PAGE SEVEN EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1916. PENDLETON BUSINESS DIRECTORY AUTO REPAIRING BOTTLING WORKS ELECTRICIANS GROCERIES PLUMBING-HEATING ROOMS AND BOARD SIGN PAINTING D. D. PHELPS PLUMBING, HEATING. And Sheet Metal Worker. 121 E. Court St. Phono 44 1 THE LYMAN Under New Management Private comfortable rooms; Mod. ern conveniences, with or without board. Close in. Rates reasonable. Mrs. Teel A Van Caere. 621 Willow Phone 305 Fords Specialty. 222 But Coo rt Phone 177 FAMILY TBADB A 8PBCIALTT Quick Delivery. Pioneer Bottling Works Paul Hemmelgara. Prop. ALL KINDS OC SOFT DRINKS AND SODAS BOTTLED CHARLES MILNE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Ertlmat j Furnlahed. Phone eS6, 111 W. Court St J. DYER AT East End Grocery IP IT A SIGN WE MAKE R KEM SIGN CO. 804 Cottonwood Scree. Phono 672. Pendleton. Or. PRAZIER I 8ERTS0N AUTO REPAIR SHOP Shop phone, tOI. 610 Cottonwood St, Op. City HalL Phone 536 Motor Car Repairs W. J. BURNS MODBRN CYLlNDk.t OBINDBB ABU OVl?SIZKI I'IBTON AND BlUUa Phone 71. NM Blaetaadtfc AUTO SUPPLIES TIRES AND ACCESSORTJSS Pendleton Rubber & Supply Co. TEL S X IU. ART STUDIO JEAN WOOD i iio Boon 7. Bchnldt Biog. LBBSONH IN CHINA .Oil WAT" COLOR. TAI'BBTRt, LKATHBB TOOtlNO. Bran and Copper Craft BEAUTY PARLORS Beauty Parlors MEM, BHiaruvinu Popolsr Price ' 111 Main suwi, HAVE ROSY CHEEKS AND FEEL FRESH AS A DAISY-TRY THIS! Says glass of hot water with phosphate before breakfast washes out poisons. To see the tinge of healthy bloom in your face, to see your skin get clearer, to wake up without a head ache. backache, coated tongue or a nasty breath. In fact to feel your bes day In and day out. just try Inside bathing every morning for one week Before breakfast each day, drink a glaaa of real hot water with a tea spoonful of limestone phosphate In li aa a harmless means of washing from the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels the previous day s indigestible waste, sour bile and toxins; thus cleansing, sweetening and purifying the entire Alimentary canal before putting more food into the stomach. The action ot hot water and limestone phosphate on an empty stomach ia wonderfully in vigorating. It cleans out all the sour fermentations, gases anil acidity and glvea one a splendid appetite for breakfast A quarter pound of limestone phos phate will cost very little at the drug store but Is sufficient to demonstrate that Just as soap and hot water cleanse, sweetens and freshens the skin, so hot water and limestone phos phate act on the bloml and Internal organa. Those who are subject to constipation, bilious attacks, acid stomash. rheumatic twinges. also those whose skin is sallow and com plexion pallid, are assured that one week of Inside-bathing will have them both looking and feeling better In ev every way. OTICH OF PAYMENT OK PIT) QE n:-N KLBTON 1MPBO.V KMKNT BONDS. Notice In lierehy glvea that City ot len dleton Improvement lloudu Nos. 11 and Series A No n. Series E, Sue 4 snd , Series N, No 3, Series V, nd Nos. 1 snd A Series X will t' paid upon presentation thereof In the undersigned at the Ameri can National Hank. Pendleton. UtUtlllJ County, Oregon. Interest on said llnnds ceases May 1. 1010. Dated April 7, 1010. tat 1 LBI MOORHOUSE, Treasurer. City of Pendleton. By Win. Mlckelsen, Deputy. aiiiiiimmmHtiMiiij Known For li Washington, First National Bank E PENDLETON, OREGON is hereby granted the right to act as Trustee, Ex ecutor, Administrator and Registrar of Stocks and Bonds. Federal Reserve Board. By C. S. Hamlin, Governor. SEC IlaVUIIRIHIIIIIUilHIIIIIIIIHI CIGAR FACTORIES SMOKE LA TOSKA CIGARS Henna filled 10c. Straight and Perfecto 8 ha pea. Manufactured by PENDLETON ClOAB FACTOBY. CLEANING-PRESSING Wert of Hotel Barber Shop. Phone 470 aak for Pressery. PENDLETON HOTEL PRESSERY Anderson Stranakaa, Props. Cleaning. Prating, Repairing, Day or Night. Work Called for and Delivered. CLUB RATES. I will keep a man'a ault praaaed and repaired for 11.60 par month and guarantee the beat poanlMs work HUDD, THE TAILOR ART DRY CLEANER, S10 Wart Webb Phone (St. EXPERT WELDING Pendleton Welding Shop EXPERT WELDERS We weld alt kinds of cut Iron, alumi num, steel, copper and brass by the Modern OxyAcetylene Process. Don't Walt for