EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1916. PAGE an For Your Baby. The Signature of SI IIIITM- is the only guarantee that you have the Genuine prepared by him for over 30 years. YOU'LL give YOUR baby the BEST nOl Your Physician Knows Fletcher's Castoria. Sold only in one size bottle, never in bulk or otherwise; to protect the babies. t The Centaur Company, rtn-rfncmman Is Suspected. CHKTENE, April I. A young businessman wai suspected today of being the highwayman who robbed fjajasjencers on a Union Pacific train Tuesday night He also held up trains at Ro-k Springs. Wyoming, and Roy. Utah, recently The same descrip tion wis given each time. Posses failed to find him today and It la be ttered he returned home before the alarm was spread. A saddled horse was seen nearby. Officers believe 1 the same men robbed a party of Tel ! lowstone tourists last Jully. t lie Workmen Ordered Back. LOXDON. April 6 After an In vostieation of the grievances of the men who hare quit work In the Glasgow district, the council or me Amalgamated Society of Engineers decided that the strike in six Clyde shops was unconstitutional and called on the men to return to work. Helps you up "On High" Red Crown ike Gasoline of Quality putt the "hop" into your car, gives you the quick "get-away", and the "pick-up" on the hills, it becau5' KM i rown is me uumncu, refinery gas, with extra power in every drop. At dealer everywhere and at our SERVICE STATION'S. Standard Oil Company Calif oraUJ PortlandjRose Festival 1916 Queen Contest GOOD FOR ONE VOTE Void After Saturday, April 8, 1916. . Name Organization This coupon will count one vote when properly filled out and sent to Portland Rose Festival Contest Depart ment, 337 Northwestern Nat'l. Bank Building. Coupons must be neatly trimmed and put in package with number ct votes written on top. THE FAT ANO UNTRAINED CHAMPION 11 KMr! ; Bss&BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsf ? 's9BBs9i isssssssssLssssssssssfl iiL " ''" rf ' PLOWING HELD BACK AT DUNCAN BECAUSE OF HEAVY RAINFALL I AHMKKS ARE RETARDED their wring WORK IN TIUO r'!KlJS. IN Weather (irowiiur Warmer, However; Mrs. Wood lioavcw for liirttand to l iiilcrgo an operation; Work U llcsrun On Hunger Telephone line; Other News of District. (East Oregonlnn Special.) DUNCAN. Ore., April No plow ing has been done around Duncan on account of the rainfall of the fore part of last week. The sun has been shining since Thursday but a Ugh rain fell Friday evening. J. F. McLaughlin was in La Grande last Saturday. Mrs. It C. Woods left for Portland last Sunday, to undergo an operation. M. T. Laugfrlln spent the week end in Pendleton. Jos. it. Davis, local (meat ranger, and his aide. Mr. Baucher, have com menced work on this end of the tele phone line between Duncan ranger station and corporation ranger sta tion. They stated that they could not put the line over the mountain, (for some time yet, on account of the snow. nf..r. To Willard went into thei ring to box Frank Moran he refused to pose stripped for the fight. He was afraid he would show he had not trained properly. Once in the Fin. ho hart to nose, and then nis enormous fat became apparent He weighed 259 1-2 pounds, at least z- pounds too much. Aftr the ngnt ur Creamer, physician of the New York State Boxing Commission, went into Willard's dressing room and found Willard in bad shape from his exer tions. He was very tired and hta wind was poor. His fight was slow and tiresome because he was so fat he winded quickly. Had he been properly trained he might hare knocked out Moran. AVERILL FURNISHES DIRECTIONS TO GET RID OF CROP PESTS The following directions for poU oning ground squirrels, pocket goph ers and jackrabbita are given out by E. F. Averill of the U. 8. bureau oi biological survey. Squirrels and gophers may best be destroyed at this season while rabbits can be most ef fectively poisoned in the winter. For Pocket Gophers. Pocket gophers are readily caught in any of several makes of special traps commonly on the market, and a few of these suffice to keep small areas free of the pests. For rlddlne alfalfa fields, orchards, and long stretches