East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 27, 1916, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    JS2GHT PAG88
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All Agree that Lydia L Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound Wonderfully
Relieves Woman's Suffering.
From all parts of this country the clearest evidence is
constantly coming to the office of the Lydia E. Pinkham
Medicine Co. of Lynn, Mass, proving the wonderful power
shown by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound in
controlling ills peculiar to women. Here are letters from
Vermont, Arkansas and New Jersey:
It Cured Me!
Roxburv. Vt. " A year ago last December I
wm taken with a female trouble and doctored for
it but did not get any help until I took Lydia E.
nnkham s V egetable Compound. My nacK troubled
roe a good deal and these troubles lasted so long
that I grew terribly poor and I felt a great deal
easier lying down. No one knows what I suffered.
1 did not dare consult another doctor i was so
afraid he would say I had got to have an operation.
I can truly say that lydia K Pinkham's Vege
table Compound was a god -send to me for after
suffering about eight months this wonderful medi
cine cured me." Mrs. Nillik E. French.
Her Best Friend.
Weehawken, N. J. "I must call you my best friend for what
your remedies have done for me. I am 60, and am passing through
U rknniT.t nf T iln at1 frw CAma tima T falf hart Hilt amr f iVmlr
I LlC V lltlllKC Ut till' GLI HI 1U1 ETK'iliyj HUUV M. ivu UW vuv k-unv m. wvn
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I feel fine and will recom
mend it to every woman who suffers as I did." Mrs. Kathie
. , n. ... -t t In rmrTTrm
Utox-HABDT, 4i vtn st, weenawKen, j. j.
Had Awful Pains in Side.
Branch, Ark. 41 Every month I suffered with
cramping pains and I had awful pains in my left
side. I was very irregular. I had a tired feeling all
the time and did not sleep good at night. I took
Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and in
three months I was welL" Mrs. Max Gattis,
Branch, Ark.
If you want special advice write to Lydia E.
i-iuKuaiii ratxucine uo. iwrauuniuaii, mjjiin.ni ,
Mass. Tour letter will be opened, read and answered by a
i and held in strict confidence.
Poem Inspiration M8.
BOSTON. March 25. Miss Prtscil
la H. Marsh, who. as an East Haver
hill school teacher, furnished the in
spiration for Whlttlers poem, "In
School Days." Is dead. Funeral ser
vice were held at Maiden, where she
had lived for 2a years. Miss Marsh
was born in Peaeham Vt.. 76 years
ago and started as a school teacher
in rural districts
It was while she was teaching in
East Haverhill that she came to know
Whittier intimately and it was her
work among the pupils of that school
that led him to write the poem.
There are 56.000 seeds in a bushel
of wheat.
Strike Me If Too Dr
We are going to take advantage of
Major Beat's announcement that he
will permit no more fights in the city j
for two year by telling a few people
what we think of them. Heretofore,
we have refrained out or consideration
for our good health, cut with doc's
edict back of us. we will defy any one
to lift a finger against us.
K C Baking Powder is guaranteed
absolutely pure and wholesome.
There is no Kochelle salts, no
harmful residue left in the food
that is leavened with K C.
Even the most delicate can eat hot
breads raised with K C without distress.
Try K C Baking Powder breads if yeast
raised bread does not agree with you.
r alt s famous rn a WITKH
Fresh Every Day VIVrt f T IvJl i
Fine. Clean Furnished Room In Connection. Steam Heated.
The Quelle Restaurant
Exclusive distributing depot In Pendleton for EALTS Sea Foods.
is assured by the use of some
of these beautiful fixtures of
ours. They give a light that
Illuminates the room perfectly,
but that does not tire or strain
the eyes. They are not expen
sive considering their extra ef
ficiency and extra beauty. Why
not at least see them?
We Jwt Iiocal Onlor.
Judge PIU Gerald says that since
the war has cut off our supply of
dye-stuffs, he notices that even the
news stories are not colored as much
as they used to be.
Only Box. of Hones.
