DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH31, 1916. We are Showing the Most Attractive, the Largest, the Newest and the Most Varied Stock of Spring Merchandise Ever Assembled in Pendleton-We Want You to See it, You'll Enjoy Looking at it as We Enjoy Showing it. TEN GOOD REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY YOUR NEW SPRING SUIT AT THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE 1. The most popular styles in America. 2. Strictly all-wool fabrics. 3. Nobody's hard for us to fit. 4. All seams sewed with silk. Finest tailor workmen the whole country. in High quality of inside ma terials. Unequaled variety o f weaves and patterns. Largest styles select. assortment from which of to Everything is carefully shrunk in cold water. Guaranteed, return the goods if you're not satisfied. Our prices, quality consid ered are below the other fel lows too, 915.00 to $30.00 GROUND GRIPPER SHOES You've never worn them but you should. They are new on the market but they're the greatest shoe made for real comfort. A few days ago a woman who has been wearing a pair of "Ground Grippers" for a short time made the statement to one of our shoe salesmen, "1 wouldn't take a hundred dollars for this pair of 'Ground Grippers if I couldn't get another pair," and that was only one such remark out of scores that we are hearing daily. Give them a trial. You'll like them just as well as everyone else does. BUY AS LITTLE AS YOU LIKE, OR AS MUCH AS YOU CAN. Service in our store U always the am. We are mindful of the fact that your patron age, to be held, must be earned by consistent satis factory service. 100 cents worth of genuine satisfaction goes with every dollars sale at The Peoples Warehouse. GABARDINE AND WAFFLE CLOTH For your wash skirts you'll find Gabardine and Waffle Cloth to be the best. It comes 36 inches wide; plain white and self toned stripes. The yard.. 25 to 65 MERCERIZED BATISTE .A h ?he?r wash fab"c with permanent silk finish, 40 to 45 inches wide, makes up into dainty waists and baby dresses. The yard '35k to 85J . . MIXED SUITING A showing of the new mixed suiting, the salt and pep- effeand stnP8. ar wool, 54 inches wide, for suits and dresses. Good weight for .this season's early Spring wear. The yard 9i.25 to ?1.50 DON'T DELAY THE PURCHASE OF YOUR New Spring Suit REASONS: More complete stocks to choose from now. Greater length of time to wear it More service for the money. Every reason urges the immediate choosing of your new suit. Don't these beautiful days awaken in you a desire in you to dress-up and go out in the sunshine? We are thoroughly prepared to fill your wants. Every whim of Fashion has been satis fied in the selection of various garments awaiting your inspection. New cape collars, bell cuffs, ripple peplum jackets, flared and gored skirts are some of the style features used in suits made in navy and Copenhagen blue, reseda and Boiling green, Quaker grey, sheppard checks, tan and black in wool gabardines, poplin, Poiret twill and serges as well as crisp taf feta and combinations of both. There is quality of materials, beauty of styles and best of workmanship in these garments at prices from 815.00 to $50.00. EXTRA SPECIAL See our large assortment of dainty lingerie waists at $2.95. WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S HOSIERY Notwithstanding the advance in price of all lines of hosiery, we are still offering the same dependable quali ties at the same old prices. Women's guaranteed silk hose, in black or white. The pair 75t, $1.00, $1.50. and $2.00 Women's guaranteed silk hose in colors. Pair $1.00 Women's full fashioned silk boot, or silk lisle hose. The pair 50 Women's full fashioned silk lisle hose, black, white and black with white sole. Pair 35, 3 pair 81.00 Women's seamless gauze lisle, full ribbed, ribbed top, or heavy cotton. The pair, 25 "T. P. W. PURE FOOD SHOP" 3 PHONES 15. CLEANLINESS ECONOMY SERVICE Saturday's shoppers will find our store brim full of good things to eat, kept and handled under the most sani tary methods. FRESH VEGETABLE FOIt SATURDAY, Km potatoes, green pea, new beets, parrots, radishes, on ion lettuce, asparagus, rhu be.ro. ripe tomatoes, cucumbers, and cauliflower. Phone us your order SWIFTS PUBMECM HAMS AMI BACON. Iti Shipment. MAP LEW ARK M'NtJH SET Consulting or tablecloth, nap kins, dishes and spoons. iust the thing for picnics and Dutch lunches. The m-t lc T P. W mBI W. BI.KMI Th beet Sic coffee on earth M II! I.. II I 4 XM.II - hxkii s MB DilOM Fresh from the factory ovens. iuki MM Something extra fancy. Tin- mnffl. 90r. I.I.I I' Ml s! n DEFT. Ifcauvt Hani, thoroughly cook ed, sliced to jour order, pouml 0e lo'.tl Beef We buy tin choicest cuts only. Our custom ers say its the finest in town, sliced wafer thin. Pound... 45c Luncheon Loaf and Baker Lof. Pound SSc PVkles, Olives and Relishes, delivered in our sanitary paper bottles. CROCKERY DEPT. Plates Bet of 6. .5c to II .VI Cop and Sbikcm fjt't of 6 75c to $24W Glassware plain and Star cut, set of I 10c to 11.40 T. p. w. Pure CWcr Vinegar, bottle Mc launch vx Paper, large rolls, each Sc Dried Peaches Estra select stwk, 10 pound box 11.00 Winesap Apptoe Extra choice grades Box SI .75 T. P. W. Itath Tablets, Rose Glycerine and Peroxide. 