DAILY EAST 0REG0N1AN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 1916. PENDLETON BUSINESS DIRECTORY A Representative List of Pendleton's Business Houses and Professional Men Classified for Ready Reference of the Public AUTO REPAIRING ROOMS AND BOARD SIGN PAINTING BOTTLING WORKS ELECTRICIANS GROCERIES PLUMBING-HEATING Ford a BpeoUttJ. Ford Aocgoftaa FftAZIER I BERTS M AUTO REPAIR SHOP Shop phone. 201 SO Cottonwood St. Op. Ctty HalL S22 But Court Phon 177 FAMILY TRAM? A SPECIALTY Oak Delivery. Pioneer Bottling Wcrki Paul He-noelgara. Prp. ALL KINDS OF BO FT DHINKS AND SODAS BOTTLED CHARLES MILNE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Etttmat a Furaiahed. Phone IM, 111 W. Court St J. W. DYER AT East Eid Grocery D. D. PHELPS PLUMBING, HEATING. And Sheet Metal Worker. Ill E. Court 8t Phone 441 OF ITS A SIGN WE MAKE If KEM SIGN CO. 806 Cottonwood Street. Phone 171. Pendleton. Ore. 702 E. Alts FA Telspaoei 447 Moderate Rates Whit Help Only Employed. The ALTA HOUSE Mrs. J. 8HEPARD, Prop. With or Without Board. Phone Under New Management TWELVE PAGES Motor Car Repairs W. J. BURNS pboae 71. Neagle's Biacksmlta Eaap. AUTO SUPPLIES TIKES AND AOCK8SORIM Pendleton Rubber & Supply Co. TEL VJ. 1U. BEAUTY PARLORS Beauty Parlors MKNT, SHAMPOOING. Popalar Price. Teleoboa P 111 Main Street TO DARKEN HAIR APPLY SAGE TEA ixjgk young: ruing w its! NATURAL OOLtllt, Us" ATTRACTIVENESS. Common garden sage brewed Into a heavy tea with. sulphur added, win turn gray, streaked end faded hair beautifully dark and luxuriant Just 'a few applications will prove a reve lation If your hair Is fading, streaked or gray. Mixing the Sage Tes and Sulphur radii, at home, though, la troablesome. An easier way Is to get a M-oent bottle of Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound at any drug store ll ready for use. This Is the old time rectpe Improved b the addition of other lngredlenta. While wispy, gray, faded nan- IS not sinful, we all desire to retain our ....,iwii narnce and attractive ness. By dsrkenlng your hair with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compswnrt no one out tell, because It does It so nsturally. so evenly. You Just damp en a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time: by morn ing all gray hairs have disappeared, and after another application or two. your hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy, soft and luxurtunt. This preparation la a delightful toilet requisite and Is not Intended EM the cure, mitigation or prevention of disease TAKE SALTS TO FLUSH KIDNEYS ET MEAT EE YOU EK.E1. IIACKACHY OH HAVE HLAR DEB TUOCBLE. Meal forms uric acid which excites and overworks the kidneys In their efforts to filter It from the system. Hegulnr eaters of meat must Hush the kidneys occasionally You must relieve" them like you relieve your bowels; removing all the acids, waste and poison, else you feel a dull mis ery In the kidney region, sharp palna In the back or sick headache, dlssl 'ness, your stomach sours, tongue Is coated and when the weather is Old you have rheumatic twinges. The urine iK cloudy, full or Herllment; the channels often get Irritated, obllglnii you to get up two or three times dur ing the night. To neutralise these Irritating acids and flush off the body's urinous waste get about four ounces of Jad Salts from am pharmacy; take a table spoon In n glass of water before breakfast for a few days an.l your kidney will then act fine nnd blad der disorders disappear This famous ealts is made from tne acid or grapes and lemon Juice, combined with Wh it, and has been used tor generations to clean and stimulate sluggtah EM nevs and stop Madder Irritation. J'i Salts lx inexpensive, harmless and makes I delightful effervescent Hth la water drink which millions of men and women take now and toen. thus avoiding serious kidney and hladder diseases. J? mm to -3 IP mrm mm Millie VyVjBESBBBEBBSSxESBBBF CIGAR FACTORIES