DAILY BAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 3, 1916. PAGE THREE jiiiii)iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;l STREETS OF MILTON EIGHT PAGES OF ManlatomCo. OUR MOTTO: CLEANLINESS OUR AIM: GOOD SERVICE OUR STOCK: FRESH OUR PRICES: RIGHT FOR CASH ONLY WOKK HAS HKKN COMPLETED NEARLY; scltAPEHS HAD , To hk used Streets Will Have to ne Rootled; New Freewater Garage Is Near Compte. tiou; Front of Golden .Rule More Is Painted : Kiwldcm Villi -Move to California toon. I Phone 688 SiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiimiiHiiiHiiiifi- NO MORE BACKACHE NO MORE MISERY BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS BEING MADE AT WESTON Hundred! of people have been re lieved Of the agonies caused by weak, diseased or clogged-up kidney by using l vii i the new remedy that quickly reaches the source of all kidney complaints If you suffer with pain in your back and sides or have any signs o' kidney or bladder trouble such as rheumatic pains, puffy swellings un der the eyes or In the feet and an kles, if you are nervous, tired and run-down, or bothered with urinary disorders, SoIvhx will quickly and surely relieve you of your misery. Solvax is the most potent remedy yet devised for ridding the system o' uric acid and driving out all the poi sonous Impurities which cause suchj troubles. It neutralises, dissolves and make the kidneys sift out all the1 uric add and poisons left by the j blood, and renders the kidneys and Urinary organs clean, vigorous and 1 healthy Tallman ft Co. the popular drug- j gists, say that no medicine ought to be paid for unless It does the useri some good. They therefor sell Hot-! vax under a positive guarantee to quickly relieve the worst oases of kid- I ney trouble or refund the money. Try! Solvax today and If you cannot see and feel a decided change for the lieit, r just go to Tallman A Co. and tell them you want your money back and they will return It without ques tion. This Is the strongest argument that can be offered In behalf of any medicine. i A few handfulls of grass seed sowed now in the bare spota in your lawn will add greatly to its appearance later on. Perenials, plants, vines, trees and rose bushes should be planted now. Phone me your orders. CUT FLOWERS, VEGE TABLE AND FLOWER SEEDS G. W. Hooker Florist Open evenings, Phone 522 544 Main St. (Bast Oregonlan Special.) WESTON, ure.. April 3. A spirit of enterprise and improvement seems to have struck the people of Weston, as carpenters, painters and paper hangers are in constant demand. A great many of the prominent resi dents are In some way or other Im proving tlu-ir homes. 0. R, McOrew or Portland, Is in the I Ity visiting his son, Fred. B. 0. De Moss and Joe Hudson to red to Pendleton Friday. Mrs. James Stanfleld has accepted tha position of local librarian. Ralph Ruling has purchased a new Iteo car and Is learning to run it. A. A. Kimball, rormerly county treasurer, was visiting his daughter. Mrs E. J. Thorn during, a portion of the week. Mrs. Jess Lieuallen or American Falls. Idaho, Is visiting Mr and Mrs. It A. Lieuallen of this place. Mrs. Alexander Klnnear of Walla Walla, was the guest of Mr and Mrs. John M' Hne during the week. James Compton left on Saturday evening's train for Rockfrord. Idaho, where he intends to remain during the summer months, visiting his two i-ons. Will and Rollie Mr and Mrs. John McRea motored to their ranch near Helix during the week ami report the grain looking fine K. A. Thompson of Athena, made a business trip to Weston Saturday. Tom Lieuallen and wife of Adams passed through Weston Saturday en route to Walla Walla to visit rela tives. A large number of Weston people attended the grand opera at Walla Walla Friday evening. Mrs K. M. Smith spent the week end with her daughter. Norma, in Walla Walla. Miss Leo la Duncan has accepted a position In Kirkpatrlck's Ice cream parlors. i AN EASY WAY TO END CATARRH FOREVER SIMPLE HOME TREATMENT DE STROYS GERMS OF THIS DANGEROUS DISEASE. iii .. . gay I Virgin Olive Oil