BIGHT PAGES PAGE SIX TENNESSEE MOUNTAINEERS HOPE FOR LEAGUE WITH HAY ALL GONE I MAY RANCHERS HAVE TO TURN STOCK OUT Geftasc. (tut BEU. BOY KNEW IT WAS 3 A.nQ SCU6E ME JUOCE, FER.qmiN YER UP AT DIS LATE HOUR BUT Dfc NICHT CLERK DONB SAY COUUJ YOU ALL 9 RARE HIM A LITTLE OF DAT REAL Tobacco TMF THIKIDAD-IME-ASPHAU CHEW DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, 1916. , . I JUST btcuiK you wint tohareo satiilactiou i do reuoa why TOO nerd to put big ad in your check and then hire to rind oo it. GatapnackolU BCUTCWwim iS Rl l'nlacco Cht. n.litknJ. K imtU chew will atiafv T" aad vo won't km to triad oa K roa won't aaed to ipit to muck. Mi ky WETMAN-BKCTON COUP ANT, SO Um Sawn, Nr. York Gty Supreme Court Will Not Pass on Dry Law VIM' NOT D8CTDE OOXHT1TUTI- n u.m or pobhos or 1MSOHI LAW. 1 lohibitlon law in the suit of a Port In nd wholesale firm to compel a -it amship company to deliver a ship ment of alcohol. It was declared that wholesalers could start a replevin ac tion and secure the shipment. r j ; 'j SAI.KM, Ore.. March 4. The su pre mi' court refused to decided the j dom makes constitutionality of a portion of the back to It. Usually the city chap who boasts of having been raised on a farm set strenuous effort to get Valuable Health Hints o For Our Readers CATARRH out, but have no medical value. Ec- Just beronse vou hawk and spit and lema, tetter, acne and all such erup your nose is wet, cold, red, sore and Uve diseases should be treated with a nuisance, doat merely plug it up. 8. S. 8. Ton can't cure catarrh by greasing POISONED BLOOD, vour nose. Take 8. 8. S. regularly So many different things contribute and you will drive catarrhal poisons to poison the blood and the effect It out of vour blood. The membranes so startling that the sufferer become. will aoon recover and no longer con- panic-stricken and is led to use harm timie to accumulate the mucous that nil drugs. If you have any blood trou fathers and thickens into catarrh, ble, get a bottle of S. 8. S. and tak S S. S. stimulates the cells of the Us- according to directions, sues to select from the blood their own Don't take anything else. Poisonou essential nutriment. Rapid recovery blood Is bad enough without ruining from catarrhal inflamation In the stom- your bones, joints, teeth and 'Vitals ach. kidney, bladder and ail mem- with minerals. 8. S. 8. so stimulate, branes is the result. cellular activity that they reject al! MALARIA. poisonous Influences and select onh Throughout the country, wherever those materials In the blood that make malar .a abounds, are happy, joyful healthy tissue. This la why its assist people to whom S. S. 8. has given won- ance toward recovery Is so noticeablf ilerful help in the treatment of mala- and at times remarkable. , ria after the most sickening torture S. S. S. Is welcome to the: weakest imaginable. stomach and Is assimilated lust a; The gaunt complexion of malaria's readily as the most nutritious food. It victims, the chills and fever, the ma- has helped to core a host of sufferers, lariat dysentery that seems to defy alt V. RHEUMATISM, other treatment, the malarial leg, the In any form of rheumatism give the nlarged liver, the persistent anemia blood a good effectual cleansing with where the blood turns to water and 8. 8. 8. the system wastes away. These are Use this remedy for three days and the conditions that S. 8. S. so effecto- take a hot salt water bath to open the ally asissts In overcoming, by helping pores. This relieves the rungs and to restore the Wood to its natural vigor. Kidneys and assists 8. 8. S. to utilize STUBBORN SORES the skin as the principal avenue ot Sometimes a sore spot becomes tndo- elimination, lent The tissues surrounding it lose Avoid salts, calomel and other dras tone and are unable to provide stiff!- Uc purgatives, as they absorb the mois rient nutriment to stop the drain. It tore from the walls and membranes of is then chronic. Just saturate your the intestines, weaken the muscular Mood with 8. S. 8. This is quickly action, produce chronic constipation rcom;lished, as S. 3. 8. is naturally and thus stagnate the system with assimilated the same as milk or any rheumatic poisons. Get a bottle of i her healthful liquid. 8. 8. 8. at any drug store. Don't Nat are acts with marvelous rapidity take a substitute, w hen given the proper assistance, and 8. S. 8. is purely vegetable and Is 8. 