Repairs, Let Us Weld It. 730 JOHNSON ST. HaySuppliescontinueShortfor needs Small Offerings Greedily Snapped Up at High Price PORTLAND, Ore., April 11. Small sunnlles of hav are reaching the mar ket, but the scramble for offerings is so excited and keen that even the lar ger handlers are still without adequate holdinga to fill their dally orders. While some relief is expected In the situation during the next week or 1 days when some of the California stock pnU In appearunce, the present season la -acute. Wholesalers are freely offering 121 f20 a ton for eastern Oregon fancy timothy, aa well aa best quality alfal fa, hut even this price Is not able to draw supplies In this direction. California alfalfa has been ordered here and can be landed at 19 a ton with oat and wheat hay from the same state at $18919 a ton. Wheat market continues extremelj quiet at Pacific northwest pointa There is little trading In the country and the erratic tone of the general world's trade is causing dealers to go rather alow In their bidding. Itroomhall cabled from Liverpool that wheat was dull and under pres sure of lower American cables, liberal world! shipments to the United King dom and increasing stocks, spot wheat easy , 1 to 2d lower. Cargoes easy, winters 10 l-2d, and Manitoba ia low. er floating quantity, keeps buyers conservative. Notwithstanding con firmation of damage to winter wheat America continues to offer freely and There is more Cstsrrh In this section of the country than sll other diseases pnt to gether, snd for years It was supposed to be Incurable Doctors prescribed local reme dies, and by eonstantly falling to cure with local treititueut, pronounced It Incurable Catarrh Is s local disease, greatly Influ euced by constitutional conditions and therefore requires constitutional treatment Hall's Catarrh l ure, manufactured by F. J Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is a constltu tinnnl remedy, Is taken Internally and act thru the Hloisl on the Mucous Surfaces ot the System. One Hundred Dollars reward Ik offered for any case thst Hall's Catarrh l ore falls to cure. Send for circulars snd testimonials. F. J. CHENEY 4 CO., Toledo, Ohio Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall s Family Pills for coostlpstlon. It's Strength IIIHIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIH. D. C, Oct 6, 1915. URITY LiMiiiiitiiiiiiiuiimiiiuuiiiii1 FEED YARPS l'HONK 548 THE ALTA FEED YARD 702 Eaet Alta St. PEED, AND SALES STABLE. FURNITURE Koch Furniture Store ('HAS KOCH, Proa. We pay rash for second hand Move and range. U7 W. Webb 8t rbone S56-W GROCERIES I. B. JOHNSON & SOtS Groceries, Confections and Baker' Goods. Cash paid tor Butter. Eggs and Poultry. 302 W. Webb St Phone 071 Attention Candidates. Electors' nominating petltons and candidates' acceptance blank, com plete, for either republican or demo cratic party, are carried In stock at the East Oregonlan offlca. They are the correct forma and already printed for immediate delivery. It Is believed that the marketing ot old crop will continue liberal. Prices are attractive to buyers and continent al demand is increasing. Flour Selling price: Patent, $5. 20; Willamette valley, $4.90; local straight, $4.606 5.00; Bakers' local, S4.805.20; Montana spring wheat. $6.10; graham, $5.40; rye flour, $5.95 per barrel. Hay Buying price: Willamette valley timothy, fancy, $20; eastern Oregon-Idaho fancy tlmotltf, $2122; alfalfa, $21 22; vetch and oats, $18; clover, $16. Grain sacks 1916 nominal No. 1 Calcutta. 13 1-24J13 5-8; in car lota; less amounts are higher. Millstuffa Selling price, carload lots; bran $23; shorts $25.60. Rolled oats $6 506.76 per barrel. Rolled barley $31. 