East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 11, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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New Butterkk Fwhion Sheets are here, come and ftt one. The new Butterkk Quarterly u also here... You
know the price of it u 25c but, there U a coupon in it which entitle the purchaser to any Butterkk 15c pattern free
which make the Quarterly really coat only 10c
Whether or not you believe in preparedness in the sense that President Wilton advocates it, this much is certain:
The earlier you prepare for Spring and Summer needs the better will be your opportunity to save money. There are
sound reasons for this and they nvy possibly be of interest to you. We all know that prosperity is general throughout
the country, this creates a great demand for goods. We know too that restricted imports from foreign countries lessen
the supply and therefore cause advance in prices. We also know that dyes, the fast kind that you expect even in the
cheapest fabrics, are either cut off from our manufacturers or command unheard-of prices.
All of us are bound to see the effects of this sooner onlater but this will inform you that "Preparedness" has been
for some time a real live issue in our store policy. It has resulted in filling our shelves with a line of moat beautiful
Spring goods that will carry prices unusually low. We urge you to come in at your first opportunity and make a selec
tion while everything is fresh and in full assortment Let this idea of "preparedness" take hold of you plan and buy
your Summer wear now. We dare say that before the season is over you will be able to look back upon such a decis
ion with a great amount of pleasure and satisfaction for having saved money on your purchases.
Hats at $3.50
Every new Stetson block
is to be found in these hat".
All the late shades, all sizes.
The Kensington is positively
the best 83.50 hat on earth.
It will give more wear, and
look better longer than any
other kind. Try one this
Spring. Only 3.50
Charmingly fresh are
u -
4i '
the new fashion ideas
expressed with such
certainty in our display
of this season's BON
TON corsets. So per
fectly do they accord
with the latest style ten
dencies in dress, that
one would almost fancy
these brilliant models
to be the work not alone
of corset designers, but
of modistes and costume
From outward fabrics
of lavish beauty to in
ner secrets of efficient
boning the BON TON
corsets we are showing
are altogether quite mi
racles of style and ser
vice. Their exceptional
fitting qualities foretell
long wear and real eco
nomy. A score of dis
tinctive models from
83.50 up to $10.00.
Brand new kimona silks; a lot just in. The patterns
and coloring are different. Made of Genuine Cheney
Silk. They do not spot ; 36 inches wide ; get your kimo
na or lounging negligee ready for summer now. The
yard 75 to 8 1.25
A fine sheer weight Gingham for waists and dresses.
Can be worn on street or in the home ; 30 inches wide ;
shown in stripes and checks; colors of pink, blue and
lavender. The yard 25t
Sale of Light Weight Cloth
Dresses at $9.85.
For Wednesday only we
will offer a small choice lot
of stylish Spring dresses,
made of light weight French
serge of excellent quality, in
fact, the original prices on
these dresses was $19.75.
The colors are Copenhagen
and navy blue, black and
heppard checks in a full as
sortment of sizes. Choice
only $9.85
AT $5.00.
Of guaranteed fast color,
sunproof, medium weight; all
wool blue serge, Norfolk style
with newest style back. Pants
full lined and peg top; two
pair of pants with each suit.
Only $5.00
Bargain Basement Specials
, The Best Merchandise that money can buy at prices lowerj
than so-called cheap price 1 goods.
A ff s"k Waists just a few more days will see the fin-1
J CJJk tan of this lot of pretty silk waists. Like every!
r other real bargain In this department, they havej
old in a hurry. All sizes left. 26 to 44. Crepe de chine, tub
silks. Jap silks In pearl, white and embrolderled colored and white.)
A true value at 12 95. Tnke advantage of the special price.
Boys' suits One big lot Just sent to this depart-j
ment. All single suits from our high class up stairs
ock of all wool Boys' Suits. This price of 3.19 is
our clean-up price Every suit originally sold for $5.00 to S7.00.J
This is much better than buying a suit that never was worth more
than 13.30. All sises, t to 16 years Special starts today.
$3.39 fir.