Said Roy Alexander, musingly: "I
wonder what kind of a man I will
be when I am (5 years old."
Replied Clark Nelson knowingly:
"When you are 65 years old you Will
have been dead 20 years."
Tlierfs a Reason.
We talked with fourteen different
men who were at the community ban
quet last Monday night and every one
agreed that it was the finest banquet
they ever attended despite the fact
it was lubricated by prohibition bev
erages only. Inquiry developed the
fact that each of the fourteen had
made a speech and, none of them be
ing lawyers or professional speakers,
all felt on a par as postprandial ora
tors. Further Inquiry apprised us
that there were only fourteen at the
banquet which leads us to observe
that all banquets would be more en
joyable if limited to the speakers
There would be none to suffer then
save those who could retaliate In
kind. '
"A man's a fool who dresses by the
calendar," observed Tom O'Brien,
who came down town Tuesday, the
first day of spring, without umbrella,
overcoat or rubbers ana his dome
topped with a new spring bonnet.
Ballad of the Beardless Youth.
1 am the Beardless Youth.
Yea, I am he in very truth.
Mac says I am, and who am I
To mock his word or cruel facts defy.
Beardless Youth! The term Is one
Coined. I ween, for opprobrium.
I can not help that I'm of temler
Time only can return me old and
So must 1 say. "He tells no lies
Who brands me youth and all that It
But as for being beardless, I'll havs
it known
That I am such by choice and choice
For did I choose my razor to discard
And leave my face an unmown sward,
Then very soon I coutd conceal my
Behind a thick, unsightly brush.
Yes. I'm a beardless youth and yet.
The term at that is not so much a
So mock me not you hoary-headed
For did I wish to parry gibe with
I might, with strict regard for truth,
Charge you with something worse
than youth.
H. D. Sayrea and Wlllard Bond
were motoring on the reservation and
got caught in the heavy storm of a
week ago. The auto got stuck in the
mud. "If I only had a Jack, I could
raise her." said R. D. Whereupon
Wlllard volunteered tils services.
Merely a Coincidence.
News Item in Wednesday's paper
The Freewater postofflce was entered
last night by yeggmen. the safe blown
and ISO taken.
News Item same issue Mayor Beat.
Supt. Young and Coroner Brown were
among the politicians campaigning in
the east end of the county yesterday.
He's Either SMurle or Ho DUtnt Vn
demand. Clarence Bishop accompanied one
of his Italian laborers to the court
house to assist him ?n being natural
ised. His English vocabulary was
somewhat limited but he had learned
that the word "Sure" Is an emphatic
"Io you renounce your allegiance
to King Victor Emmanuel'1" he was
"Sure," was the ready answer.
"Will you support the constitution
and laws of the United States?" waa
another question.
"Sure," said the son of Italy.
Several more questions elicited the
same response. Finally he was ask
ed, "Do you believe hi polygamy?"
The foreigner registered lack of
understanding on his race. The ques
tion was put in another form. "Do
you think a man mould have more
than one wife:"
The Italian's face oiightemtl as
came forth his ever ready "Sure."
Tle Pace That Kills.
At the typewriting demonstration
given by an expert last week, we
overheard a pretty stenographer say
that It was the one ambition of her
life to be faster than any other ste
nogrupher In town. We couldn't
help thinking of some of the fast ste
nographers we have Known, so we
told her not to place too great a
premium on speed.
How Big Is (lie Cat?
Mrs J. was calling upon Mrs. C.
the other day and. during the course
of their gossiping the family cat en
tered. For want of something bet
ter to say, Mrs. C. remarked, "Don't
you think my cat is large for his
age "
"Yes, indeed," said Mrs. J., "how
old is it?"
"I don't know," said Mrs. C.
Rancid Remarks.
J. A. Syphers of Salt Lake waa at
the St. George last week. Pendleton
has a few also but they spell it with
a C.
After seeing the fight last Thursday
evening we are moved to remark that
we wouldn't care to play Juliet to
Komeo Hagan. ,
In the wild west snows listed by
"The Wild Bunch" we counted 14
Round-ups. The census shows the-'
are several dozen Jess Wlllards In the
I'nited States but there's only one
really known.
