PAGE SIX DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1916. TEN PAGES Undiscovered Stars to Shine Here (Continued from sage one. Jo' naho is named to Death. ' SALEM Ore., April 1 . Margaret Bsrpcr, aged 5. only daughter Of Hn Vivian Harper, thu cltv, died fim hum uffered when matches which he was attempting tc a fire ignited her clothing. The traged v occurred at the jcUd's home flurlnr the absence of her mother In Portland. The child had been lef: lr. care a! an aunt, Mr. Edna Basset' While Mrs. Fessett was away Margarea tried to start a fire in the kitchen stove Before neighbors could reach her, her clothing wai burned off and terrible burns irflicted. The graphite deposits of Bavaria, the only ones In the world outside of Ceylon which yield graphite suitable for making refractory crucibles, are to be developed URIC ACID CAUSES AND KW DUNJUYMtX MELTS IMFIRI-. TIEN THAT STOP VP BODY' BRAINS KIDNEY M1S- nOB VANISH. There .-:re hundreds of people right fcerc -n Pendleton who are literally "living sewers." Their drainage sys tem re out of kilter. The filter waU of their kidney are clogged with uric rid crystals, like dead leaves In an old miner. What is the result? The blood is pumped up against the filter membranes of the kidneys, but instead of straining off the waste like a sieve, tt i forced back into the blood and arrle. through the arteries to every part of the body. Tiny acid crystals re deposited in the Joints and mus-1 ties where they don't belong, and here their presence is very soon felt, i "nc blood goes sluggish, the complex-i fon . muddy, and poignant palm and : . h- begin to shout warnings: that something Is wrong with thu plumbing. In cases of this kind noted author- BACKACHE RHEUMATIC PAINS itles are recommending a new treat ment that already has shown remark able success wherever tried. it is known to the profession as Solvax and is a combination of powerful dis solving agents that go straight to the cause of the trouble and melt the clog ging matter off the filtering walls of the kidneys, passing it out of the body in the urine. When Solvax starts work a change for the better is felt at once. The blood, loaded with waste, reaches the kidneys, is strained and filtered and goes pumping back through the arter ies clean and healthy, washing all im purities before it. When the poison ous acid is washed out of the Joints and muscles the pains and aches dis appear and life once more brightens up for the sufferer. Get a new packet of Solvax today from Tallman & Co. or any other re liable druggist. It is inexpensive, harmless, easy to take. Don't suffer another minute. Satisfaction guar anteed or money back. K imuml Keene. a retired actor, a good Klk and a ihoro ifh Bohemian Mr. cilve Cheshire Officer Callihan, "one of the finest." a little sore on tramps, but not a bad fellow after all jack Gibson Doll Nobles, the sunrhlne of Keene's Villa, a little bit stage struck and a good little girl Mrs. Charles Bond Tommy Jiggs. an up-to-date boy. light from the streets of New York. .. Bert rand S. Jerord George Thatcher, an old minstrel, who, finding a friend in trouble, plays servant just to help him out Jim Estes Dusty Rhodes, the tramp manager of a defunct comedy companv . Bob Fletcher Charles Frohmar, an old-time friend of Edmund Keene Ray ChrysCU ACT I. Krone's Villa. Time: Summer. Professor Teacham gives Instructions for the big lawn party. The old Bohemian rests in tho garden. Keene tells Dolly of her father. "Dear Old Daddy." The story of the old abandoned mine. "Never turn a hungry man away from our door." Arrival of Tommy .liggs. He and Dolly concoct a scheme to go on the stage. An excited negro. Here cornea the Salvation Army. "Salvation Nell" Keene rebukes the children "Who shall dare to say they are not working for the Master?" Tommy and Polly work on their great scheme. Great excitement. "The Train has Jumped the track and is coming this way; let's scoot!" Arrival of 'Dusty Rhodes on his 1916 model car. An inquisitive cop. Dusty tells him the lory of his life. A mad policeman. Dolly to the rescue "You're a good little girl. Miss." Rhodes gets the children's money. "What's that? Edmund Ktene! Old Jack Nobles!" "Here, Dolly, I can't take this money It's too much like doing up an old friend." Rhodes returns with the company. "Remember, we meet here again a mjonth from) tonight " ACT n. Keene's Villa. Di awing Room. Time; One Month Later. "BACKWARD. Tl'KN BACKWARD, OH TIME IN THY FLIGHT." "I'm sixty-five year old and alone." "Laugh and the world laughs with you; weep and you weep alone." The old Bohemian's dream. "Come back to me." 