of ditch embankments ot them, a very successful and much more practical method is to poison them by use of baits of sweet potato Told That There Was No Cure for Him. ) "After suffering tor over twenty years and having some of the best doctors here tell me there was no cure for me, I think it only right to tell you for the sake of other suffer ers as well as your own satisfaction that a 25 cent bottle of Chamberlain's Tablets not only relieved me but cur ed me within two months although I am a man of Si years," writes Jul. Groblen, Houston, Texas. Obtainable everywhere. Adv. , KAII.HOADS NOT RBGITLATK'D. (Continued from page one.) THE LAST GREAT LAND OPPORTUNITY We are offering wheat land that average 36 bu. per acre. Price $1 1.00 to $30.00. Irri gated lands that produce enormous yield of grain, grasses and vegetables. Price $35.00 to $50.00 per acre, including water right. Locat ed near railroad, good market, school and churches. Healthful climate, ideal soil, eleva tion 2000 to 2500 feet. Term 20 year, interest 6 per cent, cash $100.00 to $1,000.00 per quarter the latter in cae of a well-improved place. In certain district the Company will advance purchaser $1000.00 second year to invest in cattle. Canadian Pacific Railway Land Branch, 705 Sprague Ave., Spokane Wash. For further information call on or write our local representative. Interstate Land Co. 14Vi E. Main St. Walla Walla, Wash. imm A TONIC ; Of Blood-Root, Golden Seal, Stone and Queen's Root Also Cherry Bark and Sacred Bark with glvcerine makes a wonderful I tonic, called " Golden Medical Discov i ery," making thousands of Oregon . people strong. Ask your neighbor- he can tell you. OotvaQbi OasfOO. " Doctor Pierce' remedies have been tifed in my father' family ever since 1 can remember. My mother took the '(Jolden Medical Discovery' snd the ' P I ess a n t Pellets' and Han cn red. . Father took the 'discov ery' for torpid liver and indiges tion and was greatly benefited. I, also, took the 'Discovery' for kidney, liver and stomach trouble and received Ureal benefit. I am glad to tell others of the merit of Dr. Pierce's olden Medical Mseovrry. - I). H. Dn.i., W S. 5th Street. Get good blood through the nse of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and yon will have no more weakness. It is the world's proved blood purifier and tonic. It's not a secret remedy for its ingredients are printed on the wrap per. For ssle by druggists in liquid or tablets. Htsrt to tske it to-day snd before another day has passed the im- Critics of the blood will begin to ve your body through the liver, kidneys, bowels and skin, snd in a bw days you will know by your steadier nerves, tinner step, keener ' I . ..I...., . ...I ..I.... .... .bin that the bad blood is passing out and new, rich, pnre blood it filling yonr arteries. Bend Or. 1'ien e, linffalo, N.Y., ttn cento Ipt.,lrii,)(;kAi(e. . ,L46i, or of parsnips placetl In their under ground runways The baits should be cut about 1 inch long and 1-2 inch square, and washed and drained. From a pepper box slowly sift 1-8 ounce of powder ed strychnine (alkaloid) and l-lu of this quantity of saccharine ground together in a mortar over about four quarts of the dampened baits, stir ring to distribute the poison evenly The runways, which are usually 4 to 8 inches beneath the surface, can be located by means of a probe made of any strong handle an Inch in di ameter and 36 inches long. One end should be blutly pointed. Into the other should be fittea a piece of 3-8 inch iron rod, protruding about 12 inches, and bluntly pointed A foot rest aids in probing in hard- soils. By forcing down the iron rod near goph er workings, or a foot or two back of fresh mounds, the open tunnel can be felt as the point breaks Into It. The blunt end of the instrument Is then used carefully to enlarge th" hole, a bait or two is dropped Into the run and the probe hole closed One soon becomes expert In locat ing the runs, and a man can treat 300 to 500 " gopher workings in a day. Baits need be placed ar only two points in each separate sys tem of 10 to 30 mounds, which is usn ally the home of a single gopher. Ex perience