TWELVE PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 1916. PAGE THREE Telephone Here Every Day Everything All I New Throw All The Old Methods Clear Out GROCERIES PQQ MEAT 1 QQ PHONE D00 PHONE 100 Wonderful Growth Shown in High School in Few Years WANTED Young Vea Chickens and Fresh Eggs Highest Market Cash Price Paid CENTRAL MARKET 188 East Uta St. PHONE 455 HIGH WATER WARNINGS ISSUED TO TIEBIBENTS PORTLAND, Ore., April 11. The weather bureau luued a warning to resident of the low lands along the Columbia and Willamette and the Dullness houses along Front street. High er water than usual Is anticipat ed, owing to a heavy snowfall. It was said that snow In the mountains Is well packed and will yield a high percentage of water. (BY PAUL CALLISON.) The Pendleton high school, the! leading Institution of learning In this city, and the Institution which Is de veloping the future citizens of Pen dleton, should be spoken of by the present citizen not In a degrading, derogatory way, but rather in a praise worthy, uplifting way. The institu tion as It stands today is second to none but the schools of Portland. Never before has Pendleton had an institution equal to the one at pres ent. Several yeurs ago Supt. A. C. Hampton took charge, of the high school. The students were then at tending school In the old building, but through the able leadership of Mr. Hampton the school gradually rose toward the top. Now the students attend a new $100,000 building. Prof. S. P. Gatnbee has now taken the princtpalshlp and is rapidly bringing the school to a high standing. Mr. Gambee, a graduate of the Ore gon Agricultural College, Is a very able Instructor and leader and has al ready become a friend of all the stu dents In school. The instructors under Mr. Gambee are Miss E. Llnse, Miss C. E. Bohney, Mrs. M. Webb. Miss A. Butler, Mrs. C. Smith, Miss A. Slater. Miss M. Grover, Mrs. Tucker, Miss M. .Wilson, Mr. R. K. 1'loupek, Mr. ('. E. Tubbs and Mr. W. K. Livingston. All these are very able Instructors and are well liked among the students. Marvel of Completeness. The courses offered are wonderful for an elementary school. Besides the regular courses of college prepa ration work, both science and clas sic, there are the commercial, the ag. rlcultural, the normal, the domestic art and science, manual arts, com merce and general courses. The college preparatory courses prepure the student to enter college to study classics for English work or science for the work of chemists or physlslans. The commercial fits the student to enter immediately Into of fice work, typewriting and short hand being the main divisions. A course in commerce is also offered as a subdivision. The agriculture course Is taught by Prof. Gambee and is wonderful In Its completeness, agro nomy, biology, factrloiogy, stock Judg ing and such other courses and really fitting the boy to become a compe tent farmer without further study. The normal art course teaches the stu dent the art of shop forgery, the handling of tools, cabinet making, mechanical drawing for drafting en gineers. The boys have a separate building for their forge work. In the domestic art work the Kirls are taught all the principles of cooking and sew ing. She becomes a competent house keeper when she graduates from school. Miss Butler and Miss Wilson are the Instructors in this course. They are now applying for a separate building for their work next year. Both are graduates of O. A. C. A splendid equipment is furnished and all the latest ideas are worked out in this department. In the normal work, of which Miss Graves from the normal school at Monmouth, has charge, Is taught the first year work of the normal school o.' the state, the science of teaching and other Buch subjects. Practical work in the form of teaching Is work, ed in and the students visit the grade schools every day for this work. The school now has an enrollment of about three hundred. They car ried on their work In an organized way. They have their student offi cers and to them is left the student body officers. The spirit of the stu dents Is one of appreciation for what Is being done for tham and they are working with the faculty to make the Pendleton hil'h school the best In th state. .'