'Auld Lang fcyne." "Thank God, I'm not forgotten, not forgotten.' Arrival of Frohman Thatcher and gentlemen from the Casino. Dusty in a fix. Callihan in hot pursuit. A shame to fool Callihan. Arrival of Count de Pendleton and the Duke de Shamrock. Dusty is captured at last. A letter for Dusty. Good luck for poor Dusty Rhodes The old Bohemian rroposes a toast "To Our Absent Friends." Concluding with "MADE IN THE U, S. A." Good Night and Pleasant Dreams. MUSICAL M Mltl'.lCS AND LIST OF SPECIALTIES. 'Are You From Dixie'.'" Entire Company 'Hush! Here Comese the Dream Man!" By the following bright Kiddles: Margaret Adams Juanita Brown Lorene King Beulah Klmery Bessie Huston Elizabeth La Hue Dorothy Henderson Marie Pahl Marjorle Swaggart Mildreed Gibson Florence Caven Mary Francis Frances Hord Lucile Saling Opal Johnson Kathleen LaHue Marjorle Best Jane Roosevelt Edna Murphy Merle Jack Garnet Jack Eveleyn McCormmach Barbara Edmunds Alberta McMonies Marie Temple Iva Beeman Vera Hampton Ruth Taylor Corrine Baker Florence Fletcheer Vivian Estes Marie Fletcher Genevieve Boyd Gertrude Ardrey Freda Paul Leota Johnson Irene Boyd Merle Hampton Pauline Dillon Mary Hampton Evelyn Snyder Seville Marty Marguerite Humphrey Blanche Friedly Barbara Stanfleld "Teddy Hanscom Thelma Blanchet Wilhelmina Baer Grace Blanchet Mabel Stickler "Billy, Billy, Bounce Your Baby Doll," also by the Kiddies "A Little Love, A Little Kiss Goe? a Long, Long Way" Mrs. Charles Bond, Bertrand S. Jerard Make delicious pie crust after this recipe Mix one scant teaspoon salt with one and one-half cups pastry flour. Chop in scant half cup chilled Cottolene. Mix in grad ually three tablespoons cold water. Mix well, but do not knead with hands. If soft, lay paste in pan and place on ice till chilled. Sprinkle flour on molding-board; flour rolling-pin; roll out flat, then roll up into form pf jelly roll; stand it on end; pat down and roll into circular shape. When rolled into proper size covef sides and bottom of pie dish. Fill in pie material. Roll top crust in same way, making several incisions to allow for filling and puffing in baking. m Cottolene makes pie-crust light flaky, wholesome: it excels for all shortening and rrying. Its use is simple, and you can get it in pails of various sizes to suit your convenience. Ask your grocer for a supply today. Write for a free copy of our real cook book, "HOME HELPS." Our General Offices, Chicago, will supply you. :fairbank: iilllllllllM OFFICERS ELECTED MUST SHOOT IS AHRANUED TAKE PLACE ON APRIL THE 30TH. TO CATARAH QUICKLY BANISHED MONEY BACK IF THIS FAILS THE SALVATION' RMY. Salvation Nell Mrs. Roy Alexander "Hag-Time 'Liz'" Nancy Dickson Base Drum Player (First Night) Pror. George, Baerj Base Drum Player (Second Night) Cyclone Bobby Jones General Mlstortun" I Heenry Judd Major Gloomlets R. E. Chloupek Flag Bearer Brooke Dickson Captain Sal Sapper Laura Cahlll General Round-Up Lee Drake General Prosperity Nat Kimball ( nher Salvation Lassies Mrs. A. B. Keenan, Thelma Saling, Louise Cahlll She Had Such Beautiful Eggs" Bob Fletcher I Shepherd Dance Miss Jean Reber WKDK VTKD AIR DESTROYS CA TARRH GERMS VXD STOPS CATARRH; BREAKS VP JIAIIDEST COLD IN A FEW MINI TES. ' Of all the diseases caused by germs catarrh is one of the most persistent and loathsome, catarrh can be cured but it can only be cured by destroying the germa. Breathe Hyomel (pronounced High-o-mr) and stop catarrh by killing the germ. The Hyomei method is the only sensible method, because yoa breuthe this highly antiseptic and germ killing air directly over the entire membrane that is infested with catarrh germs. Hyomei will end catarrh: There mm! be some complicated cases where St will rail, but the chances are ten to om In lis favor, and the sufferer from catarrh takes no risk, because Hyomei is a guaranteed remedy, and if it doesn't benefit Tallman A Co. m