East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 17, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Sh.m;.T tonight, cooler, Tuesday
probably fair.
Maximum temperature IT; mini
mum, 14; wind west, light; rainfall .
weather, partly cloudy.
The Rut Oregonlan has the largest Iran
fide and guaranteed paid circulation of any
Cpcr In Oregon, eaat of 1'ortlaud and by
the largeat circulation In Pendleton of
any other newspaper.
VOL. 28
NO. 8785
Action Has Aroused Grecian King
and War May Result as Germany
Regards Act as Unfriendly.
Sand and Cactus Greet American Troopers in Mexico
1'iuemo Qoei Forward WlUi Plans
Despite Attitude of Greece; Troops
lielug sent Into Salonika Overland
Through Fear of Bub mart nsX;
Greek Slay Stop Movement.
LONDON, April IT. The allies
may force Greece into the war against
ita will. Over riding objections, the
entente power today are transporting
Serbian troops overland from Corfu
to Salonika. Germany protested thai
It would regard this as a deliberately
unfriendly act should Greece permit
It Constantine la reported Incensed
at the allies' action.
French correspondents at Athens
Mated that Constantine may attempt
to use force to halt tne movement of
Serbian troops. The danger from
submarines caused the sending of the
troops overland. Skouloudls inquired
regarding the Teutonic position and
received the reply that Greece would
commit an unneutral act If It ac
quiesced to the proposal. Skouloudls
stated that the people might make a
demonstration if the Serbians went
through Oreece. The allies, however,
pr i ded with their plans.
jLmii ! iii iiiiiimwi until MMM
r sSwt.aW am
This picturesque photograph shows Troop F of the 5tb U. S CavalT
General Pershing's force in Its pursuit of Villa.
idlng through the sand and cactus of Mexico on the way south to reinforce
Little Ones May
Wear Costumes in
the Baby Parade
two moke .Mixtions added in
K, great has been the demand by
mothers that the committee In charge
of the Baby Parade next Saturday has
decided to add two more sections to
permit the entry of children in cos
tumes Clans v will he for costumed
children under 10. and first and sec
ond prises will be given for the best
costume, class W will be the same
i hat ihe prizes will be given for
the most unique costumes.
The committee today announces
that there Will be plenty of sixth, sev
enth and eighth grade girls to push
buggies und carts In the parade. An
nouncement will be made tomorrow
of the time and place for forming the
Wednesday of this week la the last
day for registering babies for the eu
genic test which will be held at the
hrlstlan church on Thursday and
ParHanship Thrown Aside
at Enthusiastic Banquet in
Support of President Wilson
As never before at any political of La Grande. Dr Morrow of Port
gutherlng the Eagle-Woodman hall i land, Will M. Peterson, Mrs. W F.
resounded Saturday evening with en-Matlock, George creasy of Hermiston
thuslasm for Woodrow Wilson, pres-'and Charles H. Carter. At the close
l.lent of the United States, who has 1 of the banquet a beautiful vocal solo
safely guided the ship of state In was given by Miss Mayree Snyder and
I roubulous times and kept the country she then sang the "Star Spangled
in the enjoyment of peace and pros
perity when most of the world Is fill
ed with war and the misery
t omes from war.
Banner" as a finale to the banquet.
The bunquet was served by high
that school domestic science girls under the
direction of Miss Alice Butler and
Without much reference to partis- Miss Mildred Wilson snd the service
anshlp local men and women 100 elicited the highest compliments,
strong cheered words of praise i..r Mr. Miller's Address.
the president and tne sentiment for. n his address Mr. Miller told In
him was clenr and unmistakable. The . comprehensive manner of the histor
real keynote of the meeting was 1 c principles of the democratic party,
sounded not by the leading speaker founded In 1801 with Thomas Jeffer
but by a local woman. Mrs. E. T. aH tne flrst great leader and he
Wade, u republican, who proclaimed dwelt particularly on the achieve
her loyalty to the president because . ments of the Wilson administration
of his sincere efforts to save the na-Hon(s tne nneg f economic progress.
Hon from war. Another distinct hit of Ht praised the administration highly
the evening was made by Miss Edna for tne reductions In the tariff, which
Zimmerman who in responding to an previously made a heavy tax on the
encore sang a catchy Wilson cam- j necessities of the people, and for pro
palga song that took so well with thejvidlng the equitable income tax which
crowd that George Cressy of Hermls-, ,us upo tnoge most aBie t0 pay
ton -moved that a subscription be rals-j on the subject of the merchant ma
ed to send Miss Zimmerman to Stjrine, the federal reserve law and the
I.ouis to sing the song at the national i international situation the speaker
convention which motion was carried said In part:
Merchant Marine.
