DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 30. 1916. PAGE THREE CONSIDERABLE LAND REMEMBER SATURDAY IS THE FIRST. Order your meat for Sunday's dinner here Saturday and we are sure you'll be a patron here during April. or ON FURNISH PROJECT Me ACRES ARB SOLD DORIWG WKKK TO MKN WHO WILL IMI'KOVK LAND. EIGHT PAGES A railway company In this country hat turned the following announce ment: "The route la a safe road to ride upon. In the last eight' killed. yearn no passengers have been killed in train accideents It la a very un safe road 10 walk upon. During the aame period 1(11 trespassers have been Seattle Man Among Those Who Have IMircliaM'd lrority; Mrtt. W. T. Uw Ih Vu nui I Delegate to Con ventlon of National rVtu-ratiwn of Women's Club at Now York, 1 Straight Distilled Refinery Gasoline RED CROWN e Gasoline of ( reducn your gawlinc coat becaute every drop atomize! evenly through the carbu retor and give full power. Dealen everywhere and at our SERVICE STATIONS. Standard Oil Company ICaSteaM ' Vm UHOLSNe'tii Standard Ottjtr Mtmr Can M . aV- b mm EnBBBSI mr -w m ai mm Voting Coupon FOR QUEEN (or MAID OF HONOR), OREGON ROSE FESTIVAL Name of Candidate Proposed. Write name of your candidate on blank space and de posit in boxes either at Tallman's Drug Store, Pendleton Drug Store, Peoples Warehouse, Alexander Dept. Store or mail direct to C. K. Cranston, secretary Pendleton Commercial Association. Dress-Up the Nome By Installing Electric Service It will bring real comforts, conveniences aad make the household duties much easier. We have unusual inducements to offer if you arrange for this during "Wire Your Home Mi" Phone us and our representatives will call and give you an estimate of your wiring and outline our plans. Pacific Power & Light Co, "ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE." PHONE 40 (Bast Oregonlan Special ) STANFIELD, Ore., March SO. Land on the Furnlsn project la atlll on the move Among the aalea this week were 10 acrea to C N. Benard ad 40 acrea to H. H. Fuller of Beat tie. The aalea were made by J. M. Mi Pheraon. Theae gentlemen will improve their landa at once and es tablish homea here, Mr. and Mra. T c Everaon of lone art stopping on the gtanffeld ranch. C H. Naylor la spending a few (lavs with hia family in Seattle. Mra. W. T Reeves haa been ap pointed by the president of the State Federation of Women's cluba aa a delegate from the Stanfteld Woman'! Study Club, to attend the convention of the national biennial federation o Women's clubs to be field In New York City, the latter part of May. Mra Reeves will leave the middle of May. Mr. and Mra. p 8. Noltoa have re-turni-il to their home tn Union. Mra. Lois Blum has returned horde after spending the winter In Baker. Osmer E. Smith of Pendleton made a political visit here the first of the week. Mias Eleanor Vincent of Pendleton, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. H, B. Reese Mrs F. C Fulton Is spending a few day? In Arlington the guest of Mra. W. c Taylor. Mis Maacue Duff spent Saturday and Sunday visiting fnenda in Pendle ton. Jack Kennedy waa In Pendleton on Tuesday. A. C. Gay of Spokane was here for a oouple of days. F. R Anderson or Arlington, wai in town Wednesday. W. C Hopson. fruit Inspector of Milton, la here In the Interests of the orchards. C. W: Middleton of Portland ia here assisting Don Prultt In the office. H. T. Nelson, T. B. Kldd and R A. nt of Pendleton. Is here thia week. Mrs. c W. (mnor waa In Pendle ton on Friday. Lloyd Riches made a flying trip to Pendleton Monday Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Reeves. Mr. and Mra Tom Smith, Mrs. Mary Mc Curnish and Mrs. Jesse Rlcharda at tended the Christian Science lecture in Hermlston on Sunday. D. A. McPheraon of Seattle was here for a couple of days this week. DO YOU FEEL HEADACHY? LOOK TO YOUR STOMACH It la an unusual thing for a drug gist to sell medicine, under a guaran tt-c