East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 31, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Tonight and Saturday fair.
Maximum temperature, II; Mini
mum, 21; rainfall. wind, soUn.
light, weather, clear
Tht Rut Oregonlan has the largest bow
tide and guaranteed paid circulation of an?
paper In Oregon, cut of Portland and by
far the largeat circulation In Pendleton of
any other newspaper.
VOL. 28
NO. 8771
Berlin Announces That Fortresses on
Belt! Sides of the City Have Been
Taken by Germans.
Three Attacks Drive French Defend
er from Position After Fierce
Rand to Hand Combat I Fought;
p-""- Admit French Were
Fereed to Retire.
BOBIU-IN, March II. Tha fortified
village of Malancourt and tha de
fense on both aldei have been storm
ed and raptured, It was officially an
nounced. Prisoners taken totaled
PARIS. March 31 After a bom
bard lasting all night, the German
drove the French from their positions
at Malancourt by three massed at
tacks delivered simultaneously. Be
fore the French gave ground, how
ever, they fought the Germans hand
to hand for hours. As they were
massed, In the struggling encounter,
the artillery of both aides was silent
for fear of killing their own men.
LONDON. March II. With huge
German shells smashing their trench
es Into ruins, the French troops have
evacuated all but the eastern and
soutcrn outskirts of Malancourt. Par
Is dispatches admitted. They said ths
German, artillery hall rendered other
defenses untenable.
Twenty thousand Germans have
been killed and maimed .as a result
of the crown prince's renewed attack
against Verdun, according to esti
mates from French military experts.
The now assault has been luunched on
both banks of the Mouse. Massed
French batteries wiped out whole bat
tallonr when the Germans rushed on
Waite Indicted on
Charge of Murder
NEW YORK. Marcn 31 Dr Ar
thur Warren Waite was Indicted on a
first degree, murder cnarge today. It j
la alleged he poisoned his wealthy j
father-in-law. John K Peck, of Grand
Rn plds.
The Indictment was presented by
the grand Jury to Judge Nott. The,
grand Jury had been In continuous
session since Monday Dr. Waite, It
was stated, will not ne arraigned on
the murder charge until Monday.
District Attorney Swann expected to
demand that Waite be tried In the su
prenie court.
v.sUrdny afternoon during the sec
ond period at the high school. Prof.
Ommbee sent a messenger around to
all the rooms In the building with n
telegram which read like 'this.
"School will take up at the regular
time, 8:10." At this Instant several
moans passed from the students
throughout the rooms, for no other
reason than that In the morning as
sembly Prof. Gambee announced that
on Friday morning the change of pe
riods would take place which had
passed the vote of the students, but
the telegram came from the school
hoard that they would not permit the
change until they held another meet
ing. Now the students are disappoint
ed because of the delay in making the
change and perhaps they will not gel j
It at all
In a recent vote taken as to wheth
er the change should be made, It
showed that fully 85 per cent of tha
students favored the eight continuous
sessions. This plan the board reject
ed. Again only nine students or
about three per cent voted to have
the hours remain as they now stand,
or in other word about 97 per cent
voted to have six periods In the morn
ing and two In the afternoon. It has
been arranged so that the nine stu
dents who voted against the change
and who had good reason for doing
so enn take their work without ant
extra trouble. All the teacher are
very enthusiastic over the change and
would like to see It take place.
Library is Nearing Completion
Will be Beautiful Structure
Pendleton and Umatilla county will
soon have one of the most beautiful,
one of the best arranged and on ot
the most urtistlc library buildings In
the northwest. The structure, which
Is now nearing completion on the
commanding site just north of the
Main street bridge, will be a triumph
of library architecture and Is destined
to become one of the chief prides of
the townsman.
A trip of Inspection through the
building and careful notation of plans
worked out in detail to combine the
maximum of utility with the maximum
of artistic effect, cannot but convince
one, even at this stage in the con
struction, that the completed building
will Justify In full the long effort of
the library board and the expendi
tures made by the city and county.
The building Is now in Its final
stages of construction. The exterior:
has been almost finished and the plas-.
terers are now at work on the Inter-
lor. It will not be long before the'
contractors are putting on the finish
ing touches. The building will be
ready for occupancy before the end
of spring but the library will prob- j
ably not be moved in until sometime,
during the summer owing to the de
lay in the purchase of furnishings.
