PrtGR TRW DAILY 1A3T 0MSG0N1AN, PSNDLBTON, OREGON. SATURDAY, APRIL 28, lilt. TEN PAGBJ MONEY TALKS Hard to Beat Chase 6 Sanborn's Seal Brand Coffee Kun through our Coffee Refiner is a combination hard to beat. Include a can in your next order. Seal Brand 1 pound 45c 2 pounds 85c 3 pound $1.25 5 pounds $2.00 Gray Bros. Grocery Co. Two Phones, 28. "QUALITY" 828 Main St S900 acrw, fenced and cross fenced, good buildings, with or without stock, at $10 per acre. Easy terms. !340 acres, good Improvements, easy terms, with or without stock, i'r-ce $10 per acre. COS acres. 100 In grain. 150 alfalfa, good buildings, close to railroad; II rocs with outfit, at $50 per acre. .000 acres of wheat land, close to R. R.. $30 per acre. 1 have acreage and suburban homes. & business chances on Main street r0 residence property, some are good bargains. 'ood business property in Athena, very cheap. Come in and talk it over. E. T. WADE, Pendleton, Ore. DRINK "Bran-New" It's pure and has the "Pep." . The best drink on the market Made in the best town on earth, PENDLETON. Served at the Following Cafes: St. George Grill. Quelle Cafe On Draught and in Bottles at Following Resorts: Connor's Cigar Store Coutts & McDevitt Billy's Place The Crescent Round-Up Pool Hall. Sold to the family trade in cases of one dozen bottles and up, quarts or pints. Brewed and bottled by Wm, Roesch Bottling Co. City Brewery. Wholesale and Retail. Telephone 528 "Kiddie" is King and Queen long live the "Kiddie" HOW nice is the heirloom that was given to you by mother. Have you ever made your baby a similar present. Not merely a lit tle plaything suitable for the pres ent moment, but one that baby can keep and treasure as coming from you and in turn hand down to your grand children in the days to come as an heirloom. We know you think this much of baby, why not carry out this beau tiful sentiment. We have many suggestions to show you. Royal M. Sawtelle Since 1887. Athena Wotnau in Hot4Mral. Mrs. CHWer FTana of Athena, ia at St. Anthony's hospital for treatment. Baye suKkbkrr f)ar. C J. Qulliford of Echo has pur chased a Studebaker four of M. K. Long, proprietor of the Stone Oarage Daughter Is Horn. An eight pound daughter was born yesterday to Mr. and Mrs. Reiman ol Birch creek. Buys New Ou Anton Vey. prominent sheepman, has purchased a new D-44 Bulck road' ster from the Oregon Motor Oarage. IKvroe Hitored. In the case of Donald W. Mitchell vs. o. H. Orlswold, plaintiff, has been given Judgment for $54. s5 and judg ment for the plaintiff has also been given in the case of Alonzo Knotts vs. Newman Cottrell et el, which was a suit to quiet title. t)t of Hospital. Chwch of tin? Redeemer. Hal Corby of the Alexander Depart- The first celebration of the Holy ment Store, has left St. Anthony's 1 ommunlon will be at 7 a. m. Sunday hospital where he has been since h' recent operation Buy Overland liars. R. I Harp of Holdman has pur chased an 8J-B Overland auto from the McLean Auto Co., and G. B. Har- tle of Holdman, has purchased a car of the same make and style of the same company. school and opening of mite boxes al 9:45 a. m. Second selebratlon and full Easter services at 11 a. m. Even ing services at ":S0 p. m. Holy Bap tism at 3 p. m. Name of Firm Changed. Supplementary articles have been filed with the secretary of state changing the name of the corporation of Echo, known In the past as Ob & livery Barn Is Repaired. j Bob. to R R- Lewis & Co., Inc. The The old City Livery barn on Thomp- incorporators are R. R. Lewis, Agnes son street, which was recently de-; Boyd Wigle and Lawrence Malcolm clare J unsafe and a menace by the! city council at the suggesUon of Fire Whitman May Play Here. Chief Ringold, has been repaired, the sagging wall having been fixed to render it safe. At St. Mary's Church. Easter services will take place at St Mary's church at 6. S and 10 a. m. At 10 o'clock the choir will render Concone's Mass In F under the direc Uon of Miss Sarah Cunningham. The Credo is taken from Mercadante. The Reglna Coeli will be sung. at the Of fertory. To May Colored Team. There will be baseball in Pendleton tomorrow afternoon despite the fact that the Blue Mountain team will be out of the city. The Colored Tigers and the "Pendleton Pickups" will play at 