PAGE TWO DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON. TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1916. EIGHT PAGES ori ft Dl The Peoples Warehouse is Unequaled by Any Store Be cause of Excellence of Merchandise and Service and Moderateness of Price. BOY BLUE, THE BLOUSE FOR YOU It Dm Ulk everywhere TW Little Bay Blue Blouse With the dainty imitation French cuff and the simple ef fective tapeles "take-op" at the waist Extraordinary clothes in an endless variety of patterns. A new standard of blouse values, and made in all collars. Come and look them over. Choice only 5 How About Your Undermuslins IS YOUR SUPPLY COM PLETE? Now is the time to pre pare yourself for the warm days that are com ing. We have everything in gowns, corset covers, regulars and extra size petticoats, princess slips, separate drawers, chiJ . dren's underwear and a f special showing of envel ope chemise. You'll find our prices to be right Dress Up the Children NEW ATTRACTIVE COATS ARRIVED BY THIS MORN ING'S EXPRESS. Your little girl really needs a light weight wrap for the mild Spring days when her winter coat is entirely too heavy and it would be a menace to her health to have her go without a coat of some sort. Then too, you should teach her the value of a good ap pearance, as ones appearance is the main part of an introduction and a proper introduction has been responsible for many a life's success. These stylish little coats are made of silk poplin, wool serges and Summery mixtures in navy and Copenhagen blue, black and white checks, tan. etc. The prices range from S2.95 to 37.50 BARGAIN BASEMENT NEW ARRIVALS We are pecking the she i el and table of this busy depart ment witb additional quality merchandiae to meet the want of our steadily Increasing trade. Every day seea hundreds of dollar . worth of new bargains added. Every lot ! priced ex traaaely low and sold quick. So make it a point to visit this money sav:ng department each day fVoj- shine anJ Waists Here's a clean, new lot of goods turned oTer to the basement. All new stripes In laven der, blue, black, (ray and solid tan A Ml value. B. B. Pr9c JSew's Wis, HWris Broken lots sent from the men's fur nishings department. Ail high grade shirts, carrying the most popular brands These lots are mostly silk shirts Regular setting price ,:. to 12 50 B. B. price 9tM Regular selling price t,M. B. B. Price WV BjBStfl Work Hhona H -r- th beat work shoe ever offered in Pendleton Chrome tanned, full oak sole and heel, gusaet tongue and EBB last Made by the beat shoe company In the whole country and we stand behind every pair and satisfy ev ery i maajltint Tou would readily pay $4.00. bat we sell them for Bargaia Basement Price fMf Too would readily pay $2 r,'i but we sell them for B B. Pr S.7 Meat's Dress M Gun metal calf in good, stylish, sen sible lasts Come In lace or button and easily worth II. SO To look them over means to buy a pair. B B Price .... 92.37 To the "Sofid" Business Man I DONT SCORN THIS "DRESS UP WEEK" IDEA. WE KNOW YOU DO, SOME OF YOU, AND WE KNOW WHY, AND YOU'RE WRONG. You think men's fashions and good clothes are all meant for college boys and lively 'young clerks ; that the regular men can't be bothered. That day has gone by there was a time when men of standing couldn't risk dressing well; it injured their credit and made the bank suspicious of their seriousness. Not any more. If you don't be lieve it look around you carefully, your eyes will be opened. Prawwr sad raaatma. saisabm of the fraternity will take a imminent pan la the taataOatioa or; j a charter of Beta Tata Pt at Whitsaaa College Walla. Walla, lata week, and in the district cowrmttoa of the fra ternity. Between u and fifteen wffl r- -v- --'. -v mm ' -- - . f the rinasoaias aad mnaJa aatil Thursday aanramg The charter of the national college fraternity waa granted to the Delta Phi Delta local at the annual conven tion in San Francisco last saxaoer Dr Francis W. ghewardaon of the 1' Diversity of Chicago, general secre tary of the fraternity. Oeloa J. Need ham of Lewiatoe. atatnrt chief. Judge P. A Brosacap of Tacoma. Judge W. W. Black of Spokane. Dean H. D Eldridge of Idaho university and T. C. Ellvott of Walla Walla will be am ong the prominent members taking part in the ceremonies James Alger Fee of this city ana Principal Washburn or Milton were the organisers