DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 17, 1916. PAGE SEVEN PENDLETON BUSINESS DIRECTORY A Representative List of Pendleton's Business Houses and Professional Men Classified for Ready Reference of the Public AUTO REPAIRING BOTTLING WORKS ELECTRICIANS GROCERIES PLUMBING-HEATING ROOMS AND BOARD SIGN PAINTING EIGHT PAGES Fords Specialty. Ford Accessories! PtUZIER I BERTS ON AUTO REPAIR SHOP Shop phone lot. 10 Cottonwood St. Op. City Hall Motor Gar Repairs W. J. BURNS ODERN CYLINDh.t UBINDHR A ynnilll AND OVIU-8IEED PISTON AND O HOUND. Pbon Tl, NMfh'i BlackwilUi Shop AUTO SUPPLIES TIRES AND ACCESSORIES Pendleton Rubber & Supply Co. TEL. NO. 1SS. BEAUTY PARLORS BaautyiParlors HAIR DBBsBINO. UAHICORIMO. FACIAL MASSAGE, SCALP tEEa- ME N'T, SHAMPOOING. Popular Price. Telephone B Itl Main Street. CATARRH CAUSED BY A GERM Must Be Destroyed Before Catarrh Itself n Be cored. Wonder, fnl Results from Breathing Medicated Air. Medicine that acta on the blood alone will never cure catarrh. And neither will the sprays, douches, lo tions, creams and other temporary reliefs that ao many catarrh victims make u habit of using. To cure ca tarrh ao It wou't come back you must first drive from your body the mil lions of germs that are flourishing In i he Inner receases of your nose and throat and are causing the disease. There tit n preparation uaed to dc this called Hyomei (pronounced Hlgh-o-me). Hyomei is a germ killing va porised sir formed from the purest o of Eucalyptus combined with oth er healing and antiseptic Ingredients. You breathe Hyomei through the mouth and nose by means of a little hard rubber Inhaler which druggists furniah with It. This medicated ger- micJdHt air penetrates Into every fold and crevice of the mucoua membrane of your noae and throat, kill the ca tarrh germs that lodge there, soothes, reduces and heals the swollen In flamed membranes, stops the dis charge and opens up the clogged nose and air passages In a truly wonder ful way. It gives blessed relief In five minutes from catarrhal distress of every kind nnd If you make a prac tice of breathing Hyomei for a few minutes each day for Juat a few weeks not only will all the symptoms of catarrh vanish but the disease Itself will be a thing of the past No one need try to buy Hyomei on pure faith. Tallman A Co. and many other leading druggists in Pendleton and vi cinity sell It with the positive guar antee that It must cure catarrh or that the money paid for It will be re funded Hyomei Is very Inexpensive and with this protecting guarantee be hind your purchase there la absolute ly no reason why any sufferer from I'atarrh should not give It a fair trial A PENDLETON MAN'S EXPERI ENCE. Results Tell the Tale. Can you doubt the evidence of tins Fendleton rltlien? You can verify Pendleton endorse ment. Head this: C. & Howard, grocer, 1611 W. Webb St., Pendleton, says: "For flf . teen years l had a great deal of suf fering, from a dull pain through the small of my back and left side. For over a year I was annoyed by numb ness In my shoulder Wades and 1 couldn't lio comfortably on my back. The kidney secretions were too fre quent in passage. I tried several, well-known modicincs. but nothing did me any good until I used Donn's Kidney Pills They relieved the aches and pains and regulated the action Of my kdneys." (Statement given May 18, 1910). IJvTRR TESTIMONY, AFTER A LAPSE OF OVEH TWO YEARS, Mr. Howard said: "All I have said In praise of Dnan'a Kidney Pills, still holds good. They are a splendid kidney medicine." