East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 11, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Reliable Laxative
Relieved This Baby
In spile of ever? are and attention
( diet, children .ire very pt to be
come constipated, s condition respon
Bible for many III til after life unless
gnmptl re i i ee v ed
Mr, c W Wllo W,f Shelbyville.
nnn . )md trouble with her baby boy
Woodrow. until she read of Dr. Cald
well s Syrup repsln She write. "1
an aafnl) say Dr. Oildwell's Syrup
rupuln It the best remedy of lu kind
on earth. It acta so cently nd et
M surely Ijttle Woodrow was very
constipated and we could find noth
ing that rave relief until we tried
our ftrran Pepsin, which gave imme
iti.ne relief "
Or. ("wldwell's Syrup Pepsin is a
xmpound of simple laxative herbs,
free from opiates or narcotic drugs
mild In action, positive In effect and any well-stocked drug store. A trial
pleaaant to the taste, n has been pre- i bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin
Kprfbed by Dr. Oaldwell for more can be obtained, free of charge, bv
than a quarter of a century and can 1 writing to Pr W. B Caldwell. Ill
now bo had for fifty cents a bottle In i Washington St.. Montlcello, Illinois.
woomuiw wilsox
lwmil) is Murdered.
HASKATtON. Auril 10. A famil
of six were murdered, their home
burned and the livestock shot In Wa
kawa dlnerict last night. Prokop N'an
.hti . his wife, brother-in-law and
three children wer found in the ashes
f the home II is believed a madman
was responsible. A rifle was found
In the ruins. Each person was evi
dently sli.it before the house was
burned. Six horses and two cattle
were burned to death In the barn and
three oxen were shot. Two thousand
fccshel? of wheat were destroyed.
Woman Editor Is Fined.
KLAMATH FALLS. Ore.. April 10.
-Mis Catherine Prehm. editor of the
Merrill Record, who was arretted here
after attempting to horsewhop George
E. Rradnack. editor of the Merrill
Times, was fined Xi by Police Judge
Leavitt. for disturbing the peace. The
charge was preferred by Patrolman
MoCartsr, who made the arrest, and
Mr. Rradnack was subpoenaed as a
The trouble arose over a denial of
some news published by Miss Prehm's
paper by her competitor.
The office of the Lord Great Cham
berlain of English is hereditary, be
ing held jointly by the families of
Cholmondeley and Willoughby d'
Kreaby In alternation.
Motor oil made irom asphalt-base
crude gives best
lubrication with least car
bon. Such is the testimony of
motorists and experts alike. As
Lieut. Bryan, U.S.N., puts it: "Oils
made from the asphalt-base crudes
have shown themselves tobemuch
better adapted to motor cylinders,
as far as their carbon-forming pro
clivities are concerned, than are
paraf fine-base Pennsylvania oils."
Zerolene is scientifically refined
from selected California crude
asphalt-base not only made from
the right crude but made right. Dealers
everywhere and at service stations and
agencies of the Standard Oil Company.
the Standard OUforNotor Cars .
You let any work in our line, don't forget to get
our prices. Estimates gladly furnished on any
kind of stone, brick and cement work.
Telephone 461
OF 1. O. O. F.
Large XtimtH-r Attend services; Mr.
and Mrs. Maya of tilenwuod
Sn-ingx, Colorado. Arc Uniting
Friends; HOlMing Operations Held
Vp liecauise of Ick of Cement.
(East Oregonian Special !
10. Funeral services for L. L. Ber
ry, pioneer of the Walla Walla valle
who died April 7 of stomach trouble.
were held from the Methodist church
Sunday afternoon at 2 o'lock. Rev
Arthur Thomas officiating and W. S.
Munsell In charge. Milton lodge No.
61. I. O- O. F.. of which Mr. Berry i
had been a member for over is years,
had charge of the ceremonies at the j
grave. One of the largest crowds
ever attending a funeral in Milton
was present to pay their last respects
to the deceased, who was a well
known and respected cltiien of the i
county, and whose loss will be keenly
Ml by the Odd Fellows, of which
lodge he waa a trustee at the time of
his death He was also a member of
the Woodmen of the World. Inter
ment was in the I 0. O. F. Cemeterv.