The wulls of the building are con
structed of hollow tile and the finish
of the exterior Is a pebble dash. The
i oof is of Spanish tile of three slightly
different shades of green so that It!
will present a mottled appearance, j
Three coats of plaster, the middle a
scratch coat, are being put on and,
when completed, the building will be
as fire-proof as It is possible to make
a building.
The library will have a full capac
ity of about 05.000 volumes though a!
present there are only about a fourth
1 1 -
First Photograph Taken During Battle of Verdun
-t j
(taEnKsEKftSaaifl JyHBr MEbwSP'hI
This ia one of the first photographs to teach this country, taken during the terrific battle around Verdun It
shows a French convoy taking machine gun ammunition to the firing line to repel the vigorous German attacks.
Feeding The Troops in Mexico
Becoming Hard Problem to Solve
Men of the Sixteenth Infantry are
ahown here loading supply train to
be moved across the boarer. On ac
that number In the library. In plan
ning the building careful provision
bas been made for future needs ana
yet, these provisions for the future
have been so planned that there will
be no appearance of emptiness from
the first With the present revenue,
the board can add about 3000 vol
umes a year.
on the main floor there will be a
reading room for adults, a reading
loom for children, and a stack room,
all commodious. The arrangement is
such that the librarian at the loan
desk will have a view of all three
rooms without moving. The book
stack will be radial so that she may
look down each one.
In addition to this floor there will
be cloak rooms for men and women,
a committee room In which any com
mittee of any organisation In the city
may meet, a librarian's office and
cataloguing room. Just outside the
adult's reading room on the east
there will lie an outdoor reading
room, a feature few libraries have It
will command a beautiful view up the.
river as will the reading room of the
adults and the committee room. In
fact the building has been carefully
planned to take full advantage 'of the
beautiful view afforded by the loca
tion. In the basement there will be an
auditorium for the use of civic organ
izations without charge; a room for
club meetings with a small adjoining
kitchen equipped with electric cook
ing appliances, a packing room for
the distribution of books over 'the
county, a box storage room and a fur
nace room shut off by flre-proot
doors. Provision is made for the re
ception of books and fuel with a mln-
( Continued on Pag Seven.)
count of the barren territory, the
United States punitive expedition in
pursuit of Villa and his followers will
Elks Arrange to
Put on Comedy on
April 24 and 25
"A Night In Bohemia." two nights
at the Oregon theater.
This Is what the Elks have in store
for Pendleton people next month and
Rufus K Love, one of the best known
theatrical directors In the business,
is here to take charge of the enter,
prise. April II and 25 are the dates
set for the annual Elk show
The? original plans of the commit
tee, as announced several weeks ago,
were cancelled when It became known
that Mr Love could be secured. For
several years the Penateton lodge had
tried to connect with him but always
his engagement have been so many
that It ha been Impossible to secure
a date with him.
"A Night In Bohemia" Is a musical
farce comedy for which about 125
people will be required Singing and
dancing chorus of botn sexes and all
ages will be used and the drilling of
these will be taken up at once,
Mr. Love met last night with the
committee. R. E. C?hloupek, Lou Steel
hammer, J. H. Estes, R W. Fletcher
and L. D. Drake and made out a list
of his requirements. He want 10
little girls and 10 high school girls.
30 young ladies and 30 men for a
male chorus. He wants to enlist all
of the leading soloists of the city and
all of the best acting talent.
Clive Cheshire, who has made hits
before in Elk plays has already been
cast in the role of the leading man.
"Edmund Keene.'' ana the other part
will be assigned soon. Wives, daugh
ters, sweethearts and friends of Elks
will be Invited to Join m the makln-r
of a success of the attraction.
(Continued on Page Twelve)
Qtrri film SXRyJ.
be forced to depend almost entirely
upon supplies and even water rushed
from the United States.
Ernest Schiller is Arrested After At
tempting to Seize British Steamer
Single Handed.
Four Men as Stowaways Were to
Spring Out at gbrnal and Overpow
er the Officers and Oow the Chi
nese crew; Daring Adventurer May
Have to Hang.
LEWES, Del, March II. A daring
plot to capture the 1000 ton British;
steamer Matoppo with a valuable car
go and take her to sea was revealed
by Ernest Schiller who was overpow
ered after holding up the ship's com-'
mander and attempting to seize the'
vessel single handed. Four other, tt'
was said, conspired with him.
The four, as stowaways, were to'
spring out at a signal, overpower the
officers and cow. the Chinese crew.