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIinilllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII lllllNHItllHIIItlllllllHIMtKi Again We Wish to Remind You WITH EASTER BUT A FEW DAYS AWAY, IT IS HIGH TIME FOR YOU TO PURCHASE THOSE FEW ARTICLES NECESSARY TO COMPLETE YOUR EASTER APPAREL OUR LINES ARE COMPLETE AND WE ARE EVER READY TO SERVE YOU. SHOP EARLY. Having had three ship ments of NEW NECKWEAR in the past week, our line is the largest and most complete in the city, consisting of lawns, organdies, voils, crepe de chine and kid and patent leathers. Everything from the small dainty crepe de chine collar up to the large cape effects and ranging in price from ... 25 to f 2.00 You will want your baby well dressed on April 21 and 22. Enter them in the pa rade. We carry a complete line of infants' wearables and our line of infants' shoes is uncomparable. enmy JtnnyX REMEMBER without a pair of nice new neat fitting gloves, your Easter costume is not complete. We have them in both silk and kid in the plain colors or fancy embroidered backs, ranging in price from Silk 65 to f3.00 Kid . 81.25 to $2.50 s I s I Purses, Vanity Bags and Leather Bags of all kinds. These are all new and some thing just a little later style than to be had elsewhere. These range in price from 75 to 87.50. THE DAYLIGHT STORE. BETTER GOODS, LATEST STYLES AND PROMPT AND COURTEOUS TREATMENT. : FARMERS OF HELIX KEEP YOIR SKIN CLEAR AND HEAinrv. There la only one way to have a clear, hsalthy complexion and that is to keep the bowels active and reg ular. Dr. King's New Life Pills will make yonr complexion healthy and clear, move the bowels gently, stimu late the liver, cleanse the system and purify the blood. A splendid spring medicine tie at your druggist Adv. 10 SEE RAIN COME GENTLE FALL WILL BE BOOM TO CROPS; OTHER NEWS NOTES OK DISTRICT. Virgin Olive Oil Known as the first oil that el udes on subjecting the olives to gentle pressure, this portion tx.. Ing the best, the most palatable and the most nutritious. A trial of this superior product will convince you that we have the beet. Tallman & Co. Leading Druggists Canal I 'mind Favorable. PANAMA, April 1!. Major Gen eral George W. Goethals. governor ot the canal zone, made an examina tion of the slide area in the Galllard cut. He said that the sltuuUon look ed even more favorable to him than lie h id expected and that April 15 v.. mi hi remain unchanged as the date for reopening the waterway. General Goethals expressed the be lief that the canal would not again be closed to traffic on account of slides in the cut. (Fast Oreaonlan Special.) HELIX. Ore., April 12. A gentle rain has been falling for 36 hours, welcomed by the farmers. W. H. Albee, H. W. Drew and Joa Grlswold went to Cayuse Station fish ing Sunday caught one. Miss Sarah Montgomery left Sun day for a months visit with her sister Mrs. Dave Howard at Woodburn, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Sharer of Walla Walla, are visiting relatives and friends here for a few days. Miss Elinor Stockton of Adams visited her sister Mrs. E. L Norvell Saturday and Sunday. W. H. Musselmun of Freewater visited his daughter Mrs. J. H. Kin! Saturday. Archie McKlnnon Is quite sick and What are the wild waves say ing As they beat upon the shore, Order a case of Bran-New And when that's empty, or der more. City Brewery Telephone 62J Here's A 'Tip' On Rheumatism Follow It AN ACCURATE DESCRIPTION When your arm or your leg feels "all knot ted" with rheumatism, when you feel as though your uiuscleB were "tied up with a rope," you are really describing your pains accurately. Rheumatism Is a condition of the body when soldi and other deposits of impurities are ac tually "tieing up" the strands of muscles In your body, or strangling the nerves and thus dm luring the awful shooting pains of sciatica, lumbago, etc. Medical authorities agree that these acid deposits are carried and deposited by the blood In the various parts of the body. It stands to reason, therefore, that local appli cations such as rubbing; with so-called remedies can't do any permanent good. At best they enn relieve the pain a little and only for a lid le while. The only way to effect a real cure is to attack the real cause the blood. It is cleansed from the troublesome deposits by S. S. S., the reliable blood purifier that Is now easing t he pains and healing the Ills of the third concretion. 8. 8. 8. "goes after" the Impurities In i he blood as relentlessly, as eagerly and as iliKinughly as a ferret goes after rats; pursuing ihe noison Into every vein and artery, into every nook and corner of the body, and chasing the troublesome substances out of the system. The blood thus cleansed, carries off the acid and other injurious deposits and "filters" them out of the body through the kidneys. 