3 o'clock. Both teams have had considerable practice this season and a close contest Is expected. Milton Team In Semi-finals, Having won all of Its debates up to the present time, the Milton high school debating team is now quali fied to enter the semi-finals for ihe championship of eastern Oregon. The team will meet the Prineville team in the near future and the winner will compete in the flnats for the state championship. Steers Shot on Range. Col. J. H. Raley this morning re ceived word that six big steers, be longing to Ben Colvln, prominent John Day stockman, were the other day found dead within a few yards of each other with a bullet wound to ex plain the cause of death. It Is pre sumed that some enemy of Colvin shot the animals. criminal Can Next Week. Next week will see a number of criminal cases up for trial in the cir cuit court. The cases of the State vs John Miller, charged with forgery, Is set for Monday and the case of the State vs. Weaver, charged with non support, is set for the same day. The case against Basil Parr, charged with horse stealing, will probably go over to the next term. Forest Rhinehart charged with pointing a gun at anoth er person, is set for Tuesday. It Is not certain yet just when the c;se of W. O. Marren, charged with second degree murder, will come up for trial. Buys Into Kern commit . Having disposed of his oo mm ere la sigi. painting business in Li Grande, Samuel Wright is moving to Pendl. ton to take an Interest In the Ken Sign Company. With Mr, Kern h plans to enlarge upon the novelty sUn big ness and cover the northfest be sides doing commercial siga busin- as. Mr. Wright has been prominent in La Grande lodge circles and also a live worker for all civic undertakings there, having taken an interest In the motorcycle races and in tne Y. M C A. He has been prelate of the LA Grande Knights of Pythias for the rast year. Mrs. Wright has also been prominent In La Grande fraternal circles. Send Presents to Motanles. Having seen the story of the life of Parsons Motanic, wel known loca! Indian, In the February number or the Sunset magazine, Mr and Mr Frank Hute of Lisbon, Ohio, wrote a splendid letter of tribute to Motanic and sent him a beaded watchfob and to his wife a headed neck chain. In the letter they explain that the bead work was done by an English woman. They profess an Interest in this coun try and ask that Motanic write them relative to the climate, prospects tor game hunting, etc., and as to wheth er or not easterners are given a wel come by Indians and whites. Motanit: is very proud of the letter and of the gifts The Whttman college ball team may play the Pendleton Bucks here Mon day afternoon while en route home from a trip through southern Idaho. Stanley Sayres, who Is home for the spring vacation, Is trying to schedule the game. The Bucks are willing to play, providing no guarantee is re quired, and Mr. Sayres has so advised Graduate Manager Borleske. Bought 180 Acres. Through a deal made here today by E. T. Wade a quarter section of land in township four north of range 30 was sold by Fred Lldvall to Elder Bros. The price was $3200. Two Marriage Licenses. A marriage license was issued to day to Ora Lee Barnes and Genevieve Theresa Quinlivan, a Helix couple. and one was issued to Albert Buchl and Adeline Thdme. District Attorney Back. District Attorney Frederick Steiwer has arrived back In Pendleton from Portland where he had been taking treatment for his throat. His voice is much stronger than when he left and he will be able to try the criminal cases on the docket next week. Golf Tournament Tomorrow. The Pendleton Golf Club will hold a tournament tomorrow for the male members of the club. It will start at 9 o'clock In the morning and continue probably all day. All male members are asked to be at the links at 9 o'clock and first opponents will be selected by Prof. Eddy. The tourna ment will be an elimination contest for the determination of the champion of the club. GERMAN FIELD MARSHAL VON DER 60LTZ IS DEAD LONDON. April 22. The oeith ol Field Marshal Von Der Goltz is a se vere blow to Turkey's arm v. critics here believed. Many regarded him as Germany's greatest soldir. He or ganized Germany's secret defences on the Russian border. He was not a