MltMlett. for women and girls. Full cut body and sleeves.
made of good sulietantial material. Blue trimmed collar.,
t.r. aide nocket tas front It-i aleeven 'c are afe fn
saying this as good a mid lie as any offered In Pendleton at Jl
Special price In effect until all are sold.
shoks: siioks: shoes:
Every shoe in our Bargain Basement Is a special. The best
hoe bargains in Pendleton. Every pair priced far below its true
value. Visit this department and convince yourself.
Women's Dress Stooee OI tzed kid. high heel, cloth top but'n Sl.
U'onKHH patent Leather High heel, cloth top, button-lace. .12.56
Women's Dressed KWI Patent leather tip, medium heel, EE
width 9t-3
GhrbV Mimes Dressed kid, patent tip, button strictly girls lasts SMS
Boys' Shoes Absolutely solid calf, oak soles and made to
wear $1.M
Boy Dress 4ho Finished calf, excellent lasts button-lace ll.7!
Men's Dress Snoes There is no competition with this shoe. .UJ7,
Hen's Work Shoes We stand behind every pair 12.47
tremely low.
of pairs of low shoes.
Visit this toon. . saving
Every pair
marked ex-
117 1
es vvarenouse
Where It Pays To Trade
The University of Idaho Glee Club
nude Its first appearance in Pendle.
ton last evening before an audience
of' rather small proportions at the
Alta theater. It Is not the best glee
club that has been heard in Pendleton
but certainly it has some feature
that recommend it.
The club numbers were very good
though it was plainly apparent that
the tenor section did not balance the
baas. A distinct departure from the
usual run of glee club programs was
the appearance of a lady among the
young men. However, after her first
number It was easy to understand
why Mas Evelyn Cox had been
brought aloaqf. She has a voice ot
unusual quality and rings with the
ease of a bird. Her solo numbers
wtre perhapa the most popular ot the
Program and the singing of "Miser
re" from "II Trovatore" by her and
Jean Gerkugh. tenor, supported by
the club, was one of the most am
bitious th'ngs any glee club has ever
attempted. Mr. Oerlough was also
heard to advantage in two solo num
bers. The club also carries a violinist ot
extraordinary talent in Raymond Pit
tenger and his selections were warm
ly received. Clarence F. Johnson.
baritone, sang two pleasing solos and I
Harry Hawley added variety to the
program by some very clever read- i
ins. The quartet selections were I
among the best of the evening.
The students left this morning for!
i una enuiaern laano points.
Home Talent
wo I
Friday Night, April 14
80 Home People 80
Direction Prof. Merrill of San Francisco.
Admission: Lower Floor 50c and 75c; Balcony 50c
Gallery 25c.
Reserve your seats at Warren's Music House. No extra
In a special weight for early Spring
wear at $1.50.
The celebrated Lewis make, lot 911, for
which we are exclusive agents.
Fine flat weave union suits of exception
ally soft texture, and knitted to conform to
the body, being especially tailored so as to
be form-fittting, shown with long sleeves
or short sleeves, ankle length, regular and
stout ; sizes 34 to 52. Only per suit f 1.50
An assortment of White Coating such as Chinchilla,
Corduroy, Waffle Cloth and Basket Weave. These make
up into "Sport Coats" such as are now being worn. Very
stylish and desirable garments.
A big shipment of New Percales in light and dark col
ors; 32 and 36 inches wide; best of quality; neat pat
terns, for your house dresses and bungalow aprons. The
yard i0f, 12f, 15
The Girls' Forum meets on Friday
evening of this week in the high
school dining parlors, lira. Paron of
tht- University of Oregon will address
the girls cn the "Valuation of Eng
lish." The meeting will be cailed at
5:10 o'clock.
Pendleton people will be pleased to
ham that Mt and Mrs. James H
Sturgts (Miss Ceclle Boydi intend
moving soon from Walla Walla to
Pendleton, Mr. Sturgis having decid
ed to make this city his headquarters.