Known as ths first oil that el udes on subjecting the olives to gentle pressure, this portion bv. lng the best, the most palatable and the most nutritious. A trial of this superior product will convince you that we have the best. Tallman & Go. Leading DruggSKi (East Oregonlan Special.) MILTON-FREE WATER, Ore. April 3. Work has almost been completed cleaning off the surplus mud on Main street, and sidewalks, left bv ! the heavy rain two weeks ago. It was necessary to use scrapers to gath-1 er the dirt In convenient piles for wagons to haul away. The mud ap pears to have absorbed practically all the oil placed on the streets last sum mer, and It haa become so dusty that additional oil or sprinkling will be necessary right away. The surface of the streets which were properly crowntd and provided with drainage ditches is unhurt, but where drainage was not provided the mud filled the streets from the crown to the side-1 walk, in several places from six In-! ches to a foot deep which will have to be removed. Within a short time the new Free water Garage will be ready to open, as the concrete walls have been pour ed and the forms are ready to be re moved, and the remainder of the work will take only ten days or two weeks. O. E. Smith and Beryl Samuel have completed painting the front of the Golden Rule Store which will open about April 10, in the room former ly occupied by the W. R. Anderson stock of hardware and stationery. 0. C. Ingle haR shipped his house hold effects to Escondldo, California, and expects to leave next Tuesday with his family for that place to make that place their permanent residence. Clyde Turner who has been in Re public, Wash., for several months, ar rived in Milton Friday morning for an indefinite stay. Jim Welch of Pendleton was a Mllton-Freewater visitor Saturday. Commissioner H. M. Cockburn, su. ' perintended unloading a new road grader at the Traction Company's sta tion at Milton Saturday. THE ACHES OF HOUSE CLEANING The pain and soreness caused by bruises, over-exertion and straining during house cleaning time are sooth ed away by Sloan's Liniment No need to suffer this agony. Just apply Sloan's Liniment to the sore spots, rub only a little In a short time the Pain leaves, you rest comfortably and enjoy a refreshing sleep. One grate- j ful user writes: "Sloan's Liniment Is worth Its weight In gold." Keep a bottle on hand, use it against all sore ness, neuralgia and bruises. Kills pain. 25c at your druggist. Adv. WHEN THEY SAY WE ARE MORE THAN SURPRISED WITH THE BEAUTIFUL NEW GOODS YOU ARE SHOWING THE PRICES ARE FAR LOWER THAN OUR EXPECTATIONS, AND THE ASSORTMENTS ARE SO LARGE AND COMPLETE, THAT BUYING IS A PLEASURE. THAT'S WHAT WE HEARD FROM SCORES OF SATISFIED CUSTOMERS SAT URDAY, i Cetting Better Acquainted WITH THIS BIG BUSY DEPT. STORE WILL BE OF GREAT BENEFIT TO YOU. THE SAVING WE ARE ABLE TO MAKE FOR YOU ON NEWER AND BETTER MERCHANDISE, BY OUR CASH BUYING AND CASH SELLING m A sU 1111 I CAMU C A irr trrvi i a mm m h am m.mk.mmmMm i. sMIkA. ruin, "-j- Jwm MYt, IUUA WtA 1 SUM Uf MUfltl . f J&Wt& . t .a:.' - 0 Just Received MORE NEW SILK SUITS, SILK TAFFETA SKIRTS, SILK CREPE DE CHINE WAIST, PUSSY WILLOW SILK WAIST, CHINCHILLA COATS, EXTRA SIZE SUITS FOR LADIES' CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES, AND CHILDREN'S COATS, ETC., AND THESE ARE ALL PRICED AT INTRODUCTION SALE PRICES WHITE COATS $6 95 SILK SKIRTS $7.00 CHILDREN'S DRESSES 50c TO $1.49 SILK SUITS- $22.50 AND UP SPRING COATS $7.45 TO $15.00 CHILDREN'S COATS $2.25 TO $3.95 Men's New Spring Suits, 2 Pair Pants, best patterns and weaves $15 POPULAR CASH STORE Where It Pays You to Pay Gash The reason why so mapy people who suffer from Catarrh .never seem able to get cured is that they are con tinually seeking the momentary re lief of sprays, douching, greasy creams, ointments, etc. Such thing do open up the swollen nostrils and clear the head temporarily, besides stopping for a while the disgusting blowing, hawking, spitting and chok ing, but they never cure. To drive out