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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1916)
PAGE THREE DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1916. EIGHT PAGES PHONE 188 U. S. INSPECTED MEAT F. M. Downer. Throwing Lincoln Overboard for every lingo who clamor r armed Intervention The etandpat leader who are plan-1 nlng to make Mexico an iasue In the coming presidential campaign are in-1 suiting the revered memory of Lin-j coin, are repudiating Lincoln' teach- i inga and If they continue, will dlaguat ..,,,1 ilrive thouHand of Lincoln re publican! out of the party. PHONE YOUR OR DERS TO US FOR 1ST GRADE MEATS We will guarantee you the same careful service when you phone as if you picked the meat out yourself. Call up in the morning. Hat Dep't Dean Tatom Co. (From the Portland Journal.) Every time the oregonlan con demns Wilson's policy In Mexico, It condemn Tuff policy In Mexico. Every time It condemn Wilson's policy in Mexico, it condemn Lin coln' policy In Mexico Thu. in his message to congress December 6. 18(4, Lincoln said: "Mexico continues to be a theater of civil war. While our 'political re lations with that country have under gone no change, we have at the same time, strictly maintained neutrality lietween the belligerents." It wa a policy of watchful waiting and not a policy of armed Intervention. before hi election to the preslden . Lincoln, as a congressman, was i hitter ouuonent of that armed Inter vention in Mexico, which we in this day refer to aa the Mexican war. He introduced the famous "spot" resolu- ,-r s mr Hon which waa a strong indorsement MEN ENGAGE l.N BMCTJT1 MAKIM. n Pr.uirioni Polu for making war on. OONTEOT; Mexico. The resolutlohs charged that the first blood shed was the blood of people who fled at the first approach of the United States army, leaving j their homes and crops unprotected.! and that the "spot" where the first bleed so hed was within the Inclos-j ure of one of the people who had thus : fled. I A few days later, speaking of Pres ident Polk, Lincoln satd in tne nouse. ODD FELLOWS GIVEN SOCIAL BY REBEKAH LODGE AT THE ROCK BANQIKT SERVED. IS Program and Dancing Follow ; Mrs. Geivln and Mm iyftrtr Are HosWsst's to the Mjmbw f Ue Saturday 1ub; Improemeiit contest Is Well I'nder W BRRNACimARITIHS. BUI was a Poor Prune who Fell Hard for a Swell Chicken who was Some Class He had a Pat Chancs with the Old Man. but He should Worry, for the Dame was All Hla. To the Old Bird Bill waa a Lowbrow and a Roughneck. To the Wren he was a Handsome Devil who could Dance like a Fool. They Blew the Works and were Hitched. It waa a Jolt for Mother, but It wa a Knockout for the Old Man. Hut the Doll wa All There for Bill until Hnm-and palled on her Swell Mob appetite, when she gave Mother a Ring on the Wire for a Bid for some Home Fodder. Mother gave her the High 8lgn to Horn In add Daughter blistered her feet net ting There. And after her fume-Hack Daughter Stuck. BID made a grand stand Play and Chinned about having been handed a Lemon, but It waa only a Stall He Cut In with a Big Noise about suing the old Birds for Alienating his wife's affections and finally Shook Down the Old Boy for a Roll of Hush Mon ev. After the Divorce Bill Beat U buck to th- Dance Joints to rry Again. Which all goe to show that 'a Prune has a Swell Chance If it has an opportunity to SoaK. Will ITovidoa Free Rent. new vriRK Marcn 28. A rent free apartment house ror unmarried women le provided for in the will of Charlos B Webster, a ractory goodi merchant, who died March 16. leav ing an estate exceeding 81.000.000, The will, which was admitted to probate here, direct that the apart ment house be built out of the residu ary estate, which totals 8400.000 The establlsment will contatn a restaurant and library and be conducted without profit (East Oregonian Special.) PILOT ROCK. Ore., March 28. The Rebekahs entertained the Odd Fellows Saturday eventng. About 100 Mr. ia .ioot.iv cnnirinua of being in nerson were present. The men had the wrong; that he feel the blood o! a biscuit making contest In which this war like the blood or Abel Is cry-; Marvin Roy captured first