has shown that baits placed ialrly in the open runs invariably kill the gophers The method has found great favor wherever intro duced. I'or 1'oiifniliig ;roiiiul Btjsdrrefs, Mix together 1 ounce of powdered strychnine (alkaloid), 1 ounce of baking soda (bicarbonate), 1 tea spoonful of saccharine, and 3 table spOOnfaH of flour. Stir with enough cold water to make u smooth, creamy paste Apply to 12 quarts of clean oatH and mix thorougny to distribute the poison evenly. Each quart of poisoned grain Is suf ficient for 40 to 60 baits. This quan i tlty, scattered ( I teaspoonful to a plac e i along squlrrl trails, or on 1 clean, hard surfaces near the holes, will not endanger stock. I oi poisoning .lark Kabblto. ! Poisoned Alfalfa Hay Dissolve 1 ! ounce of strychnine In 2 gallons ot ! hot water and sprinkle over 16 ! pounds of good, leafy, dry Hlfalfa hay. I dimmed Into- t or I Inch lengths. The ' poisoned hay may be scattered In I very small quantities along rabbit 1 trails, or exposed in small heaps In locations from which stock Is exclud ed. est granted, and in all cases as far as may be necessary for public use Instead of giving exclualve atten tion to the business for which they were chartered, they are undertaking the molding of public opinion through publicity departments, the conduct of I legislation and the manipulation or elections. Instead of recognising th-: fact that they were intended to Berve the pub lic, they have entered upon the task of dictating to it. Everyone concedes that railroads and all transportation lines along with every utility should be permit ted to earn reasonable net returns on their judiciously expended actual in vestment. Capitalised at about 4 to tl of out lay, the railroads of the United States are demanding a reasonable return upon their capitalization although about three fourths of it is purely a fictitious paper liability (watered stocks and bonds) having no earning right whatever. The tremendousness of this trans portation tax is staggering to the mind when it is stated that the aver age citizen, every year, pays more for transportation alone than he pay) for the combined support of the na tion, the state, the county and the city or village in which he lives and again when it is said that the rail roads, doing their cash business, put WHEAT, STOCK AND ALFALFA RANCHES LIST OF PROPERTIES FOR SALE. In the Grand Ronde and Wallowa Valley of Union and Wallowa Counties in Northeastern Oregon. BY LEFFEL & RUN NELLS, JOSEPH, OREGON. LISTING NO. ." 4000 acre Stock Ranch, 120 acres in Alfalfa, four crops yearly ; 70 acres in bearing orchard ; fine new house and barn and numerous other build ings in good condition; water in house; land controls six miles of River; winter and sum mer range to run 4000 cattle and 3000 sheep ; stock never over three hours ride from home ; California climate; price $12.50 per acre; very little money required ; owner has cleared $10,000.00 annually for past 10 years off ranch. Best Stock Ranch in Northwest and biggest bargain ever offered as a money maker; will bear closest examination. MSTIXti NO. 10. 2200 acre Stock and Grain Ranch; 15 mi. from town and R. R.; 500 acres in cultivation; 300 more can be cultivated ; 2 sets of buildings ; creek and spring on place ; all fenced and cross fenced; owner retiring from business; small amount of money will handle; would consider small residence property in trade; price $12.50 per acre. LISTING NO. It, 1080 acre Wheat Ranch, volanic ash land; 1000 acres under cultivation ; 500 acres in growing wheat; 4 miles from town and R. R. ; new six roomed house ; new barn ; 3 creeks and 1 spring and 2 wells ; all hog tight fenced ; price $50.00 per acre; $20,000 cash, balance suit able terms. HilSTINO no. is. 880 acre Wheat Ranch, 6 mi. from town and R. R. ; 500 acres in cultivation ; good house and barn ; spring water piped in 'house; creek through middle of place ; water enough to irrigate 250 acres and can be put anywhere on the place ; 140 acres in fall wheat; 60 in alfalfa; all fenced in four fields; 60 acres more can be broken; balance heavy bunch grass; watp rights perfected; price $35,000.00; ca9n