Catarrh for good you hove got to get down to Its real cause. Catarrh Is a germ disease The uir Is always full of catarrh germs thrown off by one person and absorbed by another and when the system does fall to throw off such germs they find per manent lodgment In tlie nose, throat und head and multiply rapidly The germs of catarrh can be best destroyed by Inhaling the pure medi cated air of Hyomel (pronounced Hlgh-o-me.) This splendid and pow erful combination of oil of Euenlyp tua with other healing agents has a wonderful germicidal action. You breathe Its air Into your nose, throat ami lungs by means of n small hard rubber Inhaler which Tallman & Co. and other leading druggists here In Pendleton and vicinity supply with every treatment. This medicated alt Is certain death to the germs of Ca tarrh and drives them completely out of your system and when the germs arc destroyed the catarrh with all Its disagreeable symptoms will stop. EV en two or three minutes use will give refreshing relief, while, If you will use It two or three times a day for a few weeks It will completely ban ish catarrh and every symptom at catarrh. As Hyomel lst pleasant to breathe and Is always sold by drug gists everywhere with a positive guar antee of successful results or money back, surely no Catarrhal sufferet should go long before trying this sim ple home remedy. Mining Activity Noted. li HANTS PASS, Ore., ApriJ 3. That the Illinois Valley, 40 miles from Grants Pass, on the line of the Cali fornia & Oregon Coast Railway, is tc be the scene of the greatest actlvltj of placer gold mining by means of gi gantic dredgers In the northwest is evident from the great amount of land being prospected at the present time with the view to the installation of dredgers. The Harris property near Takilma. embrucink 280 acres or the richest placer lands in Josephine county at the month of Allen Gulch, a tributary of the east fork of the Illinois river and a noted producer or placer gold in the early mining history of this county, has been optioned to a com pany of San Francisco capitalists who will at once undertake all extensive survey und prospect of the ground preliminary to the installation of a modern dredger, More Women Registering. ALBANY. Ore, April 3. Linn i county women are registering more I rapidly. Last week 681 voters regis- tered in this county, making the lar- j gest week's registration since tht books opened, and 323 of them were; women. It is the rtrst week slncaj registration began when the number of women was anywhere near the; number of men registering. The total regiatratlon of Linn coun ty thus far is 4928, and of this num-j ber 3175 are men and 1753 women j Republicans continue to lead the dem. i ocrats almost two to one, with a registration of 2920 to 1549. Other BOY ELEVEN YEARS OLD FALLS OUT Of 2ND STORY WINDOW CHILD HAS REMARKABLE KS OAPH FROM DEATH IX 25 FOOT FALL. parties are represented Prohibition. 157; socialist, 103; pro gressive. 15; independent, 163; re fused to give affiliations, 26; mlscel laneous. E. i o Bones Arc Broken and Unless (Xmmll.mlous set In. He Will Re- follows , mvor: Ron Is Nenncw of Mrs O. F. Steel of Noun; Farmers .ire h Work With Planting. FILLS BKST FOR LIVER. Because they contain the best liver medicines, no matter now bitter or nansentlng for the sweet sugar coat-1 lng hides the taste. Dr' King's Newj Life Pills contain ingredients that put: the liver working, move the bowels j freely. No gripe, no nausea, aid di- j gestion. Just try a bottle of Dr. King's New Life Pills and notice how , much better you feel. 25c at your druggist. Adv. 1 (East Oregonlan Special.) NOUN, Ore.. April 3 Mrs. O. F. Steel was called Saturday to the bed side of her little 11 year old nephew, I.awrence Fraser at Umatilla, who fell 25 feet from a second story win dow of the rmattlla school house last Friday night while attending an en tertainment. At latest reports me little fellow had no bone broken and unleas some complications set in a speedy recov ery is expected. The father of