prize. A t heaven aaalnst mm; that orlg- banquet waa then served and follow- lnally having some strong motive, 1 ed uy a program aftes which dancing what, I will not stop now to give my waa enjoyed for a short time, opinions concerning to involve the puot RoCK defeated the Colored two countries In a war, and trusting oiant of Pendleton, the score being to escape scrutiny by fixing the pub-1 10 t0 2. Although weather condition) lie gaze on the exceeding brightness were very unfavorable, the home team of military glory, that attractive rain- .nowed up in good snape. bow that rises In showers of blood ( p)ot Kock nas a stronger team that serpent's eye that charms to de- thun ever before. Fred Moee held stroy, he plunged Into it, till, dlsap- tab for the game An wno gaw him pointed in his calculation of the ease declared "the big league" for Fred, with which Mexico might be subdued.. Mrg Geivln and Mrs. Lester were he now finds himself he knows not hostesses to the Saturday Club last where." ' Saturday afternoon. The club has the At some length, Lincoln went on improVement contest well underway, with the denunciation of the president Qne shipment of shrubs having been and of the whole war enterprise, dtep0gel 0 it week and an order showing up the incongruities of the paced for aDOut Jio worth this week. president's war message. Lincoln a pants and ghrubs are bought at re whole attitude was a bold resistance duoed rateg Dy ordering In large quan to the Jingoes and war advocates. It tjt,eg an(J are 9oJd at cogt to induce wa an attitude exactly identical wuo ueop,e t0 beautify their yards. Dress-Up This Week Having Been Set Aside, and Being Nationally Wide Observed, as DRESS-UP Week Get the Habit, Fall in Line and Dress Up YOU WILL FIND THIS STORE HEADQUARTERS FOR EVERYTHING NEW NIFTY AND UP-TO-DATE IN SHOES, READY-TO-WEAR AND PIECE GOODS OF ALL KINDS. NEW HIGH TOP SHOES in the new light shades. Visit our ladies' shoe department and you are sure to be satisfied, both in fit and style. A Shipment of ...GOATS THE SAME KIDNEY REMEDY CURES MOTHER AND DAUGHTER the i statement and made oath that r same is true in substance and fact. ' I ,, .Mil. I" Notary Public. HdptCMl From Kidney Tronl'. 1 wish to advise that I have been bothered with kidney and oiaauer Obtains Permanent R1l r l was afflicted about five with kidney and bladder trouDie. there was one year during this five years that I was not able to do any thing; In fact. I was helpless. I tried -I,., i..r. ntiil Heveral remedies. and my famllv doctor advised me that trouble since childhood; and after my I .Quid have to be operated on I mother. Mrs. J. R. Turner, trying Dr. was then advised bv a lady friend loi Kilmer's Swamp-Root and being trv swamp-Root; after using seven1 cured. I tried the same and recom hmii.. of Dr. Kilmers Hwamp-Root! mend that It Is the best that 1 have t wa restored to good health and; ever tried; in fact, I have not been bothered with kidney or bladder trouble for the last ten years. I cheerfully recommend that of those who resist the clamor of the lingoes, mine owners and mill-! tary editors who now demand arm ed intervention in Mexico. Speaking of Lincoln- action. Har-j per' Weekly says: "Some of Lincoln's closest political advisers thought that Lincoln s a lt0 Nolln Sunday. to visit their gressive stand against tne war wkh Mexico was bad policy. One of these was his partner, w n. stnam . him Lincoln answered: 'I will stake my life that if you nad been in my place, you would have voted Just as 1 did. Would you have voted what you felt and knew to be a lie? I know you would not. Would you have gone out of the house skulked Lincoln's opposition to the Mexican' and wife and Bert Hutioltx and wife Swamp-Root to other for kidney or bladder trouble. Tours truly, MRS. 3. H. TURNER. 