SMOKE LA TOSKA CIGARS Havana flHed 10c Straight and Pertecto Bbapea. Manufactured by PENDLKTON CIGAB FACTOEY. CLEANING-PRESSING CLUB BATES. I will keep a man'i nit preseed and repaired for $1.60 per month and guarantee the beat poaalbl work. RUDB, THE TAILOR Aid IKV CIJSAMSH, 110 Weat Webb Phone III. EXPERT WELDING Pendleton Welding Shop EXPERT WELDERS W weld all tlnda of cut Iron, aluml num. atari, copper and braaa by the Modem Osy Acetylene Proems. Don't Walt for Hepalra, I,et Da Weld It 7tt JOHNSON ST. Booth to Inspect Health Board of Portland to Have Charge of Work PORTLAND, Ore.. April 12 Under direction of the board of health the first booth for the Inspection of coun try killed meats has been opened at East Seventy-ninth ana Stark streets in MontavMa. According to official announcement made by Dr. E. E. Chase, hend of the meat Inspection of the city. It Is ex pected that a very comaiderable num ber of farmers and dealers will oe accommodated by the establishment Of this central inspection place. Farm ers In the vicinity of Troutdale, Fair- view, Gresham as well as along the Sandy. Base Line. Powell Valley, and Foster roads, will have their meats In speeted at this place. Inspection wfJI be carried on three day each week Monday. Wednesday and Friday, while the hours for Inspection will be from - 14 to 1 1 :30 a m. The following rales for the killing, marketing, and handling of country killed stuff have been given eut by the bureau of hearth: I Animals should be slaughtered the evening previous to the day of de livery. I No nnlmnl shaft be slaughtered while heated or after being driven any great distance. 2 Pure water only shall be used In washing the klled animals. 4 All carcasses must be Inspected and passed before being sold. S The following organs Khali he naturally attached to each animal: Calves, sheep and goats livers and klrtnevs attached Hogs kidneys and liody lymphatic glands. Beef liver. Veal under 40 pounds or less thsn six weeks of age should not hi slaughtered. All veal Bhould he In a well nourished condition. 7 All wagons and other convey ances In which meat Is handled must he clean nnd the bottom must he cov ered with clean burlap, clean Straw or other suitable covering. All car casses or portions of the same must be covered with clean burlap. Light Cattle Are Sought Bui Heavy Stuff Neglected PORTLAND. Ore. April 1. There wa a mixed load of stuff from a Co lumbia river jiolnt, but remaining small arrivals at North Portland over night were from the Willamette val ley. Hogs are showing a steady tone, but there Is practically no change in the price. Choice light weights 1 . Hood light weights 8 0fis0 Medium weights -.liOiff S.7I Hough and heavy I.III.II Good Cattle Sought. There remains a good tone for llahl and medium weight cattle at former prices, hut depression Is still show In Ihe call for heavy stuff at North Portland Receipts over night Were light bat there was nothing available to give extreme quotations a test. fleneral inttle market range: Choice pulp-fed steers. . .IS. TBffll!) on Choice grain-fed steers..,. 8.45ffR.",0 Ordinary grain fed steers. S.JStffS.n Choice hay fed steers l.l&WH.ii flood steer 7Milrr.0fl Ordinary to common steers 6. 0nift7.no choice cows T'M ordinary t common cows " 25W7.SG Choice heifers 7.50fli7.7.S Ordinary to good .heifers ,7.007.25 Choice hulls B.006.60 flood to fair bull 4.008M.2S Ordinary to common bulla 2.00iS7J Heat lllht calves 8 00 FEED YARPS PHONIC MB THE ALTA FEED YARD ' 701 Beet Alia Bt PEED AND BALES STABLE. FURNITURE loch Furniture Store ('HAS, KOCH. Proa. We pay oaah for second hand Move at 117 W. Week Bt 86V W GROCERIES I. B. JOHNSON & SOIS Groceries, Confections and Bakers' Goods. Cash paid for Butter, Eggs and Poultry. 102 W. Webb St Pboae 7l Meats Opened flood calves 7.00ft". 