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Mays of Glen-
wood Springs, Colorado, are visiting;
this week with W. S. Ahearn of Mil
ton Mr. Mays was chosen oi of
the representatives of the Curtis Pub
lishing company sent to Spokane to
the convention of their dealers last
Contractor Fred Kyle has been
forced to hold up operations on build
ing a new bungalow for A. C. Troyer
corner of Mill and George streets on
account of shortage of cement. This
resiJence will be a six room modern
bungalow with basement, to cost
about 12200. Mr. Kyle also has the
Wr jfflwM t ' mm i
"i ' ''"" j -lV,. ,
MSS EltEAtfOR SUZJSE.TT HASH Pmn-oiwstsmmto.
NBW TORE, April I. Miss Elea-1 daughter of sir w ,
contract for building the George Winn or Nash, daughter of Mr. and The weddinir ' took nlace in th
barn on Dry creek, which will be 40x
64 feet In dimensions, of the circle
roof type and will cost considerably
over $2000 completed.
Alex Still left Saturday morning
for a short business trip to Kenne
wick, Washington.
Fannie Wilcox, employed with
Olds, Worthman A King, Portland.
arrived Sunday morning for a visit of
a week with her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. F. E. Wilcox or Crockett Station
on the intcrurban.
L. r Butler, attorney of La
Grande, formerly partner of J. H. E.
Scott in Milton, came over Sunday to
spend a few days in the Twin Cities
W. B. Reese of Gilbert. Idaho, spent
Sunday with his daughter. Mrs. F. C.
Lamb, leaving Sunday evening for an
extended visit In North Carolina.
Mllton-Freewater Masons to the
number of nine made a visit to Wes
ton lodge A. F. A A. M. Saturday
night, to hear a number of promi
nent speakers of the Scottish Rite,
and spent a pleasant evening with
the Westonltes and other visitors.
. . . -
-"rs. r.onillnd s. Nash, well known In i. . ..
. ........ ..,, I'dlt'lllfl
t-MMiern and southern social circles
and a member of the well known sou
thern family for which .Nashville,
Tenn., is named, was married on
pril 4, to Culver Mc William of this
city. Miss Nash Is also u grand-
' je, .-v i. me ceremony was
Performed by the Itev. Dr. Francis
Allen Hrown of Savannah, tla. Im
mediately following the wedding the
couple left on an extended trip
to Cal fornta and Honolulu.
Other News of Pendleton on Page g.
l iidergnes Operation. recovering, He jumped from the run.
T. G. Elliott of Nye underwent an i.ing board of an auto coming up Ha
operation yesterday at St. Anthony's ley street from the golf links and was
hospital. j thrown to the pavement, his head
.striking so violently that a concussi
on was caused.
HffiF AWOHOLJpflcllrf
1111 AtonfrAs
BR rmo!nDvn(kiiI3k
neat and fcaronialns nrtfcr
ill Opium.Narpiuae narMkanl
H Not Narcotic.
BLBH Apeftrt Ftemdy for Coras
mgm lion. Sour StoBaduDhnta
anil LO SS Of SUg-
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bough!
Bears the
Aw i
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
For Over
Thirty Years
fat HIMM MH. atw KM WtT.
Hoiimlary Une Meeting PoHuoikmI.
The proposed meeting or the courts
and citizens of Umatilla and Morrow
counties at the boundary line near
Vinson tomorrow has been postponed
for a wtek on account of the lncle
Itwnl weather. The meeting la plan
ned for the purpose of mapping out a
definite program of work on the
roads connecting the two counties.
Vote for Wilson Gains.
MILWAI KEE. Wis., April 11.
President Wilson polled as presiden
tial candidate at the recent primary
election 21.28 votes In Milwaukee
county, with several precincts still
This, compared with four years ago,
shows that President Wilson received
practically 10,000 more votes In Mil
waukee county than was polled for
both himself and Speaker Clark In
1912. when the total was 14.111.
To promote agriculture In France,
the government stations a professor
of the science In each departent and
awards prises frequently to the most
progressive farmers.
To lTse Hulk (iraln.
