East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 12, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWELVE, Image 11

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"ho first of the season arrived this morning in fine con
dition from the south.
Roman Beauty Apples,
Winesap Apples, box .... $1.50
Everything in Fresh Vegeta
ble and Fruit received by ex
press every day.
We give votes for Rose Festival Queen. Ask for them.
Gray Bras. Grocery Co.
Two Phones, 28.
82S Main St
(Paid Advertisement.)
For rent Large one room apart
ment Inquire Ken more Apartments
or 10 a Water
night at 7:S0. Presbyterian Ladle'
Aid. Adv.
Trip Around the Worm
Come take a trip around the world.
Visit Ireland. Scotland. Italy. Hawaii,
Japan and the United States, and see
their wonders at small cost. Steame?
sails from Falling Dock Thursday
Girls To Aid Recruiting.
MONROE, Wis., April li. Twenty
oung women here have formed a so
ciety for the promotion of enlistments
In the national guard, they announced
i.nd have declared their readiness to
help Captain A. E. Mitchell recruit his
company to full war strength.
The girls say they will refuse to
welcome any callers at their homes
who are not members of the local mi
litia company.
It's pure and
has the "Pep."
The best drink on the market.
Made in the best town on earth,
Served at the Following Cafes:
St. George Grill. Quelle Cafe
On Draught and in Bottles at Following Resorts:
Connor's Cigar Store Coutts & McDevitt
Billy's Place The Crescent
Round-Up Pool Hall.
Sold to the family trade in cases of one dozen bottles
and up, quarts or pints.
Brewed and bottled by
Wm. Roesch Bottling Co.
City Brewery.
Wholesale and Retail. Telephone 528
At the Baby Show.
VALUE $30.00.
Given to the highest scoring baby in all
Royal M. Sawtelle
Since 1887.
Other News of Pendleton on Page 2.
Bought notice car.
George C. Forrest of Athena has
purchased a Dodge car from the Ore
gon Motor Oarage.
WIU Itulld Resedence.
Fred Walters today took out a per
mit to construct a six-room dwelling
house on Mill street between Alta and
Court. The dwell'ng will cost approx.
Innately 11900.
Ad Men to Convene.
The Commercial association is In
receipt of notice that the Pacific coast
ad clubs will hold a convention In
Spokane on June 15-17. Pendleton Is
urged to be represented.
Bought Sloan Residence.
Mrs. A. D. Sloan has sold her resi
dence on Bush street to M. J. Foster,
prominent farmer living west of the
city, who Is to move into his new
home in August. The property was
sold for a price of $4000. Mrs. Sloan
recently purchased the Burroughs
house nearbv and will move there
when tYtti nrnn.rfv la vamtul hit .ha '
former owner.
be to decide the fats of the move, not
merely to place the subject on the
ballot In November.
Judgment Given Plaintiff.
In the case of George W. Haw vs.
J. C Hosklns. which was before the
circuit court yesterday afternoon.
Judgment was given the plaintiff for
00 and $50 attorney fees.
Held to Grand Jury.
William Stanley, arrested recently
on a horse-stealing charge, today
waived preliminary hearing and wa
held to the grand Jury- under $700
Civil Service Exams On.
Civil service examinations are being
given today In the Commercial asso
ciation by T. F. Wheelock to three
men. One is applying for the positi
on of assistant observer for field ser
vice, one for the position of junior
engineer and the third for the position
of civil engineer. Notice has also
been given that examinations will be
held on May 9 in this city for the po
sition of valuation analyst for the di
vision of valuation of the Interstate
commerce commission, the position
paying from $1800 to $5000 per an
Steiwer Has Filed.
News from Salem is to the effect
District Attorney Frederick Steiwer
has filed for the republican nomina
tion for state senator to succeed Sen
ator J. N. Burgess, resigned.
John H. Stevenson and Bert E- Ha-
ney of Portland, Oliver P. Coshow of
Roseburg. and Porter J. Neff of Med
ford filed for democratic electors of
president and vice president of the
United States today.
Representative In legislature Allen
Eaton. Eugene, Third district; Her
bert G. Crocker. Newberg. Thirteenth
district; J. L. ZIpperer. St. Helens,
Twentieth district; Percy E. Arlett
and K. K. Kubll. Portland. Eighteenth
district; O. I. Evenson, Clatskanie.
twentieth district: Ora H. Porter.
Roseburg, fourth district
Vote on Bonds Qnly Once.
