DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, 1916. PAC PJLNDLETON BUSINESS DIRECTORY A Representative List of Pendleton's Business Houses and Professional Men Classified for Ready Reference of the Public AUTO REPAIRING BOTTLING WORKS ELECTRICIANS GROCERIES PLUMBING-HEATING ROOMS AND BOARD SIGN PAINTING 222 But Ceort Pbooe 177 FAMILY TKADS A SPBCIALTT Quick Delivery. Pioneer Bottling Works Paul Bemmelgarn. Prop. ALL KINDS OF BOKT DBINKS AND SODAS BOTTLBD. OlrmpU Oyster Cocktail a sperialty CHARLES MILNE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Eatlmat j Furnished. Phona III, ill. W. Court St J. W. DYER AT East End Grocery D. D. PHELPS PLUMBING, HEATING. And Sheet Metal Worker, til E. Court St. Phone 441 THE LYMAN Under New Management Private comfortable rooms; Mod. era conveniences, with or without board. Close In. Rates reasonable. Mrs. Teei at Van Clere. 121 Willow Phone 101 IF ITS A SIGN Wl MA IK IT KEM SIGN GO. HtAZIER I BERTS ON AUTO REPAIR SHOP Shop phone. Ml. 110 Cottonwood St, Op. City HmlL Phone 536 Phone 17 1. Pendleton, Ore. EIGHT PAGES Motor Car Repairs W. J. BURNS MODERN CYLINDh. UBINDKB AND OVBU-S1ZBO PISTON AND BIMM 0 BOUND. Phoss 71. Neaglo'i Blacksmith AUTO SUPPUES TIHKS AND ACCESSORIES Pendleton Rubber & Supply Co. TEL. N. 116. ART STUDIO JEAN WOOD Phone Hi Boon 7, Schmidt Bldi. LBSSONS IN CHINA. OILS, WATBB COLOR, TAPESTRY, LUATHER TOOLING. Braaa and Copper Crafts. BEAUTY PARLORS Beauty Parlors HAIR DRESSING, MANICURING. FACIAL MASSAGE, SCALP TREAT MENT, BHAMruoinu. Popalar Price. Talapfcoa OS I 111 Bail Street. HAVE DARK HAIR AND LOOK YOUNG NOBODY CAN Tlild, WHEN VOl DARKKN GRAY, FADED II Ml; WITH BAGE TEA. Grandmother kept Bar hair beaut! lully darkened, glossy and attractive with a brew of riuge Tea and .Sulphur Whenever her hmr toon on that dull. f;ided or streaked appearance, tnli . .tuple mixture was applied with won elerful effect. Hy asking ut any drug store for "Wyeth'e Suge and Sulphur Compound," you will get a large hot tie of thla old-time recipe. Improved by the addition of other ingredients, all ready to use, for about 50 cents. This simple mixture can be depend ed upon to restore natural color and beauty to the hair. A well known downtown druggist eaya everybody uses Wyeth'a Sage and Sulphur Componnd now because It darkens so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell It haa been applied It'a so easy to use, too. You simply dampen a comb or soft brush and draw It through your hair, taking one strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears; after another application or two. It Is restored l" Its natural color and looks glossy, soft and beautiful. This preparation Is a delightful toilet requisite. It Is not Intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of disease IF KIDNEYS AND BLADDER BOTHER TARE HALTS TO FLUSH KIDNEYS AND NKITH ALIZK IRRITAT ING ACIDS. Kidney and Bladder weakness re sult from uric acid, says a noted au thority. The kidneys filter this scid from the blood and pass It on to the! bladder, where It often remains to Irritate and Inflame, causing a burn ing, scalding sensation, or setting up an Irritation at the neck of the blad der, obliging you to seek relief two or three times during the night. The sufferer is In constant dread, the wa ter passes sometimes with a scalding sensation and Is very profuse; again, there Is difficulty In avoiding it. Bladder weakness, most folks call It, because they can't control urina tion. While It Is extremely annoying and sometimes very painful, this Is really one of the most simple ail ments to overcome. Get about four ounces of Jud Salts from your phar macist and take a tableepoonful in a glass of water before breakfast, continue this for two or three days This will neutralise the nclds In the urine so It no longer is a source ol Irritation to the bladder and urlnnry organs which then act normally again. Jad altn Is inexpensive, harmless, and Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llth la, and Is used by thousands Of folks who are subject to