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Don's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Howard has twice publicly rec ommended. Foster-Mllburn Co. Props., Buffalo, N Y. fWRHEsramv TIIK DIAMOND II RAND. 141! Art yf iwuMrt lH-rbn.t(VE Diamond Hi-mi I'liuiri BsmI hl ttolci mmt!ic i sealed with Iliu. Hit Iwn. i Team ma atftur lluv sir vital DIAMOND IIRAND VI Ll.d, tV Itt ywri known m IIt,.SaftU, Alwirt KelUDto SOLO BY DSUOQISfS EVERYWHERE i 'i' ' ' i 222 But Court Phone ITT FAMILY TBADH A BPKIALTX Quick Delivery. Pioneer Bottling Workt Paul Hemmelgsrs. Prop. ALL KINDS Or SOFT DRINKS AND SODAS BOTTLED CIGAR FACTORIES SMOKE LA TOSKA CIGARS Banna filled 10c. Straight and Perfecto 8 ha pea. Manufactured by PENDLETON CIGAR FACTOEI. CLEANING-PRESSING CLUB RATES. I will keep a man's suit pressed and repaired for $1.60 per month and guarantee the beet poaclble work. RUDD, THE TAILOR ANT DRY CLEANER, 110 West Webb Phone (II. EXPERT WELDING Pendleton Welding Shop EXPERT WELDERS We weld all kinds of cast Iron, alumi num, ateel, copper and brass by the Modern Oxy Acetylene Process. Don't Walt for Repairs, Let Os Weld It TW JOHNSON ST. Smaller Crop is Three Pacific States Have Decreased Acreage for the 1916 Season is Report SMALLER WHEAT CHOP INDICATED. The average of wheat and spring Wheat in the Pacific northwest shows for a period of three years: Acrea. Winter Spring 1916. 1915. 1911. 1915. Oregon 100,00a 900,000 170,000 180,000 Washington 900,000 1,000.000 S90.000 1.000,000 Idaho 176,000 550,000 180.000 210.000 Total 2,075,000 Grand total 1916 Grand total 1915 Grand total 1914 (Hymen H. Cohen In Sunday Journal i All over the world the 1916 wheat crop promises to show a most serious decrease from that of 1915. In most sections of the world the decreased production outlook is due to the falling off in the area planted to th s cereal, hut in many Instances the crop has passed through the winter with a very liberal amount of wlntei hilling of plants and other damage. In the Pacific northwest the condi tion of the crop Is most excellent and better than an average yield per acre is the present outlook. Notwithstand ing: this the total production of wheat In Oregon, Idaho nnd Washington now promises to ahow a decrease from 1915. There Is a very material de crease in the acreage. This ia the leading reason for the expected drop in the otal volume expected during the coming harvest. While previous to the cold snap It was believed that the crop would move above that of 1915. even though the acreage of winter planting was somewhat less than a year ago, a con siderable amount of seeded land was winter killed and the returns receiv ed at this lime Indicate that the spring planting will prove one of the smallest In years ao far ua wheat la concerned. A considerable portion of the land usually sown to wheat will be planted In oats but accurate reports regarding this are not yet obtainable. From over 200 special crop corre. spondenta located In practically every crowing district in the northwest, re turns indicate that the area of winter wheat available at this time for the coming harvest is showing n total of but 2.075.000 acres, compared with a .'bowing at this time In 1915 of 2, 4 50,000 acres. The spring planting returns of the three states Indicate a total area of 1.240.0011 acres, compared w th 1, 390.000 acres In 1915. Therefore the total spring are planted Is showing n heavy decrease from a year ago In stead of the increase expected earlier BS S result of the smaller full sowing, Total nrea planted to Wheat In the three states for the 1916 crop reaches 3,315,000 ucres, compared with 3,840. 000 acres In 1916 and 3.62S.0OO acres In Itl 4. Therefore the present crop area la the smallest In three years. On the face of these figures of the wheat acreage it would look as If the l'nclf'c northwest Is doomed to pro duce one of the smallest wheat crops n many years. This is rather severe and Is not exactly the fact. The con dition of the planting Is somewhnt belter than normal In the three states. This is especially true of the light land sections which this season have appa rently an overabundance of moisture. NOTICH OF PAYMENT OF CITY OF PUN DfjKTON IMPROVEMENT IIONPS. NoMce Is hereby given that City of Pen dleton Improvement Hondfl Nos. 21 and 22. Series A, No. I), Series K, Nos. 4 and 5, Series N, No. 8, Series 1', and Nos. 1 and 2, Serli-s N, will he pnld upon presentation thereof to the undci-stgncd st the Amerl can National Hank, Pendleton, Cmatllls County, Oregon. Interest on said llonds reaies May 1, 1010. Dated April 7. 