603I 50 per ton. Pink Salmon Sells at 85 Cents Dozen PORTLAND. Ore., April 11. Pink sal. non is in such extraoroin u .. de mand and supplies so scant at Pacific uaM as well as at eaatern center,", thitl prices are still moving upward A big northwest broker who secure! the output from several ot the big cunning concerns, was offbrtnif pinks during the day at 85c a doxen to Job bers, compared with opening sales ground 65c. Europe continues a liberal bitted for pinks and other of the cheaper grades of canned salmon and as total hold ings are scant and then badly scatter ed, it is easy to see the full strength of the present market situation. On the other hand the movement of No 1 canned ColumDla river spring pack Chinook is extremely slow, al though there ia more or less move ment toward the east from day to day. The rush to the Alaska waters con tinues and within a few days i;rai 1 1 cally all Interests will have their bouts en route to the northern canneries. General Livestock IVIarkkt is Steady; More Cattle Come PORTLAND, Ore . April 11. There was an increased supply of cattle of fered in the yards at the opening of the week's trade, but general condi tions were steady with top light stufl again quoted around 19.00. Quite fair supplies of real good quality cattle came forward and this was a direct aid to the general mar ket. General cattle market range. Choice pulp-fed steers. .. .18. 769.00 Choice grain fed steers. . . 8 268.40 Choice hay fed steers .... 8.25 8. It Ordinary to common steers 6.00 7.00 Choice cows 7.50 Ordinary to common cows 7 26 7.85 Choice heifers 7.607.76 Ordinary to good heifers.. 7.00O7.26 Choice to fair bulls 4.004.25 Ordinary to common bulls 2.002.76 Best light calves g.00 Good calves 7.00 7.60 Hoc Market is steady. While the run of hogs did not reach the grand totals of last Monday, the run over Sunday was quite liberal with good quality available. HIDES AND JUNK Pendleton Hide and Junk Co. Highest cash prlcea paid for 2nd hand goods of all kinds. Rubber, Auto Tires, Brass, Copper, Sack and Rags. HIDES, PELTS. WOOL A FURS. 206 W. Webb St. Telephone 662 INSURANCE MANUEL FRIEDLY INSURANCE Automobile, FIRE, Burglary Plate Glass, Liability, Security Bonds, Accident and Health. Telephone 604. E. O. Bldg. LAUNDRIES TROY LAUNDRY Phone 179. ROUGH DRY 7c PER LBi Keep away from the washtub and avoid a doctor bill this winter MEAT MARKETS THE RAYBURN MEAT MARKET 118 W. WEBB. Reduction on lard for Saturday 10 pounds for 11.00. General market for swine continues study, with the bulk of the real good stuff around $9.00. General hog market: Choice light weights $ 9.00 Good light weights S.S0f 8.9'J Medium weights 8.508.75 Rough and heavy 8.0008-25 Small Supply of Mutton. Very smull supply entered the mut ton pens at North Portland over Sun day. These came from a Wlllametto valley point. Within about a month the run ot shorn atuff is expected to become gen- rul from the valley. Small oands are now being prepared for market, but weather conditions have been against general shearing operations. In the meantime the market continues on a nominal basis, but very firm. General mutton ana lamb range: Spring weight yearlings... 10.00 Choice weight yearlings.. 10.00 Good to common yearlings 9.00 9.50 Best old wethers 8.75 Good to common wethers. S.B0tC 8.75 Old wethers 8.0003.25 Choice light ewes 7.75 8. u Bood to common ewes ... 7.007.25 LADIES' CLUB OF ADAMS HAS ENJOYABLE TIME MEMBERS MEET AT THE HOME OP MRS. E- E. McCOLLUM; OTHER NEWS NOTES. (Bast Oregonlan Special.) ADAMS, Ore.. April 8 Mrs W. O. Read of Athena, was visiting at the home of Mr. and Mhs. T. A, Lieuallen Thursday. Mr. and Mrs G. M. Morrison w. re visitors at the county seat Wednes day. The Ladles' Club met at the home IS YOUR STOMACH CLOGGED WITH WASTE Tallman & Co. Guarantee to Return the Money if Ml-o-na Dor Xot Relieve You. "It's a pleasure to sell a medicine when your customers come In after i ward and tell us how much good It has done them.'' said Tallman & Co., j '.he popular druggists, to an East Ore I soman man, "and that is just why we I like to sell and- recommend Mi-o-na, the dyspepsia remedy. The distrlbu j tlon of samples that wc made created so much talk and so large a proportion j of those who received a sample have ' bought a box of Ml-o-na that our clerks have been busy -selling the med icine ever since We have so much 1 faith In this article that we are going : to guarantee it In the -future, and will return the money to any purhcaser of Ml-o-na whom It does not help. That ; may seem rash but our customers have said so many good words In its favor that we do not expect to have ! many packages returned. "Anyone who has dyspepsia, whose food does not digest well, and who has to take thought as to what he can eat, and when, can leave 50 cents de posit at our store and take