urinary disorders caused by uric acid Irritation. Jad Salts Is splendid for kidneys and causes no bad effects whatever. Here you have a pleasant, efferves cent llthln-water drink, which quick ly relieves bladder trouble ' THE OLD RELIABLE' .1 REMEDYFORMEN. AT YOUR DmipOIST. CIGAR FACTORIES SMOKE LA TOSKA CIGARS Ha-na filled 10c. Straight and Perfecto Shapes. Manafacturd by PENDLETON CIGAB FACTOBT. CLEANING-PRESSING West of Hotel Barber Shop. Phone 470 aak for Preasery. PENDLETON HOTEL PRESSERY Anderson A Htranahan, Props. Cleanlnjr, PreaalOB, Repairing, Day or Night. Work Called for and Delivered. CLUB RATES. I will keep a man'a ault preaaed and repaired for 11.10 per month and guarantee the beat poaalble work RUDD, THE TAILOR ANI DRY CLEANER, 110 Weat Webb Phone IIS. EXPERT WELDING Pendleton Welding Shop EXPERT WELDERS We weld all kinds of caat Iron, alumi num, Meet, copper and braaa bj tbe Modern Oiy-Acetylene Proceaa. Don't Walt for Repair. Let Ua Weld a Tit JOHNSON ST. Firm Tone for Foreign Nations Have Small Supply on Hand Just Now PORTLAND, Ore, April 6. There was a firmer tone abroad for wheal during the day. While much ado has beet) made recently regarding the Bleat surplus of wheat in Europe, the fact remains that most of the coun tries are today showing very scant supplies for the rest of the season. France will need considerable wheat during the next few months and Spain has also reported that Its holdings am inadequate to fill requirements. Even Holland has decided that it will not have a sufficient supply to take care of its needs and further lib. eral purchases are expected from that quarter. The government has Just authorized additional purchases. At Liverpool the spot wheat mar ket showed strength with prices un changed to 3d higher than yesterday. Movement of wheat at Pacific northwest interior points continues! restricted. While there are more offers out for supplies, the country III selling but little at prevailing values. t'hlcago nutrket was closed for the day. but the session of the Minneapo lis trade, which is always a market j Indication when Chicago Is closed, in- I dicated a slight easiness in the price. , Flour Selling price: Patent, 15.20: Willamette valley. $4.90; local straight j $4. tours.""; bakers' local. $4.90 J j 5.20; Montana spring wheat. 16.10; exports. I4.50ti 4.70; whole wheat. 16.65; graham, 15.40; rye flour, 15.95 1 per barrel. Hay- Buying price: Willamette val lew timothy, fancy, 116.00; eastern Oregon-Iduho fancy timothy, 118.00; I nlfalfa, 120.00 21.00; vetch and oats. J15.00f 16.00; clover. 111. 5014. 00. Grain Sacks 1916 nominal No. 1 Calcutta 13 l-2014c: In car lots; less amounts are higher. I Choice light weights 9.00 Mlllstuffs Selling price, earloadjOood light weights 8.8068.9(1 lots: Bran $23.00; shorts. 125.50. Medium weights 8.5008.75 BOOM TO BE LAUNCHED FOR DU PONT "The business man in politics" Is soon to be exemplified, when the boom of T. Coleman du Pont of New York and Delaware for the republi ukn presidential nomination will be formally launched Mr. Dupont Is said to desire the presidential nomination His friends lielteve he (fas a chance and they are arranging the second choice support for him. He will go Ito the conven tion It wan asserted today, as the "fa voritc son'' of Delaware. pflr FEED YARPS PHONE M THE ALTA FEED YARD 702 Eaat Alta St PEED AND SALES STABLE. FURNITURE Koch Furniture Store ( HAH KOCH. Pros. We pay cali for second hand More and ranges. 117 W. Webb Bt fbone 385-W GROCERIES I. B. JOHNSON & SOli S Groceries. Confections and Bakers' Goods. Caah paid for Butter, Eggs and Poultry. 202 W. Webb St. Phone STI Attention Candidates. Electors' nominating petltons and candidates' acceptance blanks, com plete, for either republican or demo cratic party, are earned in stock at the Eaat Oregonlan office. They are the correct forms and already printed for Immediate delivery. Wheat in Europe Rolled Oats 16. JO'S 6.75 per bar rel. Holled Barley 111. 