EIGHT PAGES r AGS EIGHT DAILY BAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 30. 1916. Country Hams THE REAL THING, WELL CURED. While They Last SPECIAL 20c PER POUND. Here is something new just re ceived this morning. London Cream Biscuits package 10c Cheese Tid-Bits, lb 10c Tiny Tot Pretzels, lb. 25c Dinner Biscuits, lb. 50c Tokens, pkg 10c One Tea Pot with one pound of C. & S. Tea. Regular price 60e pound. Bray Bros. Grocery Co, Two Phones, 28. "QUALITY" 823 Main St Oregon Trail McDevitt & Coutts, Props. Soft Drinks and Cigars. Card room in connectioni "Bran-New" Bottled or on Draught Cor. Court & Cottonwood Streets. This Week Ends It Visit our store to see how a really I fine piano can be purchased for J16S -1 50 on terms. Use your SSI credit cer tificate. WARREN'S MTSIO HOUSE. (Adv.) 820 Main St Sheepman Buys Bulck. Herbert Boylen, prominent Pilot Rock sheepman, has purchased a new D.45 Bulck auto from the Oregon Motor Garage. Old Timer Visits Here. John Harder, prominent farmer of Condon and formerly living near Weston. Is a visitor In the city. Mr, Harder still owns land in this county. Patient at Hospital Dies. Thomas Cunningham, 41. a miner committed to the Eastern Oregon State Hospital from Baker county, died yesterday afternoon of exhaus tion from paralysis of the brain. Twenty Coyote Pelts. Bounty was paid this afternoon at the clerk's office on twenty coyote pelts brought in by E. Snyder of Echo. All but two were from coyote pups. Kullding permits. A building permit was Issued to day to M. B. fceys to repair his dwell ing on Aura street at a cos of J250. One was issued yesterday for the re- j pair of the Peoples Warehouse barn ! on Lee street I reservation and some of the Indians object to it being turned over to the county. However, no official repre sentative was appointed by the Indians to present their claims for damages. The Indian bureau also aaks a state ment from the county court as to what improvements are Intended on the road. tlllltlllllll1ltltlllllltlHltltlllltlltllllllllllllltllllllllltllltltIlllltlHltlltlIlllllllllllllttllMIIIIIIIIIIIIII(llltllllMlllltillllHIIlfntlHI Obey That Impulse! j ' Buy your new SPRING APPAREL NOW. Get first choice. See the newest colors s and models at the Golden Rule Store. WE SAVE YOU MONEY, due to our 83 Big a Busy Stores buying altogether and don't forget that we sell you the NEW for LESS. Divorce Is (.ranted. Judge Phelps has granted a divorce In the case of Annie Anderson vs. Evan G. Anderson. Undergoes Operation. Mrs. Joe Forrest of Athena under went an operation yesterday at St Anthony's hospital and Is reported to day to be Improving nicely. Men's Men's Men's Hoys' Hoys' Hoys' Hoys' Bays' Men's Men's Mast's Men's Beting suits tT.to, ss.eo. sia.so Spring Hats tec, $1.48, fl.SS Spring Shirts 4 Sc. Mo, 11.49 Spring Stilts Sl.8, M.S8, tS.Ss Spring Blouses SSe, 4Sc Spring Hats 4c, SSc tSo spring Pants 49o. SSc. S8c spring Shoes . . . SI.'JS, $t.S9, SI.S9, $1.98 Dress Shoes SU.9U, S8.50. SS.98 Heavy Work Shoes. . . . S2.49, $2.98, SS.50 Summer Work Shoes $1.49, $t,89, $1.98 Work Shirts 39c, 45c Boudoir Caps 85c 49e, M New Strap Purses 49c. S9e, Sao New Hand Bags 49c. 98c. $1.4 New Collars 25c, 19c. 98o Auto tans '. . . 49c. SSc, 98c New Silk Gloves 49c. SSc. Sfto (ilnghani Petticoats 25c, SSc Sateen Petticoats 49c, SSc, S8o Children's Dresses SSc 49c, 98c Children's Sateen Bloomers SSc 4 So Bungalow Aprons 49c, 69c, Stto Klmonas SSc, $1.49 to $$.98 AMERICAN BOXERS SCORE GLEAN SWEEP ! 1 Todays Arrivals Ladies White Goats Buy It For Less You Can Alwayi Do Better At We Lead, Others Follow Modern Home for Sale. On account of moving to Spokane I ' desire to sell my modern noma at 12 S Jan street For particulars Inquire ! at E. 0. office or address a & BUTLER, 1113 W. Indiana Ave , Spokane Wash (Adv.) DRINK if BRAN-NEW It's pure and has the "Pep." The best drink on the market. Made in the best town on earth, PENDLETON. Served at the Following Cafes: St. George Grill. Quelle Cafe On Draught and in Bottles at Following Resorts: Connor's Cigar Store Coutts & McDevitt Billy's Place The Crescent Sold to the family trade in cases of one dozen bottles and up, quarts or pints. Brewed and bottled by Wm. Roesch Bottling Co. City Brewery Wholesale and Retail. Telephone 528 To Build Hollow Tile House. Roland Oliver has started work on his new 14000 home on Jackson street I The house will be built of hollow tile and will be the first residence in Pen- 1 dleton so constructed. Mr. Oliver sold his old house to A. Zueske who moved it farther south on the street. Musicians Arrive in City. Pauline Miller Chapman, soprano, Frank Thomas Chapman, violinist, and May Van Dyke, pianist, arrived i In Pendleton