authorised to refund the purchase price a complete outfit, including hard rubber pocket Inhaler, costs but little and with this protecting guar antee behind your purchase there is absolutely no reason why every suf- , ferer of catarrh should not give it a ! fair trial. Hyomei villi also give give almost instant relief in bronchitis, coughs. ; colds and croup. j "I couldn't keep house without Hy omel." writes Mrs. Daisy Lewis of 1127 Patton Ave., Memphis, Tenn., and con tinues: j "In our home it Is a valuable rem- i edy. If my statement will be of bene fit to anyone suffering with catarrh you are at liberty to use it. Hyomei has been a blessing in our home. "My daughter had catarrh of the head. Two bottles cured her. "As for myself, I had catarrh and , it affected my throat The only re lief I got was by using Hyomei. Be- I fore the bottle was half gone my throat was nearly well. I also had : a bad cold which It cured. "Whenever any of us catch the : least cold we use Hyomei and we al ways get relief." To break up a cold In a few mln ! utes try this. Pour a teaspoonful of Hyomei into a bowl of boiling water, put towel over head and bowl and breathe the soothing, healing vapor i that arises. It makes your head feel . clear as a bell in two minutes. It is pleasant to use. The Flower Dance Miss Thelma Thompson "DOW X HOME 1-V TENNESSEE-' Laura Cahill Louise Cahlll Mrs May Ilager Mildred Berkeley R. E. Chloupek Nat Kimball Brooke Dickson Lee Drake Club start- With a Membership of 28; Mr, lYctwell Goes to Oregon City to Accept a Position; Mrs. Etta snider U In Walla Walla Visiting; Other Personal Items. (East Oregonlan Special.) MEACHAM, Ore., April 21 On Sunday a meeting of the Gun Club was held for the purpose of electing officers. R. Fagan was elected pres ident, Roy Hawes, vice president. J. D. Marshall, secretary, E. M. Calvert, treasurer, Clint Davis, adjutant-general. The first shoot has been arranged for April SO. The club starts with a membership of 28. It is hoped all membert will be present. Willie Fretwell left on Tuesday for Oregon City to accept a position. Owen Scott from Hllgard, was here on business with J. D. Casey on Wed nesday. J D. Casey went to La Grande on Monday to attend to business. R. Fagan went to La Grande on Thursday to attend to business. Mrs. Ben Marlln went to Pendleton on Monday. Mrs. Etta Snider went on 17 Sun day for Walla Walla, where she will spend several days Mrs R. Fagan and Mrs. F. H. Fair went to Pendleton on Tuesday to do shopping. A commerce report says that a process claimed more nearly to ap proach pure silk In raster than any now on the market, has been Invent ed by a Japanese who uses chrystalls j oil and mulberry cellulose dissolved In a proper solvent The fiber la prodac ed In the customary way by forcing the liquid through mrnute holes. Drive It From Your System. Because Catarrh affects the nose and throat, cauxing aores in the nostrils, stoppage of alr-pannuges and gathering in the throat. It has been common prac tice to treat Catarrh with salves, wash es and sprays applied to these parts. This mode of treatment cannot give per manent relief, and Is liable to aggravate the trouble. Catarrh cannot be trifled with. If allowed to run on It will dis ease the bronchial tubes, settle on the I lungs and affect the stomach Indeed It is a very serious disease. Don't treat lit locally The one treatment that has I proven effective In the treatment of Ca I tarrh Is 8. a 8., the great. . blood purl. I fler and blood tonic know. I relieves I the cause of Catarrh by reno .rlshlng : the blood, renewing its vigor, giving j new life to the red blood corpuscles and I stimulating the flow so that it has the I vitality to throw off the poison and germs from tbe system. It Is literally a blood bath. You quickly feel results. Headaches disappear, the gathering In the throat stops, the nostrils heal. 8. 