1910. LEH MOOKHOl'SK, Treasurer, City of Pendleton By Wn. Mlrkelsen, Depnty. CHARLES MILNE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Eatlmat j Furnished. Phone III, 111 W. Court St FEED YARDS PHONE MS THE ALTA FEED YARD T02 Beat Alta St FEED AND SALES STABLE. FURNITURE Koch Furniture Store CHAS. KOCH. Pros. We pay rash for second hand stoves and ranees. 117 W. Webb St none 855 w GROCERIES I. B. JOHNSON & SOI S Groceries, Confections and Bakers' Goods. Cash paid for Butter, Eggs and Poultry. MS W. Webb St. Phone 6TI Indicated in 2. 450. 000 1. 240.000 1,390.000 .3,315.000 .3.840,000 .3,827.000 This means that Oregon, with a greater percentage of light land sow ing than either Idaho or Washington, w II fare somewhat better and will Irtng the total crop in this state to within a fraction of a vear ago. on the basis of normal production on the acreage indicated the wheat crop in Oregon now looks like 20.000. Oflo bushels, Idaho ll.OOO.000 bushels and Washington 35.000,000 bushels, a gland total of 66,000.000 bushels. The last returns of the 1815 crop showed a grand total of 71,000.000 bushels. Foreign Affairs Cause Dullness in the Stock Market NEW YORK. April 17. The New York Evening Sun's financial review says: Naturally little was expected from the Street's short sess on and barely more than u nominal market prevail ed at the outset The news with re gard to Germany and Mexico was not worse than that of yesterday, hut overnight consideration of the devel "THE BATTLE Hfe"'-"" .. -jS W JM JH Hh Jr flHEBI ? -.aJS- ..,. sB VBf 'SAIIhHi fir B : BbB BP '- J. W. DYER AT East End Grocery Phone 536 HIDES AND JUNK Pendleton Hide and Junk Co. Highest cash prices paid for Ind hand goods of all kinds. Rubber, Auto Tires, Brass, Copper, Sacks and Rags. HIDES, PELTS. WOOL FURS. 101 W. Webb St. Telephone tit INSURANCE MANUEL FRIEDLY INSURANCE Automobile, FIRE, Burglary Plate Glass, Liability, Security Bonds, Accident and Health. Telephone 104. E. O. Bids. LAUNDRIES TROY LAUNDRY Phone 171. ROUGH DRY 7c PER LB. Keep away from the washtub and avoid a doctor bill this winter Northwest Wheat 1 opmenta disclosed that very little had been accomplished toward the settle ment of either. The market, therefore, resumed its waiting which will likely continue un til something develops w.th regard to the new American note's reception by Germany and the outcome of the army withdrawal negotiations with Car ranza. First prices were generally higher in continuance of the short covering movement which characterized yes terday's close but the improvement was slight and did not proceed far The activ ty waa moderate and wholly professional, uncertainties preventing expansion of public buying. Steady Trade Is Shown in Yards in Portland District PORTLAND, Ore., April 77. In general there was little change in the livestock situation at North Portland for the week. Receipts were smaller with the ex ception of swine, and the general trend of the trade was steady. Hogs ruled generally around' 19 for tops, and the bulk of the real good stuff went at this quotation. General hog market: Cho ce light weights 9.00 :Good light weights 1.1001.90 i Medium weights 8.6O08.7S Rough and heavy 8.OO08.IG Cattle Price Maintained. Prices In the cattle market were maintained at 19 for best quality at North Portland during the week. Light .weight, pulp fed stuff of suitable qual ity easily moved at this price. The local market des res this class of stuff ! and heavy weights find less favor, jeven at lower prices. General cattle market range: Choice pulp fed steers. ... 