one of the de Easter Music at Baptist. The day will be ot great Interest from the beginning. Commencing at 9:40 the bible school will give all Easter program to be enjoyed by old and young. Preaching at 11 a. m. The following program will be given Doxology. Invocation Gloria. Hymn "Lo in the Grave He Lay." Scripture reading and prayer. Anthem Christ Our Passover. Announcements and offering. Violin solo Miss Gaynell Baldwin Anthem Easter Praise. Sermon The Resurrection. At 2:30 p. m. the Knight Templars will hold their annual easier services in the Baptist church. In addition to the ritual of the order, Rev. E. R. Clevenger will preach and special mu sic will be rendered Mrs. Hagar and Mr. Rose will each sing a solo. There will also be excellent instrumental music by a quartet. Miss Gaynell Bald win, Mrs. Pruitt, Miss Margaret Phelps, Mr. Steelhammer. At g p. m. the B. Y. P. U. will take the entire service and give the follow ing program: Song Congregation. Prayer. Talk by Mrs, Gregg, president. Offertory. Song by B. Y. P. U. chorus. Statement of topics President. Scripture Reading Arthur Morris Duet "Jesus Lover of My gou!," Arlonlne Clevenger, Winnie chlsholm. Col portage Work Chas. Daly. Colportage Among Foreigners Arlonlne Clevenger. Quartet 'Xhrlst the Lord Is Risen" Arlonlne clevenger, Mrs. George Ma son, Will 1'enlaud, George Mason. Chapel Car Claud Baker. Chapel Car; Explanation of Work Mable McConnel. Chapel Car Suport Bertha Pruitt. Solo Ada Decker. Colportage Cruiser Will Penland. Song Chorus. The public is cordially invited to attend any and all of these services E. R. Clevenger, pastor. church of the Redeemer. Euster Sunday Program: Processional "Jesus Christ Is Rla en Today," 112. Easter Anthem 'Christ Our Pass over," Reade. Gloria Patrl R. Langdon. Proper Psalms 2, 67 111. First Lesson Exodus It. Te Ivum Itndamus Arthur F. M distance Second Lesson--St. Matthew 2$. Jubilate Den- Alfred Wooler. Nicene creed. Anthem "As It Began to Dawn," W, C. W'Wnma Thi' lUrtli of a Nation." Startlm; Ajh-H 27th. Coming cisive acts of the long, hard-fought war as it divided the south and took away food supplies which were need ed for the support of the confederate army. The siege of Atlanta and the flight of the population to the country is also realistic production a histori cal event. In this and in all of the battle scenes, I). W. Griffith, the pro ducer, obeyed the directions of mili tary experts whu mapped out the movements of the union and confed erate armies as described in the ac curate reports in the possession of the I "nlted States government. In fact. the Churches Kyrie Eleison Gloria Tibl Reade. Anthem "He Is Not Here. He Is Risen." Etvin W. Read. Sermon The Rector. Offertory Solo "Christ Is Risen," F. Flaxington Harker. Miss Edna Zimmerman Sursum Corda, Sanctus. Agnes Dei Ikteharistlc Hymn. Gloria in Excel sis Reade. Recessional Hymn 118. Evening Processional 117. Proper Psalms 84, 85. Gloria Patrl R. Langdon. First Lesson Exodus 15. Magnificat W. Hawea. Second Lesson Acts 2, 22. Nunc Dimittls J. T Harris. Apostles' Creed. Hymn 116. Sermon Rev. Charles Quinney. Offertory Anon. Vesper. Recessional Hymn 118. Choir Mesdames C. K Cranston, C. Pow er. R. Alexander, E. B. Aldrich, H. W. Dickson, G. W. Phelps, c. Quin ney. Misses Edna Zimmerman, Louise Deute, Mildred Berkeley, Edna Saling. Thelma Saling, Sophie Anderson. Hel en Anderson, Gunda Newtson, Sophia Igo. Velma Smith, Marguerite Humph rey, Barbara Stanfleld. Messrs. C. E. Rootevelt, H. Bishop, E. Avison. H. W. Dickson, J. T. Lam birth, H. Ottke. Boys Norborne Berkeley, Alfred Koeppen, Homer Hayden, Adolph Hayden, Floyd Smith, Donald White man, Lynn Barr. Organist,, morning Mrs. W. C E. Pruitt. Organist Phelps. evening Mrs. G. W. Mr. H Bishop. Norborne Berkeley. Violinists Miss Margaret Phelps and Miss Edna Saling. christian Science. E. Webb and Johnson streets. Ser vices Sunday, n a. m. and 8 p. m.; Sunday school at 10 a. m.; Wednesday 8 p. m. Subject of lesson sermon, "Probation After 'Death " The rear. ing mom at the church is open daily except Sunday, from 2 until 4 p. m. Christian. Easter Sunday. Bible school at 9:45 a. m. Sermon and communion ai 11 a. m. "Why should we think it strange that God should raise the dead"" The children will give a missionary and Easter program at the evening X o'clock service. You are in vite. C E. meets at 7 p. m. Mrs, Ruth Overlon will sins at the 11 o'clock service. from to the Oregon Theater, tliree days, -sev many weekks were spent in the ac quirement of data for the staging of the battle scenes. Many old soldiers have witnessed and approved of these reproductions, saying that they recall ed with vivid impreasiveness the haz ardous experiences which they endur ed in army service. PorUons impress one with a lasting sense of the suffering due to hunger, showing Confederate soldiers on the firing line eating sparingly of short rations of parched corn in another the capture of a supply train in an impressive lesson of the hardships of war. MeUindist. There will be special Easter servi ces all day Sunday. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Epworth League at 7 p. m. The pastor will preach an Easter ser mon at the eleven o'clock hour pre ceded by the baptism of children and followed by the reception of mem. bers. The choir will be in charge of the evening service. A special pro gramme of music has been prepared and a fine service is to be expected. You are invited to come and enjoy these services with us. Parents who wish to have their children baptized will please be there at the beglnnlns of the morning service. Presbyterian. The following Easter services wit be held at the Presbyterian church tomorrow to which the public are In vited. A class of 30 new members will be received into the church at the morning service. Mothers are requeu ed to bring their small children to the manse where they will be cared for during the morning service. "Now is Christ risen from the dead and become the first fruits of them that slept" Morning Service Organ Voluntary Mae Poulson. Doxology. Invocation "The Lord's Prayer." Hymn 33 "Holy, Holy, Holy." Intant Baptism. Prayer. Response by the Choir -"Salome Anthem "He Is Risen" Reception of Members and Baptism Offering Solo, "The lUWHUuUon." Mayree Snyder. Scripture Lesson. Anthem "Jerusalem." Sermon "Immortality." Communion of ths Lord's Supper. Benediction. Sacred Concert, 7:30 p. m. Voluntary Sonota, "Beethoven," Mae Paulson. Anthem "Welcome, Happy Morn ing" Solo "The Light of the World.' (Roberts) Mrs. Glen Sturdlvant Duet The Misses Koch. Quartet "Hear Otlr Cry," Mr r- Good - For the Stomach When the stomach Is weak, the liver Inactive ami the Innveis clogged, just try HOSTETTERS Stomach Bitters It Is a splendid stomach remedy. If 1 V - X ''ZL ALEXANDERS Rose. Mr. Rugg, Mayree Snyder, Mr. Edmunds. Solo (Selected) Gladys Hamley. VloUn Solo (Selected) Miss Bald, win. Soto "Easter Dawn" (Woodman) Mr. Rose. Offertory "Verceuse Mignon' (Harboth) Lorene King Anthem "Why Seek Te the Liv ing?" Solo "He 18 Not Here," Mrs. Mao Hager. Male Quartet "Lead Kindly Light' Mr. Rose, Mr. peters, Dr. Boyden, Mr. Bishop. Solo "Hosanna" (Granier) Mrs Carl Power. Anthem "Jerusalem." ' Benediction, NEWS NOTES OF HELIX SLIGHT SNOW FALLS BIT QUICK LY MELTS; INTERESTING LECTURE HEARD. (East Oregonian Special.) HELIX, Ore., April 22. A good rain fell Thursday night and Friday. Snow fell tor a few minutes, melting as it reached the ground. Mrs. w. E- Hopkins gave an inter esting lecture Tuesdty evening at the Baptist church on missionary work in Japan. Wm. Timmerman has gone tc Waitsburg for the summer. Mrs. J. H. King has returned from a visit to Milton. FANS fill yo' pipes with VELVET an' "pull" for the Home Team. Hft&v FALT'S famous fQ A 1AITIQM Fresh Every Day V? F IiJll OYSTERS CLAMS SEA CRABS Fine, Clean Furnished Rooms in Connection Steam Heated. The Quelle Restaurant Exclusive distributing depot In Pendleton for FALTH Ha Fooda. during and pleasing clothes service. We've offered "WOOLY BOY" CLOTHES because we knew they would eventually popula rize our "Boys' Shop." Their all-wool fabrics, lasting needlework, tough construction and dressy style make steadfast pat rons. They are true ex amples of the "survival of the fittest." Mrs. Charles Aispach of Wallula, Is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Smith, for a few days. J. J. Lewis has returned from a business trip to Walla Walla. Mrs. Walter Johns of Walla Walla visited relatives here Thursday. J. T. Griswold leaves today for At talia. Wash., to install an engine. Malcom and Allen McKlnnon. brothers of the late Archie McKln non, were Helix visitors Thursday. Mrs. Charles Peterson leaves Sun day for her new home In Boise, Ida, Orders Pour in on Mill. COTTAGE GROVE, Ore.. April . With orders booked for several years years ahead, the J. I. Jones mill at Diss tan will resume operations at once. Sixty men or more will be em. ployed. J. R. Keep, of Portland, has leased the property from J. I. Jonas, of this city, the owner. Mr. Keep will begin at once to over haul the plant, which will be enlarg ed to a capacity of 60,000 feet a day. Arrangements have been practically completed for a large tract of timber. Bandit Shoots Mesne wrer. SHRETVEPORT, La.. April tt. A masked robber shot express messen ger Phillips early today and robbed an express car on a Louisiana rail road and Navigation company train. He escaped when the train reached Alexandria. The bandid remained aboard the train an hour. BETTER AND SOFTER LIGHT Is assured by the use of some of these beautiful fixtures of ours. They give a light that illuminates the room perfectly, but that does not tire or strain the eyes. They are not expen sive considering their extra ef ficiency and extra beauty. Why not at least see them? J. L. VAUGHAN