EIGHT PAGES PAGE EIGHT I- DAII.Y EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 1916. Choice Fruits The way it is kept makes all the difference be tween the fruit sold by this store and the kind you see elsewhere. CHOICE FRUIT MUST BE TREATED "CHOICELY" both for our sake and yours. Apart from ex posing it for sale in an appetising way which is really part of our method of selling we make a point of seeing that every possible care is taken to keep it as clean and fresh as if our whole reputation depended on that alone. Our choice fruits is consequently well named it is the best you can buy or eat in this town. WATCH OUR WINDOWS TONIGHT Gray Bros. Grocery Co. Two Phones, 28. "QUALITY" 823 Main St CONSTANT EYESTRAIN Often means constant head ache and nervousness. Glasses fitted by my system will give relief. DALE ROTH W ELL Exclusive Optician American Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone 609. Modem Home for dale. On account of moving to Spokane I desire to Mil my modern home at 115 Jane street For particulars Inquire at E. O. office or address a & BUTLER. 111S W. Indiana Ave., Spokane Wash (Adv.) lwclnr to Be Repaired. Mrs. Kate O'Harra yesterday too out a permit to repair her dwelling on Cosble street at a cost of 100 WHi Build New Home. Roland Oliver, well known grain buyer, this morning took out a per mit to build . $4000 bungalow home on his lot on Jackson street. b A. Kateb Very 111. U A. Esteb. veteran Echo attorney, is reported to be very low at life home. Physicians give little encouragement for his ultimate recovery. ( omniltuxl to Hospital. George- McCiaughey, former Pilot Rock liveryman, was today examined pronounced insane and committed, to the Eastern Oregon State Hospital. Stee Riveters at Work. W. N. Dethrldge and M. H. Gaston of this city, will start out Mondiy with a crew of steel riveters to work upon the various O.-W, bridges on the Pendleton division . Koho Man In Hospital. Tony Cunha of Echo, who had the misfortune to fracture his knee-cap early in the week, is reported to be improving at St Anthony's hospital. He was working with his team at the time of the accident which was caus ed when he stumbled and fell. Indian Boys play Here. The baseball team of the Umatilla agency school is In today to play a picked team from the high school. Local Couple Wed. A marriage license was Issued this morning to Charts. F. Hastings and Hiss Vivian Casey, and the young couple were married this morning. The bride is a popular Pendleton girl and her husband, who Is a brother of Mrs. John lAick, formerly lived here, May Start Open-. Mr Movie. C. H. Hale, who is in the moving picture business with his brother In Heppner and lone. Is In Pendleton to day looking over the field with an Idea of running an open-air moving picture house here this summer. He is getting options on sites and Intendi opening in June and run until after the Round.up. He thinks an open air movie will have an appeal to peo pie on hot summer days. Farm for Rent or Sals. (40 acres near lone, 100 acres ready to seed, good bondings; also for sale on easy terms, several wheat farms, Improved and unimproved, from 310 to 000 seres W. & SMITH, (Adv.) lone, Oregon- All Good Judges wIU tell you that of all th new temperance drinks now being made by the dlfferentl Irewerles. none can compare with fa BRAN-NEW BREWKD AND BOTTLED IX PEXDLETOX BY THE City Brewery "BRAN-NEW" is brewed from hops, barley and corn. When tired and thirsty, or on a warm day, you will fnd It most invigorating and thirst quenching. It Is p-Jre and nonintoxicating. Sold 'o the family trade in cases of one dozen bottles and up quart, or pints. INVESTIGATE OCR SEW DRIN'KS PEND-0 and PORT-0 Made from pasturized Tru-Fruit flavors WHOI.!ALK AND RETAIL TELEPHONE 52S Free-water In New League. Freewater has decided to enter a trl-county baseball league with clubs in Walla Walla, Dayton. Waitsburg. Prescott, Touchet and Freewater. E. E. Wright will manage the Freewater club. The old winning battery of Bartholomew and Renich I. still in tact. MeCarroll-O'ConneU Bout With Tony AJax as a backer of Ray McCarroll. Promoter L K. Harlan Is trying to arrunge a wrestling bout for Pendleton for the near future between