501T32.50 per ton. No Arrivals for Cattle Market at North Portland (From Tuesday's Journal.) PORTLAND, Ore. The market for cattle was absent at North Portland dur nit the day because there was only one long head reported In that divis ion at the opening of the day's trad ing. While prices offering are showing no further change at North Portland, the situation Is strong to steady at full quotations, quality considered. De. mand continues best for quality. General cattle market range: Choice pulp-fed steers I8.859.00 Choice grain fed steers... 8.4501.50 Ordinary grain fed steers 8.258.40 Choice hay fed steers 8.258.S0 Good steers 7.5008.00 ordinary to common steers 6.00 5 7.00 Choice cows 7.50 Ordinary to common cows 7.250 73 5 Choice heifers 7.5007.75 Ordinary to good heifers. 7.00(5 7.25 Choice bulls 5.00I&O.5" flood to fair bulls 4.00fr4.25 Ordinary to common imiis 2.0012.75 Best light calves 8.00 tiood calves . . 7. "07. 50 Hon Market Is lower. There was a fair supply of hogs re ported in the Worth Portland yards over night. Trend of the market was lower 1th tops 10c to 20c below Monday's average. Killers are inclined to sit tight on the price lid. Tiut are not really bear ish in their price ideas for the Imme diate future. General hog market: t HIDES AND JUNK Pendleton Hide and Junk Co. Highest caah prices paid for 2nd hand gooda of all klnda. Rubber, Auto Tires, Brass, Copper, Sack and Rags. HIDES, PELTS. WOOL FURS. 201 W. Webb St. Telephone III INSURANCE MANUEL FRIEDLY INSURANCE Automobile, FIRE, Burglary Plate Glass, Liability, Security Bonds, Accident and Health. Telephone 104. E. O. Bldg. LAUNDRIES TROY LAUNDRY Phone 171. ROUGH DRY TO PER LB. Keep away from the washtub and avoid a doctor bill this winter MEAT MARKETS THE RAYBURN MEAT MARKET 118 W. WEBB. Reduction on hud for Saturday 10 pounds for 11.00. Rough and heavy 8.00 0 8.25 Mutton Continues Nominal. No arrivals at all were shown In the mutton division of the local market overnight. In fact, a glance at the list of arrivals during the last seven days will show the nominal volume of the local trade. Leading stockyard commission handlers report the trade strong but there is nothing in sight to test values. Ueneral mutton and lamb range: Spring lambs I 13.00 Choice weight yearlings. 10.50 Good to common yearlings 9.00 fi 10.00 Best old wethers 9.00 Good to common wethers 8.50 08.75 Old wethers 8.000 8.25 Choice light ewes 7.7508.00 Oood to common ewes.... 7 0007.50 SUPPLIES FOR THE WEEK (Furnshed by Portland Union Stock Yards Company. Cattle. Cattle market remained steads with the close of lost week. Three loads of grain fed and four loads of pulp fed steers went at the high price of $9.00. One load of pulp fed cows s-ld at 7.15 while a split load went at $7.80, the highest price paid for cows (his season. The run was good almost 1000 being counted in. and buying was active. Hogs. A very light run of 2900 hogs came to market Monday. "Buyers were in clined to rest and the market was in active n the forenoon. Hog prices ere lowered to the H:2" mark. A five cent drop under last week's close Bulk went at $9.00 to 9.15. Sheep. No receipts in the sheep section, market very strong. Anything of quality would command a premium. Spring lambs are quoted at $13.00 Prime lambs at $10.50; ewes at $8.25: v ethers $9.25 and yearlings $10.00. Representative Sales. 130 steers 1228 $9.00 IN POUND. The following described animal has been taken up by the marshal of the City of Pendelton. to-wlt: One spotted buckskin pony, brand ed X on left shoulder. 10 years old. weight 800 pounds. rs said animal is not claimed by the owners or those entitled to the pos session of It, costs snd expenses against it paid and It taken away within ten days from the date here of, then at 2 o'clock t. m. of the 10th day of April, 1911, the said animal will be sold to the highest bidder, at public auction, for caah, at the City Pound, Round-up Feed Yard, 212 Weat Webb street. In said city of Pendleton, the proceeds ol such sale to be applied to the pay ment of such costs and expenses of making sale Dated this 29th day of March, 1911. TOM GURDANH. City Marshal n7 sum o z 0) I tV) Phone 12; Res. MM). Agents for PENINSULAR PUBNAC1 Wodaege & Ardrey PLUMBING AND HEATING, Tinning and Repair Work. 100 W. Webb St., PENDLETON, ORB. PHOTOGRAPHERS Electric Studio 214 B. Court St Portraits made day or night, rain or shine Give os a call. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED BOWMAN STUDIO 91 Main St. Tel. 820-W. HIGH GRADE COMMERCIAL AND PORTRAIT WORK. Post Card Photos 11.00 Dos. Amateur finishing. nuppne. PAINTS-WALL PAPER PHONE 188. Hale & McAfee WALL PAPER, PICTURE MOULDING, GLASS, DECORATING, PAINTING. Job Work Promptly Done. 807 Main St Pendleton. Oregon. 102 steers 1248 9.01 7u steers 1082 8.75 81 steers 1124 8.50 1 bull 640 1.00 1 bull 1950 5.50 13 cows 1123 7.11 26 cows 1490 M5 1 cow 770 7.50 1 cow 710 7.11 S6 hogs 221 9.20 144 hogs 190 9.15- 187 hogs : 178 9.10 165 hogs 220 9.00 WHEAT ACREAGE SMALL J Increase in La Grande District Last Year Ijeads to Reduction. LA GRANDE. Ore., April 5. Fig ures estimated by well-posted farm- ! ers indicate that the total wheat acre. I age of this valley will be below nor mal this year. Every available foot of land was seeded to wheat to get war prices and now summer fallow must come. Due to the big crops last year, less than the usual amount was seeded, another factor In reduc ing acreage. The increase over normal last year was better than one-third and this year probably more than that third will be cut off. Calcutta Burlap Market Easier. An easing up of the Calcutta bur lap market Is reported in eastern ad vices, which say: "Burlap prices have receded on the Calcutta market to the extent of about one shilling a hundred yards for April-June. Both lightweights and heavyweights for prompt shipment were reported to be easier also. Ac- ccrd'ng to quotations received by some importers. 8-ounce 40s for CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY FTNKRAL DIRECTORS. JOHN a BAKER. FUNERAL Di rector aad licensed embalmer. Op posite oostoffiee. Funeral nsrlor two funeral cars. Calls responded today or night. Phone 76. J. T. BROWN'S FURNITURE STORE Funeral director and licensed em balmer Most modern funeral par lor, morgue and funeral can. Calls responded to day or night Corner Main and Water streets. Telephone 63 INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO. MARES reliable abstracts of title to all lands In Umatilla county. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes Investments for non residents. Writes fire, life and acci dent Insurance. References, any bank in Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. C H MARSH, Sec. BENTLEY A MONTGOMERY, REM. estate, fire, life and accident In surance agents 816 Main street Phone 404. VETERINARY SURGEONS. C. W. LASSEN, M. D. V., COUNTi veterinarian. Residence telephone 17; office telephone, 10. ATTORNEYS. RALEY A RALEY. ATTORNEYS AT law. Office la American National 702 E. Alta St Telephone 447 Moderate Rataa White Help Only Employed. The ALTA HOUSE Mrs. J. 8HBPABD, Prop. With or Wltboot Board. Under New Management. RUGS CLEANED Get Your Rugs Steam Cleaned At the PENDLETON BUG AND MATTBESB WORKS Upholstering and Fornltnre Repairing. All work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. Located 108 Water Bt Phone 878. STORAGE BATTERIES STORAGE BATTERIES ARE EX PENSIVE They need the best of care through the winter let CYRVdf BROTHERS 728 Cottonwood St., care for them Service guaranteed. Phone 64f ATJTO OVERHAULING AND GENER AL REPAIRS. SERVICE STATION Tel. 884. Cor. Main and Water Sta. prompt shipment could be landed at 7 i-4c a yard. Exports from Calcut ta to East Coast ports of the United States' during April are expected to be small on account of the scarcity of un. chartered steamers." Jury can't Agree. OROVILLE, Cal., April 4 Unable to agree, the Jury trying the Rev. Madison Slaughter, charged with at tacking Gertrude Lamson. 