"There was a time In the history of
by acclamation
Judge J VV Moloney, president ot
the Wilson Club served as toastmast-1 (h(g coun(ry when thg American mer.
vi anil nit' prim iimi BiJCHner vu ain
em A. Miller of Portland, who gave
a masterly presentation of the rec
ord of Ihe administration. Mr. Miller
Was introduced by Col. J. H. Raley
lor whom the Internal revenue col
lector at one time worked as a drug
clerk In Pendleton. Others called i
upon Included Judge T. H. Crawford I
chant marine was second to none, and
! one third of tlje world's shipping was
arrled In American ships; when the
Stars and Stripes flosted in eevry
1 harbor and wus fanned by the bree?.e
of every clime and on ever sea From
1S12 to I860 American shipping inter-
(Continued on Page Three.)
PilotRock Woman
Likely to be in
Race For Office
Archie McKlnnon, well known re
tired farmer of Helix, died Saturday
afternoon ar 5 o'clock at St. Anthony's
hospital of pneumonia from which
ht has been suffering for the past ten
days The funeral will be held to
morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock at the
Poisons chapel,
I .... cased, who was a native of On
i trio, Canada, was 60 years old and
had lived around Helix since 1889.
Recently he had retired from active
life He was unmarried but Is sur
t Ivcd by the following brothers and
sisters. Allan McKlnnon of Lewlston,
Idaho. Malcolm McKlnnon of Bridge
port, Wash , Mrs. D. K. Bell of Pen
dleton and Mrs. George 8. Miller of
I 'algary.
Vessel Shelled
and 1 American
Among wounded
Tears coursing down his cheeks ar.i
his whole frace shaken by sobs, W.
J. Martin. Fruitvale fanner who was
convicted last week of an attempted
criminal assault upon -a young girl
this afternoon pleaded for mercy be.
fore Circuit Judge Phelps. Because
ol the nature of the case, however,
the court refuse fat interfere with the
operation of the law. giving him the
sentence provided by statute, impris
onment in the penitential from one
to ten years.
Time for sentence was fixed for
this morning but W. M Peterson,
Martin's attorney, filed a motion for
arrest of Judgment. At 1:30 this af
ternoon Martin himself appeared be
fore the court. He blamed whisker
for his acts and pleaded for the sake
of his wife and five children that
mercy be extended to him. He talked
for about 15 minutes, his voice some,
times rising shrilly under his agita
tion. Frequently he paused and bur
ed h s brow in his hand.
His attorney stated that he felt
sure that, if the court would parole
him, he would go to Montana to live
with his sons and that he would
never conduct himself unlawfully.
Addressing the convicted man,
Judge Phelps told him that he came
with poor grace at this time to plead
for mercy. "I am glad you are show
ing sorrow and remorse.'' he said,
"and I am sorry you did not manifest
such feelings earlier 'n the trial. Tou
declare now that you were drunk but,
during the trial, you denied that you
had been drinking and tried to place
the blame upon the young girl whom
you tried to wrong."
Judge Phelps told him that he
could secure a petition for parole
from among his neighbors and present
lit to the governor hot his attorney re
! fused to undertake this until he found
out the sentiment among hs neighbors.
SALEM. Ore., April 17. The su
preme court Issued a writ of manda
mus citing Secretary of State Olcott
to show cause why he should not put
Hughes' name on the primary ballot
Wallace McCammant petitioned for
the writ. Hughes' letter, declining to
become a candidate, has not been received.
Famous Author Drops Dead
WAHINGTON, April 17 Shrapnel
wounded an American when an Aus
trian submarine Tuesday shelled and
m i fire to the Russtan steamer Im
perator, lumber laden, the American
consul at Barcelona reported. The
submarine gave no warning. One
shot was effective. The attack occur
red near the Columbrede Islands. A
second American escaped Injury.
Indications today point to the en-
trance of a woman Into the primary j
political campaign In the person of ,
Miss Grace Gilliam of Pilot Rock as
a candidate for the republican nom-1
lnatlon for county treasurer. The
East Uregonlan was requested to an-j
nounce her candidacy today by those
Interested In bringing her out.
Miss Gilliam has been in Califor
nia for several months attending a ;
sister who la 111 but, It was announc-j
ed, will arrive home tomorrow and
file her declaration of candidacy. She!
must file by tomorrow evening at ". .
in order to get her name on the bal
lot. Ml mr Gilliam la a daughter of a
prominent pioneer family of the south j
end of the county and is herself welli
known. She was formerly principal
of the Pilot Rock schools and two
years ago was principal of the Lin
coln school of this city. She Is a sls
ler of Mrs. G. W. Rugg.
Her opponent In the primaries will
be ti. W. Bradley, the present en
cumbent, and. If she wins, she will be
opposed at the general election by
Oliver Dickenson of Athena, or H.