12 to box 11.00 Maine State Beans Something different. Try them S cans 50c Hawaiian sliced Pineapple, packed In pure sugar syrup. ( cans for 5c Children's fine ribbed lisle hose, in black, white, light blue and pink, sizes 5 to 10. The pair 25 Boys' heavy and medium heavy ribbed hose in black or tan, The pair 25 Infants' cashmere or lisle hose in white, light blue, pink, tan and black. The pair 25 Infants' silk or silk and wool hose, silk hose come in white, black, light blue and pink ; silk and wool in black and white only. The pair 35 Infants 'extra quality pure thread silk hose, white only. The pair 50f TISSUE GINGHAMS An ideal wash fabric that gives satisfaction, 28 inches wide. Comes in stripes and checks, dainty colorings for street and house wear. The yard 25 THE BARGAIN BASEMENT There Ls no competition with this clean-up department. It was not established for the sake of competjtlon; but we have added this ecc nomlcal department to clean up our odds and ends, broken lots, etc. and no sane merchant can compete with "clean-up prices" when cost, selling price and quality are disregarded. In this stock of J12,00n to $15,000, every single Item Is priced extremely low. Quality mer chandise marked lower than so- ailed cheap goods. THESE CDEAN-UP PRICES MAKE SANE COMPETITION IM- r mmui . Men's Work Shoes Chrome calf, worth $4 00 $2.47 Table Cloth Three pretty patterns, 66 cent quality 48; Gingham For various purposes. 7c value 5c Men's Work Sox Mighty good 3 for 26c sox Sc Mklclles To clean up a lot that sod for $1.00 , Women's !hoes Soft kid. patent tip. wide last SI. 6:; Women's Drews Shoot High Heel, cloth top, high finished kid $1.08 Silk Pongee Several dress and waist patterns left . ... 42c Kltrurcd I.awn Prettiest lawns offered, "II new Women's Silk Gloves One or two button all colors .; Girls' Wash Drawc Good colors, broken lots jc Men's Work Shirts You'll say It's a bargain 2 Guaranteed blockings and Box fur tltc whole family. 2 for 2.V Men's Overall Heavy Denim lull cut ami full Docketed 70c Boys' Waists Bport collars and military. 50c values 29c II Yards of Standard Calico 500 TWO KNTHANCES One entrance through the grocery, the oth er near the shoe department. The Peoples Warehouse WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE II, I Miss Olive Qwinn, talented young lady of this city who mis won much praise as a dramatic reader, left yes terday morning for southern Idaho, where she will give a series of read ings in Caldwell, Weiser, Nampa and Boise. .She will read the "War Brides," which she has presented In Pendleton on several occasions with much success Miss Gwinn expects to be absent several weeks. A. Phimlster Proctor, the sculptor, arrived home Wednesday from New York where he had his western work on exhibit. As a result of his visit there Mr. Proctor sold several of his "Buckurooes" and other pieces dons since coming west He found plenty or work awaiting him In the east had he desired to accept the com- missions hut the west 'nan too much of an appeal to him to permit him to1 remain long absent. During his stay, in New York, Mr. Proctor was much' entertained, one dinner having been : given him at Delmonico's by W. B Domlnick. At that time he told the distinguished easterners present of the Pendleton Round-up and so Interest ed them that a number voiced their intention of coming out this fall. Am ond the number planning on the trip are Mr. and Mrs. Domlnick Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Burke ex-' pact to come up from Portland this week to occupy their residence on Water street. Mrs. Gus La Fontaine has return ed from Portland where she had been with her daughter, Mrs. Alvln P. Knight, who has been quite ill. Mrs. Knight Is now Improving slowly. Madame Pauline Miller Chapman' charmed an audience at the Presby. terlan church last evening with her beautiful mesxo contralto voice.. Her singing fully Justified all of the kind things which many voice critics hnve had to say about her tn this country and Europe. Her voice, of a natural sweetness and clearness, shows thor ough culture and her varied numbers last evening were recerved with real pleasure by her hearers. ' She was supported by her husband. Frank Thomas Miller, a violinist of rare ability, and May Van Dyke, a very talented accompanist. CREDIT CM FOR $81.00 This week end our great sale. Many have taken advantage of the un precedented piano values and ex. ceptionally easy terms. Buy beore the 1st of April and save from $100.00 to $350.00. Those who have Investigated have been quick to purchase and you should take advantage of this opportunity now. Next week your credit certifi cate for $81,00 will be void. There are other advantages offered this week besides that are attractive. Pay $1.00 or $8.00 per month of you wish. Every piano guaranteed by the manufacturers and by us. It Is money hack If not as represented. Store open evenings. WUtUKVS arCSK HOUSE. 820 Main St. church, services are being held In the auditorium of the Athena school house. COLDS QUICKLY RELIEVED. Many people cough and cough from the beginning of Fall right through to Spring Others get cold after cold. Take Dr. King's New Dis covery and you will get almost Imme diate relief. It checks your cold, stops the racking, rasping, tissue tearing cough, heals the inflamma tion, soothes the raw tubes. Easy to take, Antiseptic and Healing. Get a 60c bottle of Dr. King's New Discov ery today. 