8 8. so stimulates cellular activity prepared only by the Swift Srtecln that the parts surrounding an ulcer so- Oa, 171 Swift Bldg., Atlanta. Oa. Write l'-t from the blood the materials that (or special booklet on any of the dis wake new tissue. Thus the sore pot eases mentioned and if medical advice rapidly heals in a natural way. ( ls .wanted, write for that also to ad Local applications tor any skin dJbv dress rite above Both booklet and' as will afford protection from with- medical advice are free. tLl AM) IHSAtiRKKAlU.i: WEATHER IS IMIKV AUilNG AT URIAH. I I ons Winter .Monti)!, NewsHltatctl I stint An Fectl and cattle Have to Kusilc on ilic Itaiwra Where the OTaaa is Meager; Man, Seriously 111, Kewiuii from cabin. Tod Sloan Tod Sloan and Horace Milan Horace Milan are hope to make good with Clark Grif I flths' Senators in the American two young men from Tennessee who League this year. Ambassadors Join Protest Against Our Secret Code REALLY IS, NO SECRET AT ALL As FONaCGN NATIONS KNOW IT WELL. (By Carl Ackerman.) BERLIN, April 5. Ambassadors Gerard and Penfield and Minister Van Dyke have joined in the protest to the state department against th3 continued use of the presennt Ameri can diplomatic code. Replying to a recent United Press dispatch, stating that the American secret code was known to several European belliger ents, Washington Insisted mat secret dispatches still were possible. "You'll find we won't change the code until it is too late," an Ameri can official said. It was learned to day that an American code book was stolen from an attacne In the Bal kans shortly before the outbreak o.' the war. Officials tried weeks to lo cate It before the loss was communi cated to Washington. American en voys are convinced that every import ant European power can read our diplomatic and naval secret codes. A few months ago an official maii pouch, carrying Important secret pa pers to the navy department rrom an observer in Germany was opened aft er leaving London. It showed evi dence of much handling when reached Washington. RAINFALL IS THREE (East Oregonlan Special.) URIAH, Ore.. April 4.-rCold. disa greeable weater now prevails and the grass is growing very' slowly and ow ing to the long winter, many have fed all their hay and now are forced 1 turn their stock out to rustle. Nate Raines, accompanied by Mrs. Matthews and daughter of Pendleton, i were guests at the Peterson hotel Tuesday night en roate to the ranch which Mr. Raines and Mr. Matthews have rented near Rltter Miss Helen De Vaul, daughter of Dr. O. De Vaul, began a six months I term of school last Monday In ths ' Hrehm district. Mllford Martin, wife and children of Bridge creek, were visiting In Uklah Wednesday. Lowell Ganger and wife left for Pendleton last Friday to visit several days with relatives. Ralph McLaughlin, who has been suffering with an attack ot heart trouble. Is slowly Improving. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Andrus moved Into their new residence last Saturday. Mrs. Ed Ingram and children went out to their homestead to spend Sat urday and Sunday. I Art Smales Is cutting cordwood for Clyde Helmick on Bridge creek Fred Grooms, wife and son, re turned from Pendleton Saturday even I Ing after a week's absence. Charley Hoover, one of Ahe early Why not lay roofing that you don't have to repair and renew every little while? You know Trinidad Lake asphalt is "Nature's everlasting waterproofer", and gives life and resist ing power to roofing. Genasco is made of Trinidad Lake asphalt; and applied with the Kant-leak Kleet it gives years of faithful service. Costs no more to tret Genasco and be on the safe side . . a actually costs less in tin 4 Ht to get Genasco and be on tne sale side JBh Ye are ready to fill your order now. flA I Pendleton, Oregon. 