It has become known that many
people have th erroneous Impesslon
that the road bond issue In this coun
ty Is to be voted upon twice, once at
the primary election and again at the
general election In November On the
contrary the whole matter will be
decided at the primary election. Un
der the bonding law in this state r
bond election may be held at any
time if proper petitions are circulated
and signed. In the present instance
the date of the bond election Is ma'l
coincident with the primary election
as a matter of convenience In real
ity the subject has no relation to the
primary election and the voting will
Must Facet Precinct Committeemen.
In addition to the various state,
county and district officers, the vot.
era al the coming primaries must el
ect precinct committeemen for the
republican and democratic counts
central committees. There are 64 pre
cincts in the county and each precinct
is entitled to be represented upon the
two committees. Preparations are
now being made for placing candi
dates' names on the ballots.
Fank Perham Dies.
Integrity Lodge, I. O. Q. F. today
received a message from Berkeley,
Calif., stating that Frank F. Perham.
formerly of this city, died there this
morning after a long illness. The
body will be buried there. Mr. Per
ham formerly worked for Lee Teutch
and for the Alexander department
store In this city and had many friends
here. He was a member of Integrity
Parkes Hies For Justice.
Justice of the Peace Joe H. Parkes
this afternoon filed his notice of can
didacy to succeed himself on the re
publican ticket. Though he believes
that the recent law . Increasing the
terms of all Judges to six years ap
plies to justices of the peace, he will
make no fight but rather run for re.
election. No other candidate for
the position has yet filed.
it imi-m in Canada.
Conditions point to a big crop In
Canada this year, according to John
Vert who has Just returned from a vis
It to his farm lands in Alberta. Seed
ing is just now start ng. he says, and
weather conditions have been very
favorable for this work. He found en
thusiasm among the land holders 'if
Canada and a spirit of optimism as
far as the European war is concerned.
Prohibition will go into effect July 1
and, while, in his opinion, this will
put some of the smaller inns and ho
tels out of business. It will ultimately
act fur the benefit of the country.
Easter Showing
New Arrivals in
Ladies' Suits, Coats, Skirts,
Silk Dresses, Gloves, Neckwear, Etc.
Our large ad elsewhere in this issue is full of Splendid Values. Read it
was 782. The total number of wom
en registered is 1660.
New Chapter H. A. M.
A chapter of Royal Arch Masons
will be installed at Hermlstun in the
near future by the local lodge.
Is Now Auto salesman.
Harry Ottke, well known young
l'endletonlan, is now employed as
salesman and demonstrator for the
City Auto Co. and will direct his abil
ities toward exploiting the Overland
Miuioti Will Keep on Fighting.
In a letter received today by County
Superintendent Young, Representative
N. J. sinnott states that he has been
fighting consistently for the Cham
berlin bill providing that 40 per cent
of the money from the O. & C. grant
lands go nto the irreducible school
lund of the state. In the face of the
recommendation of Secretury of Ag
riculture Houston that no division be
made and of Secretary of Interior
l.ane. he states that he could not pre
vent the sub-committee from reduc
ing the percentage from 4u to 10, In
the whole committee he states, he
succeeded in getting the amount rais
ed to 20 per cent and declares he will
continue his fight on the floor of the
house to have the full 40 per cent allowed.
(Continued from pace on.)
Oiil Half of Voters Registered
With but six more days for registra
tion only about one-half of the voters
In the county have registered and ev
ery' effort is being made to cause the
remainder to register while there b
yet time Here in Pendleton a regls-
I tration desk has been opened In the
Kopper Kettle so that it will not be
necessary for voters to walk to the
court house. The total registration
up until this week was 5224 of which
3237 were republicans and 1692 dem
ocrats, with the remainder scattering.
iThe total registration' tor last week
LA (JRANDE, Ore. April 12. For
nearly two weeks Miss Lunlua ol
Union, and U W. Estes of Enterprise,
lay In adjoining rooms of the local
hospital critically 111 and neither
knew of the other's presence. In her
delirious moments she cried for her
sweetheart's sympathies, and her ap
peals were echoed from the next room
by Mr Estes' pleading for his fiancee.
The girl grew steadily better till
one day she addressed a letter to her
"pal" whom she expected to marry
this summer The nurses let the let
ter proceed to Enterprise, but It was
returned to the same building from
which it came.
Mr. Estes is still In a critical condi
tion, and although the girl was told
he Is very low his condition doesn't
warrant the information thut hii
sweetheart lies next door, apparently
through the crisis of an appendicitis
fttack that nearly cost her life
now In southwestern Chihuahua Fort
l Hiss received an unconfirmed report
of an anti-American proclamation
circulated In Chihuahua on Friday.
Presumably the Carranxlstas suppress
ed the poster.