18.75 01.04 CHY Of PEACE, " PASTIMK THEYTER D. D. PHELPS PLUMBING, HEATING. And Sheet Metal Worker. Ill E. Court St Phone 441 Phone 82; Res. BO. Agents for PENINSULAR FURNACES. Wodaege & Ardrey PLUMBING AND HEATING. Tinning and Repair Work. 109 W. Webb St. PENDLETON, ORB. PHOTOGRAPHERS Electric Studio 214 B. Court St Portraits made day or night rain or shine. Give ua a call. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. BOWMAN STUDIO 916 Main St. TeL S2S-W. HIGH GRADE COMMERCIAL AND PORTRAIT WORK. Poet Card Photos 11.00 Dos. Amateur finishing. Anaco Supplies. Choice grain fed steers... 8.3609.10 Ordinary grain fed steers 8.268.40 Choice hay fed steers 8.2608.50 Good steers 7.5008.06 ordinary to common steers 6.0007.00 Choice cows 7. 5007.76 Ordinary to common cows 7.2507.36 Choice heifers 7.5007.76 Ordinary to good heifers. . 7.0007.25 Choice bulls 5.5006.00 Good to fair bulls 4.000 5.00 Ordinary to common bulls 2.00 0 2.75 Best light calves , I 8.00 Good calves 7.0007.50 Should Not Feci Discouraged. So many people troubled with In digestion and constipation nave been benefited by taking- Chamberlain's Tablets that no one should feel dis couraged who has not given them a trial. They contain no pepsin or oth er digestive ferments but strengthen the stomach and enable it to perform its functions naturally. Obtainable everywhere Adv. American Sailor Rescued at Sea WILLIAM ROSS WHO S. VII. Ell FROM PORTLAND SUFFERS FROM EXPOSURE QCF.KNSTOWX, April 15. Wil liam Ross, an American sailor from the Bark Inverlyon, sung by subma rine Gunfire, was sent to the hos pital today suffering from long expos ure In a life-boat without food. Sev eral others were rescued A setond boat containing 11 survivors is miss ing. The Inverlyon sailed from Port land in December with a cargo of wheat LONDON, April 15. The British steamer Shenhandoah was sunk. Two sailors are missing. It is believed the ship struck a mine. TIIK EE DAYS, STARTING. fOMORROW. 702 B. Alta Ht Telephone 4T Moderate Bates. White Help Only Employed. The ALTA HOUSE Mrs. J. 8HEPARD, Prop. ma With or Without Board. Under New Management RUGS CLEANED Get Your Rugs Steam Geased At the PENDLETON RUG AND MATTRESS WORKS Upholstering and Furniture Repairing. All work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. Located 1U3 Water St Phone 678. STORAGE BATTERIES STORAGE BATTERIES ARE EX PENSIVE. They need the best of care through the winter let V CYRUS BROTHERS 728 Cottonwood St. care for them Service guaranteed. Phone 146 PAINTS-WALL PAPER PHONE 158. Hals & McAfee WALL PAPER. PICTURE MOULDING. GLASS, DECORATING, PAINTING. Job Work Promptly Done. 807 Main St Pendleton, Oregon. COMPLETE REHEARSAL OF ELKS SHOW HELD T0NI6HT DIRECTOR LOVE EXPECTS ALL IN CAST TO BE ON HAND AT 7:30 PROMPTLY. The first rehearsal of the first act of "A Night in Bohemia" which the Elks will put on April 24 and 26, will be held this evening and Director Love expects all adults to be on hand at 7:30. The reserved seat sale will open Thursday, April 20, at the War ren Music Store. Ciive Cheshire will play the leading role of "Edmund Keene'' In the musi cal farce comedy ana the men who i w ill assist him in speaking parts, specialties or chorus are as follows: Lee Drake. Bob Jones, Ray Chrys tal. Rob Fletcher, C. O. Rlnehart. George Baer, Brooke Dickson, r. B Bailey. L. R. steelhammer. Jack Gib son. Jim Estes, Nat Kimball. M. L. Peters, Walter Rose. Bertrand Jerard. Hal Bishop. Dr Guy Boyden, chaa Vlnler. Lynwood Livermore, Loy Wis sler. Ray Wilks. Chas. Gordon, Henry Latourelle. Wesley Mims. Ned Fowler, Wilbur Bradley. Henry Judd, Zoe Carney, ("lair Meyers, Wesley Hassell. Vincent Hewitt. Ralph Temple, There Is more Catarrh in this section ot the country tban all other diseases pot to gether, auil for years It was supposed to b Incurable. Doctors prescribed local reme dii-s. and by constantly falllag to core wltl local treatment, pronounced It Incurable Catarrh Is a lacs I disease, greatly lafln eoeed by constitutional conditions sn therefore requires constitutional treatment Hall's Calirrh ('are. manufactured by F. J Cheney ft Co.. Toledo. Ohio. Is a cntMtttn uonal remedy. Is taken Internally and act. j inru tiic mood on the Mucous Surfaces ol the System. One Hundred Hollars reward Is offered for any case that Hall's Catarrh Cure falls to cure. Send for circulars snd testimonials. K i CHENEY ft CO., Toledo. Ohio Sold by Druggists. 