the boy, W. A. Fras- WAITING FOR MEXICAN UPRISING IN JUAREZ, ACROSS FROM EL PASO er. Is foreman of the Jones-Scott gravel pit at that place. Miss Helen Gould, daughter of Per ry Gould, a former Nolln resident, and later connected with the Union Meat Co.. at Portland, but now a sue hessful alfalfa farmer on Butter creek came over Saturday to personally ap ply for the North Yoakum school. Miss Gould Is teaching her second year near Butter creek and cornea highly recommended as a teacher from patrons of that district. J. C. Bowman. J. A. Hawks, Mr. and Mrs R. S. Blxby attended the tachers' institute at Stanfield Satur day. Thomas Kerr returned yesterday from Holdman where he Is Interested with his son in a wheat ranch. Little Harry Shipley who was threatened with pneumonia a week ago. Is up and about again. Mrs. K. A. Hendricks is convales cing after a severe sick spell a week ago. Mrs C. C. Lane and Mrs. Chaa Jon.-s are on the roaa to recovery aft er being sick. Dr. F. R. Dorn. Echo's only and re liable physician has been a frequent visitor to the sick and afflicted in our midst the past week Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fanshier and D. W. Dupuis. North Yoakum resi dents, were Nolln visitors Sunday Nolln residents are badly hamper ed by the wagon road bridge being In dangerous condition. The cross beams under the cen- TRY "CASCARtTS" TOR LIVER AND BOWELS IF ter of the bridge have rotted off at one end and are hanging loose People are crossing over with tight rigs but take their Uvea hi their own hands in so doing. Beautiful weather prevails and farm work Is being pressed along as rapidly as possible. Should Nog Feel Discouraged. So many people troubled with In digestion and constipation have been benefited by taking Chamberlain -i Tablets that no one should feel dis couraged who has not given them a trial. They contain no pepsin or oth er digestive ferments but strengthen the stomach and enable it to perform its functions naturally. Obtainable everywhere. Adv. Violators Kill Ten Deer. BAKER. Ore , Apni 3. That ten deer are reported to have been killed within the past week in the Burnt river section is the statement of As sistant Game Warden Chapman, who Is In Baker for a few days on official business. There is no motive appar ent for the killing, as tne animals, having passed through a hard winter, are useless for food. An investigation will be made at once. Mr. Chapman made a trip of in spection on the slougns of the Powder river and reports that an unusually large amount of catflshing is being done. He believes that the major portion of the anglers are without li censes, and this phase of the matter will be investigated at once. TONIGHT! ('LEAN YOUR KOWEI-s M STOP HEADACHE OOUM, SOUR STOMACH. American troops armed to prevent an uprising of Mexicans of Juarex against El Paso, which is just across the international bridge over the MO I soldiers ready with their rifles when Grande river, are on guard night and It was rumored the Mexicans were day. This photograph shows these I ready to cross the bridge. Get a 10-cent box now. Turn the rascals out -the head ache, biliousness, indigestion, the sick, sour stomach and bad colds turn them out tonight and keep them out with Cascarets. Millions of men and women take a Casearet now und then and never know the misery caused by a lazy liv er, clogged bowels, or an upset stom ach. Don't put In another day of dis tress. Let Cascarets cleanse your stomach; remove ths sour. fermentln food; take the excess bile from your liver and carry out ail the constlp.it wasto matter and poison In the bow els. Then you will feel greut. A Oascaret tonight stralnhtens you out by morning. They work while you sleep. A 10-cent box from any drug store means a clear head. swe-l stomach and clean, healthy liver and bowel action for months Children love Cascarets because they never gripe or sicken. The boy stood on the burning deck Hut he didn't care a rap. For he was aware, that down below They had Bran-New on tap. City Brewery Telsphoo 111