to refund the money If It does nut euro. Yet this Is the way Tall man & Co., the popular druggists, are selling Ml-o-na. the standard dys pepsia remedy. Never before have they had so laise a number of customers tell them that a medicine has been sue resaful as with Ml-o-na. People who a few months ago looked like walk ing skeletons have put on flesh and today are ruddy and vlgoroua ' with perfect digestion and good health There Is no longer any need for anyone suffering or making their friends suffer on account of dyspep sla Ml-o-na can always be relied up on. The percentagr of cures Is so great that there Is little risk to them In guaranteeing to return the money If the medicine does not relieve. And they stand ready to do so without any questions Headaches, all forms of indigestion speiks sjefore tne eyes, aizzy leennRs poor sleep, ringing in the cars and all forma of liver trouble are helped by Ml-o-na. A few days' treatment should show conslnerable gain in health, while a complete cure often follows rapidly. These daya are the best In the whole year for the enjoyment of good health, and Ml-o-na will put you in such perfect condition that you can enjoy every minute of them. CREAM FOR CATARRH OPENS UP NOSTRILS Tells How To Get Quick Relief from Head-Colds. It's Splendid! In one minute your clogged nostrlU will open, the air passages of your head will clear and you can breathe, freely. No more hawking, snuffling, blowing, headache, dryness. No struggling for breath at night; your cold or catarrh will be gone. Get a amalll bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic. healing cream In your nostrils It penetrates through every air paaage of the head, soothes the Inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and relief comes instantly. It's Just fine. Don't stay stuffed-up with a cold or nasty catarrh relie comes ao uqlckly. WRITE TO TOUR FRIENDS OK Monogram Stationery w. a. SMITH I GO. WEDDING AND VI8ITINO CARD ENGRAVERS. MORGAN BLDG.. PORTLAND, OR. This is Dress-Up Week and the weather is ideal. To be properly dressed you must wear up-to-date shoes. When wearing a pair of Alexanders shoes you are always properly dressed. We have shoes for alloccassions. Have you seen our new one's in Ivory, Grey and White Kid also Black Kid they come in 8, 9 & 10 inch tops. Let us show you these while lines are complete. ALEXANDERS Home of Up-to-date and Better.Shoes for Ladies, Women and Children PERSUER AND PERSUED IN MAN HUNT i ' 'alffi vSaa-. f mmmmmmmu m aBBBsBajBir"-i3& SBBv tmmw ' twt' saw ' ' flK sBssssSBsssassiassWSfflas denced by complaints riled by the prosecuting attorney. Mrs. M. Anderson of Toledo, who conducts a confectionery and Ice cream stand, wa sarrested last week and was found guilty In a Jury trial, fined (5 and costs. Al Waugh of the same city, also was arrested Saturday before He pleaded guilty to the charge and was also fined S5 and costs. slightest attempt on the part of the Austro-Germans Or Bulgarians with out a declaration of war. Kounwnia Ready Tor War. LONDON. .March 30. The Daily News has received the following from R. Mackenzie. Its correspondent at Rome: War preparations in Roumania are complete The military authorities will assume control of the railways at the slightest notice. Concentration of the army will rapidly follow the SrvTL JniM sen ice. This nhntoaranh. made last sum-; a hunted man. with the famous mer Just across the boundary line in "Black Jack" and his hard riding . cavalrvmen, the hunters. In 42 Mexico, show, General Francisco . R tnojm Villa at the left and Brigadier-Gen- than mlles arross tne tratlless' eral Pershing at the right. The flow desert and are reported to have driv-j of international events since then en Villa Into a trip in the Guerrero! has made Ihe former "Lion of Mexico mountains SPRING RACE ET AT CONDON IS SET FOR MAY AND JUNE THREE PAYS' KVENTS WILL BE t ONTKSTKD TOR PURSE OF $2.0. ning races