East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 30, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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I Sun I Weekly at
gon. by the
message of support and en
couragement is a stroke in be
half of the schools and in be
half of rural credits. It is
N noticable that members of the
oaj delegation are moved to in-
j ..-. .. v. ... ........... ;n
crtaseu rnuris w 111:11 uiu'ir.-i is
shown by the people "back
1 fft. Ill ('out? I'r
Member I nlted Preaa Aneoclatloa
t m rwetornee a 1 momia, ., . . ., , A
'lass Ball matter, nume. 111c muc umr mr
greater the backing from home
- the more effective can the del-
uragsa, a earoaS ru
wSf TStVSmTmSr ruaat'egation work because they can
"TF r , .,, show their people are with
Bavmaa Newi Co.. Portland. Oregon ... 7
os kilb at .them in the fight
Caerago Baraao. Security MM ' n . . ,
waninioi. i c. Banaa soi. Foar Oregon people should be
wui Birt. s. w. making a more vigorous, unit-
hi bw RiiTioN ratbs. ed campaign in this matter. A
' ! . 1 '1.1 . 1 1 r j
nam one 'fr bi mill ;tsi lrreuuciuie aurooi mini
Kelly, Hi mootha to mall
Ually, three m.nlka. by mall.
Dally, one m. nib. bj mall.
Uellj, one year, by carrier
itan an m.tntha. br carrier..
Ually, three month, by carrier I N
Dally, ir month, by carrier .
semi Weekly, oat year. y mall. 1.S0
Semi Wn-klT. ml m.ntba. by mall .74
(tent Weeklr. foar month, by mall .40
fJ will be of inestimable benefit
JJ to the state. Eastern Oregon
su.is particularly interested in the
school fund because we will
derive nothing from the road
money since that all goes to
western Oregon counties. Yet
the East Oregonian is the only
newspaper in eastern Oregon
1 1 A. A 1
-TI1K 11 K1.K JVKI
. few hare I'll sing to that
hussy called "Spring,"
But nothlnt I'll say in her
When callow and young, her
glories (?) I've nn.
But now I am wise to her
"Soft gentle-eyed Spring!"
tut-tut: off you ring!
4) Why even that old wildcat.
Oave one awful screech and
fled from your reach
With his back In the form of
an auh!
Tou blue-noaed old flirt, go
lengthen your skirt
Until tt shall cover your
Stop winking your eye let
winter pass by!
Such tricks at your age are a
B. Bertram.
making a fight upon this sub-
elject of supreme importance.
The remainder of the press
seems indifferent or asleep to
the public interest involved.
Few commercial ekibs have
I taken any notice of the matter.
Why such lethargy?
OME standpat eastern
papers alert for gov
ernment by political
bosses rather than by the peo
pleprofess to see in present
conditions a sign of reaction
against the presidential pri
mary. What they have to go
on is the fact a number of pos
sible presidential aspirants are
j not making use of the primary.
Plainly though the cause of
.. ..t . this is something entirely apart
MILLIONS OF DOLLARS AT'from any weakness or strength
STAKE n ne presidential primary
! principle. Hughes for instance
xa-aHEN the public lands I refuses to go upon any primary
TjE committee in the house ballot because he says he is not
took action favoring 20 a candidate. There are other
per cent of the land grant republicans who keep off the
BE says he believes our
delegation in congress
may be safely relied upon to
guard the state's interests in
the land grant legislation.
Therefore he failed to make
any plea in behalf of our school
fund though invited by the
house lands committee to do
But is the governor right
about the delegation? The
facts indicate he is not. One
member. Congressman Haw
ley, has done absolutely noth
ing for the state. On the con
trary he had a scheme of his
own to give all the land to tim
ber grabbers at $2.50 per
acre. Senator Lane is not on
record to any extent in the
matter. Congressman McAr
thur is upon the right side of
the subject but he was late
about enlisting in the cause.
The real work has all been
done by Senator Chamberlain
and by Representative Sinnott.
For a time even the position of
Mr. Sinnott was in question,
though it is now clear he is
working earnestly and with
sincerity for the school fund.
The Oregon delegation was
not measuring up to require
ments. The senators and con
gressmen needed encourage
ment and a little prodding up
at times. The only attention
they have had has been from
a few ' independent newspa
pers, the East Oregonian
among the number.
The governor has been over
looking a fine opportunity for
service to the state.
(By Nettie W Kopp.)
Under the starlit Heaven, where the
nights art cold and still;
Where naught but the lurking coy
otes are heard from yon .dis
tant hill.
They lie, the restless soldiers, await
ing the worst to know,
They He in wait for Villa, cross the
border of Mexico.
Over the sun-scorched desert, the
soldiers make their way;
Over the sand-strewn prairies, they
march the livelong day.
Their steps grow weaker and weaker,
as on their mission they go.
In search of the bandit Villa, cross
the border of Mexico.
In the wastes of this arid region, for
miles no water is found.
And soldiers exhausted from thirst
ing, drop one by one 10 the
While their suffering is tense from
marching, neath tna sun's hot
piercing glow.