An outgrowth of the county meet,
ing of the Farmers I'll on held her;
.Saturday was a decision on the pari
Divorce Is Granted.
Judge, Phelps has granted a decree
Those attending from here were Geo of d'vorce to the plaintiff In the case
Talbert. S D. Peterson, T. C. Frazler. 1 f John Fourtanalr vs. Delnia tour
Poirell Plant. H. S. Denlson. W. C-tanair-
Wade, Ear! Barthoomew and Albert I
v. whit I Two Marriage Licenses
R E Frazler and wife spent Sun-1 Marriage licenses were Issued yes-l"' a number present to handle their
dav with Mr and Mrs James Can- terday to C. E. Tompkins of Walla bu" 'hi' r because of the
nane Walla and Anna Peterson of this cltyh'flh price of grain bags. It .was pro-
land to Roy Mitchell and Mlna Wll- 1 1"'"" '"at steps be taken to secure
tv, a hii. tku U-oi of this countv I cooperation in the establishment ol
year consumed 4.701.625 pounds of
bird seed. I'ishlng Xot Yet Good.
We have been handling Dr. Kilmer si
Swamp-Root for twelve years and;
during that time we have not received
a single complaint from those who
lhave used It, all speak In the highest
terms of the good results obtained
from Its suae. We know of cases of
Catarrh or Inflammation of the Blad
der and Liver trouble where Swamp
Koot proved very valuable. One old
lady 80 years old will not be without
I - - - - -1 thev
Dandruff causes a feverish Irrita
tion of the scalp, the hair roots shrink
loosen and then the hair comes out
fast To stop falling hair at once and
rid the scalp of every particle of
dandruff, get a 25 cent bottle of Dan-
lerine at any drug store, pour a little j sigma fraternity,
in your hand and rub well Into the, ,
sculp. After a few applications all
dandruff disappears and the heir
'tops coming out.
Many anglers were out In all direc
tions Sunday ifct few report any de-
glee of luck. The water Is yet too
h and too murky for good Sport.
grain elevators at different points In
the county and this move will be tried
Curl Wins Two Events.
In the annual Inter-fraternlty track
meet at O. A. C. Saturday, Cec I Curl
of this city, by taking both the 440
end xSO. was second high point win
ner. He was runninn for the Kappa
Milliner Is Sued.
W. H. Walker, wholesale milliner,
has brought suit against Mrs. U B.
Storm, a Milton milliner, and Uus A.
Wlnckler, trustee, for 1147. G8 alleged
to be due on account. S. D. Peterson
of Milton and Chester Bi Murphy of
Portland are attorneys for the plaintiff.
PortlandJRose Festival 1916
Queen Contest
Void after Tuesday, April 18, 1916.
This coupon will count one vote when properly filled
out and sent to Portland Rose Festival Contest Depart
ment, 387 Northwestern Nnt'l. Bank Building. Coupons
mnttt be neatly trimmed and put in package with number
of votea written on top.
Catches 'H Inch Ituinhow.
Lester Hurst set up a record for al
prize catch Sunday that will give
the anglers of the county something
j to cast for all season. With a five I
ounce rod and a Vo. 5 hook he land- This in the time of year to look out
ed a H inch rainbow trout in McKay j for trouble I We feel weak our blood
I creek and It weighed between six and seems hot no appetite. It's time to
sf-ven pounds. cetM house ! This is when the blood
is clogged and we suffer frotn what is
commonly called a cold.
Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
cover)' (in liquid or tablets) purifies the
blood and entirciy eradicates the pois
ons that breed and feed disease. Pure
blood is essential to good health. The
weak, run-down, debilitated condition
which so many people experience ii
Commonly the effect of impure blood,
Dr. Pierce's Golden Mrdicnl Discovery
not only cleanses the blood of impur
ities, but it increases the activity of the
blood-making glands, and it enriches
the body with an abundant supply of
pure, rich blood. For sale by druggists.
Take it as directed and it will search
out impure and poisonous matter in
the stomach, liver, bowels and kid
neys and drive it from the system
through the natural chnnnels.
Vcagor Fllex for Offlii-.