J. Stillmnn of this city, who are seek
Iflg the democratic nomination.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Roecker,
Jr . Misses Marguerite and Josle
Roecker motored over from Walla
Walla yesterday to be the guests of
Mrs. B. L. Coble, of SOI East Wator
street, formerly ot Walla Walla.
PROVIDENCE, R. I., April 17.
Edward Glenorls, an Inmate of the
penitentiary, told the police that he
stood guard whlie his partner burled
the body of Dorothy Arnold, the miss
ing heiress, six years ago. The story
is being investigated. He said a mys
terious rich man hired the two to kid
nap the girl and murder her. He
feared violence if he named his employer.
Wheat Weaker Today
in the Chicago Pit
CHICAGO. April 17. (Spec al to
the East Oregonlan ) - Today's market
Opening High Closing
May I1.15H $1.16, $1.1414
July t.H Hi:.'. 1.13H
I'OIITUM), Ore., April 17. (Spe
cial) Merchants Exchange prices to
day Rluestem. 90 bid, 95 asked; forty
fold. $1.02 1-2 bid. $1.03 asked.
Uvenxml Cash Wheat.
LIVERPOOL. April 15. Wheat
Spot No 1 Manitoba. 13c 7d; No. 2
red winter. Us 9d; No. 2 hard winter
gulf, lis 3d.
in American terms the highest Liv
erpool price (for Spot No. 1 Manito
ba) Is $1.98 per bushel.
. j
WASHINGTON, Aprtl 17. Officials
-trained every resource today to con
firm or disprove the reported death
( Villa. The reports thrilled every
body from Wilson down. If true. It
means that the Mexican situation no
longer exists
No, steps have been taken toward
lie withdrawal of troops. Lansing
and Baker said that the soldiers would
leave Mexico shortly If Villa's death
was verified. If the question la mere
ly one of Identification of the body,
it will be answered quickly.
EL PASO, April 17 Garcia stated
today that neither he nor Gavlra had
received confirmation of the report
that Villa's body had been recovered
and identified. It Is believed diffi
cult to establish Identity because of
the length of time It had been buried.
Garcia said he would be satisfied If
Colonel Carranza says the body Is
Funston wired officers at Douglas
to find Doctor Wlckman. whom Vil
la made a prisoner to secure treat
ment for a blood disease. Wlckman
will attempt to identify the body.
Funston is seeking others Intimate
ulth Villa. It was indicated that Fun
ttoii had faith In the reports of Vil
la's death He said the location of
troops under Major Howse was at
l.abcrja, near the scene where the
corpse was exhumed. Howse did not
state when Villa was last seen there-
a Louts
A train left Juarez this morning
expected to meet the train bearing
the body, supposedly Villa's, at Chi
huahua. Carlos Carranza is due at
Chihuahua today.escortfng the body.
Mexicans stated that Villa was
wounded at Guerrero. His followers
carried him to Te-mosachlc. where a
village doctor amputated the infected
leg, He later was taken to cusihulr
achic. whtre it was reported he died
and was burled secretly In a lonely
The rioting at Chihuahua which
was reported caused by excitement
over Villa's death, Is now attributed
to hunger. Small wages and famine
prices placed food beyond the reach
of poor families.
SAN ANTONIO. April 17. Persh
ing left for Cusihuirachlc today to
view the body exhumed near here,
which Mexicans claim is that of Villa.
He should give Funston positive ad
vices within a few, hours, unless the
body Is so decomposed that it cannot
he identified
SAN ANTONIO, April 17 Lacking
confirmation of Villa's death. Funston
ordered Pershing to rush a detach
ment to the mountains west of Par
ral. Other troops hastily finished
their defensive works at Santa Cruz.
It was reported that Major Howse had
located Villa in the mountains follow
ing a clash when one American was
killed and two wounded Howse en
countered the Vllllstas making a de
tour around Laborja. The Vllllstas
casualties were not stated. Shortly
afterwards Howse entered Santa Crut
and Joined Tompkins' troops who re
treated from Parral and aided them
in repulsing the Carramrlata attack.
Following the attack at Parral, Tomp
kins retreated eight miles to Santa
Cruz, conducting a rearguard action
tbe entire distance. Two Americana
were killed and six wounded. Includ
ing Tompkins. It is believed 40 Mex
icans were killed altogether.
Committee of 100
Will Help Elect
Miss Soling Queen
For the purpose of electing Mis
Muriel Saling of this city as Queen ot
the Portland Rose Festival and of the
Columbia Highway, a Committee of
One Hundred la being organized In
the city. This committee Is being
formed not of business men but ot
other citizens interested in the boost
ing of Pendleton. The business men
will work through the Commercial as
sociation in advancing the candidacy
of Misa Saling.