75c. Hall s Family nils for constipation. IF IT'S A SIGN WE MAKE IT KEM SIGN CO. M Cottonwood Street Phone I7L Pendleton, Ore. SHOE REPAIRING WB MEND SOLES. RUBBER HEELS A SPECIAL!. Pendleton Shoe Hospital W J- McGARRIOLE SHOE REPAIRING ON SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES. We call for and deliver. SIT. sis Mala St TAXI SERVICE CARNEY TAXI CO. Phone 680 ST. GEORGE HOTEL. Prompt service, day and sight Funeral service 18.80. WATCH REPAIRING John Rosenberg Watchmaker All Work Guaranteed. Comer Court sad Cottonwood. New Mexico broke all records for metal production last year, the out. put of Its mines being officially esti mated at 818,277,444 in value. KIDNEY 0IS0RDERS QUICKLY RELIEVED Tallman & Co , the popular drug gists, have established a new record in the sale of medicine. They say they say they don't believe any medi cine ought to be paid for unless it does the user some good and Tallman A Co. have adopted the plan of sell ing Solvax, the standard kidney rem edy, under a positive guarantee ot quick relief from all kidney or Mad der misery, or money back without a question. This speaks eloquently for the virtues of the remedy that al ready has created such a widespread demand in Pendleton. Hundreds of people in every walk of life have been relieved of the agonies attendant on weak, disarranged or clogged-up kidneys and bladder by this remark able remedy. It Is not Just merely a kidney treatment, it is a tnedlcin that puts the entire, pain-racked body into normal condition and gives vig orous health after the many painful' disorders caused directly or indirect ly by sick kidneys. A change for th better will be seen after the first few doses of Solvax and its continued use will soon tone up the entire system of improperly working organs and give you the desire to live and enjoy life to its fullest. Solvax is considered the best kid ney remedy on the market today be cause it aims to cure by striking di rectly at the cause of all the trouble.' The many pains and aches caused by improperly working kidneys cannot be permanently cured unless the cause is removed. Solvax Is sold under a positive guarantee to refund the money If it does not cure. This is the strongest proof that can be offered as tn the merit of the medicine. You are cheating yourself out of your slice ot life If you don't give Solvax a chance. LADIES! DARKEN YOUR GRAY HAIR USE GRANDMA'S SAGE TEA WD SI I.PIIl H RECIPE AND XO- BODY WILL KNOW The use of Sage and Sulphur for re storing faded, itray hair to Its natural color dates back to grandmother's time, she used it to keep her hair beautifully dark, glossy and attriu tlve. Whenever her hair took on that dull, faded or streaked appearance. this simple mixture was applied with won derful effect. But brewing it home is muss)- and nut of il tte Now ol ivs In asking at any drug store for a 30 cent bottle of Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com lound," you will get this funious old preparation, improved by the addition Of other ingredients, which can be depended inion to restore natur.tl col or and beauty to the hair. A well known downtown iliuxgist says it darkens the hu;r so n.iturally and evenly that nobody can tell H has ben upplltd You simply dampen sponge or soft brusn with it t draw this through your hair, takmtf one strand at a time, iry morning the gray hair disappears, and after another application or two .t Ncvjwee beautifully dark and gtcw Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Oms pound Is a delightful MM ree.ttSMee for those who desire a sssnre , msWrTn. appearance. 11 It n- tsmsuli t wm the cure, mitigation er prexeeMtss t UgttM