balance to suit. If what you are looking for is not shown here, write us for additional listings. CANT FIND DANDRUFF every dollar of the actual money of the nation (about three billion dol lars) through their cash tills, taking their toll from It as It passed through In 1880 every man, woman and child In the United States paid, In lailroad transportation tolls, the av erage sum of til. 57, In 1813 It was $32.20, while for Oregon It was about (40. With the present eost of labor to produce the "ton mile," the unit of transportation Is lower than ever be fore in the railroad's history and only 35 per cent ot the cost to prod oca It In 1888 together with an lnci easing population, Increasing tonnage and decreaslg cost of tonnags movement rates should be rednced, but Instead they are Increased higher and higher until the people's lire blood la being drained to the point of exhaustion through the vein of transportation taxation. , The above Indicates the need o! better regulation. CRAWFISH FALT'S famous Fresh Every Day OYSTERS CLAMS SEA CRABS Fine, Clean Furnished Rooms In Connection. Steam Heated. The Quelle Restaurant Exclusive distributing depot in Pendleton for FALT'S Sea Foods. Every bit of dandruff disappears after one or two applications of Dan derine rubbed well into the scalp with the finger tips. Get a 25-ct bottle of Danderlne at any drug store and save your hair. After a few ap plications you can't find a particle ot dandruff or any railing nair, ana in- scalp will never itch EAT A SQUARE MEAL AND NOT FEAR INDIGESTION Poisoned Outs Mix 1 tahlesponful of stiirch In 1-2 a teacup of cold wa ter ana stir Into I pint of boiling wa ter to mske a thin, clear paste Mix 1 ounce of powdered strychnine with I ounce of powdered bicarbonate of tUllS, :md stir with the starch to s smoolh, creamy mass. Stir In 1-10 of an ounce of sarchartne. Apply to 12 quarts of good clsan oats mid mix thoroughly to coat each kernel. Scat ter sparingly along rabbit trails, about n tblrsprionful at each place. ;r rapaM more Illierslty Where stock will nut be endmigersd. . ,,r.. There are hundreds of people In Pn41aton who were not the least bit surprised when they read In the Hast ureironi.'in that Taliman to. mo eelling Ml-o-nu on a guarantee to re- fund the money In case It um not re lleve. Thix remarKaDie ayspepu remedy wll relieve the worst case of indigestion, headache, dlxxlness, or thn trcntr:i i, hived out condition that afflicts every sufferer with stomach trouble. Ml-o-nn does not simply relieve, It alms to cure. Taliman Co can tell you of many well known people In this city who thh remedy has restored to bealMi Often after they have tried niaiiN oter methods of treatment with little or no benefit. No other dys pepsia remedy has made so large a parOssMaft of cures as Jll-o-na. It Is ho large that Taliman Co. stand ready to refund the price to any cus tomer whom it does not help. The best kind of advertising is ins praise of a pleased customer, and then- are hundreds In Pendleton to day praising Ml-o-na because it does what it Is advertised to do. A few months ago they could eat nothing without wondering wnat the result would be. Since using Ml-o-na, the eat what they want and when they want with no fear of suffering. This medicine comes In the form of a small tablet and is very pleasant to tnke. It speedily ana permanentlj relieves almost all forms of stomach trouble and Is the only one sold un der a positive guarantee without any restriction, to refund the money If It does not relieve. This Is a good time to get well and you ought to take atf. vantage of Taliman h Co 's offer. BOTTEK AND SOFT EH LIGHT Is assured by the use of some of these beautiful fixtures of ours. They give a light that illuminates the room perfectly, but that does not tire or strain the eyes. They are not expen sive considering their extra ef ficiency and extra beauty. Why not at least see them? J. L. VAUGHAN Ill North-Side Home For Sale Five room house in good con dition. Corner lot, facing east. Lawn, shade trees; retaining wall; gas and electricity. Only few blocks from Main street bridge. A snap if taken at once. Telephone 105