In their hunt for the lawless Villa,
'cross the border of Mexico.
Many the sons of mothers, who are
sleeping out tonight,
Awaiting the dawn of tomorrow, the
dawn that may teat their
I They must keep up courage strongly,
although they weary grow,
They must capture the plundering
Villa, 'cross the border of
Oh, pray for the ones who are suf
fering, that no war may spill
their blood;
That the blood may not ooie from
their life veins, the Mexican
soil to flood.
And if they engage in battle, muy
they there defeat the foe,
May they slay the villianous Villa,
'cross the border of Mexico.
Pendleton. Oregon.
money for the school fund in
stead of 10 per cent previous
ly agreed upon by the sub-committee
a big gain was made by
those working for the school
interests and Congressman Sin
nott is entitled to credit for his
work in this connection.
As the matter stands the
school fund is practically as
sured of 20 per cent, if not
more, from the proceeds of the
timber sales. Twenty per cent
will mean between $8,000,000
and $10,000,000 for the irre
ducible school fund of the
state. It will mean that much
money to lend on six per cent
farm mortgages in Oregon.
But Oregon should get still
more. The 40 per cent ar
rangement fathered by Senator
Chamberlain, if it succeeds,
will double the amount. It
will mean between $18,000,000
and $20,000,000 for the fund.
Meanwhile with the matter
still at issue in congress every
primary ballot because they
fear the possible consequences.
They know that should they
test their strength and lose it
would injure their chances. In
a field so shattered it is not un
natural the primary is not be
ing brought into play as much
as some might expect.
In normal times there are
usually but two or three strong
candidates in each party. It is
under such conditions the pre
ferential primary comes into
good use, for it enables the or
dinary voter to express his
choice. By doing that it re
duces the politician's power of
manipulation and keeps candi
dates more closely in line with
the wishes of the rank and
The argument that the pres
ent state of affair? discredits
the presidential primary' idea
will have no weight with peo
ple who understand the politi
cal game.
FOR $81.00
This week ends our great sale.
Many have taken advantage of the un
precedented piann values and ex.
oeptionalK easy terms.
Buy bef.r- the 1st of April and
save from il&O.OO to 1250.00 Those
who have investigated have been
quick to purchase and you should
take advantage of th!s opportunity
anw. Next week your cred t certifi
es,! for lsl.00 will be void. There
are other advantages offered this
week besides that are attractive. Pay
If 00 or I. 00 per month of you wish
Bvery piano guaranteed by the
manufactureri! and by us. It is money
kck If not as represented Htore
pen evenings.
B20 Main St.
igiUST after the American
JH forces were ordered into
Mexico Senator Chamber
lain made the prediction on the
floor of the senate that Villa
would become a national Mex
ican hero and this country
might face a war with the
whole Mexican people.
So far that prediction is not
able for its lack of fulfillment.
Villa has not become a "nati
onal hero." He is a national
fugitive instead. The Carran
za soldiers are apparently co
operating in good faith with
the Americans. There has
been no uprising against the
"gringoes." Ignorant and be
trayed as they are the Mexican
people seem to have confi
dence that President Wilson
means what he says with ref
erence to that country. They
have faith in his sense of jus
tice and fair play. Were it
not for this good reputation we
have made during the past few
years the Chamberlain predic
tion would have come true.
(Continued from page one.)
Line changes
Complete Vale extension
from Riverside to Har
rlman, Or
Bridge renewals, miscel
laneous Passing track extensions..
Miscellaneous Improvements 1,020.000
Total $3,650,000
The item providing for rail renew
als will be applied to various parts ot
the line between Portland and Hunt
ington. The company Is seeking to
replace all its old and lighter rails
with 90-pound steel. When this pro
ject is completed the entire O.-W. R.
& N. main line will be equipped with
90-pound rails.
The shop improvements at Albana
cover various parts of tne company's
shops and repair plants there. Includ
ing the installation of some new machinery.
(By Dr. E. B. Haslop. Pendleton. Or..
Osteopath, Judd Building.)
"Do you use a vibrator and elec
tricity?" said a patient one day over
the phone? Yes, I oo at times, for
certain local conditions are much
benefited by use of such.
However, a patient treated with
vibrator and electricity will testify
that the stimulation makes them feel
good for awhile, but it wears off
quickly. Stimulation is only a su
perficial treatment Osteopathic
treatment is a deep treatment. The
deeper muscles are relaxed and the
deeper nerves and blood vessels are
reached. Thus the lasting effects ot
the treatment are obvious Adv.
Road Work Calls for Great Care
(Prom the Portland Journal J
While it is gratifying to sincere ad
vocates of better roads to note the
rapid growth of sentiment in Oregon
as is evidenced by tne discussion of
tond issues in several counties, pru
dence asks whether or not the public
mind has fully sensed what should
constitute a good road and whether
or not the counties concerned possess
an organization which will be effec
tive in securing a dollar's worth of
road for every', dollar spent,
Tn road building there are two basic
elements. One is the education Of
the public in the value of good roads
and the other Is the education of
men to build them
The old injunction "know thyself,"
applies to the subject or roads as well
as everything else in life.