'It is certainly a great medicine and I keep a bottle of It continually on .hand," writes W. C. Jesseman. Fraconla, N. H. Money back If not satisfied. Adv. IM.790 In Public Schools. SALEM, Ore., March 31. Official records of J. A. Churchill, superin tendent of public instruction, show that 9272 more children were enroll ed in the schools of the state in 1915 than In 1914. the total number being 151,199. The number of teachers now employed total 6056 in the pubyc schools and 609 In private schools This Is an Increase of 1103 over the year preceding. MEACHAM 61 HAS AT ATHENA BRINGS OUT LAR6E NUMBER MEMBERS OP CHRISTIAN DE NOMINATION ENJOY A PLEAS ANT TIME. lteccfrtioii committee Greets Guests; Program Is Given and refreshment-. Are Served; other Socials of Uke Nature Wl'l Be Held; Person al Items of Interest. igiligggggiglllig (Bast Oregonlan Kpecial.) ATHENA, Ore., March 31. D. C Sanderson and son of Freewater. tran sacted business In Athena Monday. Mrs. J. D. Plamondon gave a recital for her music pupils Saturday. A reception to the members of the Christian church, given Wednesday evening, brought out a large com pany of people within and without the church. One would think of a city church with the modern demands for social life and character, when enter ing the main auditorium, where the people were met by a receiving com mittee composed of the pastor and wife, the official board and their wives, the choirlster and his wife. And after a short but strong program con suiting of Bddresses by the pastor and his wife, a piano solo by Miss Zola Keen, and a vocal solo by Dr. W. B. Scott, the entire- company were serv ed with a generous menu that tickled the palate and brought forth manv compliments for those who pfepared the viands This Is the beginning of a series of monthly social features that the newly organized social cluh will have In charge The church and the social life will be triVlr theme for some ok, nit,. Miss Isabel Taylor of Pullman. ! Wash.. Is visiting Athena friends fori a few days. B. B. Richards transacted business In Helix this week. Mr. and Mrs. McBrlde were In from their farms yesterday. Attorney Homer I. Watts, candidal" for district attorney, transacted busi ness in Helix Thursday. Mr. and Mrs Balph Baling of Wes-' ton passed through town Wednesday In their new Beo car. Ed Wright of Pendleton, agent for the Mltchel auto, was In Athena Thursday. C, C. Conner of Helix, traded with Athena merchants Thursday. The Athena high school boys will go tfi Milton Friday afternoon for the purpose of playing baseball with the high school boys of that town. During te remodeling of the Baptist AT ABERDEEN. WASH. MISS ALICE BROWN TAKES NEW P1.AOE; HAD BEEN STAYING WITH PARENTS. Cord Wood la Loaded for Pendleton; Sunshine Is Melting the Snow; There Is SHI Four Fee In the Timber; other Note of the Me, eham Country. (East Oregonlan Rneclnl t MEACHAM, Ore., March 31 Miss Alice Brown left on No. 19 Wednesday night to accept a position at Aber deen, Wash. She has been stopping with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Oodet since Christmas. Miss Jenny Casey went to La Grande on Thursday to have dental work done. J. D. Marshall and W. B. Boss are loading two cars of cord wood for Pendleton. The sunshine of the last few day? is melting the snow so It ls entirely absent In level, open places and side hills but in the timber It ls four feet deep yet In places CLEANSES YOUR HAIR MAKES IT BEAUTIFUL, THICK, GLOSSY, WAVY TRY THIS! AM, DANDRUFF DIS APPEARS AND HAIR STOPS COMING OUT. Surely try a "Danderlne Hair Cleanse" If you wish to immediately double the beauty of your hair. Just moisten a cloth with Danderlne and draw it carefully through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; this will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or any excessive oil In a few min utes you will be amased. Your hair will be wavy, fluffy and abundant and possess an IncomparaMe softness, lus tre and luxuriance. Besides beautifying the hair, one application of Danderlne dissolves ev ery particle of dandruff; Invigorate the scalp, stopping Itching and falling Danderlne is to the hair what (reach showers of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. It goes right to the roots Invigorates and strengthen them. It exhilarating, stimulating and life-producing properties cause the hair to grow long, strong and beautiful. You can surely have pretty, soft, lustrous hair, and lota of It, If you will Just get a 26-cent bottle ot Knowton's Danderlne rrotn any drug store or tolleet counter and try it a directed. Hen Marlln went to Pendleton on Monday, returning the next day. J D. Casey went to La Grande on Tuesday night. Jim Shockley was In town on Wed nesday to move the last of his house hold goods to' his ranch at McKay Kay creek. The Casey Lumber company started work at its mill this week. r Call 622 AND WE WILL CALL FOR YOUR OLD RAGS, RUB BER, ZINC, BRASS, SACKS ETC. Mcton Ride Junk Co. 206 West Webb Street