8. 8. 8. is not a drug. It Is a purely vogetaUe blood purifier. Von rnn get 8. 8, 8. at every drug store. But If in addition you should like lo have Ihe advice of the doctors in charge of our laboratory, do not liesiiate to write us. You will receive free, conscientious a:.d confidential Mvlce, This Is In line with our policy to make every effort to insure the best results from 8. 8. 8. to every sufferer. Get a bottle at your drug irlst's today. If you wish special advice, write to Medical Department, om 45, Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia. liy the swirr SKCifK CO. flVpf TUMT.C. J U ' jlgf Wwhl i T ii i - '0 PrteSLMPrrBotlle. jfei IM tot) figj tTSHrix. gMt ftrfili MMTfcMMIIr. i TOsmswcincca will probably be taken to St. An thony's hospital, Pendleton today. Mrs. W. H. Albee took a party of friends to Pendleton Saturday in hei car. Ed H. Graham of Henniston, Ore., representing the Columbia Life In surance Co.. was here In the interest Of the company Saturday. Dr. J. Grlswold made a profession al visit to Pendleton Sunday. Mrs. John MoleRtrr.m was a visitor from Adams Friday. Humors Come to Uie Surface in the spring as in no other season Thev don't run themselves all off that way. however, but mostly remain in the system. Hood's Sarsaparllla removes them, wards off danger, makes good health sure Adv. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Tomorrow morning the tryouts for the representation of Pendleton high school In the county declamation con test will be held in the high cchool auditorium. Three of the teachers of the high school will act as judges. The one chosen will represent Pendleton High in the contest held at Hermitson on April 2S At this time the counts track meet will also be held. The annual high school elections will take place this afternoon The candidates for the different offices having been nominated at a previous date Close competition is expected in all the different nominations. Most all the officers have two candidates and one seems as popular as the oth er among the students at large. ALEXANDERS iiiiiiiiiiiHitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiimiHiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHimiiR FATHER WARNED IN DREAM OF DANGER TO LETTER FOUND PREDICTED THE MURDER OF MISS MARY HAWW. WALLA WALLA, April It. That L O. Hawn, of Ellensburg, father of Mary Hawn, had a premonition of trouble if she had anything to do with her step-grandfather, C M. Frailer, was shown here yesterday when a let ter from her parent was found am ong the effects of the girl whose dead body with that of Frazler was found in a hotel room Monday afternoon. A coroner's Jury decided that death of the girl was due to poison and of the man to a gunshot wound. Wheth er it was murder and suicide or dou ble suicide was not brought out. Evidence of physicians who per formed an autopsy on the body of the 18-year-old girl, was that she had been criminally attacked a few hours prior to her death. Evidence all points to Frazler as the assailant. They were last seen together about 9 o'clock the night before in the hotel elevator evidently on their way to Frazier's room. The bodies were found on the bed the man's head at the foot, the girl's at the head resting on a pillow. The girl was lying as though sleeping, her hands folded across her breast. Her clothing was not disarranged and the bed had not been occupied during the night. Hunter Catamount King CHA M BEKSBURO, Pa., April 12. William Wright, nearly 70 years old. j Is the catamount king of the east and1 is ready to defend against anyone de nying this assertion. "Wildcat Bill." as he Is commonly known, Is from Horse Valley, Franklin county, and claims the distinction or killing the! last wolf In the East Atlantic states.,' Wright killed this wolf about six years ago and still has the tanned for of the beast among his many trophies of the forests. Wright raises various kinli of live stock and poultry on tils farm. He also hunts, fishes and train. He de rives a neat Income from his sale of pelts of the muskrat, skunk, wildcat, fox, squirrel, deer and sometimes bear. He is a dead snot and uses a rifle which does not mar the akin. "Wildcat Bill" is fearless and thinks no more