15. was discharged A new trial was set for April 11. Those who think the dreadnaught a decidedly modern ship will be inter ested to know that it Is the type and no means the name that Is new. The names of British ships are handed , ua.a.1 fieneiaiion 10 naval 1 Pale, Sallow Cheeks show that the blood is impoverished and that the stomach L not dtoo erly assimdattng its food. In fact a woman's physical cont,nirwa shows m her face. Paleness, blotches, pimples, lowriessoTdX aU Tell the 'i, Wm? Wh? ?re subject 10 these conditions should not fail to ava.l tnetnselves of their prompt and beneficial effect Beecham's Pills are prepared to furnish the necessary relief. They dear the system of .mpunues, gently stimulate the liver, regulate the bowels and tone t ,e system. Their mild and thorough actroVquVkly rid the skin of olen-ishes, improve the circulation and help the digestion, very woman should know the comfort, and experience the help of Beecham's Pills FEE It FEE, ATTORNEYS AT lew Office In Despain building. CARTER A SMYTH E, ATTORNEYS at law. Office In rear of Ameri can National Bank building. GEORGE W. COTJTT8, ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, wills, deeds mortgages and contracts drawn. Collections mads. Room 17 Schmidt block. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT taw. uniee over Taylor Hardware company. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY, ATTORNEY at law. Will practice In all state and federal courts. Rooms 7, g and I, Despaln building. PETERSON A BISHOP, ATTOR neys at law; rooms I and 4, Smith Crawford building. FREDERICK STEIWER. ATTOR ney at law. Office In 8mlth -Craw ford building. B. A. LOWELL. ATTORNEY AN! counsellor at law. Office In De pain building. CHIROPRACTOR. DR. GEORGE J KINZ. LICENSE! Chiropractor. Schmidt Bldg. Off!" phone, 467; residence phon 170. AUCTION EEltS. ,COL W. F. YOHNKA. AUCTION ear, makes a specialty of farmer stock and machinery sales. "Th man that gets you the money " Lm' SHOE REPAIRING WE MEND SOLES RUBBER HEELS A SPECIALTY. Pendleton Shoe Hospital W T. McGARRIGLE SHOI REPAIRING ON SCIENTIFIC PBINC1PLBS. Wa eaJI far sad rln. 7. 818 Mala t SHOE SHINING SPECIALTY Private for Ladles' Shoe Shining At Minerva Shoe Shining Parlors. Also we Clean Soft and Panama Hats. Ill Mala St Pendleton, Ore, ALEX, Proprietor. TAXI SERVICE CARNEY TAXI CO. Phone 680 ST. OEOROE HOTEL. Prompt service, day and night Funeral aervlce 18.80. WATCH REPAIRING John Rosenberg Watchmaker All Work Gnarsnteed. Corner Cosrt and Cottonwood. i generation, the first British shin of the line Dreadnaught having been launched In 1118. There is more Catarrh In this section of the country than all other diseases put to aether, sad for years it was supposed to De Incurable. Doctors prescribed local reme dies and by constantly falling to care with local treatment, pronounced It Incurable, 'atarrh .ls a local disease, greatly lsfla enced by constitutional conditions and therefore requires constitutional treatment, "all s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F i rtieney a Co., Toledo, Ohio. Is a constlto tional remedy. Is taken Internally and acta thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of tbe System. One Hundred Dollars reward Is offered for any case that Hall's Catarrh are falls to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. J; CHENEY CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall s Family 1111s for constipation. Need Of MISCELLANEOUS. 11200 CASH BUYS 110 ACRES Crook County, Oregon, land on Desohutss river, nine miles from Terrybone. C. B. Warren. Sulphur Springs, Texas. AUCTION SALES THE EAST ORB gonlan makes a snarUltv of an. Don sale bills, cards and advertising. we can furnish auctioneer, clerk snd advertising complete that will assure j you of having a successful sale. FAULTS. THE NATIONAL VAULT CO. PORT? land. Ore. Steel reinforced coneret burial vault, air tight, waterproof, ev erlasting. For sale by Pendleton un dertakers SECOND HAND DEALERS V. 8TROBLB, DEALER IN NEW aad second-hand goods. Cash Paid for all second-hand goods bought. Cheapest plsce In Pendle ton to buy household gooda Come and get our prices 111 E. Court street Phone I71W fcAVfea, at Eaat oretronlaa office.