Ever See a Ijve One.
Councilman Henry Taylor asks u)
all to look after our deceased graves
We never saw any other kind.
We should Worry.
We are Inclined to wonder which
of two presidents Is enjoying a larger
share than the other of cerebral ac
tivity at present Woodrow Wilson Or
Jack Robinson. Weston Leader.
Athena Young Lad) fiends Week-end
With Hi IK Relative; Mrs. Frank
Smith of Idaho Is vMUng Her par
ents: Rebekah Lodge Entertains
Folks wro Are To Leave,
(East Oregonlan Special.)
HELIX, Ore., March 27. Mr. and
Mrs. K. C. Dunnlngton have bought
property in Walla Walla and will
move there to reside permanently, i
Miss Jessie McEwen of Athena, la
visiting this week with her cousin. j
Miss Leila Norvell.
Earl Ghormley and B L. Norvell
were business visitors at Pendleton j
Tuesday and Wednesday.
Mrs. Frank Smith or Drummond,
Idaho. Is visiting her parents, Mr. I
and Mr. Wm. Piper.
The Rebekah lodge after the clos
ing ceremonies Thursday night en
tertained Mr. and Mr. R. C. Dun
nlngton who are leaving and were
charter members. A large number
were present.
W. J. Stockman or Pendleton was
a Friday visitor.
Mrs. D. Kendi. 1 was a cold Spring
visitor Friday looking arter her farm
AoL. Grove lost a valuable horse
Thursday from pneumonia,
L. P. and Theodore Norvell made
a trip to Milton Friday.
Mrs. John WyrlcK, Mrs. E. Eeus.
ke and Mrs. Robert Farllnger were
Cold Spring shoppers here Friday.
Mrs. Charles Lobaugn was a visitor
from Vansycle Friday.
Mrs. Samuel Grlfrtn of Htghllna
bridge visited the Dunnlngton horns
Mrs. B. Achles of Ring was a Helix
shopper Friday.
Know this square
end OWL. Then
get this about
cigar shapes!
An even -burning
cigar, like this,
gives you its beat.
Of all cigar shapes
the square-end
cigar is your sur
est even -burner.
TheOwl proves it.
2 TO 0.
A cigar which
burns unevenly,
like this, gives you
its worst. The
OWL practically
never burns un
evenly because it's
hand-made in the
square-end shape.
How to Destroy Catarrh
Germs and End Catarrh
Term Contract on City and Farm Property.
NO BONUSES, or other expenses.
Just like petting it from a bank. Large or small amounts. I
Loan quickly closed. If you need money g
: 111 Eit Court St. I
Catarrh Is a germ disease and the
onh wa to cure it so It will stay
cured and never come back is to kill
and drive out of your system the ca
tarrhal germs which have found
lodgment there. When the germs go
the catarrh will stop. The trouble
most treatments, like sprays, salves,
creams, greasy balms, lotions, etc., is
that they give only temporary rellel
by opening up for a while the clogged
head throat and nostrils. In a little
time the catarrh comes back as bad
as ever.
People who suffer continually from
catarrh should droo such temporary
makeshifts and get something thai
really gets at the root or tne aisease
uni alamos it out There Is nothing
better for such cases than breathing
into your nose and tungs the pleas
ant soothing, healing, germ destroy
ing air of Hvomel (pronounced Hlgh-o-mei
made from purest oil of Euca
lyptus and combined with other pow
erful healing, antiseptic and germ de
stroying Ingredients Hyomel pene
trates and heals the Inflamed, swollen
memhranes of vour nose and throat,
stops discharges, clears the passages
and completely overcomes the disease
by destroying Its cause. For catarrh
Kerms cannot live In your body afte
Hvnmil reaches them. Tallman A
Co. and many other good druggists In
! Pendleton and vicinity have long so'ld
I Hyomel on a positive guarantee Ot
I successful results or money Daca ami
I find this generous policy pays. Most
I druggists are now jrlvtng a pocket In
holer mode from hard rubber with
every complete ircaimenv mn.i. im.
makes n very complete, easy and con-cv-nknt
as well as a thoroughly rell
able means' of treating by the' best
known method this dangerous and of
ten disgusting disease.