3 TOTAL l'lttXTPITATION UP TO APltlL WAS 12.87; NORMAL ONLY 78. Despite the fact that there was a big deficiency In the rainfall of Sep tember and October, the precipitation for the wet season, dating from Sept. 1, is more than three inches above the normal. The total precipitation up until April 1 was 12.87 Inches, whereas the normal Is but 9.78. January, February and March brought the big surplus, the total pre cipitation for the three months being 8.38 inches against 4 6S normal. The March precipitation was 2.63 inches against 1.62 normal, an excess of .91 of an Inch. During the month there was 2 3-4 inches of snow. The total snowfall during the winter was 7 3 1-t inches or more than six feet. During March there were 14 rainy days, eight clear, elgnt partly cloudy and 15 cloudy. pioneers of Camas Prairie, but now of Pendleton, returned Saturday even ing on the stage to UXlah and will take a position with the Sturdivant brothers fur the summer. it PortlandRose Festival 1916 Queen Contest GOOD FOR ONE VOTE Void After Saturday, April 8, 1916. Name Organization This coupon will count one vote when properly filled out and sent to Portland Rose Festival Contest Depart ment. 337 North western Nat'l. Bank Building. Coupons must be neatly trimmed and put in package with number of votes written on top. lillBSE North-Side Home I For Sale Five room house in good con Si dition. Corner lot, facing east. Lawn, shade trees; retaining wall ; gas and electricity. few blocks from Main A snap if taken at once. I Telephone 105 I Condon Kills Rapid Dog. r'AMnnv ro Anrll 4. After an all-night search a mad dog that mane its appearance in Condon was snot and killed by Fred Pygg The, anlmall had bitten several other vaiuaoie dogs before its presence was discov ered. Marshal Wehre has ordered all dogs muzzled and has killed 25 since Sat urday. Everything possible is being done to prevent the spread of the epidemic. PIIJ.S BEST FOB LIVER. Because they contain the best liver medicines, no matter now bitter or nauseating for the sweet sugar coat ing hides the taste. Dr. King's New Life Pills contain ingredients that put the liver working, move the bowels freely. No gripe, no nausea, aid di gestion. Just try a bottle of Dr. King's New Life Pills and notice how much better you feel. 25c at your druggist. Adv. be absent for a month visiting with friends and relatives. I. R. Laurence Is having a new awning put up In front or his store Lester Doolittle will leave In a few days for Centralla, Washington, where he has a positon for the summer. Miss Helen De Vaul la visiting over Saturday and Sunday with her father, Dr. De Vaul of Uklah. Vaughn Finch is laying the cement Walter Blackburn was In town foundation for his new house which Monday with a fine beef, which he ne expects to build soon Miss Win soon disposed of. i,. casteel of. Hldaway, was seriously Mr. Clark of Alba, who suffered a III and Dr De Vaul was called last paralytic stroke about a year ago. Is Sunday to attend her. Ill again. Being a bachelor and liv ing alone he was seriously 111 for sev """ eral days before he was discovered. 1 when he was moved at once to the Clark Hotel at Alba, where every thing possible is being done for his comfort. Miss Sarah Mossle who went to Portland last fall will return soon to make her home with her sister. Mrs. ' Mettle. j Mrs. Fred Casteel went to Pendleton last week to have some dents: work cone. Mrs. Williams, mother of Milton Williams Is sick a the home of Mrs. Ed Ingram. George Volhard. the shoemaker, Hiding trade dull In Uklah, left Wed nesday morning for Arlington. fieorge Andrus of Barge was Ir Uklah Wednesday night on businef Mrs. Hicks, who has been visiting GOTHIC an ARROW COLLAR I a IT PITS THE CRAVAT cluitt, riaaooY , co, mc, a Makes Your Stuffed, Germ-laden, Catarrhal Head Clear as a Bell a 4 OVERTON A CANDIDATE 4) FOR TABOR'S MANTLE When you wake In the morning plagued with the tortures of head colds and catarrh, head, nose and throat stopped up, air passages clog ged with obnoxious catarrhal dis charges that have collected during the night and you can hardly breathe just put a little Hyomel Pocket In haler charged with the pleasant heal ing oil of Hyomel between your Hps. Hold It there while dressing and breathe trie medicated, antiseptic, germ killing air deep Into your nose, throat and lungs with every breath your draw. By the time you are dread ed your head will be clear as a bell, you will breathe with ease and com fort, eat your breakfast with a relish and go about your day's work with a clear grain and steady eye. This clean smelling, germ destroy ing air of Hyomel penetrates deep down Into every fold and crevice of i the membranous linings of your nose, j throat and lungs where no liquid spray could possibly get and absolute- j ly kills and drives out of your system every germ It finds there, heals the Inflamed swollen tissues and after the, very first trial you notice a