Garcia said that Carranxlstas un
der General Margla had searched for
months for Urbtna' cache. When
Villa and Carranxa split. Villa needed
funds to finance hi revolution H
demanded that Urblna give him halt
ot the burled loot. Urbtna refused
Villa thereupon killed him, but was
unable to find the treasure.
Slight trace of cyanide was dis
covered In the water along the south
ern route of the American expedition
It wa reported. A Vllllata plot to
poison the soldiers waa suspected.
However, the water is always analyz
ed before the troopers or horses were
allowed to drink
COLUMBUS, April 12 Incoming
army motor trucks reported that snip,
era are busy around Caaas Urandes.
Bullets punctured one machine. The
snipers fled when the Americans
all,, Pel out to f!ght them. Precau
tions were taken to prevent the lyn
ching of six Mexicans held here on
charges of participating in the Co
lumbus raid. It was plunned to turn
tiiein over to the civil courts for trial
on charges of muider.
Arredondo has received an official
rtport that the Arrleta brothers were
loyal to Carranxa. It was learned
here that the Mexicans have allowed
the Americans to ship hay and oats
over the railroad for the troops.
ments of Carranxa troop In northern
Mexico and the activities of various
Mexican polltlcan are causing con
siderable anxiety at army headquar
ter. Detail of constitutionalist
troop movements are kept secret, but
it I understood General Calls ha
conducted a large force southeast of
Douglas General Gomes has march
ed westward with a heavy column
northwest ot Caaas Grands Funiton
I considering plans to move his baie
from Cnlumbu to near Presidio.
IHirtuguc- cabinet Hena
LISBON, April 1!. The Portuguese
cabinet has resigned. It waa divulged
Exclusive Optician
American Nat. Bank Bldg,
Phone 609
Pretty Edna May. now Mrs. lw
ihbn. who was one of the most pop
ular actresses in the United States,
ha come back to the stage Her
husband has all the money neceary
for the two. but she has come back
to be a Salvation I .ass again
Game for Sale.
Part interest for sale In Independ
ent Carage of this city. Am leaving
city and will make sacrifice If taken
at once. For terms and particular
phone :6j. P. O. Box 54 Xdv,
" . '.X
','ifn, 5S
As a comol ment to Mrs. Pettinglll,
; who is a KUest at the home of her
! daughter, Mrs. J. S. Beckwlth, Mrs
James B.' Perry entertained at two
tables of plain w hist yesterday after
; noon. Honors were won by Mrs.
Royce. mother of Mrs. ('. O. Rlnehart.
Mrs. Perry's guests were Mrs. Petn-
gill. Mrs. Man DtSOSWay, Mrs. Jesse
i Falling. Mrs. Roym, Mrs. C. O. Rlne
1 hart, Mrs. A, W. Storle and Mrs. Will
Mrs. Adah lsh Rose returned this
, morning from Portland where on
I Monday afternoon she gave a reading
, from "The Taming of the Shrew" be
! f re the Shakespeare Club. She will
1 return on April 22 to take the role of
I Cleopatra In s play to be presented by
' the club on the Shakespeare tercen-
Otis H. Frazler of Lane county and
Miss Sylvia F. Noland of Umatilla
were united in marriage yesterday
afternoon at the Methodist parsonage
by the Rev. C. A. Hodhire. The
couple will go to South Oakota to
make the'r home.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Jones of Her
mlston are in the city today.
Or. Joe Welch, Athena's popular
idtntlst. Is In the city today.
Ralph B. McEwen of Athena Is am.
ong the visitors in the city today.
J. H. Dunworth, advance man for
"The Birth of a Nation," is at the St
George todsy.
W. R. "Jinks" Taylor of Athena,
brother of Sheriff Taylor, Is In Pen
dleton today.
Dave Oraybeal, well known Insur
ance agent, has Just returned from
Boise and Idaho Falls, Mr. Oraybeal
Intends locating !n the latter place
in the near future.
Laat season was the greatest In the
history of the Tellowstone Park, as
46,000 visitors passed through the
Expert repairing
of Watches
and Jewelry.
Satisfaction guaranteed
Wm. Hanscom
THE Jeweler.
Strawberries and
s&e Kopper Kettle
Always First
You can buy a new
Ford Roadster
For only $442.45
or a touring car for $492.45
They will give you more for your money than
any car made.
You will get convenience, comfort and pleasure
with a much smaller first cost and cost of oper
ation. Cars now here for immediate delivery.
Round-Up City Auto Co.
812 Garden Street.
Telephone 661
We maintain a special FORD garage with a FORD FAC
TORY expert mechanic. Try our special FORD oil. Qao
line service station. Free air and water.