The men forming the Committee of
One Hundred pledge themselves to
buy one thousand votes each at the
regular price ot one dollar and to In
terest others in subscribing for votes.
Anyone wishing to belong to the com
mittee may call up Secretary Cran
ston of the Commercial association.
This week will mark the real begin
ning of Miss Saling's campaign. So
far such votes aa have been sent in
have been In small lots which ac
counts for the fact that she la ninth
In the count made Saturday afternoon
at 4 o'clock. The count waa as fol
lows: Louise Taylor, Western Union
Telegraph Company 20.045
Jewell Carroll, Knights & La
dles of Security 34,401
Marian Anderson, Albany, Or. 17.874
Waive Jacobs. Klamath Falls. 10,021
Alia Olien. Metropolitan Life
Insurance Co 9,781
Georgle White, Corvallis. Ore... 7251
Mrs. Maud C. Oilman. G. A. R.
A Relief Corps 3,15
Lillian Cornelia Hendrickson.
Foresters of America 2,530
Muriel Saling, Pendleton, Ore. 1.788
Eleanor Jackson. Modern For
resters. McMinnville. Ore.... 1.311
Rose Uptegrove, Oregon City. . 251
Edel Fraasch. Eugene ....... It
Maude Howell. Willamette
The Lives of Men
More Important to
Wives Than Dollars
Richard. Harding Davis, famous I
author, dropped dead the other day.
Just after he ha.1 rend to him a tele-1
gram over the telephone at his homel
at Mt. Klsco. N y His wife, who wasj
famous on the stage as Bessie McCoy,
was in an adjoining room. She I
found him on the floor below the tel-
ephone box.
Allies mat pn'voke war will)
Greece by sending Serbian troops ov
er (irivlnn mil.
I H-al.
Not- part laan gavtiiertng attends
Woodrow Wilson lianquct.
Convicted man pleads tearfully for
Tomorrow laM day for registration.
In a brief talk at the Wilson
banquet Saturday evening, Mrs.
E. T. Wade made a strong im
pression when she explained
why she. a registered republican,
is supporting President Wilson
for re-election. Mrs, Wade said
in part:
"It can be easily believed that
during the last presidential cam
paign the guiding hand of Prov
idence was directing the affairs
of this nation ami gave to us for
our president during the trouble
some months to come the strong,
forceful, courageous, yet careful
man. Woodrow Wilson, instead of
his impetuous belligerent oppo
nent, who doubtless before this
would have plunged us Into the
turmoil of war. It has required
a courage of no mean order for
the president to keep steadfastly
to his purpose of using every
honorable means to prevent this
country from being drawn into
the great conflict raging through
out Europe
"It has been said many mil
lions of dollars have been lost to
the people of these United States
through a luck of ships, but that
which is of far more Interest to
the wives and mothers Is that the
lives of our splendid American
manhood have been saved There
comes a time in the lives of na
tions as of men when unusual
methods are required. I believe
that such a crisis confronts us at
this time. We bellevve the whole
people should rise superior to
party lines and give President
Wilson such an overwhelming
vote this fall as to leave no doulu
In the minds of other nations
that he has the complete confi
dence and support of the Ameri
can people.
Good Roads Essay
Contesf Will be
Held for Prizes
A Good Roads Prize Essay Contest
Is announced by President J. F Rob
inson, of the Umatilla County Good
Roada Association, as follows:
All high schools of tne county, first
prize, ten dollars, second prize, five
dollars All grade schools of the
county, first prize, ten dollars, second
prize, five dollars. This contest la
open to all school pupils of the coui.ty
and the prizes will be cash. The sub
ject upon which the essay must be
based is "Good Roads and the Advan
tage by Building Them Under the
Proposed Bond Issue." The essav
must jiot exceed four hundred words
in length and must be submitted to
Mr Robinson before May 10th and
the four winning essays will be pub
lished in the county papers The
Judges will be selecetd and announc
ed later.
Over 4000 Voters
Unregistered in
Umatilla County
There are more than I0U0 voters ot
Umatilla county unregistered and the
I registration books close at 5 S'CtMl
tomorrow evening.
Every effort has been made by the
clerk and his registrars to have thi
voters register for the primary Sstfl
I tlon but the Indifference of manv
seems to be of the unshakeable MM
Not even the good ro.ids measures to
he on the ballot, to say nothing ot
the candidates for the various offi
ces, can Induce some of the elector
j to qualify to cast a ballot on May 1.
Many of the unregister , d tuier ar
residents of Pendleton and 'hen. Is
no excuse for their delinquency A
registration booth has been maintain
ed at the Kopper Kettle on ti in
street for th- p i-i ; for their . on
venenlc and the clerk's office wa
kept open until ( tt'i lock uiar.y even
ings. Roth of there places will cloo
promptly at o'clock tomorrow