favorite with the kaiser. Built House for ReJtlis. Col. J. M. Bentley, veteran local in surance man, has the distinction ot having built the first lumber house on the Umatilla river between McKay crtek and Echo. It was a house at the mouth of Birch creek built for the Relth brothers after whom the :ttion at the terminal has been nam-ed- That was in 1872 and Mr. Bent ley says the Job occupied m entire year. He was forced to do a;i his own planing by hand. Louis Reith was afterwards member of th city coun- II In Pendleton and ran W ... Furnish for sheriff, Mr Furnish Ixlng the democratic candidate and Keith an Independent-republican ran-d'diite. IN BANK ItUPTCY. In the District Court of the United States, for the District of Oregon. In the matter of Mrs. L. B. Storm, A Bankrupt. To the Creditors of Mrs. L. B. Storm, of Milton, in the County of Uma tilla and District aforesaid. Bank rupt Notice Is hereby given that on the 19th day of April, A. D. 1916, the said Mrs. L B. Storm, was duly ad- ludlcated a Bankrupt, and that the first meeting of her creditors will be held at the office of the undersigned Referee In Bankruptcy, at Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon, on May the th, A. D., 1916, at 10 o'clock A M of said day at which time and place the creditors may attend, p.-ove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the Bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly come tie fore the said meeting. Done and dated at Pendleton. Ore Kon, this 22nd day of April. A. D. 1416. THOS. FITZ GERALD. Referee In Bankruptcy. Remember no matter what your wants if a Clothing or Dry Goods store should have it the Golden Rule will have it for less money. Try us. Look us up. Cony pare our prices, the quality and the patterns, then you will be convinced that you save money. Buying for 12? stores and eliminating all overhead expenses, buying for cash and selling the same way, are several good reasons why you can buy standard made merchandise at a lower price at this store. Men s Canvas Glovea, Knit Wrist So Men's Gauntlet Canvas Glove, leather faced 15c Men's Belts gSo, 49c Men's Work Shirts 89c, 46c Men's Drew shirts, military collar I Sc. 89o, Mo Men s K. & W. Shirts 98e, $1.19 Men s SoleseUe Sport Shirt 98c Men's Khaki Pants 98o Men's Corduroy Pants 11.98, $3.49, 11.98 Men's Drew Pants 81. US, 82.98, 83.98 Men's Rib Overalls 49c, 89c, 88c Men's Hats 98c. 81.49, 81.98. 93.98 Men's Italncuatt 88.98 94.98, 99.90, 813.S0 Turkish Towels, per pair 96c, S9e, 49 Turkish Towels, colored borders, each 49a luck Towels 8c, g l-Sc, 10c, IS t-le Toweling, per yard 5c, l-4c, a l-Sc, 10c 11 -9a Lace Curtains, per pair 49c, 89c, 98c, 11.98 to 84.98 Scrims, yard 10c, 19 l-2c, 15c, 19c, S&o, S9o 9mm 39c, 49c, 99c, 83c, 94 Pillow Slips, each. . 10c, is ljc, t.v, IT l-Sc, 94a HIIowh, Standard stac 49c, 89c, 98c, $1.49 to 91.98 Bad Spreads . . S9c, 98c, $1.49, $1.98. $2.98, $3.98 Fancy Bath Mats $1.49 Rugs, all sites and kinds 98c. $1.19, $1.98, $1.98 smith s Auninster Rugs 9x12 919.59 YOU CAN DO BETER AT 2X.. M J.C.Penney Co. nc WE LEAD, OTHERS FOLLOW F1SIIKRY LW AGREEMK.NT IS PRACTICALLY KILLED WASHINGTON, April 22.A bill ratifying the agreement be- 4 tween Washington and Oregon over the fishery laws on the Co- 4) lumbla river was practically 4) killed today when the senate 4) committee was deadlocked. The 4) vote resulted In a tie. 4) Mrs. J. J. Quinlivan of Helix Is a Pendleton visitor. O. L. Barnes of Helix is among the visitors here today. Senator C. A. Barrett of Athena Is a visitor in Pendleton today. James S. Bell and Luke Head of Athena, were at the St. George last evening. A. R. Blewett, president of the Blew ett Harvester Company, returned this morning from Portland where he had been upon a business trip. Mrs Blewett is to arrive here from Spa. kane in June. Pendleton Lodge No. 288 last eve ning enjoyed an official visit from A. W. Norblad, deputy grand exalted ru ler for Oregon. During the session an address was made by the visiting official and a lunch was served at the close of the meeting. The third annual ball of the Pen dleton Fire Department will be held next Wednesday evening and the fire men are making big preparations for It. The following committees are in charge: Genera) committee, J. A. Gibson, Charles Miller and W. E. Rin gold; floor committee, W. Mitchell, J Joeger, Walter Boynton and Ed Hem melgarn; refreshment committee. Lou Spankler and Arthur Keenan; decora Hon committee, Wade Prlvett, Ad Frailer and Rosa Mount; door com mlttee, Jack Loedlng, F. Heathman. Charles Frailer and Nick Noel. Mrs. Thomas G. Halley and daugh ter, Miss Elisabeth, are domiciled in apartments at the Stelwyn. Mrr. Halley returned last week from an extended sojourn In San Francisco, where she went to attend the exposi tion,' acting as joint hostess for the Oregon building. Miss Genevieve Halley, her clever daughter, who ac companied her has remained In the south to study art. Portland Orego- nlan. E R. Lester, Pilot Rock lumber man, was In the city yesterday. Henry Jacobson of Adams, Is am ong the many visitors here today. Mrs. George Strand came In this morning from her home at Vansycle. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Casey and son. Abe, are among the visitors from He lls. Leon Cohen has returned from Portland where he was for several days. Jack Gibson arrived horns this morning from Pasco. J. F. Relhl of Hermlston, was Pendleton visitor yesterday. H. A. Daisy of Stan field was ap from the west end of ths county yes terday, Miss Fern Holslngton. teacher at Stanton, la spending the weekend In the city. J. Neal, Stanton rancher, came In on the Northern Pacific train this morning. W. EI Wlgglesworth, prominent Butter Creek farmer, is a Saturday visitor here. A. D. Leedy. Canyon City attorney, who Is here to represent a client nest week, Is at the Pendleton. Miss Pauline Lederle of La Grande, Is here today visiting her father who Is at St. Anthony's hospital. Mr. and Hrs. W. H. Dale and two children came In this morning from their home at Smelts station. Mrs. J. M. Culberston of Hood Riv er, who has been visiting relatives here the past week, left at noon today for her home. She was formerly Miss Mary Rothrock of this city. IN BANKRUPTCY. In the District court of the United States for th- District ol Oregon. In the matter of Glen Emick A Bank rupt. To the Sreditors of Glen Emlck, of ' Pilot Rock, In the County of Uma tilla and District aforesaid, Bank rupt, Notice Is hereby given that on the 7th day of April, A D 1916, the said Glen Emlck, was duly adjudicated a Bankrupt, and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at the of fice of the undersigned Referee In Bankruptcy, at Pendleton. Umatilla County, Oregon, on May the 6th, A. D. 1916, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, at which time and place the creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a Trustee, exemme the Bankrupt, and transact such oth er business s may properly come be fore the said meeting. ' Done and dated at Pendietop Ore gon, this 22nd day of April, A. D., 1916. THOS FITZ OKRA I.I). Referee In Bankruptcy. Expert repairing of Watches' and Jewelry. Satisfaction guaranteed Wm. ffanscom THE Jeweler. Salads Cakes Cocktails Candies and Creams Order From Kopper Kettle Makes Entertaining Easy Quality Our First Consideration llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHnimiNmE I OUR GREATEST CAR OUR GREATEST YEAR I IV GLASSES XV. are for people of all ages who require a double vision lens. Thev combine two pairs of glasses in one, two clear crys tal lenses are fused into one, yet they look exactly like single vision lenses, no lines or seams to make the wearer look old or freakish. DALE ROTHWELL Exclusive Optician American Nat. Bank Bldg. Pendleton, Phone 609. piiyi-m-HEAO fe fl&fr MOTOR CARS The public's desire to possess this car has been keener and more widespread than any similar desire ever before Inspired by any mo tor car. It Is a case of Factory Capacity that's all. There has been a "waiting list" for the Bulck because, beyond a doubt, It la the Oreatest Automobile Value ever produced. From the time of the first announcement of the NEW BUIOK SIXES, the supply has been lass than one-tenth of the number of cars wanted by the buying public! Order being filled In rotation. Place yours now and avoid delay la delivery. Oregon Motor Garage INCORPORATED Telephone 468 117, 119. 121, 123 Wert Court St. .llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIiS I s