This was to have taken place off San
dy Hook. Schiller's comrades, how
ever, backed out before the vessel
cleared Hoboken. so he decided to
execute the plan alone if it proved
the Matoppo was outside the three
mile limit when the attack occurred.
Schiller is a pirate and liable to
hanging by the British under the pi
racy laws.
tailing over a cliff 300 feet
lifeth. flit It- six year old Vclnui
Fletcher, daughter of Robert
Fletcher, a McKay creek rancher,
bad a narrow escape mini death
Wednesday. As It was -die sus
tained a fracture or the thigh
bone and a bad scalp w"und be
sides Innumerable bruise. The
cliff was not perpendicular for
tlx- full distance, else death would,
tiave been her fate. She rolled
part of the way, bouncing from
ledge to ledge, she was brought
to Pendleton and Dr. Battery at
tended to the Injuries. She li
at the hospital now and Is report
ed to lie improving.
O W.R.& IN. Advances
Wages for Trainmen
PORTLAND, ore., March SI.
I ollowlng wage conferences last
ing three months, an 0.-W. R. &
V increase to conductors and
brnkemen Is announced today.
The Increases total 139,000 a
year. It includes tlie entire re
nrrnnKcnient of the wage sched
ules. The increases range Irom
thirty to ninety cents per day, af
fecting 730 employes. The agree
ment has no connection with tlie
demand for a iiatiuiai eight
hour day.
Wheat High Today
at Opening of Pit
CHWAOO, March 31. (Special!
I May, opening. $1 .15 1-8, closing, 11.13
J T -S . July, opening. $1.13 3-8. closing
LIl 1.8.
1 Portland.
PORTLAND, Ore.. March SI. 1
i (Special I--Merchants Exchange pri-
ces today, club SO bid. 95 asked. Blue
jstcm $1 bid. $1.05 asked.
LIVERPOOL March 30 Wheat
Spot No. l Manitoba. 13s 7d; No. S.
Us 3d: No. 2 red western winter, lis
8d: No. ! hard winter gulf, lis 4d.
L In American terms the highest Liv
erpool price (for spot No. 1 Manitoba i
is 11.11 per bushel.
Asserts Road Committee is
Not Committed to Bond Plan
Pendleton. Ore.. March 31.
Editor East Oregonian:
Every article bearing the signature
of the Good Roads Association favor-1
Ing the bond Issue to build the so
called trunk roads is very misleading.
The majority of the individuals of'
the board do not favor the bondln .
proposition and are especially against,
the roads proposed by the commercial '
clubs and the Warren Conatructlon
Company. There has been no meet-1
American Column
Strikes at Villa
Forces Under Colonel Dodd
Attack Bandit Leador and
His Men, Killing Thirty
EL PASO, March Si An nn-
confirmed report cucalased here
that Villa, fleeing from Gwerrero
had murdered several Americans
at Maura, ten miles south. Min
ing men and railroad officials
are trying to get definite new.
Last reports said the American
t Guerrero were Doctor Stall
and men named Locke, Acklln,
Hemple and Herman IManken
burg. EL PASO, March 31. The Ameri
can expedition baa clashed with the
Mills tan near Tron alamos, In the
Guerrero region, according to a mes
sage from Case (.ramies to Consul
Garcia, made public this afternoon.
WASHINGTON, March 31. The
war department received confirma
tion this afternoon of the report that
the Vlllistas have been badly beaten
In a clash wlh the American expedi
tionary force. - Colonel Oeorge Dodd's
cavalry struck Villa at six a. m. Wed
nesday near Guerrero, according to a
war department message from tha San
Geronimo ranch. The dispatch, dat
ed yesterday was transmitted from
Pershing via Funston headquarters.
Villa, suffering from a broken leg
and other injuries was not in the bat
tie. The ViUlstas left 10 dead on the
field. Others are believed to have
been killed. Dodd captured two rapid
fire guns, many saddles, horses, am
munition and supplies.
Eliaso Hernandez, commanding
tin- Vill'stas was killed.
The attack was a tremendous sur
price to Villa. His men did not have
time to arm before the American ca
valry was upon them. Dodd's men
had marched 55 miles in 17 hours to
overtake the bandits.
The Mexicans showed no fighting
qualities said the dispatches, but
The report of the grades of the
Pendleton high school students for
the second quarter of the semester,
read in assembly this morning, show
ed an increase toward higher stand
ings over the last quarter. A larger
percentage of the students have made
an average of 90 for the last month
than ever before.