home a box of Ml-o-na and if the remedy "does not regulate his digestion and help his dyspepsia he can withdraw his money. I don't know hut what we would be willing to pay him interest " 1 This shows great faith In the merit of Ml-o-na It Is really a moat unu't'- al medicine and the rapid Increase of sales since Tallman A Co introduced It In Pendleton shows that it does a'.' that It Is claimed to do relieves dys pepsia, regulates digestion and enables those who use It to eat Just what they want with no fear of trouble after. Phone 82; Res. SOS. Agents for PENINSULAR FURNACES. Wodaege & Ardrey PLUMBING AND HEATING. Tinning snd Repair Wort. 109 W. Webb St., PENDLETON, ORB. PHOTOGRAPHERS Electric Studio 214 Court St Portraits made day or night rata or shine. Glre us a call. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. BOWMAN STUDIO 918 Main St, Tel. 82-W. HIGH GRADE COMMERCIAL AND PORTRAIT WORK. Post Card Photos 61 00 Dos. Amateur finishing. Anaco Supplies. PAINTS-WALL PAPER PHONE 158 Hale & McAfee WALL PAPER. PICTURE MOULDING, GLA8S, DECORATING, PAINTING. Job Work Promptly Done. 807 Main St Pendleton, Oregon. of Mrs. E. E. McCollum Thursday. Those present were as follows: Mrs L. L. Lieuallen, Mrs. L L. Rogers, Mrs. F. B. Henry, Mrs. Will Boyer, Mrs. Charles Schatz, Mrs. Harvey Roseberry, Mrs. Steven Edwards. Mrs. J. W. Spencer, Mrs. J. W. Per- inger. Mrs. Henry Bunch, Mrs. Bunch, Mrs. M. A. Baker, Mrs. Charles Du puis and Mrs. Billy Taylor. All pres ent had a very pleasant afternoon and refreshments consisted of coffee and cake. Ralph Walian and mother motored to the county seat Wednesday. A. H. Kirby and Billy Taylor mo tored to the county seat Thursday. Guy Mayberry was a visitor at the county seat Monday. Miss Eleanor Stockton returned home Saturday to spend Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W Stocton. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Lieuallen mo tored to the county seat Monday. Mr, and Mrs. Jess Hales and son John motored to the county seat Sat urday. Otis Lieuallen returned home Sat urday to spend Sunday with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Lieuallen. Mr. and Mrs S. R. Hunter and daughter, Dollie, motored to Pendle ton Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dupuls were vis itors at the county seat Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schatz and son Charlea, motored to the county seat Monday. Pearl Hales of Pendleton was in Adams this week looking after his farm. Arson Is lAid to Negro. PORTLAND, Ore., Ajiril 10. Frank Green, colored, was arrested ar.d is held at the city Jail facing a CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN S. BAKER, FUNERAL Di rector and licensed embalmer. Op posite postofllce. Funeral parlor, two funeral cars. Calls responded today or night. Phone 75. J T. BROWN'S FURNITURE STORE Funeral director and licensed em-! balmer. Most modern funeral par- j lor. morgue and funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night. Corner Main and Water streets. Telephone 61 INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO. MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands In Umatilla county. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes Investments for non residents. Writes fire, life and acci dent Insurance. References, any bank In Pendleton. JAMBS JOHNS, Pres. C. H MARSH, Sec. . BENTLBY & MONTGOMERY, REAL estate, fire, life and accident In surance agents. 115 Main street. Phone 404. VETERINARY 8URGBONS, C. W. LASSEN, M. D. V., COUNTY veterinarian. Residence telephone IT; office telephone. It. ATTORNEYS. RALET A RALEY, ATTORNEY 8 AT law. Office la American National Bank Bulldiag, 70S E. Alta St Tel-phone 447 Moderate Rates. White Help Only Employed The ALTA HOUSE Mrs. J. 8HEPARD, Prop. Booms With or Without Board. Under New Maaagement. RUGS CLEANED Get Your Rugs Steam Cleaned At the PENDLETON RUG AND MATTRESS WORKS Upholstering and Furniture Repatriate. All work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. Located 108 Water St Phone 678. STORAGE BATTERIES STORAGE BATTERIES ARE EX PENSIVE. They need the best of care through the winter let CYRUS BROTHERS 728 Cottonwood St, care for them Service guaranteed. Phone 645 AUTO OVERHAULING