range from $ 1 B0 to 1300 and the distances are from a quar ter mile to three-quarters. Lincoln Cars closing law. NKWPORT, ore.. March 30. That the Sunday closing law Is to be strict-, ly enforced in Lincoln county Is evl-l A Fine Aid Fir Mather-to-be We ire all ereatlv Indebted In thn who tell their experiences. And among the many tMrw which we read about aad are of Immediate Im portance to the expec tant mother, is a splen did external remedy called mother's Friend. This la ap plied over the muscles of the stomach. It la deeply penetrating In Its influence. Motheis even where tell of Its soothing effect, how K allays pains Incident to SLriHl flirts? fit Mtsla ligaments and muscles. They teTI of restful comfort, of calm, peaceful nights, an ab sence of those distresses peculiar to the pe riod of expectancy, rcMcf from morning sickness, do more of that apprehension with which so many young women's minds he come burdened. It Is a splendid help. Get a bottle of "Mother s Friend" from your nearest druggist Ask your husband to get it juu. men wme to urarioehj Reg ulator Co. m Lamar Bldg., Atlanta, Ga for a very handsome and instructive book. It is tiled with suirestive Ideas of great help to all women Interested in the subject of maternity. And best of all are some let ters from enthral Hut mc real laniratjepa, The Court of Last Around the stove of the cross roads grocery la the real court of hist re sort, for it finally over rules all oth ers. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy haa been brought before this court la almost every cross roads grocery la this country, and haa always receives a favorable verdict. It la la the country where man expects to receive full value for his money that this remedy is moat appreciated. Obtain able everywhere. Adv. The boy stood on the burning deck But he didn't care a rap, For he was aware, that down below They had Bran-New on tap. City Brewery Telephone 521 Horses from Washington and Ore gon Are KxlHVted to Be Kmered; Moot Is rlnanrcd by Businessmen , Work Has Been Going n to Put Track in l-Arst Class shape. OONDON. Ore, March 30. The dates for Condon's spring race meet have been definitely set for May 31 and June 1 and 2 and 12000 In purses is offered for that event. The purs es are the largest .ever offered In this section of the state and horse men from various parts of Oregon and Washington will be here with good horses This meet Is financed and given an organisation of the business men of Condon with J. O Rums as president and C, W. Harris as secretary Work on the track hao been under wv for the past week and It is In line condition for spring work. There Is no better track In eastern Oregon for early spring work than the track at Condon anil for this reason many nurses are roming here early to train. There will be no har ness races here this year and thelf places will be fllfed by relny races for a purse of 1560. Purses for the run- MANY IX PENDLETON TRY SIMPLE MIXTURE Many Pendleton people are sur prised at the Ql'ICK action of simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., ar mixed in Adler-i-ka. This simple remedy acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel, removing such surpris ing foul matter that ONE SPOON FUL RELIEVES almost ANY CASK constipation, sour stomach or gas. A few doses often relieve or prevent ap pendicitis. A short treatment helps i chronic stomach trouble. The IN-1 STA NT, easy action of Adler-l-ka is I astonishing. Tallman & Co S- '"WlWLW Does UiiijiailUll Get a Can Today New York Symphony Orchestra WALTER DAMROSCH CONDUCTOR, AND JOSEPH HOFFMAN, PIANIST. Keylor Grand April 5th Reserve your seats now. Address Walla Walla. Tickets $2.00. F ALT'S famous pi) A 1AITIQH Fresh Every Day VIV.Ha TV V iOll OYSTERS CLAMS SEA CRABS Fine. Clean Furnished Rooms In Connection. Steam Rented. The Quelle Restaurant Exclusive distributing depot in Pendleton for FALT8 Sea ifooas.