A road, like any other important
work, demands that it be planned and
Its construction supervised by trained
men. men of skill and experience.
Good roads cost money, but thev
are the only kind worth what they
ought to cost. They cannot be buiU
though, by unskilled men Men who
do not know cannot oe efficient Be
hind the trained roadbullder should
be an organization of . public aplrite.1
men who have by personal investiga
tion equipped themsetves with the
knowledge of what a road should be
and are qualified to insure to the tax
payer full value for his money It r.
through sue men ratner than through
contractors, pavement promoters and
road machinery dealers, that good
roads can be secured
The money spent on a good road,
even though raised by a good hond
kasue, will, if the road la built within
Its real value by home material and
home labor, come back to the tax
payers in three ways.
M1f J 111 mrs Back.
First, after it is buflt It will he
worth Its cost Second, the county
will have the road in well as the
money It cort. Third, it will have at
least a full dollar or Incraase of eco
nomic land value for every dollar
honestly and economically spent on
the road In short, from the construc
tion of a good road there is a return
of real value three to one.
On the other hand If a poor or bad
road is built it will not be worth
what it cost. Much of the cost being
profit or waste will pass out of the
community In which it was spent and
be a total loss There will not be a
cent of increase in land value, but
instead a loss to the extent of the
amount spent on the poor road
Borids should never ae voted for
road construction In advance of a
definite plan, carefully worked out In
all Its details. The taxpayers should
know what they want before assum
ing the burden of a mortgage or a
heavy tax.
Multnomah Got Money's Worth.
During the past year Multnomah
county has built whut are regarded ok
good roads, that Is, roads that are
worth what they cost These roads
did not spring Into being all at once
but are the result or years of study
and effort. They had their origin
away hack In what may be termed a
road school started and maintained
by advocates of highway develop
ment To this school was added the
missionary work of Samuel Hill. Then
came along the ilensons. father and
son, and John B. Yeon. who at their
own expense traveled over the t'nlted
States and made a study of road con
struction. They believed In netting the experi
ence of others and appropriating it
rather than experimenting on new
Here Are Preliminary Steps.
Before a county should enter upon
an expensive road Improvement the
following preliminary steps should be
First, a resolution not to Indorse
any plan that does not guarantee a
full dollar's worth or iitfi for every
dollar to be expended.
Second, a determination to exact of
contractors, in the case of pavement,
a guarantee of work for a term of
years without any expense to the
Third, the coming together of a
number of taxpayers to act In an ad
vistory capacity as a barrier to
F. O. B. Pendleton.
The greatest car value the world has ever known.
The easiest-riding car ever manufactured
Seven-passenger Touring Car $1400
See them on the street
FORTY-EIGHT horsepower. Six-cylinder high speed
motor with small bore and long stroke. Wheelbase,
125 inches. 34x4 tires. Anti-skid on rear. Luxurious
form-fitting upholstery, genuine leather over real curled
hair and double springs. Electric starter and generator.
Complete and up-to-date equipment, including engine
driven power tire pump, tools, etc.
Phone for a demonstration.
McCook & Bentley
323 East Court Street, Corner Thompson. Telephone 65
An old established and reliable firm, always here to back up every gale.
think it over you'll soon
want a SpringfiSint one with the
latest "curves" and newest fabrics
something'with dash and style to
it, the answer is
Bond Clothes
115 to 130
Bond Brothers
Pendleton i Leading Clothlari
ftnrtrtg Irani (Eloign
scheming contractors and to protect
the Intrests of the county. Good re
sults can not be achieved, if there Is
no knowledge and alertness on the
part of the public spirited citizen.
Fourth, when a few public spirited
citizens, say 10 or 12, agree to sac
rifice their private Interests to inform
themselves and to work together, an
experienced engineer who knows how
to construct in order to get full value
should be employed. This engineer
should be carefully chosen. The best
that ran be obtained Is the cheapest
Another Carload
Just Arrived
Canadian efforts to introduce rein
deer In the Peace river and Great
Slav Lake regions have proved a fail
ure, partly because bull files drove the
creatures frantic, and partly because
an Indian can and will araw a bead
on Xanta's pet charges Just as quick
ly as on the grouchiest old barren
ground caribou that ever scraped
The Russian emperor Is a great
walker, rider, bicycler and enjoys
playing tennis and nine-pins. He is
also an excellent swimmer.
For That
so characteristic of Spring yon
will be benefited by a trial of
Stomach Bitters
It to an excellent Tonic and Appetizer
The New Model in Both 4-Cylinder
and 6-Cylinder.
No other car at their
price will give you:
Such a powerful motor.
Such beautiful lines and finish.
Such ease and pleasure in driving.
Such lasting qualities in construction.
Pendleton AutoCompY
812 Johnson Street. Telephone 541
Show room Corner Court and Cottonwood Streets.