J. A. Teager of Pilot Kock, at pres
ent district sealer of weights and
measures, yesterday filed his formal
declaration of candidacy for the re-
IF TONGUE IS COATED, BREATH Publican nom'natlon for assessor, lb-
announced his candidacy a week ago
Assepsor C. P. Strain has not yet filed
for the democratic nomination.
Give "California Syrup of Figs" at
once a teaspnonful today often
saves a sick child tomorrow.
If your little one Is out of sorts,
half sick. Isn't .resting, eating and
acting naturally look, mother! see
If tongue Is coated. This Is a sure
sign that Its little stomach, liver and
bowels are clogged with waste When
cross, i.mau.e, ...... 'office - no longer keep open after
sour, breath bad or ha. tomch- i,f,1wk xhp wpek f
ache, diarrhoea, sore throat foil of ril)triltln aml th,r, are many
cod, give a teaspoonful of "Callfor-l, . , 3i
. - . . , , voters unregistered,
nia Syrup of Figs," and In a few;
Register Now Down Town.
Unregistered voters may now reg
ister down town by calling at the
Kopper Kettle between the hours of
noon and 9 p. m. County Clerk Frank
Saling yesterday opened registration
at that place and put Miss Evelyn
Sommervllle in charge. The clerk's
hours all the constipated poison, un
digested food and sour bile gently
moves out of Its little bowels with
out griping, and you have a well,
playful child again
Hmum on Road petitions void.
County Clerk Sallng, In checking Up
ihe names on the petitions asking that
the $90,000 road bonds measure be
Mothers can rest easy after giving! b'"! "Pon the ballot, discovered
314 mimes were on the petitions il
legally, inasmuch as the law requires
I hat only registered voters may sign
such petitions. These names will be
stricken off and the court will then
determine whether there are enough
mimes, to compel the placing of the
measures on the ballot.
this harmless "fruit laxative," be
cause It never fails to cleanse the
little one's liver and bowels an i
sweeten the stomach and they dear
ly love Its pleasant taste. Full di
rections for babies, children of all
ages and for grown-ups printed on
each bottle.
I!, ware of counterfeit fig syrups.
Ask your druggist for a fjo-cent bot
tle of "California Syrup of Figs:'
then see that It Is made by the "Cal
ifornia Fig Syrup Company."
Recovering From Injury.
Eddie Oespaln. who was
Injured last Friday afternoon In a fall
from 6 running auto. IS reported to be
Portland, Oregon. " lr. Pierce's
remedies have
been used in my
family for years,
and with good
remits, I always
gave my children
the ' Golden Med
ical Discovery '
as a tonic in the
spring. My hus
band took it for
poor blood, tor-
pirt liver and in
( digestion. My
daughter found it.
especially good for Molding caused
from indigestion. 1 am glad to rec
vriv ' ommend Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
i,; . n .. : n li
iiwivery, .tius, ju, viiiiuiiiiibiii
6U9 Hoes Street.'
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. We be
lleve It Is a very good medicine In!
the disease fnr which Ir m Intended. I
Very truly yours,
Klondike, Texas.
November 11th, 1815.
We have been handling Dr Kilmer's
Swamp-Root ever since we started In
business, which Is about four years
ago, and have never heard a 'com
plaint against It; all of my customers
speaking very favorably regarding It.
We know of several cases of kidney
and bladder troubles where the prep
aration produced the most beneficial
results. I believe It to be a good med
icine for those troubles for which It
Is recommended and We know It to be
a very good seller.
Very truly yours,
By Frank C- Davis
Lawton, Oklahoma.
Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Ilinghamton, N. Y , for a sample
size bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of
valuable Information, telling about the kidneys and bladder When writ
ing, be sure and mention the Pendleton Bast Oregonlan. Regular fifty
cent and one-dollar slse bottles for sale at all drug stores.
Best Grade
Rock Springs Coal
fresh from the mine
It sells at a fair price.
We guarantee fdll weight and
prompt delivery.
No slate or slack. Why not get
the BEST it doesn't cost you any
'Phone us TODAY, while you
think of it, and let us deliver you
an order of this BEST QUALITY
Oregon Lumber Yard
1S?T. I