A good and time tried remedy is
Dr. King's New Life Pills. The first
dose will move the sluggish bowels.
stimulate the liver and clear the sys
tem of waste and blood Impurities.
You owe It to yourself to clear the
system of body poisons, accumulated
during the winter. Dr. King's New
Life Pills will do it. 26c at your
Druggist. Adv.
Game Is played at Hoik on Saturday
Afternoon; Athena Boyg Show TJn
Remarkably WV; Former Whit
man player Is OonclHna; Athena;
Other Games to Be Played.
(East oregonlan Special.)
ATHENA, Ore., March 27 The
Athena high school defeated Helix
high school at Helix Friday by a
score of 29 to 0. .This Is the first
game for the A. H. S. this season and
the boys showed up remarkably wel
H. A. Post, formerly or the Whitman
nine. Is coaching Athena and the ex
pects to put a team In the field that
can compeet against the larger
schools. Later In the season games
will be arranged with Pendleton and
Milton, the two largest schools in this
end of the county.
The Athena boys gathered 21 hits,
while Helix got 3. The teams linea
up as follows:
Athena McPherrln, catcher; Boo
ster, 2b and pitcher; Payne, r. f.;
Lleifullen. ss.; Mclntyie. cf.j Thorpe,
lb; Hlchman, If; Dudley, 3b; King,
Shape alone will
never make a
cigar. But add to
this square-end
shape, 18 months
of curing, long
leaf filler, and
hand workmanship all fea
tures of the Million Dollar
OWL, and you see why it is
such a smooth-and-even-burn-ing,
satisfying smoke.
The Million
Dollar Cigar
M. A. GUNST c& CO.
pitcher and 2b. Banister was substi
tute and also pitched the last three
Saunders was substituted for Rich
Helix Hevel, 3b; Shannan, if; I
Davidson, lb; Clark, cf; E. Potts, 2b
and pitcher; K. Davidson, c; Cook
ss; N'orvel, pitcher and 2b; O. Potts
It la learned from allied sources that
a new antl-alr craft gun recently ad
opted by the French armies has fly
en the most satisfactory result In
Its general lines, the gun resembles
the famous 75 mm. quirk flier. Its re
coll Is rather less than three feet and
the shell it fires weighs 35 pounds.
The projectile Is fired at a muxile ve
loalty of 1870 feet a second.
BBsn BBsf
Had Suffered For
Over Eight Years
For over eight years Mr. U. S. Q,
Hemry, 806 East 6th St.. Oklahoma
City, had suffereil with stomach and
liver trouble until finally he coul.l
no longer stand the palh. He says:
"The doctors told me nothing but an
operation would give me relief. 1
decided to first try Frultola and
Traxo, which relieved me of a quan
tity of gall stones and I have no fur
ther pain or trouble with my old com
plaint. I would not take $500 00 for
what your remedies have done for
Frultola. as the name Implies, Is a
pure fruit oil. combined with certain
harmless salts, and acts as a .lubri
cant on the intestinal parts, softening
the congested masses, disintegrating
the hardened particles that cause so
much suffering and expelling the ac
cumulation to the patient's great re-
He, iiiiao tout on ine nvei mtineys. stimulates the flow of ga
Juices to aid digestion and removes bile from the general circulation,
a splendid tonic and serves to build up and restore the weakened
down system.
Frultola and Traxo are prepared In the IMnus laboratories at Mont
lo, ill., and arrangements have been made to supply them through re
sentatlve druggists. In Pendleton they can he obtnined at Tallman A
623 Main rtreet.
Anita .Stewart and EVl Williams at Pastime Today SURE
It Is
W IW Weil Alta St.. Utalri. Phone 4M 5