on No. 17 today and will appear this evening in concert at the Presbyterian church. They were met at the depot by Miss Margaret Lowell and Prof. W. K. Livingston who knew them at PaciHc University. g .iiiiiiitiiiiHiiiiiiiiiatiiaiutiiiitiiiiitiiaiiiiniiiMiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiHiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimftaiiiaiiiMiiiiiitiaiiiiMMaMtitt. AveriU Back Home. After a two weeks trip through Washington. E. F. Averill, federal in spector of predatory animals, is back ! home. He went from here to Spo kane and north to the Canadian bor-1 The supremacy of America s box der, returning by way of Seattle. He e over tne Europe,, varletv of reports that the campaign being : con- fisticuff artists has been demonstrat ducted for the extermination of coy-eed tIip m.twW fth..i.h otes is proving very successful in I dlewelght and hawweih eh.. plonshlps of Norway nave Just been annexed by three American boxers. Two of the three also won titles in Denmark. John Maloney. of St. Rita's Cath olic Club. Philadelphia, took the first l,V1a in lh. r.a,t,nn..h, , , . Frances Sa.lng Is keeping the 'flcJ Karpenskl, of the Cleveland Mhle t o open each evening this week until t ri..h wn . ,h ,.,,, , " , . . . . , I ciud, won In the middleweight class, o clock for the accommodation of the .A . " ,. . , . . mi" ifvwifitiH, in ijib union settlement. New York, gained the Mrs. Otto of Helix Is In the city to day. Mrs. M. Willard of Baker Is at tha Bowman. A. F. Cealnn of Echo Is a Pendle ton visitor. A. V. Wells, the Bushong man, was in the city yesterday. H. O. Casteel was In from his horn at Pilot Bock last evening. Murray Stamper of Walla Walla Is a guest of the St. Oeorge. A. U Stafford of Cottage Orove if among the visitors in Pendleton J. M. Stephenson, proprietor of the Qolden Rule Cafe, Is spending a few days in Wallowa. J. H. Rust of Boise, formerly of this city, is registered at the Hotel Pendleton. A. Buckley, E. Thomas and H. I Lyon, division O.-W. officials, paid Pendleton a visit yesterday. Miss Mabel Bentley, who has been studying to become a nurse at a hos pital in Baker, came over today for a short vacation. For sale Sewing machine In first class condition. Owner going east and no reasonable offer rejected. 117 W. Court street, Apt. 8. 1S4M Acres Farm Land for Sate, Located 4 1-1 miles south of Pen dleton O P Bowman, Pendleton. Ore. Adv. r Washington. Many Register After 5. Last evening after 5 o'clock 26 voters appeared at the clerk's office and were registered. All but two were women. Registration Clerk j ,1 Spot No. 1 Manitoba, 13s 6u; No. 2 heaviest registration day, she reports since the books were opened. first honors in the heavyweight class In Norway. Maloney and Karpenskl won the Danish championships. House Is Robbed. Report of a burglary at the home of Frank Clark, ill West Alta street last night, was made to the police The most remarkable fire recorded' this morning by Mr. Clark. He re- 'n Minnesota was that which burned ported that two valuable rings, a out the entire Interior of a Thief Riv locket and chain and several other , died out, leaving the exterior un articles of jewelry were taken. The er Falls home the other day and then j window of the house had been left scorched, a phenomenon which theo open and It is supposed that the j rists who overlook one trifling prop-' thief entered through it Footprints ! erty of flame explain by declaring tsars found outside the window. Mr., 'hat frost had hermetically sealed tha' Clark is an employe of the Rayhurn , walls and cut off all fresh supplies of. meat market. n if -winisiiiiBi vs. vxmmvsiavsmfa, m m rem mmiw 3BjiiHHttitiftiiiitiiiiiifiiiiiiftiiiiiiiiiisstit iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiatiiiiiiiiiiiaitiiaaaaaaaiaii5 1 ALL NEXT WEEK IS DRESS-UP WEEK observed the nation over. The crowning touch the link that makes com pete for the best dress ed, be they either ladies' or gentlemen, is II We are prepared to show you jewelry that is II right up to the season in style and popularity. I Let us help fit you out for this big nationally 5 observed occasion. Royal M. Sawtelle Since 1887 BlsMUIItlllllll aassfH ii lasjsjsMajjjBjjajjjjjajjajjPM V. v VJt V. Jf yrm jam jam jag jam jam jam jam jam leiisttittiiiiiitimiiiuisWiiniiiiimiitiiiiiMiiHH Wants Umatilla County Exhibit Urging that Umatilla county have a strong and comprehensive exhibit of her products at the annual state fair this fall and that preparation for the collection be commenced now, Mrs. Edith Tozier Weatherford, member of the trustees of the fair, has written the Commercial associa tion. She states that eastern Ore gon has been put in a separate dist rict and that