of the local at Whit man which is now affiliating with the national Both will go over thai ev ening Members of Beta Theta Pi :n this county, moat of whom will attend the ceremonies, an A. C Hampton, James Johns. Jr., Edmund Mabie. Merle R Chessman. Donald B Rice. Lyman G Rice Bertrand 8. Jeranl. and Harold Cochran of Pendleton: Maurice D. Scrogga. Don Campbell. E. I. Davis. Herbert Strohm and Ger ald Bohn of Hermtston: Arthur G Means of Umatilla; Irwin G Brooks end Floyd Payne of Athena, Stanley Sa res of this city belongs to the ac tive Whitman chapter The members of the Progressive 9) Delphian Club enjoyee a eery tasty s "tipper last evening at the Kopper An en jo; able afternoon at bridge 3s ' tat rj er.t yesterday by the members 3 ! of the South Hill Bridge Club and few other ladies st the home of Mrs. '-harles T Coleaworthy. Ill East High M; street Honors were won by Mrs. O M. Rice. Additional guests were Mm. D X Reber. Mrs Lowell L. Roger Mrs A J. McAllister and Mrs Osmer E Smith. S Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mulllnix have 3 I ft !':r Watsonville, California, for a visit. IS I.yman G Rice returned Sundar Ifr m Hood River where he had been 'or several days His wife will M main with her parents a short while longer before returning Best Grade Rock Springs Coal fresh from the mine IT gives MAXIMUM OF HEAT with a MINIMUM OF WASTE. It sells at a fair price. We guarantee full weight and prompt delivery. No slate or slack. Why not get the BEST it doesn't cost you any more? 'Phone us TODAY, while you think of it, and let us deliver you an order of this BEST QUALITY ROCK SPRINGS COAL. 'PHONE 8 NOW. Oregon Lumber Yard Jl CHILD HATES Oil, CALOMEL. PUS FOR LIVER AND BOWELS QJTK -CAUKORMV truer Ol HBT if crosk si. FE VERISH, t!T1 FATED. "XI Remember that Hart, Schaffner & Marx make the kind of clothes you like, only they have the right touch of pattern and style that other people like. Ask us to show you. TUB SILKS An assortment of Real Tub Silk. These come in striped effect only, 36 inches wide; launders like linen. We have two qualities, white ground with different col ored stripes. The yard f 1.00 and 50 WOOL TAFFETA A splendid all WcM fabric 42 inches wide, shown in navy, brown, tan, red, black, etc. Most suitable for dresses. The yard fl.00 COLORED VOILES A wonderful showing of colored voiles for Spring and Summer wash dresses. Many patterns can be used in waists. Neat stripes and floral designs of the finest tex ture, best quality printing; 27 to 40 inches wide. The yard 20 to 65 PALM BEACH SUITING A wash material that stands the wear and tear of every day use, in dresses, skirts or even wash suits; 36 inches wide, shown in a variety of colors in plain and fancy. The yard 250 John Dickson has returned after a two weeks' vacation spent in British Columbia. Army Ran Raid Heads CfDBAOO, March :i Baldheaded men are not wanted m the pursuit ol, Villa It is warm along the border j and they might become affected by I the heat. So announced Lieutenant Kenney in refusing to enlist Stanley Twooney of Syracuse. Twooney sought enlistment and was rejected because of his baldness He returned wearing a wig and was ac-: ! cepted. While he was awaiting trans-1 portation to Jefferson Barracks the deception was discovered and again he was rejected. Lieutenant Kenney said army regu. latlons would not permit his accept ance of baldheaded men. Honest. "There's one thing I like about church fairs, anyhow " "And what is that?" "They never pretend to be selling out below cost" Look back at your childhood days Remember the "dose" mother Insisted on castor oil. calomel. sthenics How you hated them, how you fought against taking them. With our children ifa dlfferen' Mothers who cling to the old form of physic simply doa't realise what they do. The children's revolt Is well founded Their tender little "In sides" are Injured by them. If your child's stomach, liver anl bowels need cleansing, give only deli cious "California Syrup of Figs " Its action la poslUve, but gentle. Mil lions of mothers keep this harmless "fruit laxative" handy; they know children love to take It; that it never falls to clean the liver and bowels and sweeten the stomach, and that a ten spoonful given today saves a sick child tomorrow. Ask your druggist for a 50-cent hot tie of "California Syrup of Figs" which