113 West Dalton St. Hugo. Okla. mi II.. mwMMmmA halnro mu thl I ersontiu. bjjidhicu . !7th day of February, 1915. Mrs. J. subscribed tne anove was helpless when I began taking It and am now in good health. I cheerfully recom mend Swamp-Root to otera. MISS NELLIE TURNER, III West Dalton St., Hugo Okla- Personally appeared before me this -,th dav of February, 1915. Miss Nel lie Turner, who subscribed the above statement and made oath that the same I true In substance and In fact J. H. FINCHBR, Notary Public. It Turner, who ssnnv tt-IIAT SWAMP-ROOT WILL TK) FOR YOV v. ,i tn . pnt to nr. Kilmer & Co. Binghamton. N. Y. for a sample le bottle It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet o aluuhle Information, telling about the kidneys and bladder. When writ lug be sure and mention the Pendleton Kast Oregonlan. Regular fifty ent and one-dollar sire bottles for ale at all drug stores. Minnie Smith was a Pendleton vis itor last week. Prof. Hawiey and E. T. Fanning visited Pendleton Saturday. Bert Buholtz and wife spent Sat urday with Mrs. Gill here. Mr. and Mrs. 0. T. Carnes motored daughter, Mrs. Bob Linsner. I Mrs. Q. A. Shook and children vis ited In Pilot Rock yesteday. j The "Willing Workers" Bible class guve a nrteen cent tuncn at ine noom of Mrs. Towe last wees.. It was well attended. Pearl Fletcher was a business vis itor here Saturday. Will Kldwell and wife. Earl Hurd aaP 2r r Just received on this morning's express. These come in the latest Spring styles and new shades, bought particularly for DRESS UP WEEK. MORE NEW SILKS These are principally Jackards, Che ney, Fullards and Two-Toned Taffeta. None better in qual ity or price. , 'Call on us before you make that purchase. FOR QUEEN OF THE ROSE FESTIVAL front show case all this week. Ballot Box on BETTER GOODS, LATEST STYLES, PROMPT AND COURTEOUS ATTENTION. ALEXANDERS THE DAYLIGHT STORE. war was freely used against him by Douglas in the historic Lincoln-Douglas debate. At Ottawa, Illinois. Au gust 21, 1858, speaking of Lincoln, Douglas said: "Whilst In congress, he distinguish ed himself bv his opposition to the Mexican war, taking the side of the cam em lrom meir nomes in me country for the Rebekah social Sat urday evening. Will Bloom, who has been quite 111 at the hospital in Pendleton, Is home again but gaining slowly. Marlon Smith has been confined to his home for several days with with the paper as Mr. Harlan's assist ant It is not known what Mr. Robblns expects to do but will move his fam ily to Pendleton again Jn the near future. in The Divvy. "How did Kid Jabb make out his bout with Battling McPugg?" "Oh, the Kid got the gate and Mc Pugg got the gate receipts." The girl said he forced his atten- until the family moved away recent - tlons several months ago, when living 'X. ana oriicmu were uien noi - nea. me gran a jury reiurnea a seat ed verdict indicting him last week The Authority. "Pa, what is home rule " "Don't ask me, son. Ask mother." your common enemy against his own coun-1 rheumatism, try; and when he returned home he Mr Rf.gsier 0n crutches found that the Indignation of tne peo ple followed him everywhere." Douglas attacked Lincoln in the same vein at Galesburg, October 7th, and at Alton October 15th. In the last Joint discussion of the famous debate, Douglas said of Lincoln: U was mat wnen ,,., , w.n,. thr Im I1""' ." I provements. H H. McReynolds. E. T. Fanning J. M. Gilbert are putting new Lincoln 'I did.' Thus he confessed i iences ana new siuewaiu wi nom o. that he voted that the war was wrong' their places which will much Improve that our country wus tn the wrong: 'hat street on ac count of rheumatism. Tre mothers' meeting was held in the Commercial club rooms last Fri day. A splendid program was enjoy ed by all. Merwln Gilbert is building a sleep ing porch on the rear of his bunga- of Massachusetts brought forward lesolutlon declaring the war uncon stitutional unnecessary and unjust. Lincoln had voted for it. 