An eight and a quarter pound dau
ghter was born April to Mr. anJ
Mrs. Victor Olalayer. formerly of Pen
dleton and now located In Walla Wal
la. The child has been named Ellia.
btth Caroline.
Clarence Carson of Hermiston Is a
Pendleton visitor.
Miss Lilian Volp of Pilot Rock was
the St. George Sunday.
A. E. Grelner waa among the Echo
fans here for the game Sunday.
J. Frank Spinning, Echo merchant,
was among the baseball fans here
F. F. Francis, who lives on the
north fork of McKay creek, was in the
city yesterday
George Welch of Hermiston and
John C. Walters of Adams brought in
coyote hides for bounty yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mulllnlx hav
returned from a trip to California
towns. They had been awav for two
F. M. Moes of Pilot Rock and El
bert Casteei were among those accom
panying the Pilot Rock team to We,
ton Sunday.
George Pearce, formerly of this city
and who Is now one of the editors or
the Heppner Herald, was over yester
day from Morrow county.
A. K Lambert, formerly with the
old Commercial National Hank of this
city, and now in the banking business
In North Powder, la a visitor in Pendleton,
and conclusive. The measure will nol
gc on the ballot again at the general
Dated April . 11.
J. O. HALES. Sec.
Report Finds Mo
Need for Rise in
Gasoline Prices
It was the answer of prepared nee
advocate to a demonstration of last
Saturduy. when a huge rigure of a di
nosaur labeled "all armor and no
brains," was paraded through the
streets by anti-preparedness forces
Oil Treatment for
Stomach Trouble
Women are liable to ailment' which
c&use constant ill-heatth and on which
they may consult doctors without
much relief. It is well worth kn in
0M they can get at the netrest drug
rt:r a simple medicine, male of
roots and herbs, which is Just what
tiie need to recover healin. That
r euicine ia Lydla E. Plnkham's Vege
taHe Compound. Adv.
l'ltKLIMINAKY PltoHE snows
WASHINGTON. April 10 The
federal trade commission sent to the
senate today a preliminary outline of
Its findings In the probe Into the in
creasing price of gasoline. It con
tradicted the report that the avail
able supply of petrol was decreasing
It was reported that there were more
than a hundred million gallons of
crude petroleum In February as
against seventy million In the pre
vious February. The department of
Justice will conduct the remainder of
the probe It will Inquire Into the
capitalisation, dividends, prices of the
Standard Oil Company's stocks.
whether higher prices were necessary
to maintain a normal standard of
profit and whether the state divisions
of the Standard Oil have illegal rela
tions, or are discriminating or stifling
The production of gasoline in Jan
uary. 1915. was seventy six million
gallons and last December was ninety
seven million gallons. Gasoline rose
nearly five cents a gallon last year
for the middle western refineries and
five and a half for the eastern re
fineries. Crude oil rose nearly twa
cents In those districts. In western
districts kerosene Increased one and
a quarter cents a gallon and lest
than a cent in the east, while fuel
oil rosethree quarters of a cent In
I the west and one cent In the east.
A simple prescription made up of
j a combination of pure vegetable oil
j la producing wonderful results for
j sufferers from stomach, liver and in
' lestinai troubles. The remedy, which
I la aaid to have originated In France,
i where it has been used for years by
J the peasantry, was Introduced Into
this country by George H. Jlayr, a
leading Chicago druggist, who cared
himself of severs stomach, liver and
I Intestinal trouble by Its use. Those
who have used It say th first dose
i Is sufficient to convince any one of
Its remarkable merit, and that within
; twenty-four hours tne sufferer feels
like a new person. This medicine.
1 which has become known as Majr'e
Wonderful Remedy, la sold by lssU
1 Ing druggists everywhere with Hat
positive understanding that yo
money will be refunded without ques
tion or quibble If ONE bottle falls ts
give you absolute satisfaction.
His Back Hurt
When He Stooped
I ( 'lark-Wdrd Drug Co.. of Port- though acquired after the mortgage.