McCarroll and Eddie OVonnell of Portlund. Ajax, who has thrown both men. thinks McCarroll can de feat O'Connell and Is willing to back him with 1250. Harlan Is also trying to get Mike Yokel of Salt Lake, a former middleweight champion, for a local bout. Ladies Stylish Coats Ladies Newest Suits Ladies Silk Dresses Prepare now "Drew Up Week" Buy today. You'll find us amply prepared to care for all your wants. We have New Good galore. Get your Spring Suit, Coat, Skirt, Rain Coat, Silk Petticoat, Waists, Stylish Collars, Hand Bags, bilk Hosi ery, etc., at the Golden Rule where your dollar gets the beet for i LADIES' STYLISH SUITS $9.90. $12.50. $14.75, $22.50. LADIES' NEWEST COATS $4.98, $7.90, $9.90, $12.50. LADIES' DRESSES $4.98, $5.90. $9.90, to $22.50 LADIES' WASH WAISTS 98s. $1.49, $1.98. IsMm- silk Gloves 4to, Oe, c 1-odicV Kid Gloves, white and ml. Me, l.4, 11.18 IiadlcV Silk Hows 4C Mc ladles' Silk Boot Hose 28c IsuUctt' Silk Lisle Hose 95c (ilrls' or Boys' School Hone, J for 25o Babies Cashmere Howe ISO (.lit Edge Shoe Polish ISO Cutleura Soap lo Shoe Ice, per doien tOo Girls' Hats 49c, Bsc, SI ts to U.M Children's Coats Sl.M Alarm Clocks, SI value We CRISIS FEARED. (Continued from page one.) Kids Have Baseball Game. The scrub team or the Washington school yesterday afternoon trounced the seventh gradeteam of the sme school, the final score being 16 to 4. The battery for the scrubs was Walter Snyder and Nick Collian; for the sev enth grade, Ben Rlggle and Paul Young. "Frog" Clark captained the winning team while Paul Young led the vanquished. Colored Team Line-up Fixed. While the Blue Mountain League Is yet In the process of reorganisation, the colored boys of this city have al ready begun practicing for their sea son and Manager Hobaon today an nounces the line-up as follows: Hick C. Wright, c; Nixon, 3b; Parr, lb; C. Wright, c; Nion, 3b; Parr, lb! Thomas, cf; Jones, rf; Vincent, if. Wilson, Sortor and Hopkins, substitutes. The explosion on tho Sussex occur red in the forward part of the ship, wounding many. It shattered the wireless house and there was no chance of calling for help. For hours the Sussex drifted in the channel, vsinly signalling for aid The wound ed were taken to state rooms and transferred first when the Maria Theresa came alongside. Arriving at Boulogne, the passengers scattered before an accurate list of those saved could be obtained. You Can Alwayi Do Better At Mattresses made over, furniture, couches, chairs repaired.recovered, upholstered like new, wire springs tightened Deliver country. Phone 227J La Dow Bros, 219 Beauregard Public Dance Tonight, Moose Hall. The public is cordlaly Invited to attend the regular Saturday wgnt dance tonight in Mooss hall, musw by Sawyer's orchestra. Admission, to cents. Adv w 1500 Acres Farm Land for Sale Located 4 1-2 mile, south of Pen dleton. O. P. Bowman, Pendleton, Ore, --Adv. Bowman Hotel property for Sale, Doing good business. Terms. O. P. Bowman, Pendleton, Oregon Adv. Attractive Investment. Fine opening for investment In growing substantial business In Port land. Controlling Interest, If desired with or without active service. C. W. Ausman. 522 Selling Bldg., Portland, Oregon. Adv. Watch peddlers Picked Pp. While in the east ena ot tne county yesterday Sherff T. D. Taylor and DeDutV J. H. Estes got on the trail of two meit peddling watches. They notified Deputy Sheriff J. H. West of Freewater who picked the men up and brought them to jail here. They gave their names as w. B. Franklin and J. E. Perry. They will be held pending an investigation. Sheepmen, Look. Old Rust ranch of 192B acre fol rent or sale. Write Mrs. M. E. Rust R. 4, Box 88, Boise, Idaho. Adv Expert repairing of Watches e and Jewelry. Satisfaction guaranteed Wm. Hanscom THE Jeweler. We Lead, Others Follow Sunday Evening Comes You Are Hungry NOTHING TEMPTING IN KITCHEN Telephone 90 "Send me four Chicken Salad Sandwiches, one quart of Vanilla Cream and half a Cake." Thank you. We will send it immediately. YOURS FOR SERVICE. Kopper Kettle 'The Purity Sweet Shop." Suit For Foreclosure. The First National Bank of Milton today brought suit against L W. Sim mons and wife and the John Smith Co. of Walla Walla to foreclose upon a mortgage alleged to have been given to secure a note upon which $4414.50 I. due. The John Smith Co. is alleg ed to have an Interest in the mort gaged land, a D. Peterson of Milton Is attorney for the plaintiff and 1300 attorney fees is asked. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIHII Illlllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllimilllllllll ALL NEXT WEEK IS DRESS-UP WEEK observed the nation over. The crowning touch the link that makes com plete for the best dress ed, be they either ladies' or gentlemen, is JEWELRY We are prepared to show you jewelry that is right up to the season in style and popularity. Let us help fit you out for this big nationally observed occasion. Royal M. Sawtelle Since 1887 5lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllirl Voted Many Years: Disqualified. Joe Hodgson of Weston has voted many years In this county but yes terday when he went to register he found he could not qualify as an el ector. He is a native of England but many years ago came across the water and took out his first papers. This was all that was necessary to entitle him to vote until the last election. Now full naturalization is a requisite for an alien-born and Mr. Hodgson, therefore, came down today to applj for final papers. Milton Attorney to Portland. I Former City Attorney James H. E. Scott, who recently became associated in the practltoe flaw with Farrlngton & Farrlngton. well knnwn lawyers of Portland, left in company with Mrs Scott Monday evening for their new home In the Hose City. The firm of Fnrrington and Farrlngton has offi ces on the ground floor of the Cham ber of Commerce building and enjoys a large and growing practice. During his three years' residence in Milton. Mr. Scott has gandmleny cmfwvmf Mr Scott has gained many friends and business acquaintance, who regret the departure of this family from the community Milton Ragle. i NOTICE! To the Public: To all those wishing to have their dear relatives resting places improved before Decor ation Day, by reinforced ce ment walls around the graves in different styles of work. 1 have new Mosaic Pattern Walls to satisfy you. Next week I will be doing some of this cement work at the cemetery, or you can leave your order at the East Oregon ian office. Frank Duprat 408 E. Bluff St. Phone 262 M. Pilot Itock inner Sold. A deal through which L K Harlan of Heppner take, over the ownership and management of the Pilot Rock Record from George A. Robblns wa. completed today, according to Mr. Harlan, who came In this morning from Pilot Rock. The new publisher will take charge the nret of the month. Mr. Harlan I. now part own ei and manager of the Heppner Her ald and will Mill retain his interest In that paper. He also formerly pub lished a paper at Echo. Mr. Harlan is well known In Pendleton, having played baseball here for a number of year.. Mr. Robblns will probably de vote his time to selling automobile., being associated with A. A West In the .ale of the Paige and Grant Six TWO AIMS that have determined the policy of this bank for twenty-seven years are to provide 1. Absolute safety for our patrons' funds. 2. Service which will give complete sat isfaction. On this basis we cordially invite your account, whether large or small. 4 in terest paid on Savings. New York Symphony Orchestra WALTER DAMROSCH CONDUCTOR, AND JOSEPH HOFFMAN, PIANIST. Keylor Grand April 5th i Reserve your seats now. Address Walla Walla. Tickets $2.00. HERE'S WHAT YOU GET In Addition to Beauty WHEN YOU BUY A yyjty MOTOR CARS bc- A successful car built by a successful factory. The largest automobile factory In the world hind It A car containing more drop-forged steel parts than any car of twice its price. The BUICK company guarantees Its valve-in.hcad motor to develop more power than any motor of Its size made. A car with the least coat for gasoline, lubricating oils, operation and maintenance. A car that has proven It has the power and sturdi- ne.s for eastern Oregon hill, and roads. Road Clearance now 10 1-2 inches mm, BUICK LIGHT SIX $1150 IN PENDLETON Cars now here. Oregon Motor Garage INCORPORATED Telephone 468 117. 119. 121. lUWsii Court St. l.l -i. A-i i -i i-i ...A. 1L Xiih tldB 1UH IWfl VJI car.. j Jj