8. H. Is a natural blood tonic and has proven effective In the treatment of all blood affections, Kriema. tetters, rash. Scrofula. Get S. & S, at your druggist's. If you need expert advice write the Swift Specific Co., Atlanta. Oa. WANTED I Young vea CHickMiid Fi raEoos Highest Market Cash Price Paid ! CEHTRAl MARKET I HttM Ml St. PHONE 455 "M-O-T-H-E-R, A Word That Means a World to Me" Mrs. Carl Power Oeorganna Fletcher Vera Temple Madeline Burgess Gladys Foynton Lucia Calllson Daphne Snearingen Gladys Flannigan MEDLEY OF POPIH It SONGS ALABAMA JUBiLEE. Catherine Thompson Hester Proctor Esther Shea Grace Rugg Grace Hoch Gladys Brundage Laura Cahlll Jennie Murphy Emily Carney Helen Thompson Thelma Saling Thelma Thompson Edna .Saling Jean Heber 'Hello. Hawaii: How Are You?". . .Mrs. Roy Alexander, Mrs. Nancy Dickson 'Doing His Duty-ooty-ooty" Jack Gibson I Was Floating Down iht Old Green River" L. R. Steeihammer iiu!iiiiii!imiiii!ii.i Known For It's Strength ji s ' 1 Washington, D. C, Oct. 6, 1915. First National Bank PENDLETON. OREGON la hereby granted the right to act as Trustee, Ex ecutor, Administrator and Registrar of Stocks and Boads. Federal Reserve Board. By C. S. Hamlin, Governor. Mrs. Mue Hager Thelma Saling Laura Cahlll Mrs. A. B. Keenan PI.VEV KIDGE. Gladys Brundage Gladys Boynton Lucia Calllson Louise Cahill Mildred Berkeley BdJU .Saling Hester Proctor 'Sweet Kentucky Lady" Mrs. Roy Alexander I WANT TO BE A DIUMMER BOY. Georganna Fletcher Daphne Swearlngen . Esther Shea Jennie Murphy Vera Temple Gladys Flannigan Aft 2 Dream Song Mrs. Carl Power 'Arc You From Dixie" im Caruso Estes 'You'd Never Know That Old Home Town of Mine".... Mra. Carl Power 'When It's Tulip Time in Holland'' Brooke Dickson's Wife GIRLS! HAVE WAVY, THICK. GLOSSY MIR. FREE FROM DANDRUFF SAVE YOUR HAIR- DIM RLE ITS BEAUTY IN A FEW MOMENTS TRY THIS; TUB ARRIVAL Or'THI Kl IT HAGETTKS, HEADED BY THE GREAT ENGLISH LEADER. MRS. VASELINE PANCAKE. Speech by Vaseline, after which the eentlre band of poll parrots will war. hie a hymn. Mrs Vaseline Pancake L. R Steeihammer Tottle Cough Drops Madeline Burgess Gladys Zell Catherine Thompson Pansy Blossom Grace Hoch Mary Rose Helen Thompson I Marjorie Carpet Grace Rugg i Sal Sassafras , .mny earner If you care for heavy hair, that glistens with beauty and Is radiant with life; has an Incomparable soft ness and is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderlne. Just one application doubles the beauty of your hair, besides It imme diately dissolves every particle of dandruff: you cannot have nice, havv hpgllhv hair If van hnve Huti.' druff. This destructive scurf robs the hair of Its lustre, Its strength and Its very life, and if not overcome it pro duces a feverlshness and Itching of the scalp; the hair roots famish, loos en and die; then the hair falls out fast. If your hair has been neglected and Is thin, faded, dry, scraggy or too oily, get a 25-cent bottle of Knowl ton's Danderlne at any drug store or toilet counter; apply a little as direct ed and ten minutes after you will say this was the best Investment you ever made. We sincerely believe, regardless of everything else advertised, that if youj desire soft, lustrous, beautiful hair; and lots of it no dandruff no itch ing scalp and no more falling hair you must use Knowlton's Danderlni If eventually why not now? EASTER. iiirmiwirai. - -ii EASTER and PLANTS Take homo a Wy. for Eartor Wf'J i) (BVJ) 9F-CK. Greens to decorate for the Baby Parade Saturday. Bring the kiddies in to tee the pink eyed bunnies. A full line of bedding stock now on hand. G. W. HOOKER FLORIST 544 Main St. E. O. Bldg. Phone 522. Free Delivery Open Evenings ftniiimiiiiiiuiimmtiimiiM SECURITY iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiR HETIRN OF Dl'STY RHODES. "MADE IN THE U. B. A." "Auld Lang Syne." Good Night and Pleasant Dreams. Drake Nut Kimball Loy Wlssler Wesley Mlms 7m Carney Ralph Temple C. O. Ulnehart Chas. Vlnleer MALE OIIOHUS. Ray Wllks Ned Fowler Claire Meyers Bobby Jones Brooke Dickson Lvnnwood Llvermore 'has Cordon Wilbur Badley Wesley Haasell George Baer D."B Bailey L R. Steeihammer Henry ;,itauT Henry Judd Vincent Hewett It E. Chloupek fora Mshby-Lexiconiir ARROW COLLARsoring Style, in two heights CtmrtPEABOPYG-CO. INC.tK3 Portland Rose Festival 1916 Queen Contest GOOD FOR ONE VOTE Void after Friday, April 28, 1916. Name Organization This coupon will count one vote when properly filled out and sent to Portland Rose Festival Contest Depart ment, 337 Northwestern Nat'l. Bank Building. Coupons must, be neatly trimmed and put in package with number of votes written on top.