58 small Iran of Valley Sutton. There was a small run of Willamette valley mutton In the yards ever night, but BO change is shown either in gen eral prices or In conditions. Receipts are Insufficient and good quality so generally lacking that It 1 hard to lest the market General mutton and lamb range: Spring lambs t 10.01) Choice weight yearlings. 10.00 Good to common yearlings .00t?9.r j Best old wethers 871 flood to common wethers .508 Tl Old wethers .O08.25 Choice light ewes 7.7Ri8s flood to common ewes . . . 7.007.5 Twwlay livestock Shippers. Mixed stuff Roy H Dobbin?. Washnugnl, Wash, 1 load cattle and hogs; C. E. Luche. Casby. 1 load calve and sheep; J. S. Flint. Junction City, 1 load CHttle. calve and hogs; A. Losli. Woodburn, 1 load cattle. calves and hogs; Reese & Loop, Mc- i Mlnnvllle 1 load cattle, calves and 1 hoga; K. D. Bernard. Auburn. 1 load I cattle and calves: Rice Broa, Sherl- dan. 1 load cattle, calves, hogs and sheep. Sharp Losses Felt in the Stock List! NEW YORK, April II. Steel o). pers and other metals held Up the market, which started to show a weakening tendency shortly after the opening. All of the rails except Bal timore Ohio opened barely above the dog and hurt between 1 and 2 points during the flm hour's trading. Utter it became apparent that the market probably would strengthen. Crucible advanced a point and a fraction during the initial deals nnd I'n'ted States Steel held firm. The industrials were steady. In the sepoi allies. Industrial Alcohol lost I full points during ihe early trading. MAN CONFESSES TO CRIME THAT HE NEVER COMMITTED i INVESTIGATION SHOWS HE WAS IN PENITENTIARY AT TIME OP ROIillEltV. LOS ANOBLB8, April 11. James Moraa, lias Arthur Maggs. did not lake part in the robWry of a United Stales mall truck In New York February, as he has "confessed" to authorities here and at San Diego, ac- cording to local police officers wh . slated that Moran was In Bail Uueii - t'n penitentiary at the time the roh- ' i rj waa commltied An Investigation of the prison rec- oids was made bv officers who said leter that these show Moran was re. , , , , " liused from the state prison March 2r :hls year, after serving a five vent term from Snn Diego for grand "lar - rPn- NEWS NOTES OF WESTON - SENIOR AND JliNIOR LBAGTJER8 ' OF METHODIST CHVRCn GIVE SOCIAL, (Bwlt oregonlan Special.) WESTON, tire.. April 10 Arthur j ROM has gone to Walla Walla fori medical treatment, his wife accom panylng him. Mrs Ralph Stngs and little daugh ter went to Pendleton Thursday. Henry Plnerton of Athena was ov er Thursday transacting business. Mrs. James Stanfleld I 111 with erysipelas, Dr. C. H. Smith attending h her. Mrs. Martha Reed, Mrs. Qeorge Neabit and Mrs. John York are all having their homes repapered. HIDES AND JUNK PcMfcton Hide and Junk Co. Highest cash prices paid for lnd hand goods of all kinds. Rubber, Auto Tirea, Brass, Copper, Sacks and Rags. HIDES, PELTS. WOOL A FURS. 201 W. Webb St. Telephone 111 INSURANCE MANUEL FRIEDLY INSURANCE Automobile. FIRE, Burglary Plate Glass, Liability. Security Bonds, Accident and Health. Telephone 04. E. O. BJdg. LAUNDRIES TROY LAUNDRY Phone 179. HOOCH DRY 7c PER LB. Keep away from the washtab and avoid a doctor bill this winter WAITING FOR LULL Here are a few members of a French hospital corps at the battle ol Verdun waiting for a lull In the heavy Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hedrlck mo- lored to Echo Friday n:ght to visil friends. Mrs. V.. K. lleiss of Pendleton spent the weekend with Mr. and .Mrs John McKae of Weston. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Swart ol Walla Walla, was In Weston Friday trannsacting business. Joe Clodlus has gone to Wattsburg ! to visit relatives. basement at his residence or Water street I Louts chrlstenson has returned from i a visit with relatives In Nebraska, j John Itldenotir of Auburn, Wash, is vlaltlnC relatives In the city. - The Weston school iias reemployed ., lhl, ,,rP1,em 1(. hers but one. Mr alld Mrs gm rtiltey visited j wilh relatives in Walla Walla during ,j, ,,.), Mr .,nd Mvg p,,,., Wnn Clime ur i fn,m tllelr ram,h rth of Pendletnr I ,ini, sperit ,he ony ag guests of Mr 1 .,, irs. Joe I.ieuallen j Mr and Mrs n. nr,- waddingham ' . ' There Is mere t'atnirli In this section ol ! "le cetiutrv than all other diseases put to gether. aud for veam it was snpped to lv , lacurable Bortors prescribed Meal reme dies, and by constantly falling to cure wltb !,nvl treatment, pronounced It Incurable it utanli la a local dlseaae, greaily luflu eeced by . eonatltatlonal condltlona and ibeieroie lequu-ea roust iiiitioiini inaiiaeni Hall's Catarrh Cure, m.-.sufartured by K. J CaeafI fc Co.. Toledo. Ohio, la a canatltu tlonal remedy, is tnl;en Internally and act! thru the Blood o the Mneoita Surfaces of IOC TIVSTCin. VUC UHHiiimi ih.iihib ii.riu is offered for any case that Hall s ("atarrb Cur foils to cure Send for circular! anf teatimonlala. . J- IKNKY CO., Toledo, Ohio nVll e 'nmllj fnlh (If constipation. NOTICi: OK PAYMEST.OT CITY OF I'KX 1M.KTO.N IMl'Hirt'RMMNT HfMS Notice Is bereby given that City of Pen dlitou Improvement Ponds Xoa. 'Jl and 2'.'. Senka A, No p. Series K, Nos. 4 and !. Sertea N. No. :i, Series I', and Nea. 1 and A Serliw . will he oslil uuan oresentHtlon thereof to the nnderalgne at the Amerl """ Nt,"'', "snk, l-endleton. l'matllla Count, (leaeaa. Interest on said Honda cease Mar 1. Ilia. Dtoa-4 Aarat 7, 1010 LHB MOOBBOrjSE tVeeaorar. City of Pee diet oa. By Em. ttkkrUea, Deputy. pMaOTBW BSiKfcESSr nfl BeaksT EBBsni vaBr BBsst Be fl'i EEypaEjjcg vT iBEmhL.iEs BEa Ibb! -HR hEEE hH BaSk EriB Phone 12; Bee. lot. Areata for PENINSULAR FUBNACBB. Wodaege ft Ardrey PLCMBINO AND HEATING. Tinning and Bepalr Work. 10B W. Webb Bt, PENDLETON, OBEX PHOTOGRAPHERS Electric Studio 214 E. Court Bt Portrait made day or night rata ahlne. Give us a call. SATISFACTION GUARANTEES. BOWMAN STUDIO 916 Main St, Tel. 829-W HIGH GRADE COMMERCIAL AND PORTRAIT WORK Post Card Photoa 11.00 Dos. Amateur finishing. Aoaco Supplies. IN BATTLE TO REMOVE bombardment to remove their wound - ed to a base hospital In the rear. Be - cause of the grey-blue coats and stee, and their daughters, the Misses Ethel and Daisy, motored to Walla Walln Saturday to visit relatives. The senior and Junior leagues of the .Methodist church rendered a short musical and literary program Fl'NERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN S. BAKER, FUNERAL Di rector and licensed embalmer. Op posite postoffice. Funeral parlor, two funeral cars. Galls responded to day or night. Phone 76. J T. BROWN'S FURNITURE STORE Funeral director and llcen&ed em balmer Most modern funeral par lor, morgue and funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night. Corner Main and Water streets. Telephone 63 INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO. MAKKS reliable abstracts of title to all lands in Umatilla county. Buys am' sells all kinds of real estate. Does general brokerage business. Pays taxes: nd makes Inveitmentt for non residents. Writes fire, life and ccl dent insurance. Reference, any bank In Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Fre C H MARSH, Sec. BENTLHY A MONTGOMERY. RE-M, estate, fire, life and accident in surance agent. 816 Main street Phone 404. VETERINARY SURGEONS. C. W. LASSEN, M. D. V., COUNTY veterinarian. Residence telephone 17; office telephone, 10. ATTORNEYS. RALEY A RALEY. ATTORNEYS AT law. OfHo In American National CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY RUGS CLEANED Gtt Your Rags Stum Cleaned At the PENDLETON BUO AND MATTRESS WORKS Upholstering sad Furniture Repair la. All work guaranteed. Prlcea reasonable. Located 103 Water Bt Phone 078. STORAGE BATTERIES STORAGE BATTERIES ARE EX PENSIVE. They need the beat of care through the winter let O CYRUS BROTHERS 728 Cottonwood St., care for them Service guaranteed. Phone 141 PAINTS-WALL PAPER PHONE ISA Hale & McAfee WALL PAPER, PICTURE MOULDING, GLASS, DECORATING. PAINTING. Job work Promptly Done. 807 Main St Pendleton, Oregon. WOUNDED AT VERDUN 1 helmets which the hospital men wear 1 they cannot be easily distinguished J from the regular soldier. : Friday evening, after which games I were played and refreshments served Oar Wood and Ernest Blomgren i went to Pendleton Friday evening, Joe Wurzer made a business trip to Walla Walla during the week. FEE & FEE. ATTORNEYS AT law Office in Despiln building. CARTER SMYTHE. ATTORNEYS at law. Office in rear of Ameri- CEORGE W. COUTTS. ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, wills. leeds. mortgages and contracts drawn. Collection made Room 17. i Schmidt block I JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT j law. Office over Taylor Hardware ! company. j DOUGLAS W. BAILEY, ATTORNEY at law. Will practice In all state 1 and federal court. Room 7, g and , ! t. Despain building. I I PETERSON A BISHOP, ATTOR neys at law; room 3 and , Smith I Crawford building. i FREDERICK STEIWER. ATTOR ney at law. Office in Smlth-Craw ford building. S. A. LOWELL, ATTORNEY ANI counsellor at law. Office In De paln building. I CHIROPRACTOR. DR. GEORGE J KINZ. UCENSE. Chiropractor. Schmidt Bldg. Off! phone, 467; residence phon 170. AUCTlONEEltS. COL. W. F. YOHNKA, AUCTION eer, make a specialty of farmer' took and machinery aalea "Th man that gets you th money " Lear orders at Bat Oreconlan offlca. SHOE REPAIRING RUBBER HEELS A 81'BCIALVT. Pendleton Shoe hospital W J. McGAHRIGLE SHOE REPAIRING ON SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES. W call for sad dettrtr. Pboae M7. 8l Mala Bt. TAXI SERVICE CARNEY TAXI CO. Phone 680 ST. GEORGE HOTEL. Prompt aervire. day sod sight Funeral service 13.50. WATCH REPAIRING i John Rosenberg Watchmaker Alt Work Guaranteed. Corner Court sod Cottonwood. Demands Chief's Resignation. SEATTLE, April 11 Mayor GUI wrote a letter this morning asking for the resignation of Chief of Police Lang, charging general Inefficiency. Hia successor has not been chosen. WHY DO YOU SUFFER PAINFUL TWINGES? Backaches, HctM lax-hex, I.umboo and ltheumntfc Fains Quickly Dis appear Before New Remedy It is no longer necessary for any one to suffer with that headachy, all run-down feeling that is often the re sult of kidney trouble It Is no longer necessary for you to contend with disagreeaole bladder and urinary disorders or be tortured with rheumatism, stiff or swollen Joint or heart-wrenching miseries that follow as a result of neglected or poorly working kidneys. Solvax quickly and surely relieves all such trouble: Solvax Is a wonderful discovery that has always been so uniformly success ful, that every package is sold under a positive guarantee to refund the money if it does not relieve the worst case of kidney disorder. "Your money back If you want It," Is the way Tallman A Co., the popular druggists, are selling this great kidney remedy A guarantee like that speaks eloquently for the merit of Solvax. Do not suffer another minute. Sol vax will relieve you. If it doesn't, tell Tallman & Co. that you want your money back and they will cheerfully refund it. 1 THE OLD REtl A rt iw BBsBwtH4aEBBBxBSSBBftT ' Jc4 REMEDYFOrMeN. 1 AT YOUR DffUC6tST. MlSt ELLANEOUS. AUCTION SALES THE BAST ORB gonlan make a specially of ant. Uon sale bills, cards and adwrCslnB. We can furnish auctioneer, clerk and advertising complete that will assure ou of having a successful eala. LEGAL BLANKS OF EVERT Dl criptlon for couuty court, circuit court Justice court, real eatata. UM for sale at East Oregon iaa offlca. VAULTS. THE NATIONAL VAULT coTTr land. Ore. Steel reinforced concitR burial vault, air tight, waterproof. -erlastlng. For sale by Pendleton un dertaker. SECOND HAND DEALERS. V. 8TROBLE. DEALER IN NEW and Mcond-hand goods. Caaa Paid for all second-hand good bought Cheapest place In Pendle ton to buy household goods. Come and gat our price. m K. Court treat Phon I71W. ! EEEBEEEEEEBEBBE A