AND GENER AL BEPA1B8. araaB, SERVICE WM 3 STATION Tel. 884. Cor. Main and Water Sta. charge of setting fire to the home of George Longford, 621 Second street March 23. Detectives Maloney and Sweenes made the arrest, and maintain that , Green has confessed to setting fire to the house after looting it. According! to the detectives, he dropped a lighted cigarette while robbing the house. It is said he has confessed th s. Not long ago In Worcester, Mass.. a call was sent in for the ambulance, which, by mistake, went to the wrong! place where, nevertheless, it pickke i up a patient The man for whom the j car was originally sent got up and walked away. Spain in 1915 mined 2,402.000 tons of coal and imported 1,200,000. IN POUND. The following destribed anlmas has been take up by the marshal of the City of Pendleton, to-wlt: One black horse 12 years old. weight 900 lbs., branded 2 on left shoulder with letter M underneath. If said animal is not claimed by the owners or those entitled to the possession of it, costs and expenses against it paid and it taken away within tn days from the date hereof, then at 2 o'clock p. m. of the 20th day of April, 1916. the said animal will be sold to the highest bidder, at public auction, for cash, at the City Pound, at the Round-up Feed Yard. 212 W. Webb street, in said City of Pendleton, the proceeds of such sale to be applied to the payment of such costs and expenses of making sale. Dated this 10th day of April, 1916 T. B. GURDANB. City Marshal FEE A FEE, ATTORNEYS AT law Office In Deepiln building- CARTER & SMYTH E, ATTORNEYS at law. Office in rear of Ameri can National Bank building. GEORGE" W. COUTTS. ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, wills, deeds. mortgages and contracts drawn. Collections made. Room 17, Schmidt block. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware company. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY, ATTORNEY at law. Will practice In all state aad federal courts. Rooms 7, I and I, Despaln building. PETERSON A BISHOP. ATTOR neys at law; rooms 3 and 4, Smith Crawford building. FREDERICK STEIWER. ATTOR nay at law. Office In Smith -Crawford building. S. A. LOWELL, ATTORNEY AN1 counsellor at law. Office in De spaln building. CHIROPRACTOR. DR. GEORGE J. K1NZ. UCENSE1 Chiropractor. Schmidt Bldg. Offlc Phone, 467; realdence phon 170. AUCTIONEERS COL. W. F. TOHNKA. AUCTION ear, makes a specialty of farmer? stock and machinery sales "Tb man that gets you the money " Leav orders at Bast Oregonlan offlca. SHOE REPAIRING WE MEND SOLES. RCBRER HEELS A SPECIALITY. Pendleton Shoe Hospital W J. McGAIUUGIdE SHOE REPAIRING ON SClKNTiJU' PRINCIPLES. We call for and deliver. PfcOM 887. 816 Mala St SHOE SHINING SPECIALTY Private for Ladles' Shoe Shining At Minerva Oboe Shining Parlora, Also wo Clean Soft and Panama Hats. 11 Main St Pendleton, Ore. ALEX, Proprietor. TAXI SERVICE CARNEY TAXI GO. Phone 680 ST. GEO ROE HOTEL. Prompt service, day aad algal. Funeral service 63.00. WATCH REPAIRING John Rosenberg Watchmaker All Work Gsa ran teed. Conor Court aad Cottonwood. WRITE TO YOUR FRIENDS OS Monogram Stationery w. a. sun i co. wrnriIMr, . ,..,., - . - JL ! WEDDINO AD VISITING CARD ENGRAVERS. MORGAN BLDG., PORTLAND. OR, Virjjfln Olive Oil Known as the first oil that ex udes on subjecting the olives to gentle pressure, tola portion be ing the beat, the moat palatable and the most nutritious. A trial of this superior product will convince yon mat we have tha beat Tallman & Co. Leading Druggists MISCELLANEOUS. AUCTION SALES THE EAST ORaV gonlan makea a specialty of aar tlon sale bills, cards and advertising. We can furnish auctioneer, clerk and advertising complete that will you of having a successful sale. LEGAL BLANKS OF EVERY Hit acrlptlon for county court, circuit ; court, justice court real estate, eta, for sale at East Oregonlan offlca. VAULTS. THE NATIONAL VAULT CO PORT land. Ore. Steel reinforced cone rota j burial vault, air tight, waterproof, sjas I erlastlng. For sale by Pendleton urr . dertakers SECOND HAND DEALERS. V. STROBLB, DEALER IN NEW and second-hand goods. Cash paid for all second-hand goods bought Cheapest place In Pendle ton to buy household goods Come and gat our prices. tit E. Court street Phone I71W. "aKPII