'Yes,' said i and Mr. Lieut. Bryan, U. S. N. stated before the Am. Soc. of Naval Engineers: "Oils made from the asphalt-base crudes have shown themselves to be much better adapted to motor' cylinders, as far as their carbon-forming proclivi ties are concerned, than are paraf-fine-base Pennsylvania oils." Zerolene is scientifically refined from selected California crude asphalt-base. Highestcompetitive awards, San Francisco and San Diego Expositions. For sale by dealers everywhere and at service stations and agencies of the Standard Oil Company. ZEROLENE and consequently that the Mexican were in the right " Cost what It might. IJncoln was thus aggressive for principle, and lr principle he was opposed to armed Invasion of Mexico. His teachings, his vote and his puhllc record attest Ins splendid purpose on that point, a purpose emulated by president Wil son. In condemning Wilson's policy In Mexico, the Oregonlan throws Abra ham Lincoln overboard. So does Alleged Audited Jailed. BAKER, Ore., March 28. Word was received by the Sheriff's office of the a nest in Ogden, Utah, of Asa Bagley, Indicted by the grand Jury on the story of the 12-year-old daughter of Josei b Groves, of South Baker. Bagley is 33 years old and has a wife and four children. WHY HAIR FALLS OUT I V Prescription for 91 1 1 II Eczema far 15 rear, the Maadard akin remedy a Tiromnc. TAJJJ4AN DRUG CO. liqoidoaedexternaUyfeutif relief hal the mildett of cleanaera ktefa tin Irin ihi i , in li in nnt h Ilkl. Cmm ia and uk as abeat both. Soap illHlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuilllllllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit: MORTGAGE LOANS Term Contract on City and Fans Property. Current Rates NO COMMISSIONS, NO BONUSES, or other1 expense. Just like getting it from a bank. Large or small amounts. 5 Loan quickly closed. If you need money COME and SEE US. ATLOOK-UAR INVESTMENT CO. S lit East Conn St. iiillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllinillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIHIIIHIIIIItiR L. K. Harlnn has purchased the P lot Rock Record from G A. Robblns and will take possession April L Mr. Harlan is an experienced newspape. man. having been enagged in that line of work in Heppner ror several years. He will be remembered as the strong arm pitcher for the Stanfleld league team last year and baseball fans as well as business men are giving him ; hearty welcome. Hi will move his family from Heppner shortly. Mr Hoark It is understood will remain U.S. OUTPOST ON MEXICAN DESERT Dandruff causes a feverish irrlta tlon of the scalp, the hair roots shrink loosen and then the hair comes out fast. To stop falling hair at once and rid the scalp of every particle of dandruff, get a 25 cent bottle of Dan lerine at any drug store, pour a little in your hand and rub well into the scalp After a few applications all dandruff disappears and the hair tops coming out. IK FIVE MINUTES! NO iiSTi, GAS OR the Standard Oil for Motor Car i fmmammam mmmmmmmm mum iiiwr ii!& &sav - THK MOMKXT "FAMB'S MV REACHES THK STOMACH ALL DiOTREBB GOKS. Here is an American outpost establhhed on the Mexican desert, south of the international boundary, scanning the horiion for signs of Villa s troops. "Really does" put bad stomach in order "really does" overcome indi gestion, dyspepsia, gas. heartburn and sourness In five minutes thatJust i that makes Pape's Diapepsin the largest selling stomach regulator in the world If what you eat ferments into stuhborn lumps, you belch gas and eructate sour, undigested food and add; head I dixxy and aches: breath foul; tongue coated; your In sldes filled with bile and indigestible waste, remember the momem "raps Diapepsin" comes In contact with the stomach all such distress vanishes It's truly astonishing almost marvel ous, and the Joy is Its hnrmlessness A large fifty-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin will give you a hundred dollars' worth of satisfaction or your druggist hands you your money back It's worth its weight In gold to men and women who can't get their stom achs regulated. It belongs In your home should always be kept handy In case of a sick. sour, upset stomach during the day or night. It's the uulckest. surest and most harmless stomach regulator in the world. Dress-Up tie Home By Installing Electric Service It will bring real comforts, conveniences and make the household duties much easier. We have unusual inducements to offer if you arrango for this during "le Your Home Month" Phone us and our representatives will call and give you an estimate of your wiring and outline our plans. Pacific Power & Light Co. "ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE." PHONE 40