has full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown ups plainly on each bottle. Beware of counterfeits sold here. See that It Is made by "California Fig Syrup Company" Refuse any other kind with contempt. ; BRITIKH TMMA.IKK ITH- sta.vds nana vr kit- EL-AMARV a the British embassy In Pari, he mar ried Alice D'Anvers. daughter of the multi-millionaire banker. Count Louis Cahen D'Anvers He In f fty-flve years old. "T. P. W. PURE FOODiSHOP Cleanliness Economy 3 Phones i All 15 j Service 3 CLEANLINESS V Utlieve that goodi intended for home food should be kept and handled under sanitary method. That's the way we keep our store. SERVICE T. !'. W. Service, together with quality, a combination we believe hanl to equal. You receive the same prompt service whether you shop in person, over the phone, or send the children. ECONOMY You'll find it economical to trade here; th- best of everything sold at the lowest possible prices. STORE NEWS "New good things to eat," fresh to day by express. Fancy Tender Aaparagus, Solid Head Lettuce, Rhubarb, Cauliflower. Ripe Tomatoes, Green Peas, New Potatoes and Egg Plant. express today. Loaf and Kip- no coffees S DELICATESSEN GOODS Fresh by Boiled Ham, Lunch Loaf, Baked Lunch pered Salmon. T. P. W. COFFEES No better coffees and better. HAWAIIAN SLICED PINEAPPLE 6 cans 95 ORANGES Extra select "Sunkist" Oranges, full of sun shine and sweetness, the dozen 50c FLORIDA GRAPE FRUIT Extra fancy large fruit, 2 for 25 BONELESS HERRING Extra choice fish, pound ... 35 CODFISH Extra fancy boneless tenderloins, pound 25c PICKLED COD FISH In brine, pound Wt WW' SPRING MEDICINE Hood's Bsrsspsrilla, the i'ut Bleed P'-;sr, is the B.' L0Y LEE CHINESE HERB MEDICIXB OO. N'o. 714 tirades 81 Our roots have been tested 100 years. We can cure all chronic diseases or abscessea Come to ua If you are suffer ing from catarrh, asthma, lung or bronchial trouble, constipa tion, rheumatism, appendicitis, dropsy, kidney, liver, atomach or female trouble, obesity, bleed end skin diseases or nervous debility. Sufferers from these aad many other chronic diseases have been restored to health and happiaesa without poison ous drugs, by the Chinese herbs. Come am) see us. WRITE TO YOUR FRIENDS OH Monogram Stationary w. e. smith i eo. WEDDING AND VISITING CARD ENORAVERS. MORGAN BLDO.. PORTLAND. OR. Spring slckntuj cornea In sowe de Tee to every man, woman a"n child n our climate. It Is that run-down condition of he system that results from Impure, impoverished, devitalized blood. It Is marked by logs of appetite nd that tired feeling, and In many sues by tome form of eruption. The best way to treat spring slc't ;ess Is to take Hocl's 8arsr.ia-l!'a. nils old reliable family modi Ine mrlfies, enriches and revltatlros tho lood. It Is an n!!-th"-yenr-roiinl .Iterative and torni and Is abso- ltely the Spring ir;?dlrlne. Got your blood In good condition t once now. Drlay may be dan ;f0ai Ask your druggist for lood's Sarsaparilla, and Insist on laving it, for nothing else can take s place. Virgin Olive Oil Known as the first oil that ex udes on subjecting the olives to gentle pressure, this portion be ing the best, the most palatable and the most nutritious. A trial of this superior product will convince you that we have the best. Tallman & Go. Leading Drugjuti The Peoples Warehouse Where It Pays To Ttade sja iiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiii Mir i ! C BTTL nut wmm GET. TOWTfS H EH Ol Si Sj General Charles Townshend. the S I British commander, who with hit S j garrison has been besieged for months 3 I by the Turks hi Kut-el-Amara, on the SB Tigris river, is one of the ablest of the British commanders In the present 1 1 war. He Is the next heir to the Mar mt qulsate of Townshend and has had a B most varied military career. He mm- I manded the troops In the Orange riv et district after the Boer war. He vas In the Nile campaign with Gen. eral Kitchener und won a distinguish ed service medal at the taking of Khartoum. While military attache at Voting Coupon FOR QUEEN (or MAID OF HONOR), OREGON ROSE FESTIVAL. Name of Candidate Proposed. Write name of your candidate on blank space and de posit in boxes either at Tallman's Drug Store, Pendleton Drug Store, Peoples Warehouse, Alexander Dept. Store or mail direct to C. K. Cranston, secretary Pendleton Commercial Association.