Prof. Gambee holies that by the end
of the semester all the students will
have averages above the 90 per cent
In the report read this morning the
normal class heads the list with an
average of 89. The juniors Jumped
trom fourth place last month to sec
ond this month with an average of
85: commercial class 84: seniors. 84
freshmen II. 81: freshmen I, 79; soph
omores, 79, and irregular student. IA
The seniors had nine with an average
of 90 or more. Nellie Sloan receiving
the highest. 93: normal class had 8
with Marguerite Straughan receiving
96; commercial had 9. Gladys Bed
well receiving 93; juniors had 12, No
la Childreth receiving 95; sopho
mores, 11, Altla Boylen receiving 96:
freshmen II. had 9. Helen Miens re
ceiving 96; freshmen I had I, Geor
gia Miller receiving 93.
Alta Boylen, a soph. Helen Miens,
a freshman II, and Marguerite
Straughan. a senior, were all tied for
first honors with a grade of 9 and
five subjects on their course. There
were five who received 95 and 11. 94.
Ten seniors and dur juniors fell be
low 80 per cent.
Ing of the board alone this year when
we were asked to vote on the bond
issue to build trunk highway.
The first vote that was put over
was by the Commercial club, with the
help of Mr. Lonergan. the agent ot
the Warren Construction Companv.
using a map he had drawn for that
At the next meeting called to meet
with the county court a number ot
(Continued on page five.)
merely grabbed the nearest gun,
mounted their horses and fled. A
running fight ensued. The battle last
ed while the American and the Mex
ican galloped aide by side for ton
mile, fighting. At last the bandits
separated and fled to the mountains,
abandoning a number of Carraiulata
who had been taken prisoners ia pre
vious encounter.
EL PASO, March 21. A battle was
fought yesterday between the seventh
cavalry and the Vllliata column. Ac
j cording to an official dispatch. SOU
j ViUlstas, under Eliaso Hernandez.
I were encountered at San Geronimo.
The Vlllistas lost Hernandes and 10
men. Several Americans were wound
ed. Confirmation was had to the re
port that Villa was wounded in the
hut fight with constitutionalists. He is
hiding in the vicinity of Guerrero.
Eugenic Contest
and Baby Parade
to be Held Here
t IM it.
A "Better Babies" eugenic contest
and baby parade will be held In Pen
dleton next month under the auspice
and direction of the parent-teacher
association of this city, assisted by the
various ladies' club.
At a meeting yesterday afternoon
it was definitely determined to hold
the contest and the Thursday and
Friday before Easter Sunday, which
falls on April 23. were set as the
dates for the eugenic show. On the
following Saturday, weather permit
ting, a parade for babies will be held
and prises given.
The contest la to be open to a'l
babies In Umatilla county. Expert
scorers from Portland will come up
and they will be assisted by local
physicians and nurses. Any mother
who desires may have her baby
The prises for appearance In the
parade will be divided according to
classification. For instance there
will be a peramulator etas, a four
wheeled buggy class, a two wheeled
cart class, a Shetland pony class, etc.
The details of the contest have not
jet been worked out but all of the es
sential features, qualification, plans
and prizes will be announced soon.
Many More Young
Women Enter the
Festival Contest
Nine or ten more young ladies, a
number of them from over the coun
ty, entered the contest to become
Pendleton's candidate for Rose Queen
during the past 24 hours and the fin
ish of the contest tomorrow proml.tes
to be exciting. Miss Muriel ratting
of this city Is leading in the contest
by a small margin lodav
Among the new entrants are Mls.1
Lola Rogers and Miss Nadine blake
ly of this city. Miss Virginia Todd of
Hermlstnn. Miss Uene Webh f E, h...
Miss Alta Smith of Pilot ftock, MM
Doris Chesnut of Adams Miss id.--sa
Klrkpatrick of Weston. Mi... EolS
Keen of Athena and Miss Hern lee
Walker of Siunrleld
The last voting coupons will he In
the papers this evening and they must
be voted by noon tomorrow Th"
successful candidate will be announc
ed In the tai'ers laworrs iftern"tn.
The real state-wide balloting will be
gin Monday.
SAN DIEGO, Cal.. Marrh 10 Foi.
lowing repeated that armed Msilcan
are Infesting the frontier sheriff Con
klln announced he would aak Gover
nor Johnson to determine If the us
of the Callforla militia was advisable,