of killing a catamount than he does of bagging i rabbit in his grass field. He is as hardy as the pi: e knots growing on the. trees of the forests through wnlch he roams. (thecmarimc misuhpcmtooq the-coop 4nB6fZl WtUTJM? SI V WAY Msvaf HAV THE -W X Js5 'T.S.Virt(ili YOU would rather take a tUm, $$msU chew, oi course t Men who vse W-B CUT Chewing the Real Tobsceo Ctksw. mtm cut, hmt tsrM get real xtiitactioo from Ms tbaa a quarter their old i Aad, naturally, they are paiiing the good word along. Get s pooeb ma see tor yourtelt that au (mi IHmu Uuw satisfies you better. "Nobc. few tka salt brum a Um rick tuUcco taste" ait ft WETMAN-BRUTON COUP ANT, SO Dm Span, lew Tent Orj PortlandlRose Festival 1916 Queen Contest GOOD FOR ONE VOTE Void after Wednesday, April 19, 1916. Name Organization This coupon will count one vote when properly filled out and sent to Portland Rose Festival Contest Depart ment, 337 Northwestern Nat'l. Bank Building. Coupons must be neatly trimmed and put in package with number of votes written on top. HOME TAEENT SHOW BY ARTISAN EODGE HERE FRIDAY NIGHT FOLLIES OK tf16 IS NAME OI' OFFERING TO BE GIVEN AT ORBOON. QUICKLY STOPS HEAD COLDS AND SNUFFLES Preparations for the home talent show to be given Friday night, under the auspices of the United Artisan Assembly No. 9. are well under way and "The Follies of 191" promises to be one of the biggest amateur en tertainments ever given In Pendleton There will be 14 acts, consisting of monologues, songs, drills, farces and dancing. Prof. Murrlll of San Fran cisco, Is busy with the talent and ac knowledges that he has seldom had as good material. About 80 of Pendleton's best talent are rehearsing night and day and he says by Friday night they will be equal to many professional troupes. Ai the show la a benefit and the abilities of Pendleton amateur entertainers are so well known it la expected a pack ed house will greet the performers. Seats may he reserved at Warren's Music House. Or. Hyde Charged With Murder, KANSAS CITY, April 11 Basing his complaint on new evidence, the prosecutor today charged Mr. IV Clark Hyde with murder In the first degree, alleging he poisoned Colonel Swope with strychnine and cyanide of po tassium. The previous trials were sensational. Catarrhal Germs mw of Most Colds. Now Gcrmkddal Air Treatment Best Kemedy for These com. mon A Union- Reliable authorities say that up wards of 90 per cent of the so-called colds in the head and throat are in reality dangerous indications of the presence of acute catarrh When you hear a person sneeze or cough Its al most certain they are throwing catarrh germs into the air for some other person to breathe and its just as cer tain that the person breathing these germs will soon have catarrh or a catarrhal cold. The time to make these germs harmless and drive out your catarrhal cold Is the very In stant you feel a desire to sneeze or cough, or start to snuffle and wipe your nose every' few minutes. The quickest and surest way to stop a head cold and drive catarrh germs out of your system la to pour a few drops of the oil of Hyomel (pro nounced Hlgh-o-me) Into one of the Hyomei inhaling devices which comes with each large package and place the Inhaler between your lips and breatho the germicidal but pleasant smelling air into your nose, throat and lungs This air utterly destroys all catarrh grrm life, quickly opens the closed air passages, makes breathing easy, clears your stuffed up head, cleans out your throat and ends your snuf fling and nose Mowing. There cer tainly Is no quicker or more satisfac tory way of breaking up a cold, even after it is well started, and a few 'weeks' use will do away with all dan ger of chronic catarrh. Sold by drug, gists everywhere Including ft Co., who agree to return the full i tirvhase price to any who use il and lore not satisfied. In liming llyomel for the first time bi very sure to get the large size which contains the in haler as this is very essential for best Jesuits , Are You Up-to-Date? DO YOU USE The Modern Light Electric Light, or DO YOU USE OLD FASHIONED TALLOW CANDLES, BAD SMELLING COAL OIL, OR DANGEROUS, EXPLOSIVE GASOLINE. BE UP-TO-DATE By Having YOUR HOUSE WIRED FOR ELECTRICITY. Special prices, and terms on wiring until April 15th. Phone us and our representative will call and go ovr our plans with you. Pacific Power & Light Co. "ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE." PHONE 40