wonder- ful improvement. A few weeks' use and every catarrhal germ Is killed and driven out of your system. ' Druggists everywhere think so well of Hyomel that they agree to give you a guarantee with every complete Inhaler set you purchase that If It does not satisfy they will gladly re turn every cent you paid for It, but if using for the first lime be sure to ask for the complete Hyomei Pocket , Inhaler outfit as the smaller package does not contain the Inhaled. Tall man ft Co., or most any other reli able druggist will gtudly supply you on request. .BBBsi Baa. jasaWav. fould war skin stand this test? The bright lights of an evening gathering show up mercilessly the delects of a poor complexion. But the regular use ot s RfesinolSoap nff her daughter, Mrs. Canfleld. i,ince last summer, left for her home in Michi gan last Tuesday. Lester Doolittle went out tc the Sturdivant farm Monday to be absenr several days, doing some paintlna. Mrs. J. H. Mettle and son Gordon, were in town Wednesday. Letters received by friends of J. D. Kirk say that he Is at ' Beaih California, and that he will start for h"Tio in a few dasy. J. H. Hecker, who has comiuctr 1 the ukiah creamery for Mr. Emigb S for the last six years, left for Ft ! E Va!'ey Friday morning to remain per manently. Carl Rexburg will have charge of ' the creamery and receive the cream for a few days when Mr. R-rrigh will send a man from Walla Walla to take charge of It for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Hecker will he greatly missed in Ukish. Mr. and Mrs Warren leave In a few days for Portland and other points to makes k as easy to have a natur ally beautiful skin as to cover up a poor one with cosmetics. It lessens the tendency to pimples, redness and roughness, and in a very short time the complexion usually be comes clear, fresh and velvety. I&Mvere or Bltiblxim ca, Railtwil Soap Hould at firil be aided by it little Keainul OiaW neat. All druggists tell them. Sttrmr .'- " '' ' Hong Kong Gafe AND NOODLE PARLOR Noodles AND Chop Suey Outside Tray Orders a Boxes for ladles and gentleman OPEN DAT AND ALL NIGHT MEALS MO AND UP. Special Chicken Dinner Sundays. 548 Main Street Next to B. 0. Bldg. Pbons aillllHIIIIIIIIIIIIHIHIIItllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIHIIIIIiru MORTGAGE LOANS Term Contract on City and Farm Property. Current Rates NO COMMISSIONS. NO BONUSES, or other expenses. Just like getting: it from a bank. Large or small amounts. E Loan quickly closed. If you need money COME and SEE US. MATLOGK-LAATZ INVESTMENT CO. - 112 East Court St niiiiifMiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiimiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiimiin CASTOR I A Most followers of track athletics believed that when Nonhan Tahor, the Brown University and Oxford student, ran the mile In 4:12 2-6 last July, the record would stand- for years to come, hut Johnny Overton, the great Yale runner, is touted by experts as havng the ability to smash even Tabor's wonderful rec ord. Ernie HJertberb, Ihe Swedish coach and Billy Queal, who trains the Tale trackmen, both believe that Overton Is the coming mile champion of the world. Overton carried off the Intercolle giate cross-country nonors last fall and has done some wonderful Indoor running this winter. He Is a south erner and' prefers the outdoors dur ing warm weather. For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of C&yffi&cj&k :illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllNlllllllllllllllfllillllllVilinu: I NOODLES, CHOP SUEY, CHINA DISHES I KWONG HONG LOW H6We.t Alt St.. Upitairi. Phone 413 :i.NIHIIIIHIIIIMIIIIIIIIIilllllllllllllllllllMIIIIHMIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIinir,lliT I GOEY'S il tIMKIIIItlltlllllilt MllllllMIIIIMIMIIItinillllllllllinillllMIIIIIllllIHllllIIillllllilllllllllilllllllMIUIIHllllMIillllllllllllllll I A Tew Things to Do Today s First Call up Phone 5 and order a load of mill-ends for kindling. All short lengths and the best thing in the world to start your fire. A big load for a dollar and a half. Second Order enough of our Rock Springs coal to fill your bin. Third Build a good big red hot fire. a Fourth Congratulate yourself that you have the best fuel in Pendleton. Fifth Resolve to do it again. B. L. BURROUGHS, Inc. j Cor. Webb 6 College Phone 5 5 9 I a liii.iMimi.wimiiiim.M.miiiiiii..ii.imiH