;land. hould be transferred from the was covered by the mortgage, never-
ilandu sd properties of the company theless. snd It was mis i laim oi uw
tJx GRANDE. Ore , April 11 -In to ibe fund represented by the prop-! drug company and the litigation aris
tae circuit court bondholders of thelcrty prior to the Institution of the; nc out of this situation, which seem
Hot Lske properties, represented by suit to fore. low. the elarke-Woodard ed to cause th agreement by which
F. U Myers, of thla city, got a decree j Drug Co.. got a Judgment of some site the foreclosure proceedings may pro
rorrcloetng the trust ded or mortgage against the company and then brought ed and the other claims disposed
on the Institution upon which the 'a suit to subject certain propery O of later.
bonds were floated, after It had been 1 nalc upon its Judgment The bond- H. O. B Cornish of Portlsnd, and
stipulated Inst th clslms of tfewj holders claimed that the roprty, Cochran A Erhard of this city. rep.
resented the holders of the Judgment
ind Crawford & EeK'n, of this city,
the bond holders
By this arrangement, the property organization, we
Grainmen Protest
Against Bonding
At a meet ng of the Inland Grain
Growers' Anxoclatlon held here Sat
urday, the following resolution Wat
panned by the directors, and the presi
dent Instructed to give copies of the
resolution to the press with request
that the feame be published:
Resolved, That we, the directors of
the Inland Grain Growers' Association
of Umatilla county, respectfully and
urgently protest against the proposed
180.000 road bond issue, and urgent
ly recommend the mlilage tax for the
creation of a spec al road fund for
the permanent Improvement of the
This association endorses the plan
o: the more permanent Improvement
oi the road, and believe the plan of
constructing the Improved roads lead
ing from the wheat belt to the market
centers, Is the better plan; that the
funds derived from the proposed
bend issue, if used In conformity to
the plan outlined, would In the great
er part be used In the hard surfacing
of a few miles of roads paralleling
the railroads, and would be used prin
cipally for pleasure purposes.
This organization being a farmer's
urgently urge the
may be sold by the sheriff, and In
about five weeks the purchasers at
the sale, who doubtless will be the
bondholders themselves, may get en
tire possession of th property. Th
big bone of contention thus far has
bn over poasesalon.
farmers to register, and to see that th
full vote of the farming community
ccmea out at the primaries and votes
against the bond Issue.
We warn voters not to neglect to
vote upon this quest'on at the prim
ary election. Th votr there la final
IM-fense Folk Use Dodo.
i'HU'AGO, April 11, A wood and
paper mache figure of a dodo, em
blem of defenseless, carried on a pre
pondernus motortruck, was drawn
through the downtown streets of Chicago.
"Jott tb on box of Fob; Kidarr Pith r
fcnl my busses..- J. W. Etm. tub, C.
"Last year I was suffering wlih
terrible backache.' n rlln J XV Km
! Of Etrls. Os. "Every time I d l-an
or stoop over or to one side, I'd have
a painful catch In my back Just over
my kidneys. I tried medicines with
no good reaults. I bought a buttlo of
Foley Kidney Pills, and Jut the one
box entirely relieved my backache.
It has been some time lnr,. I took
them, no I think I am well.''
Wrakonvd. overworked, slupped-ut
kidneys cause stiff Joints, euro mus
cles, rhesmatlsm, sleep disturbing
bladder ailments, blllousm at and
various other Ills. Foley Kblqrv Pili.i
are a scientific medicine, comfiiiuiided
to clear the kldnoya and rualorc then
to healthy action by dissolving and
driving out of the system thr
waste products and polsoni thai causa
kidney trouble and bladder ailments.
You will like Ibeir tcnlc and restor
ative action, ready effect and quick
good results.
Sold Eveej sat i (.
The Race Is On for
Queen of the Rose
Ask for the Votes
at your Grocers
They All Have Them.
Two votes will be given you free with each dozen
Oranges or Lemons. Sign the coupon, leave it with your
grocer if you wish ; they will be cared for.