counties will compete only with other counties In the same district oxygen. Prince Leopold of Prussia, who Is married to a sister of the German Empress, is the wealthiest of German royalties. Itcdnu-n to Pilot Rock. A delegation of Pendleton Redtnen last evening accompanied Great Sa chem J. A. Donavan of Hermlston to Pilot Rock for an official visit to the At high noon yesterday at the home of Miss Ethel Newqulst, 706 Aura stieet, Miss Alwilda Newqulst, young eft daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. ! Newqulst, and Allien Hover were unl. I ted In marriage. The ring ceremony The fitting of glasses re. quires more skill than is commonly supposed and can only be properly done by an optician of long experience, who Is equipped with the most modern sight testing devices. My office is equipped with the most modern equipment for the eliminating of all guess work so that all who come here for glasses may re ceive the utmost benefit from their use. I can refer you to people by the hundreds who have found relief from their eye trouble by my system after trying many others without success. The charges are always reasonable. DALE ROTHWELL, Exclusive Optician American Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone 609. Royal Gwent Welch Male Singers COMING TO THE Christian Church Friday, April 7th Considered one of the highest class musical organizations that has ever toured America. MUSIC LOVERS, DON'T FORGET THIS DATE. Redman of that town. Those going. W(lB uged and ,h(, ceremony waB per. uui wnc f-mi ,-ui linn jaiiirn A. I v - lin. Alvin Edmlsten. Carl Gulott and R. Laurence, Sachem Joseph Fiedler. rap Ty His as T4JC : . as '! I r J. "f iCV.W 'lA'MiuiitiXfil lrWtr?.V William Edmisten. keeper of warn, pum. W. Keylor of Walla Walla and James Hutchison. After the meeting the Pilot Rock lodge gave a banquet which was presided over by Dr. J. L. Gilleland. The Pilot Rock Redmen w;ll return the visit on the first Tues day In May. Hone for Mis4on-McKay Road. Supt. E. L. Swartzlander of the ' r'matllla agency has received word 1 from the Indian bureau thai action . t-pon the application for the turnover j of the Mission-McKay road to the county will probably be delayed until a further reassessment of damage! can be made. This road Is on the formed by Rev. C, A. Hodshlre, pas tor of the Methodist church. Miss Marjory Sparks, u niece of the bride, played the wedding march. The bride was beautifully gowned In deli cate white silk taffeta over pink and carried a bouquet of pink chrysanthe mums. Follow'ng the ceremony a wedding dinner wan served. Both Mr. und Mrs. Hover have a host of friends here and they will make their future home In the city. The guests at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Newqulst, Mr. and Mrs. O. L Sparks and children, Mr. and Mrs. O. B Sparks, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Sparks and children, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Eg gers. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Newqulst, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Newqulst Mr. and Mrs.- H. J. Taylor. Mrs. Esther Hoe, Karl Hoe. Karl Neivqulst and Howard Xf wqulfit Expert repairing of Watches and Jewelry. Satisfaction guaranteed Wm. Hanscom THE Jeweler. Mrs. Mills of Wallula came over on the N. P. train this morning. J. T. Hosklns. prom'nent sheepman of the Echo country, is In the city to- 1 I day. C. D. Gabrlelson of Salem, well known Insurance man. Is making Pen i dleton a visit. Mrs. Frank R. Hayes and son, Burke, went out to the Strand ranch yesterday afternoon, W. W. Wasser. cashier ef the Far mers' Security Bank of Milton, Is transacting business In the city today. Mrs. R. C. Bean and son have ar rived from Freewater to loin Mr. Ben. They will take up their resi dence In Pendleton. Does Newspaper Advertising Pay? A large paint manufac turer asked this question of retailers throughout the country: TiO. 3 SAID: "I believe that advertising In the local paper brings new cus tomers Into my store and that It keeps the old ones trading here. I do not trace any per cent, of sales directly to this kind of advertising. "I know that everyth ng that 1 put In the paper is read, as I have the people tell me about it. I do know that I bought almost as much paint In 1915 as In the two years previous, and that I did much more ad vertising In the paper In 1915." (Continued tomorrow.) BARGAINS! USED CARS Saturday Only All in Good Running Order. BUICKS CHALMERS V VELIES FORDS To be sold at such big bargains they are bound to go. On display next Saturday morning. Don't let this chance pass to get a good car cheap. Oregon Motor Garage Incorporated 117, 119, 121, 123 W. Court St. Phone 468.